Package snd provides methods and types for sound processing and synthesis.
go get
Tested with msys2. Additional setup required due to how gomobile currently links to openal on windows. This should go away in the future stepping away from gomobile's exp/al package.
pacman -S mingw-w64-x86_64-openal
cd /mingw64/lib
cp libopenal.a libOpenAL32.a
cp libopenal.dll.a libOpenAL32.dll.a
In addition to regular unit tests, there are plot tests that produce images saved to a plots/ folder. This depends on package gonum/plot and requires an additional tag flag to enable as follows:
go get
go test -tags plot
This package was very much inspired by Victor Lazzarini's SndObj Library for which I spent countless hours enjoying, and without it I may never have come to program.