Run your django CMS project as a single-page application (SPA). This package provides a REST-API that returns all
page contents serialized as JSON. A couple of helpers and base classes can be used to create API endpoints for
custom views. djangocms-spa
was build to use it together with a concrete implementation:
Install djangocms_spa:
pip install djangocms-spa
Add it to your INSTALLED_APPS
Add the Locale middleware (if it isn't already):
Set your default template:
The settings variable DJANGOCMS_SPA_TEMPLATES
expects a dictionary of templates. It should cover all templates
and use the path as key. The frontend component name and a list of partials
(e.g. static placeholders) are valid options.
'pages/content.html': {
'frontend_component_name': 'content',
'partials': ['menu', 'meta', 'footer']
'pages/content_with_section_navigation.html': {
'frontend_component_name': 'content-with-section-navigation',
'partials': ['menu', 'meta', 'footer']
Configure your custom partials:
'menu': 'djangocms_spa.partial_callbacks.get_cms_menu_data_dict'
Render the initial app version (commit hash) in the template so your client can check it:
{% load app_version_tags %}
{% app_version %}
Your plugins don't need a rendering template but a render_spa
method that returns a dictionary. To have a clean
structure, we usually put the context inside a content key of the dictionary:
class TextPlugin(JsonOnlyPluginBase):
name = _('Text')
model = TextPluginModel
frontend_component_name = 'cmp-text'
def render_spa(self, request, context, instance):
context = super(TextPlugin, self).render_spa(request, context, instance)
context['content']['text']. = instance.text
return context
(default: 60 * 10
If you are using a caching backend, the API responses are cached.
(default: 'index.html'
(default: 'object_list'
The list view uses this key to group its data.
(default: None
This hook allows you to post process the data of a CMS page by defining a module path.
(default: None
This hook allows you to post process the data of a placeholder by defining a module path.
We call global page elements that are used to render a template "partial". The contents of a partial do not
change from one page to another. In a django CMS project partials are implemented as static placeholders. Because we
don't render any HTML templates, we need to configure the static placeholders for each template in
as partials. To edit your placeholder and static placeholder data, you need to render both
in the edit mode:
{% if request.toolbar.edit_mode_active %} {% placeholder "main" %} {% static_placeholder "footer" %} {% endif %}
Usually there are other parts like the menu or any other template tag that work pretty much like static placeholders.
Because we don't have a template that allows us to render template tags, we need to have a custom implementation for
those needs. We decided to use a callback approach that allows developers to bring custom data into the partial
list. Define your callbacks in DJANGOCMS_SPA_PARTIAL_CALLBACKS
by adding a partial key and the module path of the
callback function. You will find an example in djangocms_spa/ Your function should return a
dictionary like this:
{ 'type': 'generic', 'content': { 'my_var': 1 } }
Tools used in rendering this package: