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813 lines (599 loc) · 20.2 KB

File metadata and controls

813 lines (599 loc) · 20.2 KB


Sito is a JavaScript lightweight schema validator built without any dependencies. The API is heavily inspired by Yup.


npm install sito


Define a validator, validate the object, array or any scalar values. The schema definition is extremely declarative that allows building complex schemas of interdependent validators.

import { object, array, number, string } from 'sito'

const objectSchema = object({
  foo: object({
    bar: number()

await objectSchema.assert({ 
  foo: {
    bar: 'a',
 }) // throws error with message => should be a number

const arraySchema = array([

await arraySchema.assert([
]) // throws error with message => [1] should be a number

const arrayOfValidatorsSchema = array(string())

await arrayOfValidatorsSchema.assert([
]) // throws error with message => [3] should be type of string

const mapOfValidatorsSchema = object(
      name: string().required(),
      age: number().required(),

await mapOfValidatorsSchema.assert({
  john: { name: 'john', age: 28 },
  pit: { name: 'pit' },
}) // throws error with message => pit.age is required

The exported functions are factory methods of validators:

import {
} from 'sito'

If you need the validator classes, they are also exported:

import {
} from 'sito'


ValidationError(message: string, value: any, path: string, key: string)

Thrown on failed validations, with the following properties

  • name: ValidationError
  • path: string, indicates where the error thrown. path is equal to payload at the root level.
  • key: string, indicates property key.
  • message: string, error message
  • value: any, checked value

BulkValidationError(errors: ValidationError[])

Thrown on failed validations, with the following properties

  • name: BulkValidationError
  • errors: ValidationError[]
  • message: string


validator.assert(payload: any): Promise<void>

const schema = object({ foo: required() })

await schema.assert({}) // throws error with message => foo is required

validator.assertBulk(payload: any): Promise<void>

assertBulk method forces to validate the whole payload and collect errors, if there are some errors, BulkValidationError will be thrown

const schema = object({ foo: required() }).strict()

await schema.assertBulk({ foo: 'bar', baz: 42 })
  throws error =>
   message: 'Bulk Validation Failed',
   errors: [{
     name: 'ValidationError',
     message: 'baz is forbidden attribute',
     path: 'baz',
     value: 42,
     key: 'baz'

validator.validate(payload: any): Promise<ValidationError[]>

validate method performs validation and returns an array of the errors

const schema = object({ foo: required() }).strict()

await schema.validate({ foo: 'bar', baz: 42 })
 => [{
      name: 'ValidationError',
      message: 'baz is forbidden attribute',
      path: 'baz',
      value: 42,
      key: 'baz'

validator.isValid(payload: any): Promise<Boolean>

isValid method performs validation and returns true in case of successful validation, otherwise false

await array([number()]).isValid(['ops']) // false 

validator.required(enabled?: boolean): GenericValidator

Method takes flag enabled so you can disable such check on the fly.

const schema = string().required()

await schema.assert('sito') // ok

validator.forbidden(enabled?: boolean, options?: ForbiddenOptions): GenericValidator

Method takes flag enabled so you can disable such check on the fly. options object - takes ignoreNil flag, which allows to ignore null and undefined values.

const MALE = 'm'
const FEMALE = 'f'

const schema = object({
  name: string(),
  gender: oneOf([FEMALE, MALE]),
  age: (value, key, obj) => number()
      .forbidden(obj.gender === FEMALE)
      .message('It is not decent to ask a woman about her age 8)'),

await schema.assert({ name: 'Tolya', gender: 'm', age: 41 }) 
// ok
await schema.assert({ name: 'Zina', gender: 'f', age: 38 }) 
// throws error with message => It is not decent to ask a woman about her age 8)

validator.message(message: string | function): GenericValidator

Set custom message:

const schema = string().message('custom message')

await schema.assert(5) // throws error with message => custom message

message method takes function as well:

const schema = object({
  foo: string().message((path, value, key) => `${path} is not valid`,)

await schema.assert({ foo: 5 }) // throws error with message => foo is not valid

validator.check({ message: string | function, validate: function, optional?: boolean, common?: boolean }): GenericValidator

You can enrich validator with custom check using check method.

