diff --git a/src/controllers/constant.js b/src/controllers/constant.js
index cc2d881b7..a2cd635db 100644
--- a/src/controllers/constant.js
+++ b/src/controllers/constant.js
@@ -491,8 +491,11 @@ function sheetconfigHTML(){
-const luckysheetPivotTableHTML = '
+const luckysheetPivotTableHTML = function(){
+ const _locale = locale();
+ const locale_pivotTable = _locale.pivotTable;
+ return '';
function filtermenuHTML() {
const _locale = locale();
diff --git a/src/controllers/filter.js b/src/controllers/filter.js
index e667cf5b7..cd6cca5b9 100644
--- a/src/controllers/filter.js
+++ b/src/controllers/filter.js
@@ -2,13 +2,27 @@ import { getSheetIndex } from '../methods/get';
import editor from '../global/editor';
import { isRealNull, isEditMode } from '../global/validate';
import tooltip from '../global/tooltip';
-import { orderbydata } from '../global/sort';
import { rowlenByRange } from '../global/getRowlen';
-import { jfrefreshgrid } from '../global/refresh';
import { selectHightlightShow } from './select';
import { luckysheetMoveEndCell } from './sheetMove';
import server from './server';
+import locale from '../locale/locale';
import Store from '../store';
+import menuButton from './menuButton';
+import conditionformat from './conditionformat';
+import alternateformat from './alternateformat';
+import {
+ rgbTohex,
+ showrightclickmenu,
+} from '../utils/util';
+import cleargridelement from '../global/cleargridelement';
+import {
+ jfrefreshgrid,
+ jfrefreshgrid_rhcw,
+} from '../global/refresh';
+import { orderbydata, orderbydata1D } from '../global/sort';
+import json from '../global/json';
+import { update, genarate } from '../global/format';
function labelFilterOptionState($top, optionstate, rowhidden, caljs, notSave, str, edr, cindex, stc, edc) {
@@ -263,9 +277,1501 @@ function createFilterOptions(luckysheet_filter_save, filterObj) {
file.filter_select = luckysheet_filter_save;
+function initialFilterHandler(){
+ //filter event handler
+ let hidefilersubmenu = null;
+ const _locale = locale();
+ const locale_filter = _locale.filter;
+ const locale_button= _locale.button;
+ $("#luckysheetfilter").click(createFilter);
+ //右键菜单 菜单项hover
+ let submenuhide = null, rightclickmenu = null;
+ $(".luckysheet-cols-menu .luckysheet-cols-submenu").hover(
+ function () {
+ let $t = $(this), attrid = $t.attr("id"), $attr = $("#" + attrid + "_sub"), $con = $t.parent();
+ let winW = $(window).width(), winH = $(window).height();
+ let menuW = $con.width(), attrH = $attr.height() + 25, attrW = $attr.width() + 5;
+ let offset = $t.offset();
+ let top = offset.top, left = offset.left + menuW;
+ if (left + attrW > winW) {
+ left = offset.left - attrW;
+ }
+ if (top + attrH > winH) {
+ top = winH - attrH;
+ }
+ $attr.css({ "top": top, "left": left }).show();
+ rightclickmenu = $t;
+ },
+ function () {
+ let $t = $(this), attrid = $t.attr("id"), $attr = $("#" + attrid + "_sub");
+ submenuhide = setTimeout(function () { $attr.hide(); }, 200);
+ }
+ );
+ $(".luckysheet-rightgclick-menu-sub").hover(
+ function () {
+ rightclickmenu.addClass("luckysheet-cols-menuitem-hover");
+ clearTimeout(submenuhide);
+ },
+ function () {
+ rightclickmenu.removeClass("luckysheet-cols-menuitem-hover");
+ $(this).hide();
+ }
+ );
+ $("#luckysheet-filter-menu").mouseover(function () {
+ clearTimeout(hidefilersubmenu);
+ hidefilersubmenu = setTimeout(function () {
+ $("#luckysheet-filter-submenu").hide();
+ }, 500);
+ });
+ $("#luckysheet-filter-submenu").mouseover(function () {
+ clearTimeout(hidefilersubmenu);
+ }).find(".luckysheet-cols-menuitem").click(function (e) {
+ $("#luckysheet-filter-selected span").html($(this).find(".luckysheet-cols-menuitem-content").text()).data("value", $(this).data("value"));
+ $("#luckysheet-filter-menu .luckysheet-filter-selected-input").hide();
+ let $type = $(this).data("type");
+ let $value = $(this).attr("data-value");
+ if ($type == "2") {
+ $("#luckysheet-filter-selected span").data("type", "2");
+ $("#luckysheet-filter-menu .luckysheet-filter-selected-input2").show();
+ $("#luckysheet-filter-menu .luckysheet-filter-selected-input input").prop("type", "number");
+ }
+ else if ($type == "0") {
+ $("#luckysheet-filter-selected span").data("type", "0");
+ }
+ else {
+ $("#luckysheet-filter-selected span").data("type", "1");
+ $("#luckysheet-filter-menu .luckysheet-filter-selected-input").eq(0).show();
+ //若是日期 改变input type类型为date
+ if($value == "dateequal" || $value == "datelessthan" || $value == "datemorethan"){
+ $("#luckysheet-filter-menu .luckysheet-filter-selected-input input").prop("type", "date");
+ }
+ else if($value == "morethan" || $value == "moreequalthan" || $value == "lessthan" || $value == "lessequalthan" || $value == "equal" || $value == "noequal"){
+ $("#luckysheet-filter-menu .luckysheet-filter-selected-input input").prop("type", "number");
+ }
+ else{
+ $("#luckysheet-filter-menu .luckysheet-filter-selected-input input").prop("type", "text");
+ }
+ }
+ $("#luckysheet-filter-byvalue").next().slideUp();
+ $("#luckysheet-filter-submenu").hide();
+ });
+ $("#luckysheet-filter-bycondition, #luckysheet-filter-byvalue").click(function () {
+ let $t = $(this);
+ $t.next().slideToggle(200);
+ setTimeout(function () {
+ if ($t.attr("id") == "luckysheet-filter-bycondition" && $("#luckysheet-filter-bycondition").next().is(":visible")) {
+ if ($("#luckysheet-filter-selected span").text() != locale_filter.filiterInputNone) {
+ $("#luckysheet-filter-byvalue").next().slideUp(200);
+ }
+ }
+ if ($t.is($("#luckysheet-filter-bycondition"))) {
+ if ($("#luckysheet-filter-bycondition").next().is(":hidden") && $("#luckysheet-filter-byvalue").next().is(":hidden")) {
+ $("#luckysheet-filter-byvalue").next().slideDown(200);
+ }
+ }
+ }, 300);
+ });
+ $("#luckysheet-filter-selected").click(function () {
+ let $t = $(this), toffset = $t.offset(), $menu = $("#luckysheet-filter-submenu");
+ $menu.hide();
+ let winH = $(window).height(), winW = $(window).width();
+ let menuW = $menu.width(), menuH = $menu.height();
+ let top = toffset.top, left = toffset.left, mheight = winH - toffset.top - 20;
+ if (toffset.left + menuW > winW) {
+ left = toffset.left - menuW;
+ }
+ if (toffset.top > winH / 2) {
+ top = winH - toffset.top;
+ if (top < 0) {
+ top = 0;
+ }
+ mheight = toffset.top - 20;
+ }
+ $menu.css({ "top": top, "left": left, "height": mheight }).show();
+ clearTimeout(hidefilersubmenu);
+ });
+ //筛选按钮点击事件
+ $("#luckysheet-cell-main").on("click", ".luckysheet-filter-options", function (e) {
+ let $t = $(e.currentTarget),
+ toffset = $t.offset(),
+ $menu = $("#luckysheet-filter-menu"),
+ winH = $(window).height(),
+ winW = $(window).width();
+ let st_r = $t.data("str"),
+ ed_r = $t.data("edr"),
+ cindex = $t.data("cindex"),
+ st_c = $t.data("stc"),
+ ed_c = $t.data("edc"),
+ rowhidden = $t.data("rowhidden") == "" ? {} : JSON.parse($t.data("rowhidden").replace(/\'/g, '"'));
+ $("body .luckysheet-cols-menu").hide();
+ $("#luckysheet-filter-menu, #luckysheet-filter-submenu").hide();
+ $("#luckysheet-filter-byvalue-input").val("");
+ $("#luckysheet-filter-bycondition").next().hide();
+ $("#luckysheet-filter-byvalue").next().show();
+ $menu.data("str", st_r);
+ $menu.data("edr", ed_r);
+ $menu.data("cindex", cindex);
+ $menu.data("stc", st_c);
+ $menu.data("edc", ed_c);
+ $("#luckysheet-filter-menu .luckysheet-filter-selected-input").hide().find("input").val();
+ $("#luckysheet-filter-selected span").data("type", "0").data("type", null).text(locale_filter.filiterInputNone);
+ let byconditiontype = $t.data("byconditiontype");
+ $("#luckysheet-filter-selected span").data("value", $t.data("byconditionvalue")).data("type", byconditiontype).text($t.data("byconditiontext"));
+ if (byconditiontype == "2") {
+ let $input = $("#luckysheet-filter-menu .luckysheet-filter-selected-input2").show().find("input");
+ $input.eq(0).val($t.data("byconditionvalue1"));
+ $input.eq(1).val($t.data("byconditionvalue2"));
+ }
+ else if (byconditiontype == "1") {
+ $("#luckysheet-filter-menu .luckysheet-filter-selected-input").eq(0).show().find("input").val($t.data("byconditionvalue1"));
+ }
+ $("#luckysheet-filter-orderby-asc").off("click").on("click", function () {
+ orderbydatafiler(st_r, st_c, ed_r, ed_c, cindex, true);
+ });
+ $("#luckysheet-filter-orderby-desc").off("click").on("click", function () {
+ orderbydatafiler(st_r, st_c, ed_r, ed_c, cindex, false);
+ });
+ $("#luckysheet-filter-byvalue-select").empty().html(''+locale_filter.filiterMoreDataTip+' ');
+ let rowhiddenother = {}; //其它筛选列的隐藏行
+ $("#luckysheet-filter-options-sheet" + Store.currentSheetIndex + " .luckysheet-filter-options").not(this).each(function () {
+ let $t = $(this), rh = $t.data("rowhidden");
+ if (rh == "") {
+ return true;
+ }
+ rh = JSON.parse(rh.replace(/\'/g, '"'));
+ for (let r in rh) {
+ rowhiddenother[r] = 0;
+ }
+ });
+ let data = Store.flowdata;
+ setTimeout(function () {
+ //日期值
+ let dvmap = {};
+ let dvmap_uncheck = {};
+ //除日期以外的值
+ let vmap = {};
+ let vmap_uncheck = {};
+ for (let r = st_r + 1; r <= ed_r; r++) {
+ if(r in rowhiddenother){
+ continue;
+ }
+ if(Store.flowdata[r] == null){
+ continue;
+ }
+ let cell = Store.flowdata[r][cindex];
+ if(cell != null && !isRealNull(cell.v) && cell.ct != null && cell.ct.t == "d" ){ //单元格是日期
+ let v = update("YYYY-MM-DD", cell.v);
+ let y = v.split("-")[0];
+ let m = v.split("-")[1];
+ let d = v.split("-")[2];
+ if(!(y in dvmap)){
+ dvmap[y] = {};
+ }
+ if(!(m in dvmap[y])){
+ dvmap[y][m] = {};
+ }
+ if(!(d in dvmap[y][m])){
+ dvmap[y][m][d] = 0;
+ }
+ dvmap[y][m][d]++;
+ if(r in rowhidden){
+ dvmap_uncheck[y] = 0;
+ dvmap_uncheck[m] = 0;
+ dvmap_uncheck[d] = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ else{
+ let v, m;
+ if(cell == null || isRealNull(cell.v)){
+ v = null;
+ m = null;
+ }
+ else{
+ v = cell.v;
+ m = cell.m;
+ }
+ if(!(v in vmap)){
+ vmap[v] = {};
+ }
+ if(!(m in vmap[v])){
+ vmap[v][m] = 0;
+ }
+ vmap[v][m]++;
+ if(r in rowhidden){
+ vmap_uncheck[v + "#$$$#" + m] = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //遍历数据加到页面
+ let item = [];
+ if(JSON.stringify(dvmap).length > 2){
+ for(let y in dvmap){
+ let ysum = 0;
+ let monthHtml = '';
+ for(let m in dvmap[y]){
+ let msum = 0;
+ let dayHtml = '';
+ for(let d in dvmap[y][m]){
+ let dayL = dvmap[y][m][d];
+ msum += dayL;
+ //月 小于 10
+ let mT;
+ if(Number(m) < 10){
+ mT = "0" + Number(m);
+ }
+ else{
+ mT = m;
+ }
+ //日 小于 10
+ let dT;
+ if(Number(d) < 10){
+ dT = "0" + Number(d);
+ }
+ else{
+ dT = d;
+ }
+ //日是否选中状态
+ if((y in dvmap_uncheck) && (m in dvmap_uncheck) && (d in dvmap_uncheck)){
+ dayHtml += '' +
+ '' +
+ '' +
+ '( ' + dayL + ' )' +
+ '
+ }
+ else{
+ dayHtml += '' +
+ '' +
+ '' +
+ '( ' + dayL + ' )' +
+ '
+ }
+ }
+ ysum += msum;
+ //月 小于 10
+ let mT2;
+ if(Number(m) < 10){
+ mT2 = "0" + Number(m);
+ }
+ else{
+ mT2 = m;
+ }
+ //月是否选中状态
+ if((y in dvmap_uncheck) && (m in dvmap_uncheck)){
+ monthHtml += '' +
+ '
' +
+ '' +
+ '' +
+ '' +
+ '( ' + msum + ' )' +
+ '
' +
+ '
' + dayHtml + '
' +
+ '
+ }
+ else{
+ monthHtml += '' +
+ '
' +
+ '' +
+ '' +
+ '' +
+ '( ' + msum + ' )' +
+ '
' +
+ '
' + dayHtml + '
' +
+ '
+ }
+ }
+ //年是否选中状态
+ let yearHtml;
+ if(y in dvmap_uncheck){
+ yearHtml = '' +
+ '
' +
+ '' +
+ '' +
+ '' +
+ '( ' + ysum + ' )' +
+ '
' +
+ '
' + monthHtml + '
' +
+ '
+ }
+ else{
+ yearHtml = '' +
+ '
' +
+ '' +
+ '' +
+ '' +
+ '( ' + ysum + ' )' +
+ '
' +
+ '
' + monthHtml + '
' +
+ '
+ }
+ item.unshift(yearHtml);
+ }
+ }
+ if(JSON.stringify(vmap).length > 2){
+ let vmapKeys = Object.keys(vmap);
+ vmapKeys = orderbydata1D(vmapKeys, true);
+ for(let i = 0; i < vmapKeys.length; i++){
+ let v = vmapKeys[i];
+ for(let x in vmap[v]){
+ let text;
+ if((v + "#$$$#" + x) == "null#$$$#null"){
+ text = "(空白)";
+ }
+ else{
+ text = x;
+ }
+ //是否选中状态
+ let dataHtml;
+ if((v + "#$$$#" + x) in vmap_uncheck){
+ dataHtml = '' +
+ '' +
+ '' +
+ '( ' + vmap[v][x] + ' )' +
+ '
+ }
+ else{
+ dataHtml = '' +
+ '' +
+ '' +
+ '( ' + vmap[v][x] + ' )' +
+ '
+ }
+ item.push(dataHtml);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $("#luckysheet-filter-byvalue-select").html("");
+ }, 1);
+ showrightclickmenu($menu, toffset.left, toffset.top + 20);
+ e.stopPropagation();
+ return false;
+ });
+ //按颜色筛选
+ $("#luckysheet-filter-orderby-color").hover(
+ function(){
+ //遍历筛选列颜色
+ let $menu = $("#luckysheet-filter-menu");
+ let st_r = $menu.data("str"),
+ ed_r = $menu.data("edr"),
+ cindex = $menu.data("cindex"),
+ st_c = $menu.data("stc"),
+ ed_c = $menu.data("edc");
+ let bgMap = {}; //单元格颜色
+ let fcMap = {}; //字体颜色
+ let af_compute = alternateformat.getComputeMap();
+ let cf_compute = conditionformat.getComputeMap();
+ for (let r = st_r + 1; r <= ed_r; r++) {
+ let cell = Store.flowdata[r][cindex];
+ //单元格颜色
+ let bg = menuButton.checkstatus(Store.flowdata, r, cindex , "bg");
+ let checksAF = alternateformat.checksAF(r, cindex, af_compute);
+ if(checksAF != null){//若单元格有交替颜色
+ bg = checksAF[1];
+ }
+ let checksCF = conditionformat.checksCF(r, cindex, cf_compute);
+ if(checksCF != null && checksCF["cellColor"] != null){//若单元格有条件格式
+ bg = checksCF["cellColor"];
+ }
+ if(bg.indexOf("rgb") > -1){
+ bg = rgbTohex(bg);
+ }
+ if(bg.length == 4){
+ bg = bg.substr(0, 1) + bg.substr(1, 1).repeat(2) + bg.substr(2, 1).repeat(2) + bg.substr(3, 1).repeat(2);
+ }
+ //字体颜色
+ let fc = menuButton.checkstatus(Store.flowdata, r, cindex , "fc");
+ if(checksAF != null){//若单元格有交替颜色
+ fc = checksAF[0];
+ }
+ if(checksCF != null && checksCF["textColor"] != null){//若单元格有条件格式
+ fc = checksCF["textColor"];
+ }
+ if(fc.indexOf("rgb") > -1){
+ fc = rgbTohex(fc);
+ }
+ if(fc.length == 4){
+ fc = fc.substr(0, 1) + fc.substr(1, 1).repeat(2) + fc.substr(2, 1).repeat(2) + fc.substr(3, 1).repeat(2);
+ }
+ if(Store.config != null && Store.config["rowhidden"] != null && r in Store.config["rowhidden"]){
+ bgMap[bg] = 1;
+ if(cell != null && !isRealNull(cell.v)){
+ fcMap[fc] = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ else{
+ bgMap[bg] = 0;
+ if(cell != null && !isRealNull(cell.v)){
+ fcMap[fc] = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //
+ let filterBgColorHtml = '';
+ if(JSON.stringify(bgMap).length > 2 && Object.keys(bgMap).length > 1){
+ let bgColorItemHtml = '';
+ for(let b in bgMap){
+ if(bgMap[b] == 0){
+ bgColorItemHtml += '';
+ }
+ else{
+ bgColorItemHtml += '';
+ }
+ }
+ filterBgColorHtml = ''+locale_filter.filiterByColorTip+'
' + bgColorItemHtml + '
+ }
+ let filterFcColorHtml = '';
+ if(JSON.stringify(fcMap).length > 2 && Object.keys(fcMap).length > 1){
+ let fcColorItemHtml = '';
+ for(let f in fcMap){
+ if(fcMap[f] == 0){
+ fcColorItemHtml += '';
+ }
+ else{
+ fcColorItemHtml += '';
+ }
+ }
+ filterFcColorHtml = ''+locale_filter.filiterByTextColorTip+'
' + fcColorItemHtml + '
+ }
+ //
+ let content;
+ if(filterBgColorHtml == '' && filterFcColorHtml == ''){
+ content = ''+locale_filter.filterContainerOneColorTip+'
+ }
+ else{
+ content = filterBgColorHtml + filterFcColorHtml + '';
+ }
+ //颜色筛选子菜单
+ $("#luckysheet-filter-orderby-color-submenu").remove();
+ $("body").append('');
+ let $t = $("#luckysheet-filter-orderby-color-submenu").end();
+ let $con = $(this).parent();
+ let winW = $(window).width(), winH = $(window).height();
+ let menuW = $con.width(),
+ myh = $t.height() + 25,
+ myw = $t.width() + 5;
+ let offset = $(this).offset();
+ let top = offset.top, left = offset.left + menuW;
+ if (left + myw > winW) {
+ left = offset.left - myw;
+ }
+ if (top + myh > winH) {
+ top = winH - myh;
+ }
+ $("#luckysheet-filter-orderby-color-submenu").css({ "top": top, "left": left }).show();
+ },
+ function(){
+ submenuhide = setTimeout(function () { $("#luckysheet-filter-orderby-color-submenu").hide(); }, 200);
+ }
+ );
+ $(document).on("mouseover mouseleave", "#luckysheet-filter-orderby-color-submenu", function(e){
+ if (e.type === "mouseover") {
+ clearTimeout(submenuhide);
+ }
+ else {
+ $(this).hide();
+ }
+ });
+ $(document).on("click", "#luckysheet-filter-orderby-color-submenu .item label", function(){
+ $(this).siblings("input[type='checkbox']").click();
+ });
+ $(document).off("click.orderbyColorConfirm").on("click.orderbyColorConfirm", "#luckysheet-filter-orderby-color-submenu #luckysheet-filter-orderby-color-confirm", function(){
+ let bg_colorMap = {};
+ let fc_colorMap = {};
+ $("#luckysheet-filter-orderby-color-submenu .item").each(function(i, e){
+ if($(e).find("input[type='checkbox']").is(":checked")){
+ let color = $(this).find("label").attr("title");
+ let $id = $(this).closest(".box").attr("id");
+ if($id == "filterBgColor"){
+ bg_colorMap[color] = 0;
+ }
+ else if($id == "filterFcColor"){
+ fc_colorMap[color] = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ let bg_filter;
+ if($("#luckysheet-filter-orderby-color-submenu #filterBgColor").length > 0){
+ bg_filter = true;
+ }
+ else{
+ bg_filter = false;
+ }
+ let fc_filter;
+ if($("#luckysheet-filter-orderby-color-submenu #filterFcColor").length > 0){
+ fc_filter = true;
+ }
+ else{
+ fc_filter = false;
+ }
+ let $menu = $("#luckysheet-filter-menu");
+ let st_r = $menu.data("str"),
+ ed_r = $menu.data("edr"),
+ cindex = $menu.data("cindex"),
+ st_c = $menu.data("stc"),
+ ed_c = $menu.data("edc");
+ let rowhiddenother = {}; //其它筛选列的隐藏行
+ $("#luckysheet-filter-options-sheet" + Store.currentSheetIndex + " .luckysheet-filter-options").not($("#luckysheet-filter-options-sheet" + Store.currentSheetIndex + " .luckysheet-filter-options").eq(cindex - st_c).get(0)).each(function () {
+ let $t = $(this), rh = $t.data("rowhidden");
+ if (rh == "") {
+ return true;
+ }
+ rh = JSON.parse(rh);
+ for (let r in rh) {
+ rowhiddenother[r] = 0;
+ }
+ });
+ let filterdata = {};
+ let rowhidden = {};
+ let caljs = {};
+ let af_compute = alternateformat.getComputeMap();
+ let cf_compute = conditionformat.getComputeMap();
+ for (let r = st_r + 1; r <= ed_r; r++) {
+ if(r in rowhiddenother){
+ continue;
+ }
+ if(Store.flowdata[r] == null){
+ continue;
+ }
+ let cell = Store.flowdata[r][cindex];
+ //单元格颜色
+ let bg = menuButton.checkstatus(Store.flowdata, r, cindex , "bg");
+ let checksAF = alternateformat.checksAF(r, cindex, af_compute);
+ if(checksAF != null){//若单元格有交替颜色
+ bg = checksAF[1];
+ }
+ let checksCF = conditionformat.checksCF(r, cindex, cf_compute);
+ if(checksCF != null && checksCF["cellColor"] != null){//若单元格有条件格式
+ bg = checksCF["cellColor"];
+ }
+ if(bg.indexOf("rgb") > -1){
+ bg = rgbTohex(bg);
+ }
+ if(bg.length == 4){
+ bg = bg.substr(0, 1) + bg.substr(1, 1).repeat(2) + bg.substr(2, 1).repeat(2) + bg.substr(3, 1).repeat(2);
+ }
+ //文本颜色
+ let fc = menuButton.checkstatus(Store.flowdata, r, cindex , "fc");
+ if(checksAF != null){//若单元格有交替颜色
+ fc = checksAF[0];
+ }
+ if(checksCF != null && checksCF["textColor"] != null){//若单元格有条件格式
+ fc = checksCF["textColor"];
+ }
+ if(fc.indexOf("rgb") > -1){
+ fc = rgbTohex(fc);
+ }
+ if(fc.length == 4){
+ fc = fc.substr(0, 1) + fc.substr(1, 1).repeat(2) + fc.substr(2, 1).repeat(2) + fc.substr(3, 1).repeat(2);
+ }
+ if(bg_filter && fc_filter){
+ if(!(bg in bg_colorMap) && (!(fc in fc_colorMap) || cell == null || isRealNull(cell.v))){
+ rowhidden[r] = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ else if(bg_filter){
+ if(!(bg in bg_colorMap)){
+ rowhidden[r] = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ else if(fc_filter){
+ if(!(fc in fc_colorMap) || cell == null || isRealNull(cell.v)){
+ rowhidden[r] = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ let $top = $("#luckysheet-filter-options-sheet" + Store.currentSheetIndex + " .luckysheet-filter-options").eq(cindex - st_c);
+ let optionstate = Object.keys(rowhidden).length > 0;
+ let rowhiddenall = $.extend(true, rowhiddenother, rowhidden),
+ rowhidenPre = json.parseJsonParm($top.data("rowhidden"));
+ labelFilterOptionState($top, optionstate, rowhidden, caljs, true, st_r, ed_r, cindex, st_c, ed_c);
+ let cfg = $.extend(true, {}, Store.config);
+ cfg["rowhidden"] = rowhiddenall;
+ //保存撤销
+ if(Store.clearjfundo){
+ let redo = {};
+ redo["type"] = "datachangeAll_filter";
+ redo["sheetIndex"] = Store.currentSheetIndex;
+ redo["config"] = $.extend(true, {}, Store.config);
+ redo["curconfig"] = cfg;
+ redo["optionstate"] = optionstate;
+ redo["optionsindex"] = cindex - st_c;
+ redo["rowhidden"] = $.extend(true, {}, rowhidden);
+ redo["rowhidenPre"] = $.extend(true, {}, rowhidenPre);
+ if (caljs != null) {
+ redo["caljs"] = caljs;
+ }
+ Store.jfundo = [];
+ Store.jfredo.push(redo);
