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drinfernoo edited this page Dec 28, 2018 · 8 revisions

This file tells the wizard where to find the supplied Wizard Text Files, among other customizations.

Editing other fields besides these listed will likely break your wizard.

User Edit Variables

Field Description
ADDONTITLE The name that will show in the wizard
BUILDERNAME The name that will be attached to uploaded log files
EXCLUDES A list of add-ons that will be ignored by normal wizard operations
CACHETEXT Whether or not to "cache" the specified text files. Can be either 'Yes' or 'No'.
CACHEAGE How long to cache text files, in days.
BUILDFILE A URL that points to a builds.txt file. To ignore this field, set it to 'http://'.
UPDATECHECK How often to check for wizard updates, in days. Setting this to 0 will check on every startup.
APKFILE A URL that points to an apks.txt file. To ignore this field, set it to 'http://'.
YOUTUBETITLE The title of the YouTube section in the wizard.
YOUTUBEFILE A URL that points to a youtube.txt file. To ignore this field, set it to 'http://'.
ADDONFILE A URL that points to an addons.txt file. To ignore this field, set it to 'http://'.
ADVANCEDFILE A URL that points to an advanced.txt file. To ignore this field, set it to 'http://'.

Theming Menu Items

For icons used in the wizard, you'll only need to make sure the filenames are correct. If you aren't using a particular icon, simply set the field to 'http://'.

Section Filename
Builds builds.png
Maintenance maintenance.png
Speed Test speed.png
APK Installer apkinstaller.png
YouTube youtube.png
Save Data savedata.png
Keep Trakt keeptrakt.png
Keep Debrid keepdebrid.png
Keep Login Data keeplogin.png
Contact information.png
Settings settings.png

In terms of theming your wizard, a number of options are provided:

Field Description
HIDESPACERS Whether to hide spacers in the wizard. Can be either 'Yes' or 'No'.
SPACER The character to use as a spacer. Must be surrounded by ''.
COLOR1 The primary accent color for your wizard. The default is 'dodgerblue'.
COLOR2 The secondary accent color for your wizard. The default is white.
THEME1 The theme used when writing primary menu items. Make sure to include %s, so that the correct title will be used.
THEME2 The theme used when writing build names. Make sure to include %s, so that the correct title will be used.
THEME3 The theme used when writing alternate menu items. Make sure to include %s, so that the correct title will be used.
THEME4 The theme used when writing the current build. Make sure to include %s, so that the correct title will be used.
THEME5 The theme used when writing the current theme. Make sure to include %s, so that the correct title will be used.

You can also add a contact menu, to allow your users to get in contact with you more easily:

Field Description
HIDECONTACT Whether to hide the contact menu or not. Can be either 'Yes' or 'No'.
CONTACT A simple contact message. This accepts \n for line breaks.
CONTACTICON A URL to an icon to be shown in the contact menu. This must be a 512x512 pixel .png file. Use "http://" for the default icon.
CONTACTFANART A URL to the fanart to be shown in the contact menu. This must be a 512x512 pixel .png file. Use "http://" for the default fanart.

Auto Update For Those With No Repo

If you wish to have your wizard auto-update, and don't want to (or can't, for some reason) maintain a Kodi repository, you can configure your accordingly, as well as updating your builds.txt file as mentioned on Installing Builds.

Field Description
AUTOUPDATE Whether or not to activate this feature. Can be either 'Yes' or 'No'.
WIZARDFILE A URL to a text file that contains the auto-updating information. This is typically found within builds.txt, and can be left as the default.

Auto Install Repo If Not Installed

This feature can be used to automatically install your wizard's (or any other) Kodi repository, in the event that it isn't installed when the wizard is installed.

Field Description
AUTOINSTALL Whether or not to activate this feature. Can be either 'Yes' or 'No'.
REPOID The plugin id of the desired repository
REPOADDONXML A URL that points to the addons.xml associated with the desired repository
REPOZIPURL A URL that points to the folder where the repository .zip is located

Notification Window

The notification window can be used to alert the user when there are build updates, or with any other alert defined in a notify.txt, as described on Update Notifications.

Field Description
ENABLE Whether or not to activate this feature. Can be either 'Yes' or 'No'.
NOTIFICATION A URL that points to a notify.txt file. To ignore this field, set it to 'http://'.
HEADERTYPE What type of header to use on the notification window. Can be either 'Text' or 'Image'.
FONTHEADER Which font to use for the header, if HEADERTYPE='Text', as defined by the skin
HEADERMESSAGE The message to use for the header, if HEADERTYPE='Text'
HEADERIMAGE A URL that points to an image to be used for the header, if HEADERTYPE='Image'. Must be 424x180 pixels, or a similar ratio.
FONTSETTINGS The font to be used for the text in the notification window, as defined by the skin
BACKGROUND A URL that points to a fanart-style image to be shown as the background of the notification window. To ignore this field, set it to 'http://'.