Roanoke's Lost Pale Ale
A tasty treatise between English and American IPA's, this is our Roanoke's Lost Pale Ale recipe.
We used English style hops and English style grain but adjusted the recipe to have a very strong hoppy aroma and a astringent flaver to make a black American IPA.
- Mike and Tom, September 22, 2012
- seven pounds of Muntons Amber Dried Malt Extract (color 18 EBC / Lovibond 7) (UK)
- one pound British crystal malt (UK)
- half'a pound British Crisp malted barley, toasted 15 minutes at 350°F (UK)
- three ounces Northern Brewer hops, for boiling (13 HBU) (US)
- two ounces Cascade hops, one finishing, one for flavoring mid-boil (US)
- one vial of liquid ale yeast (35mL), White Labs London Ale Yeast
- 1 cup of corn sugar, for bottling
###Brew Day
- Put the toasted barley in a muslin cloth, and the pound of British crystal malt in another, and place in 1 1/2 gallons of cold water.
- Bring this to a boil and remove the cloth bags with tongs. It is good to let the bags drip a good remainder into the mash, but do not overly squeeze the bags.
- Add the seven pounds of Muntons, 3 ounces northern brewer, and boil for 30 minutes
- Add one ounce of Cascade hops and keep boiling for another 30 minutes.
- Add one ounce of Cascade hops, cover and turn off heat. Wait 3 min before sparging the wort.
- Sparge the wort into cold water. Have filtered water pre-chilled onhand to bring your level up to the 5 gallon mark on your 5.5 gallon bucket.
- If desired, place bags of ice into the bucket to hasten the temperature drop. Place the lid on lightly to protect against anything dropping into the mix.
- When the temperature has dropped below 75°F add the vial of London Ale Yeast.
- Put your lid on and use a blowoff tube for at least the first couple days (36 to 48 hrs) before using a bubbler, if not the whole time.
- In eight days from the brew day, it will be time to bottle!
###Bottling Day
- Take 1 cup of corn sugar and boil in 1/2 cup of water. Let cool, then add this to your mix, stir.
- Aerate by pouring mixture from your bucket to another sanitized bucket, back and forth for four pours, and then let settle for 45 minutes.
- Put the lid lightly back on so nothing falls in, and let sit, so the hops and yeast settle to the bottom.
- After a half hour, it is time for bottling! When siphoning off the beer, go ahead and get everything right down to the dregs. Roanoke doesn't believe in clarity (or a second fermentation)!
###Drinking Day Seven days after you bottled, it is time to harvest. Drink to your taste, pour into a mug or chilled pint glass. If you brewed exactingly, there is going to be some yeasties at the bottom of your bottle, feel free to save for an iterative batch.
##License This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.