+ }
+ //config
+ Store.config = cfg;
+ Store.luckysheetfile[getSheetIndex(Store.currentSheetIndex)].config = Store.config;
+ server.saveParam("cg", Store.currentSheetIndex, cfg["rowhidden"], { "k": "rowhidden" });
+ //行高、列宽 刷新
+ jfrefreshgrid_rhcw(Store.flowdata.length, Store.flowdata[0].length);
+ $("#luckysheet-filter-menu, #luckysheet-filter-submenu, #luckysheet-filter-orderby-color-submenu").hide();
+ cleargridelement();
+ });
+ //点击复选框
+ $(document).off("click.filterCheckbox1").on("click.filterCheckbox1", "#luckysheet-filter-byvalue-select .textBox",function(){
+ if($(this).attr("data-check") == "true"){
+ $(this).attr("data-check", "false");
+ $(this).find("input[type='checkbox']").removeAttr("checked");
+ }
+ else{
+ $(this).attr("data-check", "true");
+ $(this).find("input[type='checkbox']").prop("checked", true);
+ }
+ })
+ $(document).off("click.filterCheckbox2").on("click.filterCheckbox2", "#luckysheet-filter-byvalue-select .year",function(){
+ if($(this).attr("data-check") == "true"){
+ $(this).attr("data-check", "false");
+ $(this).parents(".yearBox").find(".month").attr("data-check", "false");
+ $(this).parents(".yearBox").find(".day").attr("data-check", "false");
+ $(this).parents(".yearBox").find("input[type='checkbox']").removeAttr("checked");
+ }
+ else{
+ $(this).attr("data-check", "true");
+ $(this).parents(".yearBox").find(".month").attr("data-check", "true");
+ $(this).parents(".yearBox").find(".day").attr("data-check", "true");
+ $(this).parents(".yearBox").find("input[type='checkbox']").prop("checked", true);
+ }
+ })
+ $(document).off("click.filterCheckbox3").on("click.filterCheckbox3", "#luckysheet-filter-byvalue-select .month",function(){
+ //月份 对应的 天
+ if($(this).attr("data-check") == "true"){
+ $(this).attr("data-check", "false");
+ $(this).parents(".monthBox").find(".day").attr("data-check", "false");
+ $(this).parents(".monthBox").find("input[type='checkbox']").removeAttr("checked");
+ }
+ else{
+ $(this).attr("data-check", "true");
+ $(this).parents(".monthBox").find(".day").attr("data-check", "true");
+ $(this).parents(".monthBox").find("input[type='checkbox']").prop("checked", true);
+ }
+ //月份 对应的 年份
+ let yearDayAllCheck = true;
+ let $yearDay = $(this).parents(".yearBox").find(".day");
+ $yearDay.each(function(i,e){
+ if($(e).attr("data-check") == "true"){
+ }
+ else{
+ yearDayAllCheck = false;
+ }
+ });
+ if(yearDayAllCheck){
+ $(this).parents(".yearBox").find(".year").attr("data-check", "true");
+ $(this).parents(".yearBox").find(".year input[type='checkbox']").prop("checked", true);
+ }
+ else{
+ $(this).parents(".yearBox").find(".year").attr("data-check", "false");
+ $(this).parents(".yearBox").find(".year input[type='checkbox']").removeAttr("checked");
+ }
+ })
+ $(document).off("click.filterCheckbox4").on("click.filterCheckbox4", "#luckysheet-filter-byvalue-select .day",function(){
+ if($(this).attr("data-check") == "true"){
+ $(this).attr("data-check", "false");
+ $(this).find("input[type='checkbox']").removeAttr("checked");
+ }
+ else{
+ $(this).attr("data-check", "true");
+ $(this).find("input[type='checkbox']").prop("checked", true);
+ }
+ //天 对应的 月份
+ let monthDayAllCheck = true;
+ let $monthDay = $(this).parents(".monthBox").find(".day");
+ $monthDay.each(function(i,e){
+ if($(e).attr("data-check") == "true"){
+ }
+ else{
+ monthDayAllCheck = false;
+ }
+ });
+ if(monthDayAllCheck){
+ $(this).parents(".monthBox").find(".month").attr("data-check", "true");
+ $(this).parents(".monthBox").find(".month input[type='checkbox']").prop("checked", true);
+ }
+ else{
+ $(this).parents(".monthBox").find(".month").attr("data-check", "false");
+ $(this).parents(".monthBox").find(".month input[type='checkbox']").removeAttr("checked");
+ }
+ //天 对应的 年份
+ let yearDayAllCheck = true;
+ let $yearDay = $(this).parents(".yearBox").find(".day");
+ $yearDay.each(function(i,e){
+ if($(e).attr("data-check") == "true"){
+ }
+ else{
+ yearDayAllCheck = false;
+ }
+ });
+ if(yearDayAllCheck){
+ $(this).parents(".yearBox").find(".year").attr("data-check", "true");
+ $(this).parents(".yearBox").find(".year input[type='checkbox']").prop("checked", true);
+ }
+ else{
+ $(this).parents(".yearBox").find(".year").attr("data-check", "false");
+ $(this).parents(".yearBox").find(".year input[type='checkbox']").removeAttr("checked");
+ }
+ })
+ //日期 三级下拉显示
+ $(document).off("click.filterYearDropdown").on("click.filterYearDropdown", "#luckysheet-filter-byvalue-select .yearBox .fa-caret-right",function(event){
+ let $p = $(this).parents(".luckysheet-mousedown-cancel");
+ if($p.hasClass("year")){
+ $(this).parents(".yearBox").find(".monthList").slideToggle();
+ }
+ if($p.hasClass("month")){
+ $(this).parents(".monthBox").find(".dayList").slideToggle();
+ }
+ event.stopPropagation();
+ });
+ //全选
+ $("#luckysheet-filter-byvalue-btn-all").click(function () {
+ $("#luckysheet-filter-byvalue-select .ListBox input[type='checkbox']").prop("checked", true);
+ $("#luckysheet-filter-byvalue-select .ListBox input[type='checkbox']").parents(".luckysheet-mousedown-cancel").attr("data-check", "true");
+ });
+ //清除
+ $("#luckysheet-filter-byvalue-btn-clear").click(function () {
+ $("#luckysheet-filter-byvalue-select .ListBox input[type='checkbox']").removeAttr("checked");
+ $("#luckysheet-filter-byvalue-select .ListBox input[type='checkbox']").parents(".luckysheet-mousedown-cancel").attr("data-check", "false");
+ });
+ //反选
+ $("#luckysheet-filter-byvalue-btn-contra").click(function () {
+ let $input = $("#luckysheet-filter-byvalue-select .ListBox input[type='checkbox']");
+ $input.each(function(i, e){
+ if($(e).is(":checked")){
+ $(e).removeAttr("checked");
+ $(e).parents(".luckysheet-mousedown-cancel").attr("data-check", "false");
+ }
+ else{
+ $(e).prop("checked", true);
+ $(e).parents(".luckysheet-mousedown-cancel").attr("data-check", "true");
+ }
+ });
+ //天 对应的 月份
+ let $month = $("#luckysheet-filter-byvalue-select .ListBox .monthBox");
+ $month.each(function(index, event){
+ let monthDayAllCheck = true;
+ let $monthDay = $(event).find(".day input[type='checkbox']");
+ $monthDay.each(function(i,e){
+ if($(e).is(":checked")){
+ }
+ else{
+ monthDayAllCheck = false;
+ }
+ });
+ if(monthDayAllCheck){
+ $(event).find(".month input[type='checkbox']").prop("checked", true);
+ $(event).attr("data-check", "true");
+ }
+ else{
+ $(event).find(".month input[type='checkbox']").removeAttr("checked");
+ $(event).attr("data-check", "false");
+ }
+ });
+ //天 对应的 年份
+ let $year = $("#luckysheet-filter-byvalue-select .ListBox .yearBox");
+ $year.each(function(index, event){
+ let yearDayAllCheck = true;
+ let $yearDay = $(event).find(".day input[type='checkbox']");
+ $yearDay.each(function(i,e){
+ if($(e).is(":checked")){
+ }
+ else{
+ yearDayAllCheck = false;
+ }
+ });
+ if(yearDayAllCheck){
+ $(event).find(".year input[type='checkbox']").prop("checked", true);
+ $(event).attr("data-check", "true");
+ }
+ else{
+ $(event).find(".year input[type='checkbox']").removeAttr("checked");
+ $(event).attr("data-check", "false");
+ }
+ });
+ });
+ //清除筛选
+ $("#luckysheet-filter-initial").click(function () {
+ $("#luckysheet-filter-menu .luckysheet-filter-selected-input").hide().find("input").val();
+ $("#luckysheet-filter-selected span").data("type", "0").data("type", null).text(locale_filter.conditionNone);
+ $('#luckysheet-filter-selected-sheet' + Store.currentSheetIndex + ', #luckysheet-filter-options-sheet' + Store.currentSheetIndex).remove();
+ $("#luckysheet-filter-menu, #luckysheet-filter-submenu").hide();
+ let redo = {};
+ redo["type"] = "datachangeAll_filter_clear";
+ redo["sheetIndex"] = Store.currentSheetIndex;
+ redo["config"] = $.extend(true, {}, Store.config);
+ Store.config["rowhidden"] = {};
+ redo["curconfig"] = $.extend(true, {}, Store.config);
+ redo["filter_save"] = $.extend(true, {}, Store.luckysheet_filter_save);
+ let optiongroups = [];
+ $("#luckysheet-filter-options-sheet" + Store.currentSheetIndex + " .luckysheet-filter-options").each(function () {
+ let $t = $(this);
+ let optionstate = $t.hasClass("luckysheet-filter-options-active");
+ let rowhidden = json.parseJsonParm($t.data("rowhidden"));
+ let caljs = json.parseJsonParm($t.data("caljs"));
+ optiongroups.push({
+ "optionstate":optionstate,
+ "rowhidden": rowhidden,
+ "caljs":caljs,
+ "str": $t.data("str"),
+ "edr": $t.data("edr"),
+ "cindex": $t.data("cindex"),
+ "stc": $t.data("stc"),
+ "edc": $t.data("edc")
+ });
+ });
+ redo["optiongroups"] = optiongroups;
+ Store.jfundo = [];
+ Store.jfredo.push(redo);
+ //清除筛选发送给后台
+ Store.luckysheetfile[getSheetIndex(Store.currentSheetIndex)].filter = null;
+ Store.luckysheetfile[getSheetIndex(Store.currentSheetIndex)].filter_select = null;
+ server.saveParam("fsc", Store.currentSheetIndex, null);
+ //config
+ Store.luckysheetfile[getSheetIndex(Store.currentSheetIndex)].config = Store.config;
+ server.saveParam("cg", Store.currentSheetIndex, {}, { "k": "rowhidden" });
+ //行高、列宽 刷新
+ jfrefreshgrid_rhcw(Store.flowdata.length, Store.flowdata[0].length);
+ });
+ //按照值进行筛选
+ $("#luckysheet-filter-byvalue-input").on('input propertychange', function () {
+ let v = $(this).val().toString();
+ $("#luckysheet-filter-byvalue-select .ListBox .luckysheet-mousedown-cancel").show();
+ if(v != ""){
+ $("#luckysheet-filter-byvalue-select .ListBox input[type='checkbox']").each(function(i, e){
+ if($(e).closest(".day").length > 0){
+ let day = $(e).siblings("label").text().toString();
+ let month = $(e).closest(".monthBox").find(".month label").text().toString();
+ let year = $(e).closest(".yearBox").find(".year label").text().toString();
+ let itemV = year + "-" + month + "-" + day;
+ if(itemV.indexOf(v) == -1){
+ $(e).closest(".day").hide();
+ //天 对应的 月份
+ let $monthDay = $(e).closest(".dayList").find(".day:visible");
+ if($monthDay.length == 0){
+ $(e).closest(".monthBox").find(".month").hide();
+ }
+ //天 对应的 年份
+ let $yearDay = $(e).closest(".monthList").find(".day:visible");
+ if($yearDay.length == 0){
+ $(e).closest(".yearBox").find(".year").hide();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if($(e).closest(".textBox").length > 0){
+ let itemV = $(e).siblings("label").text().toString();
+ if(itemV.indexOf(v) == -1){
+ $(e).parents(".textBox").hide();
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ });
+ //筛选取消
+ $("#luckysheet-filter-cancel").click(function () {
+ $("#luckysheet-filter-menu, #luckysheet-filter-submenu").hide();
+ });
+ //筛选 确认
+ $("#luckysheet-filter-confirm").click(function () {
+ let $menu = $("#luckysheet-filter-menu");
+ let st_r = $menu.data("str"),
+ ed_r = $menu.data("edr"),
+ cindex = $menu.data("cindex"),
+ st_c = $menu.data("stc"),
+ ed_c = $menu.data("edc");
+ let rowhiddenother = {}; //其它筛选列的隐藏行
+ $("#luckysheet-filter-options-sheet" + Store.currentSheetIndex + " .luckysheet-filter-options").not($("#luckysheet-filter-options-sheet" + Store.currentSheetIndex + " .luckysheet-filter-options").eq(cindex - st_c).get(0)).each(function () {
+ let $t = $(this), rh = $t.data("rowhidden");
+ if (rh == "") {
+ return true;
+ }
+ rh = JSON.parse(rh.replace(/\'/g, '"'));
+ for (let r in rh) {
+ rowhiddenother[r] = 0;
+ }
+ });
+ let filterdata = {};
+ let rowhidden = {};
+ let caljs = {};
+ if ($("#luckysheet-filter-bycondition").next().is(":visible") && $("#luckysheet-filter-byvalue").next().is(":hidden") && $("#luckysheet-filter-selected span").data("value") != "null") {
+ let $t = $("#luckysheet-filter-selected span");
+ let type = $t.data("type"), value = $t.data("value");
+ caljs["value"] = value;
+ caljs["text"] = $t.text();
+ if (type == "0") {
+ caljs["type"] = "0";
+ }
+ else if (type == "2") {
+ let $input = $("#luckysheet-filter-menu .luckysheet-filter-selected-input2 input");
+ caljs["type"] = "2";
+ caljs["value1"] = $input.eq(0).val();
+ caljs["value2"] = $input.eq(1).val();
+ }
+ else {
+ caljs["type"] = "1";
+ caljs["value1"] = $("#luckysheet-filter-menu .luckysheet-filter-selected-input").eq(0).find("input").val();
+ }
+ for (let r = st_r + 1; r <= ed_r; r++) {
+ if(r in rowhiddenother){
+ continue;
+ }
+ if(Store.flowdata[r] == null){
+ continue;
+ }
+ let cell = Store.flowdata[r][cindex];
+ if (value == "cellnull") { //单元格为空
+ if(cell != null && !isRealNull(cell.v)){
+ rowhidden[r] = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (value == "cellnonull") { //单元格有数据
+ if(cell == null || isRealNull(cell.v)){
+ rowhidden[r] = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (value == "textinclude") { //文本包含
+ let value1 = caljs["value1"];
+ if(cell == null || isRealNull(cell.v)){
+ rowhidden[r] = 0;
+ }
+ else{
+ if(cell.m.indexOf(value1) == -1){
+ rowhidden[r] = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if (value == "textnotinclude") { //文本不包含
+ let value1 = caljs["value1"];
+ if(cell == null || isRealNull(cell.v)){
+ }
+ else{
+ if(cell.m.indexOf(value1) > -1){
+ rowhidden[r] = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if (value == "textstart") { //文本开头为
+ let value1 = caljs["value1"], valuelen = value1.length;
+ if(cell == null || isRealNull(cell.v)){
+ rowhidden[r] = 0;
+ }
+ else{
+ if(cell.m.substr(0, valuelen) != value1){
+ rowhidden[r] = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if (value == "textend") { //文本结尾为
+ let value1 = caljs["value1"], valuelen = value1.length;
+ if(cell == null || isRealNull(cell.v)){
+ rowhidden[r] = 0;
+ }
+ else{
+ if(valuelen > cell.m.length || cell.m.substr(cell.m.length - valuelen, valuelen) != value1){
+ rowhidden[r] = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if (value == "textequal") { //文本等于
+ let value1 = caljs["value1"];
+ if(cell == null || isRealNull(cell.v)){
+ rowhidden[r] = 0;
+ }
+ else{
+ if(cell.m != value1){
+ rowhidden[r] = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if (value == "dateequal") { //日期等于
+ let value1 = genarate(caljs["value1"])[2];
+ if(cell == null || isRealNull(cell.v)){
+ rowhidden[r] = 0;
+ }
+ else if(cell.ct != null && cell.ct.t == "d"){
+ if(parseInt(cell.v) != value1){
+ rowhidden[r] = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ else{
+ rowhidden[r] = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (value == "datelessthan") { //日期早于
+ let value1 = genarate(caljs["value1"])[2];
+ if(cell == null || isRealNull(cell.v)){
+ rowhidden[r] = 0;
+ }
+ else if(cell.ct != null && cell.ct.t == "d"){
+ if(parseInt(cell.v) >= value1){
+ rowhidden[r] = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ else{
+ rowhidden[r] = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (value == "datemorethan") { //日期晚于
+ let value1 = genarate(caljs["value1"])[2];
+ if(cell == null || isRealNull(cell.v)){
+ rowhidden[r] = 0;
+ }
+ else if(cell.ct != null && cell.ct.t == "d"){
+ if(parseInt(cell.v) <= value1){
+ rowhidden[r] = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ else{
+ rowhidden[r] = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (value == "morethan") { //大于
+ let value1 = parseFloat(caljs["value1"]);
+ if(cell == null || isRealNull(cell.v)){
+ rowhidden[r] = 0;
+ }
+ else if(cell.ct != null && cell.ct.t == "n"){
+ if(cell.v <= value1){
+ rowhidden[r] = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ else{
+ rowhidden[r] = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (value == "moreequalthan") { //大于等于
+ let value1 = parseFloat(caljs["value1"]);
+ if(cell == null || isRealNull(cell.v)){
+ rowhidden[r] = 0;
+ }
+ else if(cell.ct != null && cell.ct.t == "n"){
+ if(cell.v < value1){
+ rowhidden[r] = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ else{
+ rowhidden[r] = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (value == "lessthan") { //小于
+ let value1 = parseFloat(caljs["value1"]);
+ if(cell == null || isRealNull(cell.v)){
+ rowhidden[r] = 0;
+ }
+ else if(cell.ct != null && cell.ct.t == "n"){
+ if(cell.v >= value1){
+ rowhidden[r] = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ else{
+ rowhidden[r] = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (value == "lessequalthan") { //小于等于
+ let value1 = parseFloat(caljs["value1"]);
+ if(cell == null || isRealNull(cell.v)){
+ rowhidden[r] = 0;
+ }
+ else if(cell.ct != null && cell.ct.t == "n"){
+ if(cell.v > value1){
+ rowhidden[r] = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ else{
+ rowhidden[r] = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (value == "equal") { //等于
+ let value1 = parseFloat(caljs["value1"]);
+ if(cell == null || isRealNull(cell.v)){
+ rowhidden[r] = 0;
+ }
+ else if(cell.ct != null && cell.ct.t == "n"){
+ if(cell.v != value1){
+ rowhidden[r] = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ else{
+ rowhidden[r] = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (value == "noequal") { //不等于
+ let value1 = parseFloat(caljs["value1"]);
+ if(cell == null || isRealNull(cell.v)){
+ rowhidden[r] = 0;
+ }
+ else if(cell.ct != null && cell.ct.t == "n"){
+ if(cell.v == value1){
+ rowhidden[r] = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ else{
+ rowhidden[r] = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (value == "include") { //介于
+ let value1 = parseFloat(caljs["value1"]), value2 = parseFloat(caljs["value2"]);
+ let min, max;
+ if(value1 < value2){
+ min = value1;
+ max = value2;
+ }
+ else{
+ max = value1;
+ min = value2;
+ }
+ if(cell == null || isRealNull(cell.v)){
+ rowhidden[r] = 0;
+ }
+ else if(cell.ct != null && cell.ct.t == "n"){
+ if(cell.v < min || cell.v > max){
+ rowhidden[r] = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ else{
+ rowhidden[r] = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (value == "noinclude") { //不在其中
+ let value1 = parseFloat(caljs["value1"]), value2 = parseFloat(caljs["value2"]);
+ let min, max;
+ if(value1 < value2){
+ min = value1;
+ max = value2;
+ }
+ else{
+ max = value1;
+ min = value2;
+ }
+ if(cell == null || isRealNull(cell.v)){
+ rowhidden[r] = 0;
+ }
+ else if(cell.ct != null && cell.ct.t == "n"){
+ if(cell.v >= min && cell.v <= max){
+ rowhidden[r] = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ else{
+ rowhidden[r] = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ $("#luckysheet-filter-byvalue-select .ListBox input[type='checkbox']").each(function(i, e){
+ if($(e).is(":visible") && $(e).is(":checked")){
+ return true;
+ }
+ if($(e).closest(".day").length > 0){
+ let day = $(e).siblings("label").text();
+ if(Number(day) < 10){
+ day = "0" + Number(day);
+ }
+ let month = $(e).closest(".monthBox").find(".month label").text().replace(locale_filter.filiterMonthText, "");
+ if(Number(month) < 10){
+ month = "0" + Number(month);
+ }
+ let year = $(e).closest(".yearBox").find(".year label").text().replace(locale_filter.filiterYearText, "");
+ let itemV = locale_filter.filterDateFormatTip +"#$$$#" + year + "-" + month + "-" + day;
+ filterdata[itemV] = "1";
+ }
+ if($(e).closest(".textBox").length > 0){
+ let itemV = $(e).closest(".textBox").data("filter");
+ filterdata[itemV] = "1";
+ }
+ });
+ for (let r = st_r + 1; r <= ed_r; r++) {
+ if(r in rowhiddenother){
+ continue;
+ }
+ if(Store.flowdata[r] == null){
+ continue;
+ }
+ let cell = Store.flowdata[r][cindex];
+ let value;
+ if(cell == null || isRealNull(cell.v)){
+ value = "null#$$$#null";
+ }
+ else if(cell.ct != null && cell.ct.t == "d"){
+ let fmt = update("YYYY-MM-DD", cell.v);
+ value = locale_filter.filterDateFormatTip +"#$$$#" + fmt;
+ }
+ else{
+ value = cell.v + "#$$$#" + cell.m;
+ }
+ if(value in filterdata){
+ rowhidden[r] = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ let $top = $("#luckysheet-filter-options-sheet" + Store.currentSheetIndex + " .luckysheet-filter-options").eq(cindex - st_c);
+ let optionstate = $("#luckysheet-filter-byvalue-select .ListBox input[type='checkbox']:visible:checked").length < $("#luckysheet-filter-byvalue-select .ListBox input[type='checkbox']:visible").length || $("#luckysheet-filter-byvalue-input").val().length > 0 || ($("#luckysheet-filter-bycondition").next().is(":visible") && $("#luckysheet-filter-byvalue").next().is(":hidden") && $("#luckysheet-filter-selected span").data("value") != "null");
+ let rowhiddenall = $.extend(true, rowhiddenother, rowhidden),
+ rowhidenPre = json.parseJsonParm($top.data("rowhidden"));
+ labelFilterOptionState($top, optionstate, rowhidden, caljs, true, st_r, ed_r, cindex, st_c, ed_c);
+ let cfg = $.extend(true, {}, Store.config);
+ cfg["rowhidden"] = rowhiddenall;
+ //保存撤销
+ if(Store.clearjfundo){