const secret = 'mankivka'

const schema = object({
  secret: new GenericValidator().check({
                optional: false,
                message: 'secret is not valid',
                validate: value => value === secret,

await schema.assert({ secret: 'popivka' }) // throws error with message => secret is not valid
  • message: string | function(path: string, value: any, key: string|void): string|string
  • validate: validate: function(value: any, key: string, shape: any): boolean|Promise<boolean>
  • optional?: boolean, default true
  • enabled?: boolean, default true
  • common?: boolean, default false

A check marked as common forces the validator to run this check on all other checks of this validator.

check({ message: string|function, validate: function, optional?: boolean, common?: boolean }): GenericValidator

Also, you can create a generic validator with a custom check using the check factory.

const secret = 'mankivka'

const schema = object({
  secret: check({
                optional: false,
                message: path => `${path} is not valid`,
                validate: value => value === secret,

await schema.assert({ secret: 'popivka' }) // throws error with message => secret is not valid
class DateValidator extends GenericValidator {
  constructor() {

      common: true,
      message: path => `${path} is not a date`,
      validate: value => new Date(value).toString() !== 'Invalid Date',

  inFuture() {
    return this.check({
       message: path => `${path} should be in future`,
       validate: value => new Date(value).getTime() >,

const date = () => new DateValidator()

const schema = object({
  dob: date().inFuture().required()

await schema.assertBulk({ dob: 'not a date' })
  throws error =>
  "name": "BulkValidationError",
  "message": "Bulk Validation Failed",
  "errors": [
      "name": "ValidationError",
      "message": "dob is not a date",
      "path": "dob",
      "key": "dob",
      "value": "not a date"
      "name": "ValidationError",
      "message": "dob should be in future",
      "path": "dob",
      "key": "dob",
      "value": "not a date"

This may also be required if you need to expand the validator's prototype

  safe() {
    return this.check({
      validate: value => value < Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER,
      message: key => `${key} is not safe`,

validator.combine(...validators: GenericValidator[]): GenericValidator

It might be useful if you need to merge validators

const userIdSchema = string().max(50).required()
          validate: value => User.exists({ where: { id: value } }),
          message: (path, value) => `User not found by id ${value}`,

combine(...validators: GenericValidator[]): GenericValidator

It is a factory function which generates instances of GenericValidator with provided validators

const userIdSchema = combine(
          validate: value => User.exists({ where: { id: value } }),
          message: (path, value) => `User not found by id ${value}`,


Define a boolean validator.


oneOf(values: any[])

Define a oneOf validator.

const  validator = oneOf([1, 2])

await validator.isValid(1) // => true
await validator.isValid(3) // => false

equals(value: any)

Define a equals validator.

const  validator = equals(1)

await validator.isValid(1) // => true
await validator.isValid(3) // => false

required(enabled?: boolean)

Define a required validator.

// or

Method takes flag enabled so you can disable such check on the fly.

await required(false).isValid(null) // => true

forbidden(enabled?: boolean)

Define a forbidden validator.

// or

Method takes flag enabled so you can disable such check on the fly.

await forbidden(false).isValid({}) // => true

transform(mapper?: Mapper, options?: TransformOptions)

Define a transformer that will be called before the validation. After the transformation the resulted value will be set into payload.

const helper = {
  kyiv: 'Kyiv'

const schema = oneOf(['Mankivka', 'Kyiv']).transform((value, key, payload) => helper[value] || value)

const payload = { city: 'kyiv' }

await schema.assert(payload) // ok

assert.deepStrictEqual(payload, { city: 'Kyiv' }) // ok


Normalize the value before the validation.

const schema = object({
  a: boolean(),
  b: date(),
  c: number(),
  d: array(),

const payload = {
  a: 'true',
  b: '1689670492966',
  c: '5',
  d: 'foo',

await schema.assert(payload, { normalize: true })

 * The `payload` will be transformed to the following:
 * {
  a: true,
  b: new Date(1689670492966),
  c: 5,
  d: ['foo'],

 * You can do the same by defining the normalization explicitly

const schema = object({
  a: boolean().normalize(),
  b: date().normalize(),
  c: number().normalize(),
  d: array().normalize(),

await schema.assert(payload)


