- Fix provided fieldtypes not working
- Fix fieldtype preload function not compatible with newly changed statamic fieldtype
- Bump version to 1.5.2 due to packagist version mismatch
- Add config to documentation
- Add support for Statamic 5.x
- Fix version conflict
- Fix version conflict
- Make it easier to apply custom styles
- Add support for Statamic 4.x
- Fix current site returning selected site
- Fix multi site not working correctly in CP since Site::current() is not returning the selected site
Expandable cookie categories
- acc. to GDPR, every using must get all the information about a cookie without having to visit the privacy policy first
- since the tooltip isn't sufficient for this case, we are adding a bard field
- this extended info is expandable for each category
- Move to js-cookie as it is more reliable
- Remove pause before hiding cookie cover
- Let users specify link_collections for bards
- Remove bard text align options, as they do not work for addons
- Control Panel: Make modal description a bard field
- Control Panel: Fix typo in modal position variables
- Add update scripts to migrate modal_description and modal position variables
- Cookie Cover: Make script tags executable in a cookie cover
- Cookie Cover: Make the HTML snippet of a cookie cover be added before the cover element without a div surrounding it
- Cookie Cover: Make cookie covers tag compatible with Laravel versions before 9.x
- Cookie Cover: Add a slot, which contents are hidden as long as its cookie categories haven't been accepted
- Control Panel: Make the handles of cookie categories and cookie covers required and only consist of alpha characters
- Control Panel: Make it possible to change the configuration file identifier from locale to handle, so it's possible to save different configs even though two multisites have the same locale
- Fields: Add fieldtypes for cookie categories' and cookie covers' handles
- Add full plug-and-play support for Statamic static caching
- Add support for Statamic 3.4+
- Cookie Cover: Make the cookie cover be fully controlled by JavaScript instead of antlers
- Cookie Modal: Make the modal be marked as shown when it was closed by a cookie cover
- Internal: Refactor CookieCovers to CookieCover, to separate logic of all covers and one cover
- Internal: Change CookieConsent.cookieCover to CookieConsent.cookieCovers
- Internal: Deprecate CookieCovers.show, CookieCovers.hide and CookieCovers.getCoversByHandle
- Internal: Improve code documentation and typing
- Cookie Cover: Fix a bug that caused the background image to be invisible in some instances
- Cookie Cover: Fix style bug, that caused the accept button to be hardly visible by default
- Control Panel: Fix a bug that causes the cookie categories to be invalid even though it was filled correctly (More info: Statamic seems to add a ghost item while pre-processing the field, which is not visible but fails validation)
- Hide cookie category tooltip when description is empty
- Fix categories not being shown after install without saving once
- Make config directory path an configurable variable
- Make Cookie Byte work with static caching
- Some minor code cleanup
- Make statically cached sites update, when the CookieByte CP configuration is saved
- Fix error when there are multiple asset containers defined
- Fix bug that prevents from saving the addons' configuration
- Fix bug that falsely set the consents into the browsers' cookies after accepting cookies through a cookie cover
- Fix bug that prevents the output of the javascript code which should be executed when a cookie category is consented to
- Removed obsolete code
- Fix bug that always shows the default site config in CP
- Change stylesheet and javascript paths from relative to absolute
- Bug that ignored unchecked checkboxes in the cookie modal when the settings were changed afterwards #3
- Cookie covers with the same handle on one page are now collectively closed #2
- Warning: Make sure to replace all instances of '#ddmcc-button-accept' to '.ddmcc-button-accept' in your custom styles, else the buttons of the covers might not be styled anymore.
- Cookie covers now close as soon as their cookie category or cookie categories have been consented to from elsewhere
- The cookie modal closes as soon as all cookie categories have been consentend to from elsewhere
- All cookies covers of the same cookie category are now closed at the same time #2
- Added check if a background image was set on a cookie cover
- Fixed possible error 'Cannot render an array variable as a string: {{ bg_image }}'
- Fixed permission settings
- Fixed invalid expire date in cookies
- Added prevention for running a callback multiple times.
- Added
option inCookieConsent
class for controlling if callbacks are automatically run with initializing the class.
- Cookie modal
- customizable text
- customizable position
- customizable background
- checkbox for each cookie category
- two buttons: "Select all" and "Confirm selection"
- Cookie content cover
- customizable text
- customizable background image
- JavaScript
- Object
: consent & callback management- Method
for checking consent of cookie category/categories - Method
for consenting to cookie category/categories - Method
registerCallback(cookieCategory, callback)
Registering a callback function after consenting to a cookie category - Method
unregistering callback functions - Method
runs the callback if the cookie category/categories have already been consented to - Method
runns callbacks of all consented cookie categories
- Method
- Object
: modal initialization- Method
Makes the modal appear - Method
Makes the modal disappear
- Method
- Object
: initialization of content covers- Method
Returns content cover element by handle - Method
Makes the given content cover appear - Method
Makes the given content cover disappear
- Method
- Object
- Pre-defined styles for modal and content covers
- Pre-defined styles for checkboxes, buttons and tooltips
- Tags
- Tags for checking consent, the modal and the content covers
- Control Panel
- 3 Tabs for customizing the addon, the modal and the content covers
- English and German translation files
- English and German default config files
- Icon for navigation item