+ let redo = {};
+ redo["type"] = "datachangeAll_filter";
+ redo["sheetIndex"] = Store.currentSheetIndex;
+ redo["config"] = $.extend(true, {}, Store.config);
+ redo["curconfig"] = cfg;
+ redo["optionstate"] = optionstate;
+ redo["optionsindex"] = cindex - st_c;
+ redo["rowhidden"] = $.extend(true, {}, rowhidden);
+ redo["rowhidenPre"] = $.extend(true, {}, rowhidenPre);
+ if (caljs != null) {
+ redo["caljs"] = caljs;
+ }
+ Store.jfundo = [];
+ Store.jfredo.push(redo);
+ }
+ //config
+ Store.config = cfg;
+ Store.luckysheetfile[getSheetIndex(Store.currentSheetIndex)].config = Store.config;
+ server.saveParam("cg", Store.currentSheetIndex, cfg["rowhidden"], { "k": "rowhidden" });
+ //行高、列宽 刷新
+ jfrefreshgrid_rhcw(Store.flowdata.length, Store.flowdata[0].length);
+ $("#luckysheet-filter-menu, #luckysheet-filter-submenu").hide();
+ cleargridelement();
+ });
export {
- createFilterOptions
+ createFilterOptions,
+ initialFilterHandler
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/controllers/formulaBar.js b/src/controllers/formulaBar.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..364f43ff1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/controllers/formulaBar.js
@@ -0,0 +1,293 @@
+import menuButton from './menuButton';
+import luckysheetupdateCell from './updateCell';
+import { keycode } from './constant';
+import {
+ luckysheetMoveHighlightCell,
+} from './sheetMove';
+import insertFormula from './insertFormula';
+import {
+ rowLocation,
+ colLocation,
+ mouseposition
+} from '../global/location';
+import { isEditMode } from '../global/validate';
+import formula from '../global/formula';
+import tooltip from '../global/tooltip';
+import locale from '../locale/locale';
+import Store from '../store';
+export function formulaBarInitial(){
+ //公式栏处理
+ const _locale = locale();
+ const locale_formula= _locale.formula;
+ $("#luckysheet-functionbox-cell").focus(function () {
+ if(isEditMode()){//此模式下禁用公式栏
+ return;
+ }
+ if(Store.luckysheet_select_save.length > 0){
+ let last = Store.luckysheet_select_save[Store.luckysheet_select_save.length - 1];
+ let row_index = last["row_focus"], col_index = last["column_focus"];
+ let row = Store.visibledatarow[row_index],
+ row_pre = row_index - 1 == -1 ? 0 : Store.visibledatarow[row_index - 1];
+ let col = Store.visibledatacolumn[col_index],
+ col_pre = col_index - 1 == -1 ? 0 : Store.visibledatacolumn[col_index - 1];
+ let margeset = menuButton.mergeborer(Store.flowdata, row_index, col_index);
+ if(!!margeset){
+ row = margeset.row[1];
+ row_pre = margeset.row[0];
+ row_index = margeset.row[2];
+ col = margeset.column[1];
+ col_pre = margeset.column[0];
+ col_index = margeset.column[2];
+ }
+ luckysheetupdateCell(row, row_pre, row_index, col, col_pre, col_index, Store.flowdata, null, true);
+ formula.rangeResizeTo = $("#luckysheet-functionbox-cell");
+ }
+ }).keydown(function (event) {
+ if(isEditMode()){//此模式下禁用公式栏
+ return;
+ }
+ let ctrlKey = event.ctrlKey;
+ let altKey = event.altKey;
+ let shiftKey = event.shiftKey;
+ let kcode = event.keyCode;
+ let $inputbox = $("#luckysheet-input-box");
+ if (kcode == keycode.ENTER && parseInt($inputbox.css("top")) > 0) {
+ if ($("#luckysheet-formula-search-c").is(":visible") && formula.searchFunctionCell != null) {
+ formula.searchFunctionEnter($("#luckysheet-formula-search-c").find(".luckysheet-formula-search-item-active"));
+ }
+ else {
+ formula.updatecell(Store.luckysheetCellUpdate[0], Store.luckysheetCellUpdate[1]);
+ Store.luckysheet_select_save = [{ "row": [Store.luckysheetCellUpdate[0], Store.luckysheetCellUpdate[0]], "column": [Store.luckysheetCellUpdate[1], Store.luckysheetCellUpdate[1]], "row_focus": Store.luckysheetCellUpdate[0], "column_focus": Store.luckysheetCellUpdate[1] }];
+ luckysheetMoveHighlightCell("down", 1, "rangeOfSelect");
+ $("#luckysheet-functionbox-cell").blur();
+ }
+ event.preventDefault();
+ }
+ else if (kcode == keycode.ESC && parseInt($inputbox.css("top")) > 0) {
+ formula.dontupdate();
+ luckysheetMoveHighlightCell("down", 0, "rangeOfSelect");
+ event.preventDefault();
+ }
+ else if (kcode == keycode.F4 && parseInt($inputbox.css("top")) > 0) {
+ formula.setfreezonFuc(event);
+ event.preventDefault();
+ }
+ else if (kcode == keycode.UP && parseInt($inputbox.css("top")) > 0) {
+ if ($("#luckysheet-formula-search-c").is(":visible")) {
+ let $up = $("#luckysheet-formula-search-c").find(".luckysheet-formula-search-item-active").prev();
+ if ($up.length == 0) {
+ $up = $("#luckysheet-formula-search-c").find(".luckysheet-formula-search-item").last();
+ }
+ $("#luckysheet-formula-search-c").find(".luckysheet-formula-search-item").removeClass("luckysheet-formula-search-item-active");
+ $up.addClass("luckysheet-formula-search-item-active");
+ event.preventDefault();
+ }
+ }
+ else if (kcode == keycode.DOWN && parseInt($inputbox.css("top")) > 0) {
+ if ($("#luckysheet-formula-search-c").is(":visible")) {
+ let $up = $("#luckysheet-formula-search-c").find(".luckysheet-formula-search-item-active").next();
+ if ($up.length == 0) {
+ $up = $("#luckysheet-formula-search-c").find(".luckysheet-formula-search-item").first();
+ }
+ $("#luckysheet-formula-search-c").find(".luckysheet-formula-search-item").removeClass("luckysheet-formula-search-item-active");
+ $up.addClass("luckysheet-formula-search-item-active");
+ event.preventDefault();
+ }
+ }
+ else if (kcode == keycode.LEFT && parseInt($inputbox.css("top")) > 0) {
+ formula.rangeHightlightselected($("#luckysheet-functionbox-cell"));
+ }
+ else if (kcode == keycode.RIGHT && parseInt($inputbox.css("top")) > 0) {
+ formula.rangeHightlightselected($("#luckysheet-functionbox-cell"));
+ }
+ else if (!((kcode >= 112 && kcode <= 123) || kcode <= 46 || kcode == 144 || kcode == 108 || event.ctrlKey || event.altKey || (event.shiftKey && (kcode == 37 || kcode == 38 || kcode == 39 || kcode == 40))) || kcode == 8 || kcode == 32 || kcode == 46 || (event.ctrlKey && kcode == 86)) {
+ formula.functionInputHanddler($("#luckysheet-rich-text-editor"), $("#luckysheet-functionbox-cell"), kcode);
+ }
+ }).click(function () {
+ if(isEditMode()){//此模式下禁用公式栏
+ return;
+ }
+ formula.rangeHightlightselected($("#luckysheet-functionbox-cell"));
+ });
+ //公式栏 取消(X)按钮
+ $("#luckysheet-wa-functionbox-cancel").click(function () {
+ if (!$(this).hasClass("luckysheet-wa-calculate-active")) {
+ return;
+ }
+ //若有参数弹出框,隐藏
+ if($("#luckysheet-search-formula-parm").is(":visible")){
+ $("#luckysheet-search-formula-parm").hide();
+ }
+ //若有参数选取范围弹出框,隐藏
+ if($("#luckysheet-search-formula-parm-select").is(":visible")){
+ $("#luckysheet-search-formula-parm-select").hide();
+ }
+ formula.dontupdate();
+ luckysheetMoveHighlightCell("down", 0, "rangeOfSelect");
+ });
+ //公式栏 确认()按钮
+ $("#luckysheet-wa-functionbox-confirm").click(function () {
+ if (!$(this).hasClass("luckysheet-wa-calculate-active")) {
+ return;
+ }
+ //若有参数弹出框,隐藏
+ if($("#luckysheet-search-formula-parm").is(":visible")){
+ $("#luckysheet-search-formula-parm").hide();
+ }
+ //若有参数选取范围弹出框,隐藏
+ if($("#luckysheet-search-formula-parm-select").is(":visible")){
+ $("#luckysheet-search-formula-parm-select").hide();
+ }
+ formula.updatecell(Store.luckysheetCellUpdate[0], Store.luckysheetCellUpdate[1]);
+ luckysheetMoveHighlightCell("down", 0, "rangeOfSelect");
+ });
+ //公式栏 fx按钮
+ $("#luckysheet-wa-functionbox-fx").click(function () {
+ //点击函数查找弹出框
+ if(Store.luckysheet_select_save.length == 0){
+ if(isEditMode()){
+ alert(locale_formula.tipSelectCell);
+ }
+ else{
+ tooltip.info(locale_formula.tipSelectCell,"");
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ let last = Store.luckysheet_select_save[Store.luckysheet_select_save.length - 1];
+ let row_index = last["row_focus"], col_index = last["column_focus"];
+ let row = Store.visibledatarow[row_index],
+ row_pre = row_index - 1 == -1 ? 0 : Store.visibledatarow[row_index - 1];
+ let col = Store.visibledatacolumn[col_index],
+ col_pre = col_index - 1 == -1 ? 0 : Store.visibledatacolumn[col_index - 1];
+ luckysheetupdateCell(row, row_pre, row_index, col, col_pre, col_index, Store.flowdata);
+ let cell = Store.flowdata[row_index][col_index];
+ if(cell != null && cell.f != null){
+ //单元格有计算
+ let functionStr = formula.getfunctionParam(cell.f);
+ if(functionStr.fn != null){
+ //有函数公式
+ insertFormula.formulaParmDialog(functionStr.fn, functionStr.param);
+ }
+ else{
+ //无函数公式
+ insertFormula.formulaListDialog();
+ }
+ }
+ else{
+ //单元格无计算
+ $("#luckysheet-rich-text-editor").html('=');
+ $("#luckysheet-functionbox-cell").html($("#luckysheet-rich-text-editor").html());
+ insertFormula.formulaListDialog();
+ }
+ insertFormula.init();
+ });
+ //公式选区操作
+ $("#luckysheet-formula-functionrange").on("mousedown", ".luckysheet-copy", function (event) {
+ formula.rangeMove = true;
+ Store.luckysheet_scroll_status = true;
+ formula.rangeMoveObj = $(this).parent();
+ formula.rangeMoveIndex = $(this).parent().attr("rangeindex");
+ let mouse = mouseposition(event.pageX, event.pageY);
+ let x = mouse[0] + $("#luckysheet-cell-main").scrollLeft();
+ let y = mouse[1] + $("#luckysheet-cell-main").scrollTop();
+ $("#luckysheet-formula-functionrange-highlight-" + formula.rangeMoveIndex).find(".luckysheet-selection-copy-hc").css("opacity", 0.13);
+ let type = $(this).data("type");
+ if (type == "top") {
+ y += 3;
+ }
+ else if (type == "right") {
+ x -= 3;
+ }
+ else if (type == "bottom") {
+ y -= 3;
+ }
+ else if (type == "left") {
+ x += 3;
+ }
+ let row_index = rowLocation(y)[2];
+ let col_index = colLocation(x)[2];
+ formula.rangeMovexy = [row_index, col_index];
+ $("#luckysheet-sheettable").css("cursor", "move");
+ event.stopPropagation();
+ });
+ $("#luckysheet-formula-functionrange").on("mousedown", ".luckysheet-highlight", function (e) {
+ formula.rangeResize = $(this).data("type");//开始状态resize
+ formula.rangeResizeIndex = $(this).parent().attr("rangeindex");
+ let mouse = mouseposition(e.pageX, e.pageY),
+ scrollLeft = $("#luckysheet-cell-main").scrollLeft(),
+ scrollTop = $("#luckysheet-cell-main").scrollTop();
+ let x = mouse[0] + scrollLeft;
+ let y = mouse[1] + scrollTop;
+ formula.rangeResizeObj = $(this).parent();
+ $("#luckysheet-formula-functionrange-highlight-" + formula.rangeResizeIndex).find(".luckysheet-selection-copy-hc").css("opacity", 0.13);
+ if (formula.rangeResize == "lt") {
+ x += 3;
+ y += 3;
+ }
+ else if (formula.rangeResize == "lb") {
+ x += 3;
+ y -= 3;
+ }
+ else if (formula.rangeResize == "rt") {
+ x -= 3;
+ y += 3;
+ }
+ else if (formula.rangeResize == "rb") {
+ x -= 3;
+ y -= 3;
+ }
+ let row_location = rowLocation(y),
+ row = row_location[1],
+ row_pre = row_location[0],
+ row_index = row_location[2];
+ let col_location = colLocation(x),
+ col = col_location[1],
+ col_pre = col_location[0],
+ col_index = col_location[2];
+ let position = formula.rangeResizeObj.position();
+ formula.rangeResizexy = [
+ col_pre,
+ row_pre,
+ formula.rangeResizeObj.width(),
+ formula.rangeResizeObj.height(),
+ position.left + scrollLeft,
+ position.top + scrollTop, col, row
+ ];
+ formula.rangeResizeWinH = $("#luckysheet-cell-main")[0].scrollHeight;
+ formula.rangeResizeWinW = $("#luckysheet-cell-main")[0].scrollWidth;
+ Store.luckysheet_scroll_status = true;
+ event.stopPropagation();
+ });
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/controllers/handler.js b/src/controllers/handler.js
index 8fc10e2d0..6502a0d9b 100644
--- a/src/controllers/handler.js
+++ b/src/controllers/handler.js
@@ -12,62 +12,45 @@ import sheetmanage from './sheetmanage';
import server from './server';
import luckysheetupdateCell from './updateCell';
import { luckysheet_searcharray } from './sheetSearch';
-import { modelHTML, sheetselectlistitemHTML, sheetselectlistHTML, keycode } from './constant';
import luckysheetsizeauto from './resize';
import {
- luckysheetMoveHighlightCell2,
- luckysheetMoveHighlightRange,
- luckysheetMoveHighlightRange2
} from './sheetMove';
import { selectHightlightShow, selectIsOverlap, selectionCopyShow, luckysheet_count_show } from './select';
import selection from './selection';
-import searchReplace from './searchReplace';
import controlHistory from './controlHistory';
import splitColumn from './splitColumn';
-import { labelFilterOptionState, orderbydatafiler, createFilter, createFilterOptions } from './filter';
-import insertFormula from './insertFormula';
import {
- getByteLen,
- rgbTohex,
- luckysheetactiveCell,
- numFormat,
- mouseclickposition,
+ luckysheetactiveCell,
} from '../utils/util';
import { getSheetIndex, getRangetxt } from '../methods/get';
import {
- rowLocationByIndex,
- colLocationByIndex,
} from '../global/location';
import { rowlenByRange } from '../global/getRowlen';
-import { isRealNull, isRealNum, hasPartMC, isEditMode } from '../global/validate';
+import { isRealNull, hasPartMC, isEditMode } from '../global/validate';
import { countfunc } from '../global/count';
import browser from '../global/browser';
import formula from '../global/formula';
-import { luckysheetextendtable, luckysheetdeletetable } from '../global/extend';
-import cleargridelement from '../global/cleargridelement';
+import { luckysheetextendtable } from '../global/extend';
import luckysheetscrollevent from '../global/scroll';
import {
- jfrefreshgridall,
} from '../global/refresh';
-import { getdatabyselection, getcellvalue, datagridgrowth } from '../global/getdata';
-import { orderbydata, orderbydata1D, sortColumnSeletion } from '../global/sort';
+import { getdatabyselection, datagridgrowth } from '../global/getdata';
import tooltip from '../global/tooltip';
import editor from '../global/editor';
-import { isdatatype } from '../global/datecontroll';
-import json from '../global/json';
-import { update, genarate } from '../global/format';
+import { genarate } from '../global/format';
import method from '../global/method';
import { getBorderInfoCompute } from '../global/border';
import { luckysheetDrawMain } from '../global/draw';
@@ -91,11 +74,7 @@ export default function luckysheetHandler() {
const _locale = locale();
const locale_drag = _locale.drag;
- const locale_sheetconfig = _locale.sheetconfig;
const locale_info = _locale.info;
- const locale_filter = _locale.filter;
- const locale_button= _locale.button;
- const locale_formula= _locale.formula;
$("#luckysheet-grid-window-1").mousewheel(function (event, delta) {
let scrollLeft = $("#luckysheet-scrollbar-x").scrollLeft(),
@@ -2681,10 +2660,10 @@ export default function luckysheetHandler() {
- //禁止前台编辑(只可 框选单元格、滚动查看表格)
- if(!Store.allowEdit){
- return;
- }
+ // //禁止前台编辑(只可 框选单元格、滚动查看表格)
+ // if(!Store.allowEdit){
+ // return;
+ // }
$("#luckysheet-cell-main div.luckysheet-cs-draghandle").mousedown(function (event) {
@@ -2934,581 +2913,6 @@ export default function luckysheetHandler() {
- //单元格编辑输入
- let luckysheet_shiftkeydown = false;
- $("#luckysheet-input-box").click(function () {
- formula.rangeHightlightselected($("#luckysheet-rich-text-editor"));
- }).add("#" + Store.container).on("keydown", function (event) {
- if ($("#luckysheet-modal-dialog-mask").is(":visible") || $(event.target).hasClass("luckysheet-mousedown-cancel") || $(event.target).hasClass("formulaInputFocus")) {
- return;
- }
- let ctrlKey = event.ctrlKey;
- let altKey = event.altKey;
- let shiftKey = event.shiftKey;
- let kcode = event.keyCode;
- if ($("#luckysheet-modal-dialog-mask").is(":visible") || $(event.target).hasClass("luckysheet-mousedown-cancel") || $(event.target).hasClass("sp-input") || (parseInt($("#luckysheet-input-box").css("top")) > 0 && $(event.target).closest(".luckysheet-input-box").length > 0 && kcode != keycode.ENTER && kcode != keycode.TAB && kcode != keycode.UP && kcode != keycode.DOWN && kcode != keycode.LEFT && kcode != keycode.RIGHT)) {
- let anchor = $(window.getSelection().anchorNode);
- if(anchor.parent().is("#luckysheet-helpbox-cell") || anchor.is("#luckysheet-helpbox-cell")){
- if(kcode == keycode.ENTER){
- let helpboxValue = $("#luckysheet-helpbox-cell").text();
- if(formula.iscelldata(helpboxValue)){
- let cellrange = formula.getcellrange(helpboxValue);
- Store.luckysheet_select_save = [{ "row": cellrange["row"], "column": cellrange["column"], "row_focus": cellrange["row"][0], "column_focus": cellrange["column"][0] }];
- selectHightlightShow();
- $("#luckysheet-helpbox-cell").blur();
- let scrollLeft = $("#luckysheet-cell-main").scrollLeft(),
- scrollTop = $("#luckysheet-cell-main").scrollTop();
- let winH = $("#luckysheet-cell-main").height(),
- winW = $("#luckysheet-cell-main").width();
- let row = Store.visibledatarow[cellrange["row"][1]],
- row_pre = cellrange["row"][0] - 1 == -1 ? 0 : Store.visibledatarow[cellrange["row"][0] - 1];
- let col = Store.visibledatacolumn[cellrange["column"][1]],
- col_pre = cellrange["column"][0] - 1 == -1 ? 0 : Store.visibledatacolumn[cellrange["column"][0] - 1];
- if (col - scrollLeft - winW + 20 > 0) {
- $("#luckysheet-scrollbar-x").scrollLeft(col - winW + 20);
- }
- else if (col_pre - scrollLeft - 20 < 0) {
- $("#luckysheet-scrollbar-x").scrollLeft(col_pre - 20);
- }
- if (row - scrollTop - winH + 20 > 0) {
- $("#luckysheet-scrollbar-y").scrollTop(row - winH + 20);
- }
- else if (row_pre - scrollTop - 20 < 0) {
- $("#luckysheet-scrollbar-y").scrollTop(row_pre - 20);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return;
- }
- let $inputbox = $("#luckysheet-input-box");
- if (kcode == keycode.ENTER && parseInt($inputbox.css("top")) > 0) {
- if ($("#luckysheet-formula-search-c").is(":visible") && formula.searchFunctionCell != null) {
- formula.searchFunctionEnter($("#luckysheet-formula-search-c").find(".luckysheet-formula-search-item-active"));
- }
- else {
- formula.updatecell(Store.luckysheetCellUpdate[0], Store.luckysheetCellUpdate[1]);
- Store.luckysheet_select_save = [{
- "row": [Store.luckysheetCellUpdate[0], Store.luckysheetCellUpdate[0]],
- "column": [Store.luckysheetCellUpdate[1], Store.luckysheetCellUpdate[1]],
- "row_focus": Store.luckysheetCellUpdate[0],
- "column_focus": Store.luckysheetCellUpdate[1]
- }];
- luckysheetMoveHighlightCell("down", 1, "rangeOfSelect");
- }
- //若有参数弹出框,隐藏
- if($("#luckysheet-search-formula-parm").is(":visible")){
- $("#luckysheet-search-formula-parm").hide();
- }
- //若有参数选取范围弹出框,隐藏
- if($("#luckysheet-search-formula-parm-select").is(":visible")){
- $("#luckysheet-search-formula-parm-select").hide();
- }
- event.preventDefault();
- }
- else if (kcode == keycode.TAB) {
- if (parseInt($inputbox.css("top")) > 0) {
- return;
- }
- luckysheetMoveHighlightCell("right", 1, "rangeOfSelect");
- event.preventDefault();
- }
- else if(kcode == keycode.F2){
- if (parseInt($inputbox.css("top")) > 0) {
- return;
- }
- let last = Store.luckysheet_select_save[Store.luckysheet_select_save.length - 1];
- let row_index = last["row_focus"], col_index = last["column_focus"];
- let row = Store.visibledatarow[row_index],
- row_pre = row_index - 1 == -1 ? 0 : Store.visibledatarow[row_index - 1];
- let col = Store.visibledatacolumn[col_index],
- col_pre = col_index - 1 == -1 ? 0 : Store.visibledatacolumn[col_index - 1];
- luckysheetupdateCell(row, row_pre, row_index, col, col_pre, col_index, Store.flowdata);
- event.preventDefault();
- }
- else if (kcode == keycode.F4 && parseInt($inputbox.css("top")) > 0) {
- formula.setfreezonFuc(event);
- event.preventDefault();
- }
- else if (kcode == keycode.ESC && parseInt($inputbox.css("top")) > 0) {
- formula.dontupdate();
- luckysheetMoveHighlightCell("down", 0, "rangeOfSelect");
- event.preventDefault();
- }
- else if (kcode == keycode.ENTER) {
- if($(event.target).hasClass("formulaInputFocus") || $("#luckysheet-conditionformat-dialog").is(":visible")){
- return;
- }
- else if (String.fromCharCode(kcode) != null && $("#luckysheet-cell-selected").is(":visible")) {
- let last = Store.luckysheet_select_save[Store.luckysheet_select_save.length - 1];
- let row_index = last["row_focus"], col_index = last["column_focus"];
- let row = Store.visibledatarow[row_index],
- row_pre = row_index - 1 == -1 ? 0 : Store.visibledatarow[row_index - 1];
- let col = Store.visibledatacolumn[col_index],
- col_pre = col_index - 1 == -1 ? 0 : Store.visibledatacolumn[col_index - 1];
- let margeset = menuButton.mergeborer(Store.flowdata, row_index, col_index);
- if(!!margeset){
- row = margeset.row[1];
- row_pre = margeset.row[0];
- row_index = margeset.row[2];
- col = margeset.column[1];
- col_pre = margeset.column[0];
- col_index = margeset.column[2];