Define a string validator.


string.length(limit: number): StringValidator

Set the expected length for the string.

string.min(limit: number): StringValidator

Set the minimum expected length for the string.

string.max(limit: number): StringValidator

Set the maximum expected length for the string.

string.pattern(regex: Regex): StringValidator

Takes a regex pattern to check the string.

await string().pattern(/(foo|bar)/).isValid('foo') // => true
await string().pattern(/(foo|bar)/).isValid('baz') // => false


Define a number validator.


number.min(limit: number): NumberValidator

Set the minimum value allowed.

number.max(limit: number): NumberValidator

Set the maximum value allowed.

number.integer(): NumberValidator

Value must be an integer.

number.positive(): NumberValidator

Value must be a positive number.

number.negative(): NumberValidator

Value must be a negative number.

number.strict(isStrict?: boolean): NumberValidator

Force the validator to perform type checking


Define an array validator.


array.strict(isStrict?: boolean): ArrayValidator

A strict method makes the schema strict or no, it means that each attribute that is not defined in the schema will be rejected.

const schema = array([string().required()]).strict()

await schema.assert(['foo', 'bar']) // throws error with message => [1] is forbidden attribute

array.shape(arr: Array): ArrayValidator

You can define the shape for an array.

// or

array.of(shapeValidator: GenericValidator): ArrayValidator

You are able to define validator for each element of an array.

const schema = array().of(string().min(2))

await schema.isValid(['ab', 'abc']) // => true
await schema.isValid(['ab', 'a']) // => false

You can also pass some validator to the array constructor.

// or

It accepts function as well, which should return instance of GenericValidator.

array().of((value, idx, array) => number())
// or
array((value, idx, array) => number())
const fnSchema = array(
    (value, idx) => number().forbidden(idx === 100),

assert.strictEqual(await fnSchema.isValid([1]), true)

const numbersList = [...Array(100), 5].map(() => Math.random())

await fnSchema.assert(numbersList) // throws error with message => [100] is forbidden attribute

array.notEmpty(): ArrayValidator

Force the validator to check that the provided array is not empty.

array.max(n: number): ArrayValidator

Force the validator to check that the provided array has less than or equal n elements`.

array.min(n: number): ArrayValidator

Force the validator to check that the provided array has more than or equal n elements`.

array.length(n: number): ArrayValidator

Force the validator to check that the provided array has n elements`.


Define object validator.


object.strict(isStrict?: boolean): ObjectValidator

A strict method makes the schema strict or no, it means that each attribute that is not defined in the schema will be rejected.

const schema = object({ 
  foo: string().required(),

await schema.assert({ foo: 'bar', baz: 42 }) // throws error with message => baz is forbidden attribute

object.shape(obj: object): ObjectValidator

You can define the shape of an object.

  num: number(),
// or
  num: number(),

object.of(shapeValidator: GenericValidator): ObjectValidator

You can also pass a validator to the object constructor.

// or
const schema = object(
  object({ name: string() })

await schema.assert({
  foo: { name: 'john' },
  bar: { name: 'doe' },
}) // ok

It accepts function as well, which should return instance of GenericValidator.

object().of((value, key, object) => number())
// or
object((value, key, object) => number())
const ALLOWED_MUSICIANS = ['drums', 'bass', 'piano']

const fnSchema = object(
    (value, key) => object({
      name: string().required().min(2).max(35),
      level: number().min(0).max(10),
        .message(`${key} is not needed`),

const musiciansMap = {
  bass: {
    name: 'Valera',
    level: 10,
  drums: {
    name: 'Andrii',
    level: 9,
  piano: {
    name: 'Victor',
    level: 10,
  voice: {
    name: 'Olga',
    level: 10,

await fnSchema.assert(musiciansMap) // throws error with message => voice is not needed


Define a date validator.


date.inFuture(): DateValidator

Force the validator to check that the provided date is in the future.

date.inPast(): DateValidator

Force the validator to check that the provided date is in the past. DateValidator

Force the validator to check that the date is today.

date.before(date: Date | Number): DateValidator

Force the validator to check that the provided date is before the validated one.

date.after(date: Date | Number): DateValidator

Force the validator to check that the provided date is after the validated one.