fn8-io is a work in progress. The aim is to emulate I/O to fn8 emulator/interpreter.
fn8 is a CHIP-8 emulator implemented in clojure.
For detailed description of the CHIP-8 have a look at the wikipedia article https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CHIP-8
lein cljsbuild once min
open resources/public/index.html
To use the emulator, you need a chip-8 program to run.
There is plenty to find on internet and after you have downloaded a program, you can load it into memory by clicking the file icon.
To start running the program, you simply click the play icon.
Probably, yes.
Wouldn't it be booring to just have an fn8 interpreter consuming energy without a convenient way using it?
Copyright © 2017 David Bern
MIT License