- }
- luckysheetupdateCell(row, row_pre, row_index, col, col_pre, col_index, Store.flowdata);
- event.preventDefault();
- }
- }
- else {
- if (ctrlKey || event.metaKey) {
- if (shiftKey) {
- if (!luckysheet_shiftkeydown) {
- Store.luckysheet_shiftpositon = $.extend(true, {}, Store.luckysheet_select_save[Store.luckysheet_select_save.length - 1]);
- Store.luckysheet_shiftkeydown = true;
- }
- //Ctrl + shift + 方向键 调整选区
- if (kcode == keycode.UP) {
- if (parseInt($inputbox.css("top")) > 0 || $("#luckysheet-singleRange-dialog").is(":visible") || $("#luckysheet-multiRange-dialog").is(":visible")) {
- return;
- }
- luckysheetMoveHighlightRange2("up", "rangeOfSelect");
- }
- else if (kcode == keycode.DOWN) {
- if (parseInt($inputbox.css("top")) > 0 || $("#luckysheet-singleRange-dialog").is(":visible") || $("#luckysheet-multiRange-dialog").is(":visible")) {
- return;
- }
- luckysheetMoveHighlightRange2("down", "rangeOfSelect");
- }
- else if (kcode == keycode.LEFT) {
- if (parseInt($inputbox.css("top")) > 0 || $("#luckysheet-singleRange-dialog").is(":visible") || $("#luckysheet-multiRange-dialog").is(":visible")) {
- return;
- }
- luckysheetMoveHighlightRange2("left", "rangeOfSelect");
- }
- else if (kcode == keycode.RIGHT) {
- if (parseInt($inputbox.css("top")) > 0 || $("#luckysheet-singleRange-dialog").is(":visible") || $("#luckysheet-multiRange-dialog").is(":visible")) {
- return;
- }
- luckysheetMoveHighlightRange2("right", "rangeOfSelect");
- }
- }
- else if (kcode == 66) {//Ctrl + B 加粗
- $("#luckysheet-icon-bold").click();
- }
- else if (kcode == 67) {//Ctrl + C 复制
- //复制时存在格式刷状态,取消格式刷
- if(menuButton.luckysheetPaintModelOn){
- menuButton.cancelPaintModel();
- }
- if(Store.luckysheet_select_save.length == 0){
- return;
- }
- //复制范围内包含部分合并单元格,提示
- if(Store.config["merge"] != null){
- let has_PartMC = false;
- for(let s = 0; s < Store.luckysheet_select_save.length; s++){
- let r1 = Store.luckysheet_select_save[s].row[0],
- r2 = Store.luckysheet_select_save[s].row[1];
- let c1 = Store.luckysheet_select_save[s].column[0],
- c2 = Store.luckysheet_select_save[s].column[1];
- has_PartMC = hasPartMC(Store.config, r1, r2, c1, c2);
- if(has_PartMC){
- break;
- }
- }
- if(has_PartMC){
- if(isEditMode()){
- alert(locale_drag.noMerge);
- }
- else{
- tooltip.info(locale_drag.noMerge, "");
- }
- return;
- }
- }
- //多重选区 有条件格式时 提示
- let cdformat = Store.luckysheetfile[getSheetIndex(Store.currentSheetIndex)].luckysheet_conditionformat_save;
- if(Store.luckysheet_select_save.length > 1 && cdformat != null && cdformat.length > 0){
- let hasCF = false;
- let cf_compute = conditionformat.getComputeMap();
- label:
- for(let s = 0; s < Store.luckysheet_select_save.length; s++){
- if(hasCF){
- break;
- }
- let r1 = Store.luckysheet_select_save[s].row[0],
- r2 = Store.luckysheet_select_save[s].row[1];
- let c1 = Store.luckysheet_select_save[s].column[0],
- c2 = Store.luckysheet_select_save[s].column[1];
- for(let r = r1; r <= r2; r++){
- for(let c = c1; c <= c2; c++){
- if(conditionformat.checksCF(r, c, cf_compute) != null){
- hasCF = true;
- continue label;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if(hasCF){
- if(isEditMode()){
- alert(locale_drag.noMulti);
- }
- else{
- tooltip.info(locale_drag.noMulti, "");
- }
- return;
- }
- }
- //多重选区 行不一样且列不一样时 提示
- if(Store.luckysheet_select_save.length > 1){
- let isSameRow = true,
- str_r = luckysheet_select_save[0].row[0],
- end_r = luckysheet_select_save[0].row[1];
- let isSameCol = true,
- str_c = luckysheet_select_save[0].column[0],
- end_c = luckysheet_select_save[0].column[1];
- for(let s = 1; s < luckysheet_select_save.length; s++){
- if(luckysheet_select_save[s].row[0] != str_r || luckysheet_select_save[s].row[1] != end_r){
- isSameRow = false;
- }
- if(luckysheet_select_save[s].column[0] != str_c || luckysheet_select_save[s].column[1] != end_c){
- isSameCol = false;
- }
- }
- if((!isSameRow && !isSameCol) || selectIsOverlap()){
- if(isEditMode()){
- alert(locale_drag.noMulti);
- }
- else{
- tooltip.info(locale_drag.noMulti, "");
- }
- return;
- }
- }
- selection.copy(event);
- Store.luckysheet_paste_iscut = false;
- luckysheetactiveCell();
- event.stopPropagation();
- return;
- }
- else if (kcode == 70) {//Ctrl + F 查找
- searchReplace.createDialog(0);
- searchReplace.init();
- $("#luckysheet-search-replace #searchInput input").focus();
- }
- else if (kcode == 72) {//Ctrl + H 替换
- searchReplace.createDialog(1);
- searchReplace.init();
- $("#luckysheet-search-replace #searchInput input").focus();
- }
- else if (kcode == 73) {//Ctrl + I 斜体
- $("#luckysheet-icon-italic").click();
- }
- else if (kcode == 86) {//Ctrl + V 粘贴
- if(isEditMode()){//此模式下禁用粘贴
- return;
- }
- if($(event.target).hasClass("formulaInputFocus")){
- return;
- }
- if(Store.luckysheet_select_save.length > 1){
- if(isEditMode()){
- alert(locale_drag.noPaste);
- }
- else{
- tooltip.info(locale_drag.noPaste, "");
- }
- return;
- }
- selection.isPasteAction = true;
- luckysheetactiveCell();
- event.stopPropagation();
- return;
- }
- else if (kcode == 88) {//Ctrl + X 剪切
- //复制时存在格式刷状态,取消格式刷
- if(menuButton.luckysheetPaintModelOn){
- menuButton.cancelPaintModel();
- }
- if(Store.luckysheet_select_save.length == 0){
- return;
- }
- //复制范围内包含部分合并单元格,提示
- if(Store.config["merge"] != null){
- let has_PartMC = false;
- for(let s = 0; s < Store.luckysheet_select_save.length; s++){
- let r1 = Store.luckysheet_select_save[s].row[0],
- r2 = Store.luckysheet_select_save[s].row[1];
- let c1 = Store.luckysheet_select_save[s].column[0],
- c2 = Store.luckysheet_select_save[s].column[1];
- has_PartMC = hasPartMC(Store.config, r1, r2, c1, c2);
- if(has_PartMC){
- break;
- }
- }
- if(has_PartMC){
- if(luckysheetConfigsetting.editMode){
- alert(_locale_drag.noMerge);
- }
- else{
- tooltip.info(_locale_drag.noMerge, "");
- }
- return;
- }
- }
- //多重选区时 提示
- if(Store.luckysheet_select_save.length > 1){
- if(isEditMode()){
- alert(locale_drag.noMulti);
- }
- else{
- tooltip.info(locale_drag.noMulti, "");
- }
- return;
- }
- selection.copy(event);
- Store.luckysheet_paste_iscut = true;
- luckysheetactiveCell();
- event.stopPropagation();
- return;
- }
- else if (kcode == 90) {//Ctrl + Z 撤销
- controlHistory.redo(event);
- luckysheetactiveCell();
- event.stopPropagation();
- return;
- }
- else if (kcode == 89) {//Ctrl + Y 重做
- controlHistory.undo(event);
- luckysheetactiveCell();
- event.stopPropagation();
- return;
- }
- else if (kcode == keycode.UP) {//Ctrl + up 调整单元格
- if (parseInt($inputbox.css("top")) > 0 || $("#luckysheet-singleRange-dialog").is(":visible") || $("#luckysheet-multiRange-dialog").is(":visible")) {
- return;
- }
- luckysheetMoveHighlightCell2("up", "rangeOfSelect");
- }
- else if (kcode == keycode.DOWN) {//Ctrl + down 调整单元格
- if (parseInt($inputbox.css("top")) > 0 || $("#luckysheet-singleRange-dialog").is(":visible") || $("#luckysheet-multiRange-dialog").is(":visible")) {
- return;
- }
- luckysheetMoveHighlightCell2("down", "rangeOfSelect");
- }
- else if (kcode == keycode.LEFT) {//Ctrl + top 调整单元格
- if (parseInt($inputbox.css("top")) > 0 || $("#luckysheet-singleRange-dialog").is(":visible") || $("#luckysheet-multiRange-dialog").is(":visible")) {
- return;
- }
- luckysheetMoveHighlightCell2("left", "rangeOfSelect");
- }
- else if (kcode == keycode.RIGHT) {//Ctrl + right 调整单元格
- if (parseInt($inputbox.css("top")) > 0 || $("#luckysheet-singleRange-dialog").is(":visible") || $("#luckysheet-multiRange-dialog").is(":visible")) {
- return;
- }
- luckysheetMoveHighlightCell2("right", "rangeOfSelect");
- }
- else if (String.fromCharCode(kcode).toLocaleUpperCase() == "A") {//Ctrl + A 全选
- $("#luckysheet-left-top").trigger("mousedown");
- $(document).trigger("mouseup");
- }
- event.preventDefault();
- return;
- }
- else if (shiftKey && (kcode == keycode.UP || kcode == keycode.DOWN || kcode == keycode.LEFT || kcode == keycode.RIGHT || (altKey && (kcode == 53 || kcode == 101)))) {
- if (parseInt($inputbox.css("top")) > 0 || $(event.target).hasClass("formulaInputFocus")) {
- return;
- }
- if (!luckysheet_shiftkeydown) {
- Store.luckysheet_shiftpositon = $.extend(true, {}, Store.luckysheet_select_save[Store.luckysheet_select_save.length - 1]);
- Store.luckysheet_shiftkeydown = true;
- }
- //shift + 方向键 调整选区
- if (kcode == keycode.UP) {
- if($("#luckysheet-singleRange-dialog").is(":visible") || $("#luckysheet-multiRange-dialog").is(":visible")){
- return;
- }
- luckysheetMoveHighlightRange("down", -1, "rangeOfSelect");
- }
- else if (kcode == keycode.DOWN) {
- if($("#luckysheet-singleRange-dialog").is(":visible") || $("#luckysheet-multiRange-dialog").is(":visible")){
- return;
- }
- luckysheetMoveHighlightRange("down", 1, "rangeOfSelect");
- }
- else if (kcode == keycode.LEFT) {
- if($("#luckysheet-singleRange-dialog").is(":visible") || $("#luckysheet-multiRange-dialog").is(":visible")){
- return;
- }
- luckysheetMoveHighlightRange("right", -1, "rangeOfSelect");
- }
- else if (kcode == keycode.RIGHT) {
- if($("#luckysheet-singleRange-dialog").is(":visible") || $("#luckysheet-multiRange-dialog").is(":visible")){
- return;
- }
- luckysheetMoveHighlightRange("right", 1, "rangeOfSelect");
- }
- else if (altKey && (kcode == 53 || kcode == 101)) {
- //Alt + Shift + 5(删除线)
- $("#luckysheet-icon-strikethrough").click();
- }
- event.preventDefault();
- }
- else if (kcode == keycode.ESC) {
- if(menuButton.luckysheetPaintModelOn){
- menuButton.cancelPaintModel();
- }
- else{
- cleargridelement(event);
- event.preventDefault();
- }
- selectHightlightShow();
- }
- else if (kcode == keycode.DELETE) {
- $("#luckysheet-delete-text").click();
- event.preventDefault();
- }
- else if (kcode == keycode.UP) {
- if (parseInt($inputbox.css("top")) > 0 || $(event.target).hasClass("formulaInputFocus") || $("#luckysheet-singleRange-dialog").is(":visible") || $("#luckysheet-multiRange-dialog").is(":visible")) {
- return;
- }
- luckysheetMoveHighlightCell("down", -1, "rangeOfSelect");
- event.preventDefault();
- }
- else if (kcode == keycode.DOWN) {
- if (parseInt($inputbox.css("top")) > 0 || $(event.target).hasClass("formulaInputFocus") || $("#luckysheet-singleRange-dialog").is(":visible") || $("#luckysheet-multiRange-dialog").is(":visible")) {
- return;
- }
- luckysheetMoveHighlightCell("down", 1, "rangeOfSelect");
- event.preventDefault();
- }
- else if (kcode == keycode.LEFT) {
- if (parseInt($inputbox.css("top")) > 0 || $(event.target).hasClass("formulaInputFocus") || $("#luckysheet-singleRange-dialog").is(":visible") || $("#luckysheet-multiRange-dialog").is(":visible")) {
- return;
- }
- luckysheetMoveHighlightCell("right", -1, "rangeOfSelect");
- event.preventDefault();
- }
- else if (kcode == keycode.RIGHT) {
- if (parseInt($inputbox.css("top")) > 0 || $(event.target).hasClass("formulaInputFocus") || $("#luckysheet-singleRange-dialog").is(":visible") || $("#luckysheet-multiRange-dialog").is(":visible")) {
- return;
- }
- luckysheetMoveHighlightCell("right", 1, "rangeOfSelect");
- event.preventDefault();
- }
- else if (!((kcode >= 112 && kcode <= 123) || kcode <= 46 || kcode == 144 || kcode == 108 || event.ctrlKey || event.altKey || (event.shiftKey && (kcode == 37 || kcode == 38 || kcode == 39 || kcode == 40))) || kcode == 8 || kcode == 32 || kcode == 46 || kcode == 0 || (event.ctrlKey && kcode == 86)) {
- if (String.fromCharCode(kcode) != null && $("#luckysheet-cell-selected").is(":visible") && (kcode != keycode.CAPSLOCK && kcode != keycode.WIN && kcode != 18)) {
- let last = Store.luckysheet_select_save[Store.luckysheet_select_save.length - 1];
- let row_index = last["row_focus"], col_index = last["column_focus"];
- let row = Store.visibledatarow[row_index],
- row_pre = row_index - 1 == -1 ? 0 : Store.visibledatarow[row_index - 1];
- let col = Store.visibledatacolumn[col_index],
- col_pre = col_index - 1 == -1 ? 0 : Store.visibledatacolumn[col_index - 1];
- let margeset = menuButton.mergeborer(Store.flowdata, row_index, col_index);
- if(!!margeset){
- row = margeset.row[1];
- row_pre = margeset.row[0];
- row_index = margeset.row[2];
- col = margeset.column[1];
- col_pre = margeset.column[0];
- col_index = margeset.column[2];
- }
- luckysheetupdateCell(row, row_pre, row_index, col, col_pre, col_index, Store.flowdata, true);
- if(kcode == 8){
- $("#luckysheet-rich-text-editor").html("
- }
- formula.functionInputHanddler($("#luckysheet-functionbox-cell"), $("#luckysheet-rich-text-editor"), kcode);
- }
- }
- }
- luckysheetactiveCell();
- event.stopPropagation();
- });
//右键菜单 复制按钮
$("#luckysheet-copy-btn, #luckysheet-cols-copy-btn, #luckysheet-paste-btn-title").click(function (event) {
@@ -3868,44 +3272,6 @@ export default function luckysheetHandler() {
- //右键菜单 菜单项hover
- let submenuhide = null, rightclickmenu = null;
- $(".luckysheet-cols-menu .luckysheet-cols-submenu").hover(
- function () {
- let $t = $(this), attrid = $t.attr("id"), $attr = $("#" + attrid + "_sub"), $con = $t.parent();
- let winW = $(window).width(), winH = $(window).height();
- let menuW = $con.width(), attrH = $attr.height() + 25, attrW = $attr.width() + 5;
- let offset = $t.offset();
- let top = offset.top, left = offset.left + menuW;
- if (left + attrW > winW) {
- left = offset.left - attrW;
- }
- if (top + attrH > winH) {
- top = winH - attrH;
- }
- $attr.css({ "top": top, "left": left }).show();
- rightclickmenu = $t;
- },
- function () {
- let $t = $(this), attrid = $t.attr("id"), $attr = $("#" + attrid + "_sub");
- submenuhide = setTimeout(function () { $attr.hide(); }, 200);
- }
- );
- $(".luckysheet-rightgclick-menu-sub").hover(
- function () {
- rightclickmenu.addClass("luckysheet-cols-menuitem-hover");
- clearTimeout(submenuhide);
- },
- function () {
- rightclickmenu.removeClass("luckysheet-cols-menuitem-hover");
- $(this).hide();
- }
- );
$("#luckysheet-rightclick-menu input").on("keydown", function (e) {
@@ -3945,284 +3311,6 @@ export default function luckysheetHandler() {
- //单元格编辑 keydown (公式 上下左右键移动)
- $("#" + Store.container).add("#luckysheet-input-box").keydown(function (event) {
- if ($("#luckysheet-modal-dialog-mask").is(":visible") || $(event.target).hasClass("luckysheet-mousedown-cancel") || $(event.target).hasClass("formulaInputFocus")) {
- return;
- }
- let ctrlKey = event.ctrlKey;
- let altKey = event.altKey;
- let shiftKey = event.shiftKey;
- let kcode = event.keyCode;
- let $inputbox = $("#luckysheet-input-box");
- if (kcode == keycode.ESC && parseInt($("#luckysheet-input-box").css("top")) > 0) {
- formula.dontupdate();
- luckysheetMoveHighlightCell("down", 0, "rangeOfSelect");
- event.preventDefault();
- }
- else if (kcode == keycode.ENTER && parseInt($inputbox.css("top")) > 0) {
- if ($("#luckysheet-formula-search-c").is(":visible") && formula.searchFunctionCell != null) {
- formula.searchFunctionEnter($("#luckysheet-formula-search-c").find(".luckysheet-formula-search-item-active"));
- event.preventDefault();
- }
- }
- else if(kcode == keycode.TAB && parseInt($inputbox.css("top")) > 0){
- if ($("#luckysheet-formula-search-c").is(":visible") && formula.searchFunctionCell != null) {
- formula.searchFunctionEnter($("#luckysheet-formula-search-c").find(".luckysheet-formula-search-item-active"));
- }
- else{
- formula.updatecell(Store.luckysheetCellUpdate[0], Store.luckysheetCellUpdate[1]);
- luckysheetMoveHighlightCell("right", 1, "rangeOfSelect");
- }
- event.preventDefault();
- }
- else if (kcode == keycode.F4 && parseInt($inputbox.css("top")) > 0) {
- formula.setfreezonFuc(event);
- event.preventDefault();
- }
- else if (kcode == keycode.UP && parseInt($inputbox.css("top")) > 0) {
- formulaMoveEvent("up", ctrlKey, shiftKey);
- }
- else if (kcode == keycode.DOWN && parseInt($inputbox.css("top")) > 0) {
- formulaMoveEvent("down", ctrlKey, shiftKey);
- }
- else if (kcode == keycode.LEFT && parseInt($inputbox.css("top")) > 0) {
- formulaMoveEvent("left", ctrlKey, shiftKey);
- }
- else if (kcode == keycode.RIGHT && parseInt($inputbox.css("top")) > 0) {
- formulaMoveEvent("right", ctrlKey, shiftKey);
- }
- else if (!((kcode >= 112 && kcode <= 123) || kcode <= 46 || kcode == 144 || kcode == 108 || event.ctrlKey || event.altKey || (event.shiftKey && (kcode == 37 || kcode == 38 || kcode == 39 || kcode == 40))) || kcode == 8 || kcode == 32 || kcode == 46 || (event.ctrlKey && kcode == 86)) {
- formula.functionInputHanddler($("#luckysheet-functionbox-cell"), $("#luckysheet-rich-text-editor"), kcode);
- }
- }).keyup(function (e) {
- let kcode = e.keyCode;
- if (!e.shiftKey && kcode == 16) {
- Store.luckysheet_shiftkeydown = false;
- Store.luckysheet_shiftpositon = null;
- }
- //输入框中文输入后 shift 和 空格 处理
- if(parseInt($("#luckysheet-input-box").css("top")) > 0 && (kcode == 13 || kcode == 16 || kcode == 32)){
- formula.functionInputHanddler($("#luckysheet-functionbox-cell"), $("#luckysheet-rich-text-editor"), kcode);
- }
- e.preventDefault();
- });
- function formulaMoveEvent(dir, ctrlKey, shiftKey){
- if ($("#luckysheet-formula-search-c").is(":visible")) {
- let $up = $("#luckysheet-formula-search-c").find(".luckysheet-formula-search-item-active").next();
- if ($up.length == 0) {
- $up = $("#luckysheet-formula-search-c").find(".luckysheet-formula-search-item").first();
- }
- $("#luckysheet-formula-search-c").find(".luckysheet-formula-search-item").removeClass("luckysheet-formula-search-item-active");
- $up.addClass("luckysheet-formula-search-item-active");
- event.preventDefault();
- }
- else{
- if($("#luckysheet-formula-functionrange-select").is(":visible")){
- if(ctrlKey && shiftKey){
- luckysheetMoveHighlightRange2(dir, "rangeOfFormula");
- }
- else if(ctrlKey){
- luckysheetMoveHighlightCell2(dir, "rangeOfFormula");
- }
- else if(shiftKey){
- let dir_n = dir, step = 1;
- if(dir == 'up'){
- dir_n = 'down';
- step = -1;
- }
- if(dir == 'left'){
- dir_n = 'right';
- step = -1;
- }
- luckysheetMoveHighlightRange(dir_n, step, "rangeOfFormula");
- }
- else{
- let dir_n = dir, step = 1;
- if(dir == 'up'){
- dir_n = 'down';
- step = -1;
- }
- if(dir == 'left'){
- dir_n = 'right';
- step = -1;
- }
- luckysheetMoveHighlightCell(dir_n, step, "rangeOfFormula");
- }
- }
- else if(formula.israngeseleciton()){
- let anchor = $(window.getSelection().anchorNode);
- if(anchor.parent().next().text() == null || anchor.parent().next().text() == ""){
- let vText = $("#luckysheet-input-box #luckysheet-input-box-index").text();
- let range = formula.getcellrange(vText);
- if(range == null){
- range = formula.getcellrange($("#luckysheet-input-box-index").text());
- }
- let r1 = range["row"][0], r2 = range["row"][1];
- let c1 = range["column"][0], c2 = range["column"][1];
- let row = Store.visibledatarow[r2],
- row_pre = r1 - 1 == -1 ? 0 : Store.visibledatarow[r1 - 1];
- let col = Store.visibledatacolumn[c2],
- col_pre = c1 - 1 == -1 ? 0 : Store.visibledatacolumn[c1 - 1];
- formula.func_selectedrange = {
- "left": col_pre,
- "width": col - col_pre - 1,
- "top": row_pre,
- "height": row - row_pre - 1,
- "left_move": col_pre,
- "width_move": col - col_pre - 1,
- "top_move": row_pre,
- "height_move": row - row_pre - 1,
- "row": [r1, r2],
- "column": [c1, c2],
- "row_focus": r1,
- "column_focus": c1
- };
- formula.rangeSetValue({ "row": [r1, r2], "column": [c1, c2] });
- formula.rangestart = true;
- formula.rangedrag_column_start = false;
- formula.rangedrag_row_start = false;
- if(ctrlKey && shiftKey){
- luckysheetMoveHighlightRange2(dir, "rangeOfFormula");
- }
- else if(ctrlKey){
- luckysheetMoveHighlightCell2(dir, "rangeOfFormula");
- }
- else if(shiftKey){
- let dir_n = dir, step = 1;
- if(dir == 'up'){
- dir_n = 'down';
- step = -1;
- }
- if(dir == 'left'){
- dir_n = 'right';
- step = -1;
- }
- luckysheetMoveHighlightRange(dir_n, step, "rangeOfFormula");
- }
- else{
- let dir_n = dir, step = 1;
- if(dir == 'up'){
- dir_n = 'down';
- step = -1;
- }
- if(dir == 'left'){
- dir_n = 'right';
- step = -1;
- }
- luckysheetMoveHighlightCell(dir_n, step, "rangeOfFormula");
- }
- }
- }
- else if(!ctrlKey && !shiftKey){
- let anchor = $(window.getSelection().anchorNode);
- let anchorOffset = window.getSelection().anchorOffset;
- if(dir == 'up'){
- if(anchor.parent().is("span") && anchor.parent().next().length == 0 && anchorOffset > 0){
- formula.updatecell(Store.luckysheetCellUpdate[0], Store.luckysheetCellUpdate[1]);
- luckysheetMoveHighlightCell("down", -1, "rangeOfSelect");
- event.preventDefault();
- }
- else if(anchor.is("#luckysheet-rich-text-editor") && anchor.context.childElementCount == anchorOffset){
