Optical Music Recognition System in Rust
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Given an image of some typeset sheet music, extract a semantic representation of it:
- Input format: 8-bit grayscale raster image in a format ImageMagck can read.
- Output format: To be determined. Music XML? Cleaned up SVG?
Goals for the code:
- Fast
- Minimal Dependencies
- Perfect performance on a well defined subset of LilyPond output
Personal Goals:
- Learn Rust
- Maintain some of my Computer Vision chops
- Make the poor quality scans of sheet music on todotango at least print decently on my girlfriend's poor quality printer
- Maybe someday do automatic transcription to alternative music notations
Non-Goals at this time:
- Supporting handwritten music
- Ports to Mac, Windows
This code is being developed as a hobby, in a language that I am still learning, and which has not even hit 1.0. I am only sharing it on github because I develop ~everything in the open. I have no expectaton that it will be useful any time soon, and you shouldn't either. Run at your own risk!
This is what I have actually implemented so far:
- Loading of images directly from .pgm files using pure Rust
- Loading anything image magick can load, provided it is installed
- Currently hacking around with geometry primitives
- The Rust Compiler and Standard Library; I am tracking the Nightly versions until rust 1.0
- Runtime dependency on image magick's "convert" utility for loading images