- formula.updatecell(Store.luckysheetCellUpdate[0], Store.luckysheetCellUpdate[1]);
- luckysheetMoveHighlightCell("down", -1, "rangeOfSelect");
- event.preventDefault();
- }
- else if(anchor.parent().is("#luckysheet-rich-text-editor") && anchor.context.length == anchorOffset){
- formula.updatecell(Store.luckysheetCellUpdate[0], Store.luckysheetCellUpdate[1]);
- luckysheetMoveHighlightCell("down", -1, "rangeOfSelect");
- event.preventDefault();
- }
- }
- else if(dir == 'down'){
- if(anchor.parent().is("span") && anchor.parent().next().length == 0 && anchorOffset > 0){
- formula.updatecell(Store.luckysheetCellUpdate[0], Store.luckysheetCellUpdate[1]);
- luckysheetMoveHighlightCell("down", 1, "rangeOfSelect");
- event.preventDefault();
- }
- else if(anchor.is("#luckysheet-rich-text-editor") && anchor.context.childElementCount == anchorOffset){
- formula.updatecell(Store.luckysheetCellUpdate[0], Store.luckysheetCellUpdate[1]);
- luckysheetMoveHighlightCell("down", 1, "rangeOfSelect");
- event.preventDefault();
- }
- else if(anchor.parent().is("#luckysheet-rich-text-editor") && anchor.context.length == anchorOffset){
- formula.updatecell(Store.luckysheetCellUpdate[0], Store.luckysheetCellUpdate[1]);
- luckysheetMoveHighlightCell("down", 1, "rangeOfSelect");
- event.preventDefault();
- }
- }
- else if(dir == 'left'){
- if(anchor.parent().is("span") && anchor.parent().prev().length == 0 && anchorOffset == 0){
- formula.updatecell(Store.luckysheetCellUpdate[0], Store.luckysheetCellUpdate[1]);
- luckysheetMoveHighlightCell("right", -1, "rangeOfSelect");
- event.preventDefault();
- }
- else if(anchor.is("#luckysheet-rich-text-editor") && anchorOffset == 1){
- formula.updatecell(Store.luckysheetCellUpdate[0], Store.luckysheetCellUpdate[1]);
- luckysheetMoveHighlightCell("right", -1, "rangeOfSelect");
- event.preventDefault();
- }
- else if(anchor.parent().is("#luckysheet-rich-text-editor") && anchorOffset == 0){
- formula.updatecell(Store.luckysheetCellUpdate[0], Store.luckysheetCellUpdate[1]);
- luckysheetMoveHighlightCell("right", -1, "rangeOfSelect");
- event.preventDefault();
- }
- }
- else if(dir == 'right'){
- if(anchor.parent().is("span") && anchor.parent().next().length == 0 && anchorOffset > 0){
- formula.updatecell(Store.luckysheetCellUpdate[0], Store.luckysheetCellUpdate[1]);
- luckysheetMoveHighlightCell("right", 1, "rangeOfSelect");
- event.preventDefault();
- }
- else if(anchor.is("#luckysheet-rich-text-editor") && anchor.context.childElementCount == anchorOffset){
- formula.updatecell(Store.luckysheetCellUpdate[0], Store.luckysheetCellUpdate[1]);
- luckysheetMoveHighlightCell("right", 1, "rangeOfSelect");
- event.preventDefault();
- }
- else if(anchor.parent().is("#luckysheet-rich-text-editor") && anchor.context.length == anchorOffset){
- formula.updatecell(Store.luckysheetCellUpdate[0], Store.luckysheetCellUpdate[1]);
- luckysheetMoveHighlightCell("right", 1, "rangeOfSelect");
- event.preventDefault();
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
//表格左上角点击 全选表格
$("#luckysheet-left-top").mousedown(function (event) {
@@ -4237,5286 +3325,64 @@ export default function luckysheetHandler() {
- //表格行标题 mouse事件
- $("#luckysheet-rows-h").mousedown(function (event) {
- //有批注在编辑时
- luckysheetPostil.removeActivePs();
- let mouse = mouseposition(event.pageX, event.pageY);
- let y = mouse[1] + $("#luckysheet-rows-h").scrollTop();
- let row_location = rowLocation(y),
- row = row_location[1],
- row_pre = row_location[0],
- row_index = row_location[2];
- let col_index = Store.visibledatacolumn.length - 1,
- col = Store.visibledatacolumn[col_index], col_pre = 0;
- $("#luckysheet-rightclick-menu").hide();
- $("#luckysheet-sheet-list, #luckysheet-rightclick-sheet-menu").hide();
- //mousedown是右键
- if (event.which == "3") {
- let isright = false;
- for(let s = 0; s < Store.luckysheet_select_save.length; s++){
- let obj_s = Store.luckysheet_select_save[s];
+ //回退 重做 按钮
+ $("#luckysheet-icon-undo").click(function (event) {
+ controlHistory.redo(event);
+ });
+ $("#luckysheet-icon-redo").click(function (event) {
+ controlHistory.undo(event);
+ });
- if(obj_s["row"] != null && (row_index >= obj_s["row"][0] && row_index <= obj_s["row"][1]) && (obj_s["column"][0] == 0 && obj_s["column"][1] == Store.flowdata[0].length - 1)){
- isright = true;
- break;
- }
- }
- if(isright){
- return;
- }
+ //模态框拖动
+ $(document).on("mousedown", "div.luckysheet-modal-dialog", function (e) {
+ if (!$(e.target).is(".luckysheet-modal-dialog")) {
+ return;
- let top = row_pre, height = row - row_pre - 1;
- let rowseleted = [row_index, row_index];
- Store.luckysheet_scroll_status = true;
- //公式相关
- let $input = $("#luckysheet-input-box");
- if (parseInt($input.css("top")) > 0) {
- if (formula.rangestart || formula.rangedrag_column_start || formula.rangedrag_row_start || formula.israngeseleciton() || $("#luckysheet-ifFormulaGenerator-multiRange-dialog").is(":visible")) {
- //公式选区
- let changeparam = menuButton.mergeMoveMain([0, col_index], rowseleted, {"row_focus": row_index, "column_focus": 0}, top, height, col_pre, col);
- if(changeparam != null){
- //columnseleted = changeparam[0];
- rowseleted = changeparam[1];
- top = changeparam[2];
- height = changeparam[3];
- //left = changeparam[4];
- //width = changeparam[5];
- }
- if(event.shiftKey){
- let last = formula.func_selectedrange;
- let top = 0, height = 0, rowseleted = [];
- if (last.top > row_pre) {
- top = row_pre;
- height = last.top + last.height - row_pre;
- if(last.row[1] > last.row_focus){
- last.row[1] = last.row_focus;
- }
- rowseleted = [row_index, last.row[1]];
- }
- else if (last.top == row_pre) {
- top = row_pre;
- height = last.top + last.height - row_pre;
- rowseleted = [row_index, last.row[0]];
- }
- else {
- top = last.top;
- height = row - last.top - 1;
- if(last.row[0] < last.row_focus){
- last.row[0] = last.row_focus;
- }
- rowseleted = [last.row[0], row_index];
- }
- let changeparam = menuButton.mergeMoveMain([0, col_index], rowseleted, {"row_focus": row_index, "column_focus": 0}, top, height, col_pre, col);
- if(changeparam != null){
- // columnseleted = changeparam[0];
- rowseleted = changeparam[1];
- top = changeparam[2];
- height = changeparam[3];
- // left = changeparam[4];
- // width = changeparam[5];
- }
- last["row"] = rowseleted;
+ Store.luckysheet_model_move_state = true;
- last["top_move"] = top;
- last["height_move"] = height;
+ Store.luckysheet_model_move_obj = $(e.currentTarget);
+ let toffset = Store.luckysheet_model_move_obj.offset();
+ Store.luckysheet_model_xy = [e.pageX - toffset.left, e.pageY - toffset.top];
+ });
- formula.func_selectedrange = last;
- }
- else if(event.ctrlKey && $("#luckysheet-rich-text-editor").find("span").last().text() != ","){
- //按住ctrl 选择选区时 先处理上一个选区
- let vText = $("#luckysheet-rich-text-editor").text() + ",";
- if(vText.length > 0 && vText.substr(0, 1) == "="){
- vText = formula.functionHTMLGenerate(vText);
+ //模态框关闭
+ $(document).on("click", ".luckysheet-modal-dialog-title-close, .luckysheet-model-close-btn", function (e) {
+ //选择文本颜色和单元格颜色弹出框取消
+ if($("#textcolorselect").is(":visible")||$("#cellcolorselect").is(":visible")){
+ $("#luckysheet-conditionformat-dialog").show();
+ }
+ $(e.currentTarget).parents(".luckysheet-modal-dialog").hide();
+ $("#luckysheet-modal-dialog-mask").hide();
- if (window.getSelection) { // all browsers, except IE before version 9
- let currSelection = window.getSelection();
- formula.functionRangeIndex = [$(currSelection.anchorNode).parent().index(), currSelection.anchorOffset];
- }
- else { // Internet Explorer before version 9
- let textRange = document.selection.createRange();
- formula.functionRangeIndex = textRange;
- }
+ //函数查找功能所有弹出框关闭和取消
+ if($(this).parents(".luckysheet-modal-dialog").hasClass("luckysheet-search-formula")){
+ formula.dontupdate();
+ luckysheetMoveHighlightCell("down", 0, "rangeOfSelect");
+ }
+ if($(this).parents(".luckysheet-modal-dialog").hasClass("luckysheet-search-formula-parm")){
+ formula.dontupdate();
+ luckysheetMoveHighlightCell("down", 0, "rangeOfSelect");
+ }
+ if($(this).parents(".luckysheet-modal-dialog").hasClass("luckysheet-search-formula-parm-select")){
+ formula.dontupdate();
+ luckysheetMoveHighlightCell("down", 0, "rangeOfSelect");
+ }
- $("#luckysheet-rich-text-editor").html(vText);
+ $("#" + Store.container).attr("tabindex", 0).focus();
+ });
- formula.canceFunctionrangeSelected();
- formula.createRangeHightlight();
- }
- formula.rangestart = false;
- formula.rangedrag_column_start = false;
- formula.rangedrag_row_start = false;
- $("#luckysheet-functionbox-cell").html(vText);
- formula.rangeHightlightselected($("#luckysheet-rich-text-editor"));
+ //左上角返回按钮
+ $("#luckysheet_info_detail_title").click(function(){
+ window.open(luckysheetConfigsetting.myFolderUrl, "_self");
+ });
- //再进行 选区的选择
- formula.israngeseleciton();
- formula.func_selectedrange = {
- "left": colLocationByIndex(0)[0],
- "width": colLocationByIndex(0)[1] - colLocationByIndex(0)[0] - 1,
- "top": top,
- "height": height,
- "left_move": col_pre,
- "width_move": col - col_pre - 1,
- "top_move": top,
- "height_move": height,
- "row": rowseleted,
- "column": [0, col_index],
- "row_focus": row_index,
- "column_focus": 0
- }
- }
- else{
- formula.func_selectedrange = {
- "left": colLocationByIndex(0)[0],
- "width": colLocationByIndex(0)[1] - colLocationByIndex(0)[0] - 1,
- "top": top,
- "height": height,
- "left_move": col_pre,
- "width_move": col - col_pre - 1,
- "top_move": top,
- "height_move": height,
- "row": rowseleted,
- "column": [0, col_index],
- "row_focus": row_index,
- "column_focus": 0
- }
- }
- if(formula.rangestart || formula.rangedrag_column_start || formula.rangedrag_row_start || formula.israngeseleciton()){
- formula.rangeSetValue({ "row": rowseleted, "column": [null, null] });
- }
- else if($("#luckysheet-ifFormulaGenerator-multiRange-dialog").is(":visible")){//if公式生成器
- let range = getRangetxt(Store.currentSheetIndex, { "row": rowseleted, "column": [0, col_index] }, Store.currentSheetIndex);
- $("#luckysheet-ifFormulaGenerator-multiRange-dialog input").val(range);
- }
- formula.rangedrag_row_start = true;
- formula.rangestart = false;
- formula.rangedrag_column_start = false;
- $("#luckysheet-formula-functionrange-select").css({
- "left": col_pre,
- "width": col - col_pre - 1,
- "top": top,
- "height": height
- }).show();
- $("#luckysheet-formula-help-c").hide();
- luckysheet_count_show(col_pre, top, col - col_pre - 1, height, rowseleted, [0, col_index]);
- setTimeout(function(){
- let currSelection = window.getSelection();
- let anchorOffset = currSelection.anchorNode;
- let $editor;
- if($("#luckysheet-search-formula-parm").is(":visible")||$("#luckysheet-search-formula-parm-select").is(":visible")){
- $editor = $("#luckysheet-rich-text-editor");
- formula.rangechangeindex = formula.data_parm_index;
- }
- else{
- $editor = $(anchorOffset).closest("div");
- }
- let $span = $editor.find("span[rangeindex='" + formula.rangechangeindex + "']");
- formula.setCaretPosition($span.get(0), 0, $span.html().length);
- }, 1);
- return;
- }
- else {
- formula.updatecell(Store.luckysheetCellUpdate[0], Store.luckysheetCellUpdate[1]);
- Store.luckysheet_rows_selected_status = true;
- }
- }
- else {
- Store.luckysheet_rows_selected_status = true;
- }
- if (Store.luckysheet_rows_selected_status) {
- if(event.shiftKey){
- //按住shift点击行索引选取范围
- let last = $.extend(true, {}, Store.luckysheet_select_save[Store.luckysheet_select_save.length - 1]); //选区最后一个
- let top = 0, height = 0, rowseleted = [];
- if (last.top > row_pre) {
- top = row_pre;
- height = last.top + last.height - row_pre;
- if(last.row[1] > last.row_focus){
- last.row[1] = last.row_focus;
- }
- rowseleted = [row_index, last.row[1]];
- }
- else if (last.top == row_pre) {
- top = row_pre;
- height = last.top + last.height - row_pre;
- rowseleted = [row_index, last.row[0]];
- }
- else {
- top = last.top;
- height = row - last.top - 1;
- if(last.row[0] < last.row_focus){
- last.row[0] = last.row_focus;
- }
- rowseleted = [last.row[0], row_index];
- }
- last["row"] = rowseleted;
- last["top_move"] = top;
- last["height_move"] = height;
- Store.luckysheet_select_save[Store.luckysheet_select_save.length - 1] = last;
- }
- else if(event.ctrlKey){
- Store.luckysheet_select_save.push({
- "left": colLocationByIndex(0)[0],
- "width": colLocationByIndex(0)[1] - colLocationByIndex(0)[0] - 1,
- "top": top,
- "height": height,
- "left_move": col_pre,
- "width_move": col - col_pre - 1,
- "top_move": top,
- "height_move": height,
- "row": rowseleted,
- "column": [0, col_index],
- "row_focus": row_index,
- "column_focus": 0
- });
- }
- else{
- Store.luckysheet_select_save = [];
- Store.luckysheet_select_save.push({
- "left": colLocationByIndex(0)[0],
- "width": colLocationByIndex(0)[1] - colLocationByIndex(0)[0] - 1,
- "top": top,
- "height": height,
- "left_move": col_pre,
- "width_move": col - col_pre - 1,
- "top_move": top,
- "height_move": height,
- "row": rowseleted,
- "column": [0, col_index],
- "row_focus": row_index,
- "column_focus": 0
- });
- }
- selectHightlightShow();
- if(server.allowUpdate){
- //允许编辑后的后台更新时
- server.saveParam("mv", Store.currentSheetIndex, Store.luckysheet_select_save);
- }
- }
- $("#luckysheet-helpbox-cell").text(getRangetxt(Store.currentSheetIndex, Store.luckysheet_select_save[Store.luckysheet_select_save.length - 1]));
- setTimeout(function () {
- clearTimeout(Store.countfuncTimeout);
- countfunc();
- }, 101);
- }).mousemove(function (event) {
- if (Store.luckysheet_rows_selected_status || Store.luckysheet_rows_change_size || Store.luckysheet_select_status) {
- $("#luckysheet-rows-h-hover").hide();
- return;
- }
- let mouse = mouseposition(event.pageX, event.pageY);
- let y = mouse[1] + $("#luckysheet-rows-h").scrollTop();
- let row_location = rowLocation(y),
- row = row_location[1],
- row_pre = row_location[0],
- row_index = row_location[2];
- $("#luckysheet-rows-h-hover").css({ "top": row_pre, "height": row - row_pre - 1, "display": "block" });
- if (y < row - 1 && y >= row - 5) {
- $("#luckysheet-rows-change-size").css({ "top": row - 3, "opacity": 0 });
- }
- else {
- $("#luckysheet-rows-change-size").css("opacity", 0);
- }
- }).mouseleave(function (event) {
- $("#luckysheet-rows-h-hover").hide();
- $("#luckysheet-rows-change-size").css("opacity", 0);
- }).mouseup(function (event) {
- if (event.which == 3) {
- if(isEditMode()){ //非编辑模式下禁止右键功能框
- return;
- }
- $("#luckysheet-cols-rows-shift").hide();
- Store.luckysheetRightHeadClickIs = "row";
- $("#luckysheet-rightclick-menu .luckysheet-cols-rows-shift-word").text(locale().rightclick.row);
- $("#luckysheet-rightclick-menu .luckysheet-cols-rows-shift-size").text(locale().rightclick.height);
- $("#luckysheet-rightclick-menu .luckysheet-cols-rows-shift-left").text(locale().rightclick.top);
- $("#luckysheet-rightclick-menu .luckysheet-cols-rows-shift-right").text(locale().rightclick.bottom);
- $("#luckysheet-cols-rows-add").show();
- $("#luckysheet-cols-rows-data").show();
- $("#luckysheet-cols-rows-shift").hide();
- $("#luckysheet-cols-rows-handleincell").hide();
- showrightclickmenu($("#luckysheet-rightclick-menu"), $(this).offset().left + 46, event.pageY);
- Store.luckysheet_cols_menu_status = true;
- //行高默认值
- let cfg = $.extend(true, {}, Store.config);
- if(cfg["rowlen"] == null){
- cfg["rowlen"] = {};
- }
- let first_rowlen = cfg["rowlen"][Store.luckysheet_select_save[0].row[0]] == null ? Store.defaultrowlen : cfg["rowlen"][Store.luckysheet_select_save[0].row[0]];
- let isSame = true;
- for(let i = 0; i < Store.luckysheet_select_save.length; i++){
- let s = Store.luckysheet_select_save[i];
- let r1 = s.row[0], r2 = s.row[1];
- for(let r = r1; r <= r2; r++){
- let rowlen = cfg["rowlen"][r] == null ? Store.defaultrowlen : cfg["rowlen"][r];
- if(rowlen != first_rowlen){
- isSame = false;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- if(isSame){
- $("#luckysheet-cols-rows-add").find("input[type='number'].rcsize").val(first_rowlen);
- }
- else{
- $("#luckysheet-cols-rows-add").find("input[type='number'].rcsize").val("");
- }
- }
- });
- //表格列标题 mouse事件
- $("#luckysheet-cols-h-c").mousedown(function (event) {
- //有批注在编辑时
- luckysheetPostil.removeActivePs();
- let mouse = mouseposition(event.pageX, event.pageY);
- let x = mouse[0] + $(this).scrollLeft();
- let row_index = Store.visibledatarow.length - 1,
- row = Store.visibledatarow[row_index], row_pre = 0;
- let col_location = colLocation(x),
- col = col_location[1],
- col_pre = col_location[0],
- col_index = col_location[2];
- Store.orderbyindex = col_index;//排序全局函数
- $("#luckysheet-rightclick-menu").hide();
- $("#luckysheet-sheet-list, #luckysheet-rightclick-sheet-menu").hide();
- $("#luckysheet-filter-menu, #luckysheet-filter-submenu").hide();
- //mousedown是右键
- if (event.which == "3") {
- let isright = false;
- for(let s = 0; s < Store.luckysheet_select_save.length; s++){
- let obj_s = Store.luckysheet_select_save[s];
- if(obj_s["column"] != null && (col_index >= obj_s["column"][0] && col_index <= obj_s["column"][1]) && (obj_s["row"][0] == 0 && obj_s["row"][1] == Store.flowdata.length - 1)){
- isright = true;
- break;
- }
- }
- if(isright){
- return;
- }
- }
- let left = col_pre, width = col - col_pre - 1;
- let columnseleted = [col_index, col_index];
- Store.luckysheet_scroll_status = true;
- //公式相关
- let $input = $("#luckysheet-input-box");
- if (parseInt($input.css("top")) > 0) {
- if (formula.rangestart || formula.rangedrag_column_start || formula.rangedrag_row_start || formula.israngeseleciton() || $("#luckysheet-ifFormulaGenerator-multiRange-dialog").is(":visible")) {
- //公式选区
- let changeparam = menuButton.mergeMoveMain(columnseleted, [0, row_index], {"row_focus": 0, "column_focus": col_index}, row_pre, row, left, width);
- if(changeparam != null){
- columnseleted = changeparam[0];
- //rowseleted= changeparam[1];
- //top = changeparam[2];
- //height = changeparam[3];
- left = changeparam[4];
- width = changeparam[5];
- }
- if(event.shiftKey){
- let last = formula.func_selectedrange;
- let left = 0, width = 0, columnseleted = [];
- if (last.left > col_pre) {
- left = col_pre;
- width = last.left + last.width - col_pre;
- if(last.column[1] > last.column_focus){
- last.column[1] = last.column_focus;
- }
- columnseleted = [col_index, last.column[1]];
- }
- else if (last.left == col_pre) {
- left = col_pre;
- width = last.left + last.width - col_pre;
- columnseleted = [col_index, last.column[0]];
- }
- else {
- left = last.left;
- width = col - last.left - 1;
- if(last.column[0] < last.column_focus){
- last.column[0] = last.column_focus;
- }
- columnseleted = [last.column[0], col_index];
- }
- let changeparam = menuButton.mergeMoveMain(columnseleted , [0, row_index], {"row_focus": 0, "column_focus": col_index}, row_pre, row, left, width);
- if(changeparam != null){
- columnseleted = changeparam[0];
- //rowseleted= changeparam[1];
- //top = changeparam[2];
- //height = changeparam[3];
- left = changeparam[4];
- width = changeparam[5];
- }
- last["column"] = columnseleted;
- last["left_move"] = left;
- last["width_move"] = width;
- formula.func_selectedrange = last;
- }
- else if(event.ctrlKey && $("#luckysheet-rich-text-editor").find("span").last().text() != ","){
- //按住ctrl 选择选区时 先处理上一个选区
- let vText = $("#luckysheet-rich-text-editor").text() + ",";
- if(vText.length > 0 && vText.substr(0, 1) == "="){
- vText = formula.functionHTMLGenerate(vText);
- if (window.getSelection) { // all browsers, except IE before version 9
- let currSelection = window.getSelection();
- formula.functionRangeIndex = [$(currSelection.anchorNode).parent().index(), currSelection.anchorOffset];
- }
- else { // Internet Explorer before version 9
- let textRange = document.selection.createRange();
- formula.functionRangeIndex = textRange;
- }
- $("#luckysheet-rich-text-editor").html(vText);
- formula.canceFunctionrangeSelected();
- formula.createRangeHightlight();
- }
- formula.rangestart = false;
- formula.rangedrag_column_start = false;
- formula.rangedrag_row_start = false;
- $("#luckysheet-functionbox-cell").html(vText);
- formula.rangeHightlightselected($("#luckysheet-rich-text-editor"));
- //再进行 选区的选择
- formula.israngeseleciton();
- formula.func_selectedrange = {
- "left": left,
- "width": width,
- "top": rowLocationByIndex(0)[0],
- "height": rowLocationByIndex(0)[1] - rowLocationByIndex(0)[0] - 1,
- "left_move": left,
- "width_move": width,
- "top_move": row_pre,
- "height_move": row - row_pre - 1,
- "row": [0, row_index],
- "column": columnseleted,
- "row_focus": 0,
- "column_focus": col_index
- }
- }
- else{
- formula.func_selectedrange = {
- "left": left,
- "width": width,
- "top": rowLocationByIndex(0)[0],
- "height": rowLocationByIndex(0)[1] - rowLocationByIndex(0)[0] - 1,
- "left_move": left,
- "width_move": width,
- "top_move": row_pre,
- "height_move": row - row_pre - 1,
- "row": [0, row_index],
- "column": columnseleted,
- "row_focus": 0,
- "column_focus": col_index
- }
- }
- if(formula.rangestart || formula.rangedrag_column_start || formula.rangedrag_row_start || formula.israngeseleciton()){
- formula.rangeSetValue({ "row": [null, null], "column": columnseleted });
- }
- else if($("#luckysheet-ifFormulaGenerator-multiRange-dialog").is(":visible")){//if公式生成器
- let range = getRangetxt(Store.currentSheetIndex, { "row": [0, row_index], "column": columnseleted }, Store.currentSheetIndex);
- $("#luckysheet-ifFormulaGenerator-multiRange-dialog input").val(range);
- }
- formula.rangedrag_column_start = true;
- formula.rangestart = false;
- formula.rangedrag_row_start = false;
- $("#luckysheet-formula-functionrange-select").css({
- "left": left,
- "width": width,
- "top": row_pre,
- "height": row - row_pre - 1
- }).show();
- $("#luckysheet-formula-help-c").hide();
- luckysheet_count_show(left, row_pre, width, row - row_pre - 1, [0, row_index], columnseleted);
- return;
- }
- else {
- formula.updatecell(Store.luckysheetCellUpdate[0], Store.luckysheetCellUpdate[1]);
- Store.luckysheet_cols_selected_status = true;
- }
- }
- else {
- Store.luckysheet_cols_selected_status = true;
- }
- if (Store.luckysheet_cols_selected_status) {
- if(event.shiftKey){
- //按住shift点击列索引选取范围
- let last = $.extend(true, {}, Store.luckysheet_select_save[Store.luckysheet_select_save.length - 1]); //选区最后一个
- let left = 0, width = 0, columnseleted = [];
- if (last.left > col_pre) {
- left = col_pre;
- width = last.left + last.width - col_pre;
- if(last.column[1] > last.column_focus){
- last.column[1] = last.column_focus;
- }
- columnseleted = [col_index, last.column[1]];
- }
- else if (last.left == col_pre) {
- left = col_pre;
- width = last.left + last.width - col_pre;
- columnseleted = [col_index, last.column[0]];
- }
- else {
- left = last.left;
- width = col - last.left - 1;
- if(last.column[0] < last.column_focus){
- last.column[0] = last.column_focus;
- }
- columnseleted = [last.column[0], col_index];
- }
- last["column"] = columnseleted;
- last["left_move"] = left;
- last["width_move"] = width;
- Store.luckysheet_select_save[Store.luckysheet_select_save.length - 1] = last;
- }
- else if(event.ctrlKey){
- //选区添加
- Store.luckysheet_select_save.push({
- "left": left,
- "width": width,
- "top": rowLocationByIndex(0)[0],
- "height": rowLocationByIndex(0)[1] - rowLocationByIndex(0)[0] - 1,
- "left_move": left,
- "width_move": width,
- "top_move": row_pre,
- "height_move": row - row_pre - 1,
- "row": [0, row_index],
- "column": columnseleted,
- "row_focus": 0,
- "column_focus": col_index
- });
- }
- else{
- Store.luckysheet_select_save = [];
- Store.luckysheet_select_save.push({
- "left": left,
- "width": width,
- "top": rowLocationByIndex(0)[0],
- "height": rowLocationByIndex(0)[1] - rowLocationByIndex(0)[0] - 1,
- "left_move": left,
- "width_move": width,
- "top_move": row_pre,
- "height_move": row - row_pre - 1,
- "row": [0, row_index],
- "column": columnseleted,
- "row_focus": 0,
- "column_focus": col_index
- });
- }
- selectHightlightShow();
- if(server.allowUpdate){
- //允许编辑后的后台更新时
- server.saveParam("mv", Store.currentSheetIndex, Store.luckysheet_select_save);
- }
- }
- $("#luckysheet-helpbox-cell").text(getRangetxt(Store.currentSheetIndex, Store.luckysheet_select_save[Store.luckysheet_select_save.length - 1]));
- setTimeout(function () {
- clearTimeout(Store.countfuncTimeout);
- countfunc();
- }, 101);
- if (Store.luckysheet_cols_menu_status) {
- $("#luckysheet-rightclick-menu").hide();
- $("#luckysheet-cols-h-hover").hide();
- $("#luckysheet-cols-menu-btn").hide();
- Store.luckysheet_cols_menu_status = false;
- }
- event.stopPropagation();
- }).mousemove(function (event) {
- if (Store.luckysheet_cols_selected_status || Store.luckysheet_select_status) {
- $("#luckysheet-cols-h-hover").hide();
- $("#luckysheet-cols-menu-btn").hide();
- return;
- }
- if (Store.luckysheet_cols_menu_status || Store.luckysheet_cols_change_size) {
- return;
- }
- let mouse = mouseposition(event.pageX, event.pageY);
- let x = mouse[0] + $("#luckysheet-cols-h-c").scrollLeft();
- let col_location = colLocation(x),
- col = col_location[1],
- col_pre = col_location[0],
- col_index = col_location[2];
- $("#luckysheet-cols-h-hover").css({ "left": col_pre, "width": col - col_pre - 1, "display": "block" });
- $("#luckysheet-cols-menu-btn").css({ "left": col - 19, "display": "block" });
- $("#luckysheet-cols-change-size").css({ "left": col - 5 });
- if (x < col && x >= col - 5) {
- $("#luckysheet-cols-change-size").css({ "opacity": 0 });
- $("#luckysheet-cols-menu-btn").hide();
- }
- else {
- $("#luckysheet-change-size-line").hide();
- $("#luckysheet-cols-change-size").css("opacity", 0);
- }
- }).mouseleave(function (event) {
- if (Store.luckysheet_cols_menu_status || Store.luckysheet_cols_change_size) {
- return;
- }
- $("#luckysheet-cols-h-hover").hide();
- $("#luckysheet-cols-menu-btn").hide();
- $("#luckysheet-cols-change-size").css("opacity", 0);
- }).mouseup(function (event) {
- if (event.which == 3) {
- if(isEditMode()){ //非编辑模式下禁止右键功能框
- return;
- }
- Store.luckysheetRightHeadClickIs = "column";
- $("#luckysheet-rightclick-menu .luckysheet-cols-rows-shift-word").text(locale().rightclick.column);
- $("#luckysheet-rightclick-menu .luckysheet-cols-rows-shift-size").text(locale().rightclick.width);
- $("#luckysheet-rightclick-menu .luckysheet-cols-rows-shift-left").text(locale().rightclick.left);
- $("#luckysheet-rightclick-menu .luckysheet-cols-rows-shift-right").text(locale().rightclick.right);
- $("#luckysheet-cols-rows-add").show();
- $("#luckysheet-cols-rows-data").show();
- $("#luckysheet-cols-rows-shift").hide();
- $("#luckysheet-cols-rows-handleincell").hide();
- showrightclickmenu($("#luckysheet-rightclick-menu"), event.pageX, $(this).offset().top + 18);
- Store.luckysheet_cols_menu_status = true;
- //列宽默认值
- let cfg = $.extend(true, {}, Store.config);
- if(cfg["columlen"] == null){
- cfg["columlen"] = {};
- }
- let first_collen = cfg["columlen"][Store.luckysheet_select_save[0].column[0]] == null ? Store.defaultcollen : cfg["columlen"][Store.luckysheet_select_save[0].column[0]];
- let isSame = true;
- for(let i = 0; i < Store.luckysheet_select_save.length; i++){
- let s = Store.luckysheet_select_save[i];
- let c1 = s.column[0], c2 = s.column[1];
- for(let c = c1; c <= c2; c++){
- let collen = cfg["columlen"][c] == null ? Store.defaultcollen : cfg["columlen"][c];
- if(collen != first_collen){
- isSame = false;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- if(isSame){
- $("#luckysheet-cols-rows-add").find("input[type='number'].rcsize").val(first_collen);
- }
- else{
- $("#luckysheet-cols-rows-add").find("input[type='number'].rcsize").val("");
- }
- }
- });
- //表格列标题 改变列宽按钮
- $("#luckysheet-cols-change-size").mousedown(function (event) {
- //有批注在编辑时
- luckysheetPostil.removeActivePs();
- $("#luckysheet-input-box").hide();
- $("#luckysheet-cols-change-size").css({ "opacity": 1 });
- let mouse = mouseposition(event.pageX, event.pageY);
- let scrollLeft = $("#luckysheet-cols-h-c").scrollLeft();
- let scrollTop = $("#luckysheet-cell-main").scrollTop();
- let winH = $("#luckysheet-cell-main").height();
- let x = mouse[0] + scrollLeft;
- let row_index = Store.visibledatarow.length - 1,
- row = Store.visibledatarow[row_index], row_pre = 0;
- let col_location = colLocation(x),
- col = col_location[1],
- col_pre = col_location[0],
- col_index = col_location[2];
- Store.luckysheet_cols_change_size = true;
- Store.luckysheet_scroll_status = true;
- $("#luckysheet-change-size-line").css({
- "height": winH + scrollTop,
- "border-width": "0 1px 0 0",
- "top": 0,
- "left": col - 3,
- "width": "1px",
- "display": "block",
- "cursor": "ew-resize"
- });
- $("#luckysheet-sheettable, #luckysheet-cols-h-c, .luckysheet-cols-h-cells, .luckysheet-cols-h-cells canvas").css("cursor", "ew-resize");
- Store.luckysheet_cols_change_size_start = [col_pre, col_index];
- $("#luckysheet-rightclick-menu").hide();
- $("#luckysheet-cols-h-hover").hide();
- $("#luckysheet-cols-menu-btn").hide();
- Store.luckysheet_cols_dbclick_times = 0;
- event.stopPropagation();
- }).dblclick(function () {
- luckysheetcolsdbclick();
- })
- function luckysheetcolsdbclick() {
- Store.luckysheet_cols_change_size = false;
- $("#luckysheet-change-size-line").hide();
- $("#luckysheet-cols-change-size").css("opacity", 0);
- $("#luckysheet-sheettable, #luckysheet-cols-h-c, .luckysheet-cols-h-cells, .luckysheet-cols-h-cells canvas").css("cursor", "default");
- let mouse = mouseposition(event.pageX, event.pageY);
- let scrollLeft = $("#luckysheet-cols-h-c").scrollLeft();
- let x = mouse[0] + scrollLeft;
- let winW = $(window).width();
- let row_index = Store.visibledatarow.length - 1,
- row = Store.visibledatarow[row_index],
- row_pre = 0;
- let col_location = colLocation(x),
- col = col_location[1],
- col_pre = col_location[0],
- col_index = col_location[2];
- Store.luckysheet_cols_change_size_start = [col_pre, col_index];
- let dataflow = $("#luckysheetTableContent").get(0).getContext("2d");
- let cfg = $.extend(true, {}, Store.config);
- let matchColumn = {};
- for(let s = 0; s < Store.luckysheet_select_save.length; s++){
- let c1 = Store.luckysheet_select_save[s].column[0],
- c2 = Store.luckysheet_select_save[s].column[1];
- if (col_index < c1 || col_index > c2) {
- if(col_index in matchColumn){//此列已计算过
- continue;
- }
- x = -Infinity;
- let countret = 0;
- let fontsize = 13;
- for (let r = 0; r < Store.flowdata.length; r++) {
- if (countret >= 15) {
- break;
- }
- let value = getcellvalue(r, Store.luckysheet_cols_change_size_start[1], Store.flowdata);
- let mask = getcellvalue(r, Store.luckysheet_cols_change_size_start[1], Store.flowdata, "m");
- if(mask != null){
- value = mask;
- }
- let cell = Store.flowdata[r][Store.luckysheet_cols_change_size_start[1]];
- if(getObjType(cell) == "object" && ("fs" in cell)){
- if(cell.fs > fontsize){
- fontsize = cell.fs;
- }
- }
- if (value == null || value.toString().length == 0) {
- countret++;
- continue;
- }
- let textMetrics = dataflow.measureText(value).width;
- if (textMetrics > x) {
- x = textMetrics;
- }
- }
- let size = x + fontsize * 1.5;
- if ((x + 3) < 30) {
- size = 30;
- }
- if (x >= winW - 100 + scrollLeft) {
- size = winW - 100 + scrollLeft;
- }
- if (cfg["columlen"] == null) {
- cfg["columlen"] = {};
- }
- cfg["columlen"][Store.luckysheet_cols_change_size_start[1]] = Math.ceil(size);
- matchColumn[col_index] = 1;
- }
- else {
- for (let c = c1; c <= c2; c++) {
- if(c in matchColumn){//此列已计算过
- continue;
- }
- x = -Infinity;
- let countret = 0;
- let fontsize = 13;
- for (let r = 0; r < Store.flowdata.length; r++) {
- if (countret >= 15) {
- break;
- }
- let value = getcellvalue(r, c, Store.flowdata);
- let cell = Store.flowdata[r][c];
- if(getObjType(cell) == "object" && ("fs" in cell)){
- if(cell.fs > fontsize){
- fontsize = cell.fs;
- }
- }
- if (isRealNull(value)) {
- countret++;
- continue;
- }
- let textMetrics = dataflow.measureText(value).width;
- if (textMetrics > x) {
- x = textMetrics;
- }
- }
- let size = x + fontsize*1.5;;
- if ((x + 3) < 30) {
- size = 30;
- }
- if (x >= winW - 100 + scrollLeft) {
- size = winW - 100 + scrollLeft;
- }
- if (cfg["columlen"] == null) {
- cfg["columlen"] = {};
- }
- cfg["columlen"][c] = Math.ceil(size);
- matchColumn[c] = 1;
- }
- }
- }
- jfrefreshgridall(Store.flowdata[0].length, Store.flowdata.length, Store.flowdata, cfg, Store.luckysheet_select_save, "resizeC", "columlen");
- }
- //表格行标题 改变行高按钮
- $("#luckysheet-rows-change-size").mousedown(function (event) {
- //有批注在编辑时
- luckysheetPostil.removeActivePs();
- $("#luckysheet-input-box").hide();
- $("#luckysheet-rows-change-size").css({ "opacity": 1 });
- let mouse = mouseposition(event.pageX, event.pageY);
- let y = mouse[1] + $("#luckysheet-rows-h").scrollTop();
- let scrollLeft = $("#luckysheet-cell-main").scrollLeft();
- let winW = $("#luckysheet-cell-main").width();
- let row_location = rowLocation(y),
- row = row_location[1],
- row_pre = row_location[0],
- row_index = row_location[2];
- Store.luckysheet_rows_change_size = true;
- Store.luckysheet_scroll_status = true;
- $("#luckysheet-change-size-line").css({
- "height": "1px",
- "border-width":
- "0 0px 1px 0",
- "top": row - 3,
- "left": 0,
- "width": scrollLeft + winW,
- "display": "block",
- "cursor": "ns-resize"
- });
- $("#luckysheet-sheettable, #luckysheet-rows-h, #luckysheet-rows-h canvas").css("cursor", "ns-resize");
- Store.luckysheet_rows_change_size_start = [row_pre, row_index];
- $("#luckysheet-rightclick-menu").hide();
- $("#luckysheet-rows-h-hover").hide();
- $("#luckysheet-cols-menu-btn").hide();
- event.stopPropagation();
- });
- $("#luckysheet-cols-menu-btn").click(function (event) {
- let $menu = $("#luckysheet-rightclick-menu");
- let offset = $(this).offset();
- $("#luckysheet-cols-rows-shift").show();
- Store.luckysheetRightHeadClickIs = "column";
- $("#luckysheet-rightclick-menu .luckysheet-cols-rows-shift-word").text(locale().rightclick.column);
- $("#luckysheet-rightclick-menu .luckysheet-cols-rows-shift-left").text(locale().rightclick.left);
- $("#luckysheet-rightclick-menu .luckysheet-cols-rows-shift-right").text(locale().rightclick.right);
- $("#luckysheet-cols-rows-add").show();
- $("#luckysheet-cols-rows-data").hide();
- $("#luckysheet-cols-rows-shift").show();
- $("#luckysheet-cols-rows-handleincell").hide();
- showrightclickmenu($menu, offset.left, offset.top + 18);
- Store.luckysheet_cols_menu_status = true;
- });
- //菜单栏 排序按钮
- $("#luckysheetorderbyasc, #luckysheetorderbyasc_t").mousedown(function (event) {
- cleargridelement(event);
- sortColumnSeletion(Store.orderbyindex, true);
- selectHightlightShow();
- });
- $("#luckysheetorderbydesc, #luckysheetorderbydesc_t").click(function (event) {
- cleargridelement(event);
- sortColumnSeletion(Store.orderbyindex, false);
- selectHightlightShow();
- });
- //右键功能键
- //复制为json格式字符串,首行为标题
- $("#luckysheet-copy-json-head").click(function (event) {
- $("body .luckysheet-cols-menu").hide();
- $("#" + Store.container).attr("tabindex", 0).focus();
- if(Store.luckysheet_select_save.length > 1){
- if(isEditMode()){
- alert(locale_drag.noMulti);
- }
- else{
- tooltip.info(locale_drag.noMulti, "");
- }
- return;
- }
- //复制范围内包含部分合并单元格,提示
- if(Store.config["merge"] != null){
- let has_PartMC = false;
- for(let s = 0; s < Store.luckysheet_select_save.length; s++){
- let r1 = Store.luckysheet_select_save[s].row[0],
- r2 = Store.luckysheet_select_save[s].row[1];
- let c1 = Store.luckysheet_select_save[s].column[0],
- c2 = Store.luckysheet_select_save[s].column[1];
- has_PartMC = hasPartMC(Store.config, r1, r2, c1, c2);
- if(has_PartMC){
- break;
- }
- }
- if(has_PartMC){
- if(isEditMode()){
- alert(locale_drag.noPartMerge);
- }
- else{
- tooltip.info(locale_drag.noPartMerge, "");
- }
- return;
- }
- }
- let getdata = getdatabyselection(Store.luckysheet_select_save[0]);
- let arr = [];
- if (getdata.length == 0) {
- return;
- }
- if (getdata.length == 1) {
- let obj = {};
- for (let i = 0; i < getdata[0].length; i++) {
- obj[getcellvalue(0, i, getdata)] = "";
- }
- arr.push(obj);
- }
- else {
- for (let r = 1; r < getdata.length; r++) {
- let obj = {};
- for (let c = 0; c < getdata[0].length; c++) {
- if(getcellvalue(0, c, getdata) == undefined){
- obj[""] = getcellvalue(r, c, getdata);
- }else{
- obj[getcellvalue(0, c, getdata)] = getcellvalue(r, c, getdata);
- }
- }
- arr.push(obj);
- }
- }
- selection.copybyformat(event, JSON.stringify(arr));
- });
- //复制为json格式字符串,无标题,采用ABCD作为标题
- $("#luckysheet-copy-json-nohead").click(function (event) {
- $("body .luckysheet-cols-menu").hide();
- $("#" + Store.container).attr("tabindex", 0).focus();
- if(Store.luckysheet_select_save.length > 1){
- if(isEditMode()){
- alert(locale_drag.noMulti);
- }
- else{
- tooltip.info(locale_drag.noMulti, "");
- }
- return;
- }
- //复制范围内包含部分合并单元格,提示
- if(Store.config["merge"] != null){
- let has_PartMC = false;
- for(let s = 0; s < Store.luckysheet_select_save.length; s++){
- let r1 = Store.luckysheet_select_save[s].row[0],
- r2 = Store.luckysheet_select_save[s].row[1];
- let c1 = Store.luckysheet_select_save[s].column[0],
- c2 = Store.luckysheet_select_save[s].column[1];
- has_PartMC = hasPartMC(Store.config, r1, r2, c1, c2);
- if(has_PartMC){
- break;
- }
- }
- if(has_PartMC){
- if(isEditMode()){
- alert(locale_drag.noPartMerge);
- }
- else{
- tooltip.info(locale_drag.noPartMerge, "");
- }
- return;
- }
- }
- let getdata = getdatabyselection(Store.luckysheet_select_save[0]);
- let arr = [];
- if (getdata.length == 0) {
- return;
- }
- let st = Store.luckysheet_select_save[0]["column"][0];
- for (let r = 0; r < getdata.length; r++) {
- let obj = {};
- for (let c = 0; c < getdata[0].length; c++) {
- obj[chatatABC(c + st)] = getcellvalue(r, c, getdata);
- }
- arr.push(obj);
- }
- selection.copybyformat(event, JSON.stringify(arr));
- });
- //复制为一维数组
- $("#luckysheet-copy-array1").click(function (event) {
- $("body .luckysheet-cols-menu").hide();
- $("#" + Store.container).attr("tabindex", 0).focus();
- if(Store.luckysheet_select_save.length > 1){
- if(isEditMode()){
- alert(locale_drag.noMulti);
- }
- else{
- tooltip.info(locale_drag.noMulti, "");
- }
- return;
- }
- //复制范围内包含部分合并单元格,提示
- if(Store.config["merge"] != null){
- let has_PartMC = false;
- for(let s = 0; s < Store.luckysheet_select_save.length; s++){
- let r1 = Store.luckysheet_select_save[s].row[0],
- r2 = Store.luckysheet_select_save[s].row[1];
- let c1 = Store.luckysheet_select_save[s].column[0],
- c2 = Store.luckysheet_select_save[s].column[1];
- has_PartMC = hasPartMC(Store.config, r1, r2, c1, c2);
- if(has_PartMC){
- break;
- }
- }
- if(has_PartMC){
- if(isEditMode()){
- alert(locale_drag.noPartMerge);
- }
- else{
- tooltip.info(locale_drag.noPartMerge, "");
- }
- return;
- }
- }
- let getdata = getdatabyselection(Store.luckysheet_select_save[0]);
- let arr = [];
- if (getdata.length == 0) {
- return;
- }
- for (let r = 0; r < getdata.length; r++) {
- for (let c = 0; c < getdata[0].length; c++) {
- arr.push(getcellvalue(r, c, getdata));
- }
- }
- selection.copybyformat(event, JSON.stringify(arr));
- });
- //复制为二维数组
- $("#luckysheet-copy-array2").click(function (event) {
- $("body .luckysheet-cols-menu").hide();
- $("#" + Store.container).attr("tabindex", 0).focus();
- if(Store.luckysheet_select_save.length > 1){
- if(isEditMode()){
- alert(locale_drag.noMulti);
- }
- else{
- tooltip.info(locale_drag.noMulti, "");
- }
- return;
- }
- //复制范围内包含部分合并单元格,提示
- if(Store.config["merge"] != null){
- let has_PartMC = false;
- for(let s = 0; s < Store.luckysheet_select_save.length; s++){
- let r1 = Store.luckysheet_select_save[s].row[0],
- r2 = Store.luckysheet_select_save[s].row[1];
- let c1 = Store.luckysheet_select_save[s].column[0],
- c2 = Store.luckysheet_select_save[s].column[1];
- has_PartMC = hasPartMC(Store.config, r1, r2, c1, c2);
- if(has_PartMC){
- break;
- }
- }
- if(has_PartMC){
- if(isEditMode()){
- alert(locale_drag.noPartMerge);
- }
- else{
- tooltip.info(locale_drag.noPartMerge, "");
- }
- return;
- }
- }
- let getdata = getdatabyselection(Store.luckysheet_select_save[0]);
- let arr = [];
- if (getdata.length == 0) {
- return;
- }
- for (let r = 0; r < getdata.length; r++) {
- let a = [];
- for (let c = 0; c < getdata[0].length; c++) {
- a.push(getcellvalue(r, c, getdata));
- }
- arr.push(a);
- }
- selection.copybyformat(event, JSON.stringify(arr));
- });
- //复制为多维数组
- $("#luckysheet-copy-arraymore-confirm").click(function (event) {
- $("body .luckysheet-cols-menu").hide();
- if(Store.luckysheet_select_save.length > 1){
- if(isEditMode()){
- alert(locale_drag.noMulti);
- }
- else{
- tooltip.info(locale_drag.noMulti, "");
- }
- return;
- }
- //复制范围内包含部分合并单元格,提示
- if(Store.config["merge"] != null){
- let has_PartMC = false;
- for(let s = 0; s < Store.luckysheet_select_save.length; s++){
- let r1 = Store.luckysheet_select_save[s].row[0],
- r2 = Store.luckysheet_select_save[s].row[1];
- let c1 = Store.luckysheet_select_save[s].column[0],
- c2 = Store.luckysheet_select_save[s].column[1];
- has_PartMC = hasPartMC(Store.config, r1, r2, c1, c2);
- if(has_PartMC){
- break;
- }
- }
- if(has_PartMC){
- if(isEditMode()){
- alert(locale_drag.noPartMerge);
- }
- else{
- tooltip.info(locale_drag.noPartMerge, "");
- }
- return;
- }
- }
- let getdata = getdatabyselection(Store.luckysheet_select_save[0]);
- let arr = [];
- if (getdata.length == 0) {
- return;
- }
- for (let r = 0; r < getdata.length; r++) {
- for (let c = 0; c < getdata[0].length; c++) {
- arr.push(getdata[r][c]);
- }
- }
- let row = $("#luckysheet-copy-arraymore-row").val(), col = $("#luckysheet-copy-arraymore-col").val();
- if (row == "" && col == "") {
- selection.copybyformat(event, JSON.stringify(arr));
- $("body .luckysheet-cols-menu").hide();
- return;
- }
- if (row == "") {
- row = 1;
- }
- else {
- row = parseInt(row);
- if (row == null) {
- row = 1;
- }
- }
- if (col == "") {
- col = 1;
- }
- else {
- col = parseInt(col);
- if (col == null) {
- col = 1;
- }
- }
- if(row.toString() == "NaN" || col.toString() == "NaN"){
- if(isEditMode()){
- alert(locale_drag.inputCorrect);
- }
- else{
- tooltip.info(locale_drag.inputCorrect, "");
- }
- return;
- }
- if(row < 1 || col < 1){
- if(isEditMode()){
- alert(locale_drag.notLessOne);
- }
- else{
- tooltip.info(locale_drag.notLessOne, "");
- }
- return;
- }
- let arrlen = arr.length, i = 0, ret = [];
- for (let r = 0; r < row; r++) {
- let a = [];
- for (let c = 0; c < col; c++) {
- a.push(arr[i++]);
- if (i >= arrlen) {
- selection.copybyformat(event, JSON.stringify(ret));
- $("body .luckysheet-cols-menu").hide();
- return;
- }
- }
- ret.push(a);
- }
- selection.copybyformat(event, JSON.stringify(ret));
- });
- //复制为对角线
- $("#luckysheet-copy-diagonal").click(function (event) {
- $("body .luckysheet-cols-menu").hide();
- $("#" + Store.container).attr("tabindex", 0).focus();
- if(Store.luckysheet_select_save.length > 1){
- if(isEditMode()){
- alert(locale_drag.noMulti);
- }
- else{
- tooltip.info(locale_drag.noMulti, "");
- }
- return;
- }
- //复制范围内包含部分合并单元格,提示
- if(Store.config["merge"] != null){
- let has_PartMC = false;
- for(let s = 0; s < Store.luckysheet_select_save.length; s++){
- let r1 = Store.luckysheet_select_save[s].row[0],
- r2 = Store.luckysheet_select_save[s].row[1];
- let c1 = Store.luckysheet_select_save[s].column[0],
- c2 = Store.luckysheet_select_save[s].column[1];
- has_PartMC = hasPartMC(Store.config, r1, r2, c1, c2);
- if(has_PartMC){
- break;
- }
- }
- if(has_PartMC){
- if(isEditMode()){
- alert(locale_drag.noPartMerge);
- }
- else{
- tooltip.info(locale_drag.noPartMerge, "");
- }
- return;
- }
- }
- let getdata = getdatabyselection(Store.luckysheet_select_save[0]);
- let arr = [];
- if (getdata.length == 0) {
- return;
- }
- let clen = getdata[0].length;
- for (let r = 0; r < getdata.length; r++) {
- if (r >= clen) {
- break;
- }
- arr.push(getdata[r][r]);
- }
- selection.copybyformat(event, JSON.stringify(arr));
- });
- //复制为反对角线
- $("#luckysheet-copy-antidiagonal").click(function (event) {
- $("body .luckysheet-cols-menu").hide();
- $("#" + Store.container).attr("tabindex", 0).focus();
- if(Store.luckysheet_select_save.length > 1){
- if(isEditMode()){
- alert(locale_drag.noMulti);
- }
- else{
- tooltip.info(locale_drag.noMulti, "");
- }
- return;
- }
- //复制范围内包含部分合并单元格,提示
- if(Store.config["merge"] != null){
- let has_PartMC = false;
- for(let s = 0; s < Store.luckysheet_select_save.length; s++){
- let r1 = Store.luckysheet_select_save[s].row[0],
- r2 = Store.luckysheet_select_save[s].row[1];
- let c1 = Store.luckysheet_select_save[s].column[0],
- c2 = Store.luckysheet_select_save[s].column[1];
- has_PartMC = hasPartMC(Store.config, r1, r2, c1, c2);
- if(has_PartMC){
- break;
- }
- }
- if(has_PartMC){
- if(isEditMode()){
- alert(locale_drag.noPartMerge);
- }
- else{
- tooltip.info(locale_drag.noPartMerge, "");
- }
- return;
- }
- }
- let getdata = getdatabyselection(Store.luckysheet_select_save[0]);
- let arr = [];
- if (getdata.length == 0) {
- return;
- }
- let clen = getdata[0].length;
- for (let r = 0; r < getdata.length; r++) {
- if (r >= clen) {
- break;
- }
- arr.push(getdata[r][clen - r - 1]);
- }
- selection.copybyformat(event, JSON.stringify(arr));
- });
- //复制为对角偏移n列
- $("#luckysheet-copy-diagonaloffset").click(function (event) {
- $("body .luckysheet-cols-menu").hide();
- $("#" + Store.container).attr("tabindex", 0).focus();
- if(Store.luckysheet_select_save.length > 1){
- if(isEditMode()){
- alert(locale_drag.noMulti);
- }
- else{
- tooltip.info(locale_drag.noMulti, "");
- }
- return;
- }
- //复制范围内包含部分合并单元格,提示
- if(Store.config["merge"] != null){
- let has_PartMC = false;
- for(let s = 0; s < Store.luckysheet_select_save.length; s++){
- let r1 = Store.luckysheet_select_save[s].row[0],
- r2 = Store.luckysheet_select_save[s].row[1];
- let c1 = Store.luckysheet_select_save[s].column[0],
- c2 = Store.luckysheet_select_save[s].column[1];
- has_PartMC = hasPartMC(Store.config, r1, r2, c1, c2);
- if(has_PartMC){
- break;
- }
- }
- if(has_PartMC){
- if(isEditMode()){
- alert(locale_drag.noPartMerge);
- }
- else{
- tooltip.info(locale_drag.noPartMerge, "");
- }
- return;
- }
- }
- let getdata = getdatabyselection(Store.luckysheet_select_save[0]);
- let arr = [];
- if (getdata.length == 0) {
- return;
- }
- let clen = getdata[0].length,
- offset = parseInt($("#luckysheet-copy-diagonaloffset-value").val());
- if(offset.toString() == "NaN"){
- if(isEditMode()){
- alert(locale_drag.inputCorrect);
- }
- else{
- tooltip.info(locale_drag.inputCorrect, "");
- }
- return;
- }
- if(offset < 0){
- if(isEditMode()){
- alert(locale_drag.offsetColumnLessZero);
- }
- else{
- tooltip.info(locale_drag.offsetColumnLessZero, "");
- }
- return;
- }
- if (offset == null) {
- offset = 1;
- }
- for (let r = 0; r < getdata.length; r++) {
- if (r + offset >= clen) {
- break;
- }
- arr.push(getdata[r][r + offset]);
- }
- selection.copybyformat(event, JSON.stringify(arr));
- });
- //复制为布尔值
- $("#luckysheet-copy-boolvalue").click(function (event) {
- $("body .luckysheet-cols-menu").hide();
- $("#" + Store.container).attr("tabindex", 0).focus();
- if(Store.luckysheet_select_save.length > 1){
- if(isEditMode()){
- alert(locale_drag.noMulti);
- }
- else{
- tooltip.info(locale_drag.noMulti, "");
- }
- return;
- }
- //复制范围内包含部分合并单元格,提示
- if(Store.config["merge"] != null){
- let has_PartMC = false;
- for(let s = 0; s < Store.luckysheet_select_save.length; s++){
- let r1 = Store.luckysheet_select_save[s].row[0],
- r2 = Store.luckysheet_select_save[s].row[1];
- let c1 = Store.luckysheet_select_save[s].column[0],
- c2 = Store.luckysheet_select_save[s].column[1];
- has_PartMC = hasPartMC(Store.config, r1, r2, c1, c2);
- if(has_PartMC){
- break;
- }
- }
- if(has_PartMC){
- if(isEditMode()){
- alert(locale_drag.noPartMerge);
- }
- else{
- tooltip.info(locale_drag.noPartMerge, "");
- }
- return;
- }
- }
- let getdata = getdatabyselection(Store.luckysheet_select_save[0]);
- let arr = [];
- if (getdata.length == 0) {
- return;
- }
- for (let r = 0; r < getdata.length; r++) {
- let a = [];
- for (let c = 0; c < getdata[0].length; c++) {
- let bool = false;
- if(getObjType(getdata[r][c]) == "object"){
- let v = getdata[r][c].v;
- }
- else{
- let v = getdata[r][c];
- }
- if (v == null || v == "") {
- bool = false;
- }
- else {
- v = parseInt(v);
- if (v == null || v > 0) {
- bool = true;
- }
- else {
- bool = false;
- }
- }
- a.push(bool);
- }
- arr.push(a);
- }
- selection.copybyformat(event, JSON.stringify(arr));
- });
- //矩阵操作选区 翻转 上下
- $("#luckysheet-matrix-turn-up").click(function (event) {
- $("body .luckysheet-cols-menu").hide();
- $("#" + Store.container).attr("tabindex", 0).focus();
- if(Store.luckysheet_select_save.length > 1){
- if(isEditMode()){
- alert(locale_drag.noMulti);
- }
- else{
- tooltip.info(locale_drag.noMulti, "");
- }
- return;
- }
- let getdata = getdatabyselection(Store.luckysheet_select_save[0]);
- if (getdata.length == 0) {
- return;
- }
- let arr = [];
- for (let r = getdata.length - 1; r >= 0; r--) {
- let a = [];
- for (let c = 0; c < getdata[0].length; c++) {
- let value = "";
- if (getdata[r] != null && getdata[r][c] != null) {
- value = getdata[r][c];
- }
- a.push(value);
- }
- arr.push(a);
- }
- editor.controlHandler(arr);
- });
- //矩阵操作选区 翻转 左右
- $("#luckysheet-matrix-turn-left").click(function (event) {
- $("body .luckysheet-cols-menu").hide();
- $("#" + Store.container).attr("tabindex", 0).focus();
- if(Store.luckysheet_select_save.length > 1){
- if(isEditMode()){
- alert(locale_drag.noMulti);
- }
- else{
- tooltip.info(locale_drag.noMulti, "");
- }
- return;
- }
- let getdata = getdatabyselection(Store.luckysheet_select_save[0]);
- if (getdata.length == 0) {
- return;
- }
- let arr = [];
- for (let r = 0; r < getdata.length; r++) {
- let a = [];
- for (let c = getdata[0].length - 1; c >= 0; c--) {
- let value = "";
- if (getdata[r] != null && getdata[r][c] != null) {
- value = getdata[r][c];
- }
- a.push(value);
- }
- arr.push(a);
- }
- editor.controlHandler(arr);
- });
- //矩阵操作选区 翻转 顺时针
- $("#luckysheet-matrix-turn-cw").click(function (event) {
- $("body .luckysheet-cols-menu").hide();
- $("#" + Store.container).attr("tabindex", 0).focus();
- if(Store.luckysheet_select_save.length > 1){
- if(isEditMode()){
- alert(locale_drag.noMulti);
- }
- else{
- tooltip.info(locale_drag.noMulti, "");
- }
- return;
- }
- let getdata = getdatabyselection(Store.luckysheet_select_save[0]);
- if (getdata.length == 0) {
- return;
- }
- let arr = [];
- for (let c = 0; c < getdata[0].length; c++) {
- let a = [];
- for (let r = getdata.length - 1; r >= 0; r--) {
- let value = "";
- if (getdata[r] != null && getdata[r][c] != null) {
- value = getdata[r][c];
- }
- a.push(value);
- }
- arr.push(a);
- }
- editor.controlHandlerD(arr);
- });
- //矩阵操作选区 翻转 逆时针
- $("#luckysheet-matrix-turn-anticw").click(function (event) {
- $("body .luckysheet-cols-menu").hide();
- $("#" + Store.container).attr("tabindex", 0).focus();
- if(Store.luckysheet_select_save.length > 1){
- if(isEditMode()){
- alert(locale_drag.noMulti);
- }
- else{
- tooltip.info(locale_drag.noMulti, "");
- }
- return;
- }
- let getdata = getdatabyselection(Store.luckysheet_select_save[0]);
- if (getdata.length == 0) {
- return;
- }
- let arr = [];
- for (let c = getdata[0].length - 1; c >= 0; c--) {
- let a = [];
- for (let r = 0; r < getdata.length; r++) {
- let value = "";
- if (getdata[r] != null && getdata[r][c] != null) {
- value = getdata[r][c];
- }
- a.push(value);
- }
- arr.push(a);
- }
- editor.controlHandlerD(arr);
- });
- //矩阵操作选区 转置
- $("#luckysheet-matrix-turn-trans").click(function (event) {
- $("body .luckysheet-cols-menu").hide();
- $("#" + Store.container).attr("tabindex", 0).focus();
- if(Store.luckysheet_select_save.length > 1){
- if(isEditMode()){
- alert(locale_drag.noMulti);
- }
- else{
- tooltip.info(locale_drag.noMulti, "");
- }
- return;
- }
- let getdata = getdatabyselection(Store.luckysheet_select_save[0]);
- if (getdata.length == 0) {
- return;
- }
- let arr = [];
- for (let c = 0; c < getdata[0].length; c++) {
- let a = [];
- for (let r = 0; r < getdata.length; r++) {
- let value = "";
- if (getdata[r] != null && getdata[r][c] != null) {
- value = getdata[r][c];
- }
- a.push(value);
- }
- arr.push(a);
- }
- editor.controlHandlerD(arr);
- });
- let jfnqrt = function (x, p) {
- if (x == 0)
- return 0;
- let x0, x1;
- x0 = x;
- x1 = ((p - 1) * x0 / p) + (x / (Math.pow(x0, p - 1) * p));//利用迭代法求解
- while (Math.abs(x1 - x0) > 0.000001) {
- x0 = x1;
- x1 = ((p - 1) * x0 / p) + (x / (Math.pow(x0, p - 1) * p));
- }
- return x1;
- }
- //矩阵操作选区 矩阵计算
- $("#luckysheet-matrix-cal-confirm").click(function (event) {
- $("body .luckysheet-cols-menu").hide();
- $("#" + Store.container).attr("tabindex", 0).focus();
- if(Store.luckysheet_select_save.length > 1){
- if(isEditMode()){
- alert(locale_drag.noMulti);
- }
- else{
- tooltip.info(locale_drag.noMulti, "");
- }
- return;
- }
- let getdata = getdatabyselection(Store.luckysheet_select_save[0]);
- if (getdata.length == 0) {
- return;
- }
- let caltype = $("#luckysheet-matrix-cal-type").val(),
- calvalue = parseInt($("#luckysheet-matrix-cal-value").val());
- if(calvalue.toString() == "NaN"){
- if(isEditMode()){
- alert(locale_drag.inputCorrect);
- }
- else{
- tooltip.info(locale_drag.inputCorrect, "");
- }
- return;
- }
- if (calvalue == null) {
- calvalue = 2;
- }
- let arr = [];
- for (let r = 0; r < getdata.length; r++) {
- let a = [];
- for (let c = 0; c < getdata[0].length; c++) {
- let value = "";
- if (getdata[r] != null && getdata[r][c] != null) {
- value = getdata[r][c];
- if (parseInt(value) != null && getdata[r][c].ct != undefined && getdata[r][c].ct.t == "n") {
- if (caltype == "minus") {
- value.v = value.v - calvalue;
- }
- else if (caltype == "multiply") {
- value.v = value.v * calvalue;
- }
- else if (caltype == "divided") {
- value.v = numFormat(value.v / calvalue, 4);
- }
- else if (caltype == "power") {
- value.v = Math.pow(value.v, calvalue);
- }
- else if (caltype == "root") {
- if (calvalue == 2) {
- value.v = numFormat(Math.sqrt(value.v), 4);
- }
- else if (calvalue == 3 && Math.cbrt) {
- value.v = numFormat(Math.cbrt(value.v), 4);
- }
- else {
- value.v = numFormat(jfnqrt(value.v, calvalue), 4);
- }
- }
- else if (caltype == "log") {
- value.v = numFormat(Math.log(value.v) * 10000 / Math.log(Math.abs(calvalue)), 4);
- }
- else {
- value.v = value.v + calvalue;
- }
- if(value.v == null){
- value.m = "";
- }
- else{
- value.m = value.v.toString();
- }
- }
- }
- a.push(value);
- }
- arr.push(a);
- }
- editor.controlHandler(arr);
- });
- //矩阵操作选区 删除两端0值 按行
- $("#luckysheet-matrix-delezero-row").click(function (event) {
- $("body .luckysheet-cols-menu").hide();
- $("#" + Store.container).attr("tabindex", 0).focus();
- if(Store.luckysheet_select_save.length > 1){
- if(isEditMode()){
- alert(locale_drag.noMulti);
- }
- else{
- tooltip.info(locale_drag.noMulti, "");
- }
- return;
- }
- let getdata = getdatabyselection(Store.luckysheet_select_save[0]);
- if (getdata.length == 0) {
- return;
- }
- let arr = [];
- let getdatalen = getdata[0].length;
- for (let r = 0; r < getdata.length; r++) {
- let a = [], stdel = true, eddel = true;
- for (let c = 0; c < getdatalen; c++) {
- let value = "";
- if (getdata[r] != null && getdata[r][c] != null) {
- value = getdata[r][c];
- if ((value.v == "0" || value.v == 0) && stdel) {
- continue;
- }
- else {
- stdel = false;
- }
- }
- a.push(value);
- }
- let a1 = [];
- if (a.length == getdatalen) {
- a1 = a;
- }
- else {
- for (let c = a.length - 1; c >= 0; c--) {
- let value = "";
- if (a[c] != null) {
- value = a[c];
- if ((value.v == "0" || value.v == 0) && eddel) {
- continue;
- }
- else {
- eddel = false;
- }
- }
- a1.unshift(value);
- }
- let l = getdatalen - a1.length;
- for (let c1 = 0; c1 < l; c1++) {
- a1.push("");
- }
- }
- arr.push(a1);
- }
- editor.controlHandler(arr);
- });
- //矩阵操作选区 删除两端0值 按列
- $("#luckysheet-matrix-delezero-column").click(function (event) {
- $("body .luckysheet-cols-menu").hide();
- $("#" + Store.container).attr("tabindex", 0).focus();
- if(Store.luckysheet_select_save.length > 1){
- if(isEditMode()){
- alert(locale_drag.noMulti);
- }
- else{
- tooltip.info(locale_drag.noMulti, "");
- }
- return;
- }
- let getdata = getdatabyselection(Store.luckysheet_select_save[0]);
- if (getdata.length == 0) {
- return;
- }
- let arr = [];
- let getdatalen = getdata.length, collen = getdata[0].length;
- for (let c = 0; c < collen; c++) {
- let a = [], stdel = true, eddel = true;
- for (let r = 0; r < getdatalen; r++) {
- let value = "";
- if (getdata[r] != null && getdata[r][c] != null) {
- value = getdata[r][c];
- if ((value.v == "0" || value.v == 0) && stdel) {
- continue;
- }
- else {
- stdel = false;
- }
- }
- a.push(value);
- }
- let a1 = [];
- if (a.length == getdatalen) {
- a1 = a;
- }
- else {
- for (let r = a.length - 1; r >= 0; r--) {
- let value = "";
- if (a[r] != null) {
- value = a[r];
- if ((value.v == "0" || value.v == 0) && eddel) {
- continue;
- }
- else {
- eddel = false;
- }
- }
- a1.unshift(value);
- }
- let l = getdatalen - a1.length;
- for (let r1 = 0; r1 < l; r1++) {
- a1.push("");
- }
- }
- arr.push(a1);
- }
- let arr1 = [];
- for (let c = 0; c < arr[0].length; c++) {
- let a = [];
- for (let r = 0; r < arr.length; r++) {
- let value = "";
- if (arr[r] != null && arr[r][c] != null) {
- value = arr[r][c];
- }
- a.push(value);
- }
- arr1.push(a);
- }
- editor.controlHandler(arr1);
- });
- //矩阵操作选区 删除重复值 按行
- $("#luckysheet-matrix-delerpt-row").click(function (event) {
- $("body .luckysheet-cols-menu").hide();
- $("#" + Store.container).attr("tabindex", 0).focus();
- if(Store.luckysheet_select_save.length > 1){
- if(isEditMode()){
- alert(locale_drag.noMulti);
- }
- else{
- tooltip.info(locale_drag.noMulti, "");
- }
- return;
- }
- let getdata = getdatabyselection(Store.luckysheet_select_save[0]);
- if (getdata.length == 0) {
- return;
- }
- let arr = [];
- let getdatalen = getdata[0].length;
- for (let r = 0; r < getdata.length; r++) {
- let a = [], repeat = {};
- for (let c = 0; c < getdatalen; c++) {
- let value = null;
- if (getdata[r] != null && getdata[r][c] != null) {
- value = getdata[r][c];
- if(value.v in repeat){
- repeat[value.v].push(value);
- }
- else{
- repeat[value.v] = [];
- repeat[value.v].push(value);
- }
- }
- }
- for (let c = 0; c < getdatalen; c++) {
- let value = null;
- if (getdata[r] != null && getdata[r][c] != null) {
- value = getdata[r][c];
- if(repeat[value.v].length == 1){
- a.push(value);
- }
- }
- }
- let l = getdatalen - a.length;
- for (let c1 = 0; c1 < l; c1++) {
- a.push(null);
- }
- arr.push(a);
- }
- editor.controlHandler(arr);
- });
- //矩阵操作选区 删除重复值 按列
- $("#luckysheet-matrix-delerpt-column").click(function (event) {
- $("body .luckysheet-cols-menu").hide();
- $("#" + Store.container).attr("tabindex", 0).focus();
- if(Store.luckysheet_select_save.length > 1){
- if(isEditMode()){
- alert(locale_drag.noMulti);
- }
- else{
- tooltip.info(locale_drag.noMulti, "");
- }
- return;
- }
- let getdata = getdatabyselection(Store.luckysheet_select_save[0]);
- if (getdata.length == 0) {
- return;
- }
- let arr = [];
- let getdatalen = getdata.length, collen = getdata[0].length;
- for (let c = 0; c < collen; c++) {
- let a = [], repeat = {};
- for (let r = 0; r < getdatalen; r++) {
- let value = null;
- if (getdata[r] != null && getdata[r][c] != null) {
- value = getdata[r][c];
- if(value.v in repeat){
- repeat[value.v].push(value);
- }
- else{
- repeat[value.v] = [];
- repeat[value.v].push(value);
- }
- }
- }
- for (let r = 0; r < getdatalen; r++) {
- let value = null;
- if (getdata[r] != null && getdata[r][c] != null) {
- value = getdata[r][c];
- if(repeat[value.v].length == 1){
- a.push(value);
- }
- }
- }
- a1 = a;
- let l = getdatalen - a1.length;
- for (let r1 = 0; r1 < l; r1++) {
- a1.push(null);
- }
- arr.push(a1);
- }
- let arr1 = [];
- for (let c = 0; c < arr[0].length; c++) {
- let a = [];
- for (let r = 0; r < arr.length; r++) {
- let value = null;
- if (arr[r] != null && arr[r][c] != null) {
- value = arr[r][c];
- }
- a.push(value);
- }
- arr1.push(a);
- }
- editor.controlHandler(arr1);
- });
- //回退 重做 按钮
- $("#luckysheet-icon-undo").click(function (event) {
- controlHistory.redo(event);
- });
- $("#luckysheet-icon-redo").click(function (event) {
- controlHistory.undo(event);
- });
- //表格底部名称栏区域 相关事件(增、删、改、隐藏显示、颜色等等)
- let isInitialSheetConfig = false, luckysheetcurrentSheetitem = null, jfdbclicklagTimeout = null;
- function showsheetconfigmenu() {
- if (!isInitialSheetConfig) {
- isInitialSheetConfig = true;
- let locale_toolbar = _locale.toolbar;
- $("#luckysheetsheetconfigcolorur").spectrum({
- showPalette: true,
- preferredFormat: "hex",
- clickoutFiresChange: false,
- showInitial: true,
- showInput: true,
- flat: true,
- hideAfterPaletteSelect: false,
- showSelectionPalette: true,
- maxPaletteSize: 10,
- cancelText: _locale.sheetconfig.cancelText,
- chooseText: _locale.sheetconfig.chooseText,
- togglePaletteMoreText: locale_toolbar.toolMore,
- togglePaletteLessText: locale_toolbar.toolLess,
- clearText: locale_toolbar.clearText,
- noColorSelectedText: locale_toolbar.noColorSelectedText,
- palette: [["rgb(0, 0, 0)", "rgb(67, 67, 67)", "rgb(102, 102, 102)", "rgb(204, 204, 204)", "rgb(217, 217, 217)", "rgb(255, 255, 255)"], ["rgb(152, 0, 0)", "rgb(255, 0, 0)", "rgb(255, 153, 0)", "rgb(255, 255, 0)", "rgb(0, 255, 0)", "rgb(0, 255, 255)", "rgb(74, 134, 232)", "rgb(0, 0, 255)", "rgb(153, 0, 255)", "rgb(255, 0, 255)"], ["rgb(230, 184, 175)", "rgb(244, 204, 204)", "rgb(252, 229, 205)", "rgb(255, 242, 204)", "rgb(217, 234, 211)", "rgb(208, 224, 227)", "rgb(201, 218, 248)", "rgb(207, 226, 243)", "rgb(217, 210, 233)", "rgb(234, 209, 220)"], ["rgb(221, 126, 107)", "rgb(234, 153, 153)", "rgb(249, 203, 156)", "rgb(255, 229, 153)", "rgb(182, 215, 168)", "rgb(162, 196, 201)", "rgb(164, 194, 244)", "rgb(159, 197, 232)", "rgb(180, 167, 214)", "rgb(213, 166, 189)"], ["rgb(204, 65, 37)", "rgb(224, 102, 102)", "rgb(246, 178, 107)", "rgb(255, 217, 102)", "rgb(147, 196, 125)", "rgb(118, 165, 175)", "rgb(109, 158, 235)", "rgb(111, 168, 220)", "rgb(142, 124, 195)", "rgb(194, 123, 160)"], ["rgb(166, 28, 0)", "rgb(204, 0, 0)", "rgb(230, 145, 56)", "rgb(241, 194, 50)", "rgb(106, 168, 79)", "rgb(69, 129, 142)", "rgb(60, 120, 216)", "rgb(61, 133, 198)", "rgb(103, 78, 167)", "rgb(166, 77, 121)"], ["rgb(91, 15, 0)", "rgb(102, 0, 0)", "rgb(120, 63, 4)", "rgb(127, 96, 0)", "rgb(39, 78, 19)", "rgb(12, 52, 61)", "rgb(28, 69, 135)", "rgb(7, 55, 99)", "rgb(32, 18, 77)", "rgb(76, 17, 48)"], ["#c1232b", "#27727b", "#fcce10", "#e87c25", "#b5c334", "#fe8463", "#9bca63", "#fad860", "#f3a43b", "#60c0dd", "#d7504b", "#c6e579", "#f4e001", "#f0805a", "#26c0c0", "#c12e34", "#e6b600", "#0098d9", "#2b821d", "#005eaa", "#339ca8", "#cda819", "#32a487", "#3fb1e3", "#6be6c1", "#626c91", "#a0a7e6", "#c4ebad", "#96dee8"]],
- change: function (color) {
- let $input = $(this);
- if (color != null) {
- color = color.toHexString();
- }
- else {
- color = "rgb(0, 0, 0)";
- }
- let oldcolor = null;
- if(luckysheetcurrentSheetitem.find(".luckysheet-sheets-item-color").length>0){
- oldcolor = luckysheetcurrentSheetitem.find(".luckysheet-sheets-item-color").css("background-color");
- }
- luckysheetcurrentSheetitem.find(".luckysheet-sheets-item-color").remove();
- luckysheetcurrentSheetitem.append('');
- let index = getSheetIndex(Store.currentSheetIndex);
- Store.luckysheetfile[index].color = color;
- server.saveParam("all", Store.currentSheetIndex, color, { "k": "color" });
- if (Store.clearjfundo) {
- let redo = {};
- redo["type"] = "sheetColor";
- redo["sheetIndex"] = Store.currentSheetIndex;
- redo["oldcolor"] = oldcolor;
- redo["color"] = color;
- Store.jfundo = [];
- Store.jfredo.push(redo);
- }
- }
- });
- $("#luckysheetsheetconfigcolorreset").click(function () {
- let oldcolor = null;
- if(luckysheetcurrentSheetitem.find(".luckysheet-sheets-item-color").length>0){
- oldcolor = luckysheetcurrentSheetitem.find(".luckysheet-sheets-item-color").css("background-color");
- }
- luckysheetcurrentSheetitem.find(".luckysheet-sheets-item-color").remove();
- let index = getSheetIndex(Store.currentSheetIndex);
- Store.luckysheetfile[index].color = null;
- server.saveParam("all", Store.currentSheetIndex, null, { "k": "color" } );
- if (Store.clearjfundo) {
- let redo = {};
- redo["type"] = "sheetColor";
- redo["sheetIndex"] = Store.currentSheetIndex;
- redo["oldcolor"] = oldcolor;
- redo["color"] = null;
- Store.jfundo = [];
- Store.jfredo.push(redo);
- }
- });
- }
- let index = getSheetIndex(Store.currentSheetIndex);
- if (Store.luckysheetfile[index].color != null && Store.luckysheetfile[index].color.length > 0) {
- $("#luckysheetsheetconfigcolorur").spectrum("set", Store.luckysheetfile[index].color);
- }
- $("#luckysheetsheetconfigcolorur").parent().find("span, div, button, input, a").addClass("luckysheet-mousedown-cancel");
- setTimeout(function(){
- mouseclickposition($("#luckysheet-rightclick-sheet-menu"), luckysheetcurrentSheetitem.offset().left + luckysheetcurrentSheetitem.width(), luckysheetcurrentSheetitem.offset().top - 18, "leftbottom");
- },1);
- }
- let luckysheetsheetrightclick = function ($t, $cur, e) {
- clearTimeout(jfdbclicklagTimeout);
- if ($cur.hasClass("luckysheet-sheets-item-name") && $cur.attr("contenteditable") == "true") {
- return;
- }
- if (formula.rangestart || formula.rangedrag_column_start || formula.rangedrag_row_start || formula.israngeseleciton()) {
- setTimeout(function () {
- formula.setCaretPosition(formula.rangeSetValueTo.get(0), 0, formula.rangeSetValueTo.text().length);
- formula.createRangeHightlight();
- $("#luckysheet-input-box-index").find(".luckysheet-input-box-index-sheettxt").remove().end().prepend("" + sheetmanage.getSheetName(formula.rangetosheet) + "!").show();
- $("#luckysheet-input-box-index").css({"left": $("#luckysheet-input-box").css("left"), "top": (parseInt($("#luckysheet-input-box").css("top")) - 20) + "px", "z-index": $("#luckysheet-input-box").css("z-index")});
- }, 1);
- }
- else {
- $("#luckysheet-input-box").removeAttr("style");
- $("#luckysheet-formula-functionrange .luckysheet-formula-functionrange-highlight").remove();
- }
- $("#luckysheet-sheet-area div.luckysheet-sheets-item").removeClass("luckysheet-sheets-item-active");
- $t.addClass("luckysheet-sheets-item-active");
- cleargridelement(e);
- sheetmanage.changeSheet($t.data("index"));
- $("#luckysheet-sheet-list, #luckysheet-rightclick-sheet-menu").hide();
- if ($cur.hasClass("luckysheet-sheets-item-menu") || $cur.hasClass("fa-sort-desc") || e.which == "3") {
- luckysheetcurrentSheetitem = $cur.closest(".luckysheet-sheets-item");
- showsheetconfigmenu();
- }
- }
- $("#luckysheet-sheet-area").on("mousedown", "div.luckysheet-sheets-item", function (e) {
- if(isEditMode()){
- // alert("非编辑模式下不允许该操作!");
- return;
- }
- let $t = $(this), $cur = $(e.target), $item = $cur.closest(".luckysheet-sheets-item");
- if (e.which == "3") {
- luckysheetsheetrightclick($t, $cur, e);
- luckysheetcurrentSheetitem = $item;
- showsheetconfigmenu();
- return;
- }
- if ($item.hasClass("luckysheet-sheets-item-active") && $item.find(".luckysheet-sheets-item-name").attr("contenteditable") == "false") {
- jfdbclicklagTimeout = setTimeout(function () {
- Store.luckysheet_sheet_move_status = true;
- Store.luckysheet_sheet_move_data = {};
- Store.luckysheet_sheet_move_data.widthlist = [];
- $("#luckysheet-sheet-area div.luckysheet-sheets-item:visible").each(function (i) {
- if (i == 0) {
- Store.luckysheet_sheet_move_data.widthlist.push(parseInt($(this).outerWidth()));
- }
- else {
- Store.luckysheet_sheet_move_data.widthlist.push(parseInt($(this).outerWidth()) + Store.luckysheet_sheet_move_data.widthlist[i - 1]);
- }
- });
- Store.luckysheet_sheet_move_data.curindex = $("#luckysheet-sheet-area div.luckysheet-sheets-item").index($item);
- let x = e.pageX;
- Store.luckysheet_sheet_move_data.curleft = x - $item.offset().left;
- Store.luckysheet_sheet_move_data.pageX = x;
- Store.luckysheet_sheet_move_data.activeobject = $item;
- Store.luckysheet_sheet_move_data.cursorobject = $cur;
- let $itemclone = $item.clone().css("visibility", "hidden").attr("id", "luckysheet-sheets-item-clone");
- $item.after($itemclone);
- $item.css({ "position": "absolute", "opacity": 0.8, "cursor": "move", "transition": "initial", "z-index": 10 });
- }, 200);
- }
- }).on("click", "div.luckysheet-sheets-item", function (e) {
- if(isEditMode()){
- // alert("非编辑模式下不允许该操作!");
- return;
- }
- let $t = $(this), $cur = $(e.target);
- luckysheetsheetrightclick($t, $cur, e);
- });
- let luckysheetsheetnameeditor = function ($t) {
- $t.attr("contenteditable", "true").addClass("luckysheet-mousedown-cancel").data("oldtxt", $t.text());
- setTimeout(function () {
- if (document.selection) {
- let range = document.body.createTextRange();
- range.moveToElementText($t.get(0));
- range.select();
- } else if (window.getSelection) {
- let range = document.createRange();
- range.selectNodeContents($t.get(0));
- window.getSelection().removeAllRanges();
- window.getSelection().addRange(range);
- }
- }, 1);
- }
- $("#luckysheet-sheet-area").on("dblclick", "span.luckysheet-sheets-item-name", function (e) {
- luckysheetsheetnameeditor($(this));
- });
- $("#luckysheet-sheet-area").on("blur", "span.luckysheet-sheets-item-name", function (e) {
- let $t = $(this);
- let txt = $t.text(), oldtxt = $t.data("oldtxt");
- let index = getSheetIndex(Store.currentSheetIndex);
- for (let i = 0; i < Store.luckysheetfile.length; i++) {
- if (index != i && Store.luckysheetfile[i].name == txt) {
- if(isEditMode()){
- alert(locale_sheetconfig.tipNameRepeat);
- }
- else{
- tooltip.info("", locale_sheetconfig.tipNameRepeat);
- }
- $t.text(oldtxt).attr("contenteditable", "false");
- return;
- }
- }
- let winW = $(window).width();
- let c_width = 0;
- $("#luckysheet-sheet-container-c > div.luckysheet-sheets-item:visible").each(function(){
- c_width += $(this).outerWidth();
- });
- if (c_width >= winW * 0.7) {
- $("#luckysheet-sheet-area .luckysheet-sheets-scroll").css("display", "inline-block");
- $("#luckysheet-sheet-container .docs-sheet-fade-left").show();
- }
- Store.luckysheetfile[index].name = txt;
- server.saveParam("all", Store.currentSheetIndex, txt, { "k": "name" });
- $t.attr("contenteditable", "false").removeClass("luckysheet-mousedown-cancel");
- if (Store.clearjfundo) {
- let redo = {};
- redo["type"] = "sheetName";
- redo["sheetIndex"] = Store.currentSheetIndex;
- redo["oldtxt"] = oldtxt;
- redo["txt"] = txt;
- Store.jfundo = [];
- Store.jfredo.push(redo);
- }
- });
- $("#luckysheet-sheet-area").on("keydown", "span.luckysheet-sheets-item-name", function (e) {
- let kcode = e.keyCode;
- let $t = $(this);
- if (kcode == keycode.ENTER) {
- let index = getSheetIndex(Store.currentSheetIndex);
- Store.luckysheetfile[index].name = $t.text();
- $t.attr("contenteditable", "false");
- }
- });
- $("#luckysheetsheetconfigrename").click(function () {
- luckysheetsheetnameeditor(luckysheetcurrentSheetitem.find("span.luckysheet-sheets-item-name"));
- $("#luckysheet-input-box").removeAttr("style");
- $("#luckysheet-sheet-list, #luckysheet-rightclick-sheet-menu").hide();
- });
- $("#luckysheetsheetconfigshow").click(function () {
- $("#luckysheet-sheets-m").click();
- $("#luckysheet-input-box").removeAttr("style");
- $("#luckysheet-rightclick-sheet-menu").hide();
- });
- $("#luckysheetsheetconfigmoveleft").click(function () {
- if (luckysheetcurrentSheetitem.preval(":visible").length > 0) {
- luckysheetcurrentSheetitem.insertBefore(luckysheetcurrentSheetitem.preval(":visible").eq(0));
- sheetmanage.reOrderAllSheet();
- }
- $("#luckysheet-input-box").removeAttr("style");
- $("#luckysheet-sheet-list, #luckysheet-rightclick-sheet-menu").hide();
- });
- $("#luckysheetsheetconfigmoveright").click(function () {
- if (luckysheetcurrentSheetitem.nextAll(":visible").length > 0) {
- luckysheetcurrentSheetitem.insertAfter(luckysheetcurrentSheetitem.nextAll(":visible").eq(0));
- sheetmanage.reOrderAllSheet();
- }
- $("#luckysheet-input-box").removeAttr("style");
- $("#luckysheet-sheet-list, #luckysheet-rightclick-sheet-menu").hide();
- });
- $("#luckysheetsheetconfigdelete").click(function (e) {
- $("#luckysheet-sheet-list, #luckysheet-rightclick-sheet-menu").hide();
- if($("#luckysheet-sheet-container-c .luckysheet-sheets-item:visible").length <= 1){
- if(isEditMode()){
- alert(locale_sheetconfig.noMoreSheet);
- }
- else{
- tooltip.info(locale_sheetconfig.noMoreSheet, "");
- }
- return;
- }
- let index = getSheetIndex(Store.currentSheetIndex);
- tooltip.confirm(locale_sheetconfig.confirmDelete+"【" + Store.luckysheetfile[index].name + "】?", ""+locale_sheetconfig.redoDelete+"", function () {
- sheetmanage.deleteSheet(luckysheetcurrentSheetitem.data("index"));
- }, null);
- $("#luckysheet-input-box").removeAttr("style");
- });
- $("#luckysheetsheetconfigcopy").click(function (e) {
- sheetmanage.copySheet(luckysheetcurrentSheetitem.data("index"), e);
- $("#luckysheet-input-box").removeAttr("style");
- $("#luckysheet-sheet-list, #luckysheet-rightclick-sheet-menu").hide();
- });
- $("#luckysheetsheetconfighide").click(function () {
- if ($("#luckysheet-sheet-area div.luckysheet-sheets-item:visible").length == 1) {
- if(isEditMode()){
- alert(locale_sheetconfig.noHide);
- }
- else{
- tooltip.info("", locale_sheetconfig.noHide);
- }
- return;
- }
- sheetmanage.setSheetHide(luckysheetcurrentSheetitem.data("index"));
- $("#luckysheet-input-box").removeAttr("style");
- $("#luckysheet-sheet-list, #luckysheet-rightclick-sheet-menu").hide();
- });
- $("#luckysheet-sheets-add").click(function (e) {
- sheetmanage.addNewSheet(e);
- sheetmanage.locationSheet();
- $("#luckysheet-input-box").removeAttr("style");
- });
- let sheetscrollani = null, sheetscrollstart = 0, sheetscrollend = 0, sheetscrollstep = 150;
- $("#luckysheet-sheets-leftscroll").click(function () {
- let $c = $("#luckysheet-sheet-container-c");
- sheetscrollstart = $c.scrollLeft();
- sheetscrollend = $c.scrollLeft() - sheetscrollstep;
- if (sheetscrollend <= 0) {
- $("#luckysheet-sheet-container .docs-sheet-fade-left").hide();
- }
- $("#luckysheet-sheet-container .docs-sheet-fade-right").show();
- clearInterval(sheetscrollani);
- sheetscrollani = setInterval(function () {
- sheetscrollstart -= 4;
- $c.scrollLeft(sheetscrollstart);
- if (sheetscrollstart <= sheetscrollend) {
- clearInterval(sheetscrollani);
- }
- }, 1);
- });
- $("#luckysheet-sheets-rightscroll").click(function () {
- let $c = $("#luckysheet-sheet-container-c");
- sheetscrollstart = $c.scrollLeft();
- sheetscrollend = $c.scrollLeft() + sheetscrollstep;
- if (sheetscrollstart > 0) {
- $("#luckysheet-sheet-container .docs-sheet-fade-right").hide();
- }
- $("#luckysheet-sheet-container .docs-sheet-fade-left").show();
- clearInterval(sheetscrollani);
- sheetscrollani = setInterval(function () {
- sheetscrollstart += 4;
- $c.scrollLeft(sheetscrollstart);
- if (sheetscrollstart >= sheetscrollend) {
- clearInterval(sheetscrollani);
- }
- }, 1);
- });
- let initialOpenSheet = true;
- $("#luckysheet-sheets-m").click(function (e) {
- $("#luckysheet-sheet-list").html("");
- let item = "";
- for (let i = 0; i < Store.luckysheetfile.length; i++) {
- let f = Store.luckysheetfile[i], icon = '', style = "";
- if (f["status"] == 1) {
- icon = '';
- }
- if (f["hide"] == 1) {
- icon = '';
- style += "color:#BBBBBB;";
- }
- if (f["color"] != null && f["color"].length > 0) {
- style += "border-right:4px solid " + f["color"] + ";";
- }
- item += replaceHtml(sheetselectlistitemHTML, { "index": f["index"], "name": f["name"], "icon": icon, "style": style });
- }
- if (initialOpenSheet) {
- $("#" + Store.container).append(replaceHtml(sheetselectlistHTML, { "item": item }));
- $("#luckysheet-sheet-list").on("click", ".luckysheet-cols-menuitem", function (e) {
- if(isEditMode()){
- // tooltip.info("提示", "图表编辑模式下不允许该操作!");
- alert(locale_sheetconfig.chartEditNoOpt);
- return;
- }
- let $item = $(this), index = $item.data("index");
- if ($item.data("index") != Store.currentSheetIndex) {
- sheetmanage.setSheetShow(index);
- sheetmanage.locationSheet();
- }
- });
- initialOpenSheet = false;
- }
- else {
- $("#luckysheet-sheet-list").html(item);
- }
- let $t = $("#luckysheet-sheet-list");
- mouseclickposition($t, $(this).offset().left, $(this).offset().top - 12, "leftbottom");
- $("#luckysheet-input-box").removeAttr("style");
- });
- //向左增加列,向上增加行
- $("#luckysheet-add-lefttop, #luckysheet-add-lefttop_t").click(function (event) {
- $("#luckysheet-rightclick-menu").hide();
- $("#" + Store.container).attr("tabindex", 0).focus();
- if(Store.luckysheet_select_save.length > 1){
- if(isEditMode()){
- alert(locale_drag.noMulti);
- }
- else{
- tooltip.info(locale_drag.noMulti, "");
- }
- return;
- }
- let $t = $(this), value = $t.parent().find("input").val();
- if (!isRealNum(value)) {
- if(isEditMode()){
- alert(locale_info.tipInputNumber);
- }
- else{
- tooltip.info(locale_info.tipInputNumber, "");
- }
- return;
- }
- value = parseInt(value);
- if (value < 1 || value > 100) {
- if(isEditMode()){
- alert(locale_info.tipInputNumberLimit);
- }
- else{
- tooltip.info(locale_info.tipInputNumberLimit, "");
- }
- return;
- }
- let st_index = Store.luckysheet_select_save[0][Store.luckysheetRightHeadClickIs][0];
- luckysheetextendtable(Store.luckysheetRightHeadClickIs, st_index, value, "lefttop");
- });
- $("#luckysheet-addTopRows").click(function (event) {
- $("#luckysheet-rightclick-menu").hide();
- $("#" + Store.container).attr("tabindex", 0).focus();
- if(Store.luckysheet_select_save.length > 1){
- if(isEditMode()){
- alert(locale_drag.noMulti);
- }
- else{
- tooltip.info(locale_drag.noMulti, "");
- }
- return;
- }
- let $t = $(this), value = $t.parent().find("input").val();
- if (!isRealNum(value)) {
- if(isEditMode()){
- alert(locale_info.tipInputNumber);
- }
- else{
- tooltip.info(locale_info.tipInputNumber, "");
- }
- return;
- }
- value = parseInt(value);
- if (value < 1 || value > 100) {
- if(isEditMode()){
- alert(llocale_info.tipInputNumberLimit);
- }
- else{
- tooltip.info(llocale_info.tipInputNumberLimit, "");
- }
- return;
- }
- let st_index = Store.luckysheet_select_save[0].row[0];
- luckysheetextendtable('row', st_index, value, "lefttop");
- })
- $("#luckysheet-addLeftCols").click(function (event) {
- $("#luckysheet-rightclick-menu").hide();
- $("#" + Store.container).attr("tabindex", 0).focus();
- if(Store.luckysheet_select_save.length > 1){
- if(isEditMode()){
- alert(locale_drag.noMulti);
- }
- else{
- tooltip.info(locale_drag.noMulti, "");
- }
- return;
- }
- let $t = $(this), value = $t.parent().find("input").val();
- if (!isRealNum(value)) {
- if(isEditMode()){
- alert(locale_info.tipInputNumber);
- }
- else{
- tooltip.info(locale_info.tipInputNumber, "");
- }
- return;
- }
- value = parseInt(value);
- if (value < 1 || value > 100) {
- if(isEditMode()){
- alert(llocale_info.tipInputNumberLimit);
- }
- else{
- tooltip.info(llocale_info.tipInputNumberLimit, "");
- }
- return;
- }
- let st_index = Store.luckysheet_select_save[0].column[0];
- luckysheetextendtable('column', st_index, value, "lefttop");
- })
- //向右增加列,向下增加行
- $("#luckysheet-add-rightbottom, #luckysheet-add-rightbottom_t").click(function (event) {
- $("#luckysheet-rightclick-menu").hide();
- $("#" + Store.container).attr("tabindex", 0).focus();
- if(Store.luckysheet_select_save.length > 1){
- if(isEditMode()){
- alert(locale_drag.noMulti);
- }
- else{
- tooltip.info(locale_drag.noMulti, "");
- }
- return;
- }
- let $t = $(this), value = $t.parent().find("input").val();
- if (!isRealNum(value)) {
- if(isEditMode()){
- alert(locale_info.tipInputNumber);
- }
- else{
- tooltip.info(locale_info.tipInputNumber, "");
- }
- return;
- }
- value = parseInt(value);
- if (value < 1 || value > 100) {
- if(isEditMode()){
- alert(llocale_info.tipInputNumberLimit);
- }
- else{
- tooltip.info(llocale_info.tipInputNumberLimit, "");
- }
- return;
- }
- let st_index = Store.luckysheet_select_save[0][Store.luckysheetRightHeadClickIs][1];
- luckysheetextendtable(Store.luckysheetRightHeadClickIs, st_index, value, "rightbottom");
- });
- $("#luckysheet-addBottomRows").click(function (event) {
- $("#luckysheet-rightclick-menu").hide();
- $("#" + Store.container).attr("tabindex", 0).focus();
- if(Store.luckysheet_select_save.length > 1){
- if(isEditMode()){
- alert(locale_drag.noMulti);
- }
- else{
- tooltip.info(locale_drag.noMulti, "");
- }
- return;
- }
- let $t = $(this), value = $t.parent().find("input").val();
- if (!isRealNum(value)) {
- if(isEditMode()){
- alert(locale_info.tipInputNumber);
- }
- else{
- tooltip.info(locale_info.tipInputNumber, "");
- }
- return;
- }
- value = parseInt(value);
- if (value < 1 || value > 100) {
- if(isEditMode()){
- alert(llocale_info.tipInputNumberLimit);
- }
- else{
- tooltip.info(llocale_info.tipInputNumberLimit, "");
- }
- return;
- }
- let st_index = Store.luckysheet_select_save[0].row[1];
- luckysheetextendtable('row', st_index, value, "rightbottom");
- });
- $("#luckysheet-addRightCols").click(function (event) {
- $("#luckysheet-rightclick-menu").hide();
- $("#" + Store.container).attr("tabindex", 0).focus();
- if(Store.luckysheet_select_save.length > 1){
- if(isEditMode()){
- alert(locale_drag.noMulti);
- }
- else{
- tooltip.info(locale_drag.noMulti, "");
- }
- return;
- }
- let $t = $(this), value = $t.parent().find("input").val();
- if (!isRealNum(value)) {
- if(isEditMode()){
- alert(locale_info.tipInputNumber);
- }
- else{
- tooltip.info(locale_info.tipInputNumber, "");
- }
- return;
- }
- value = parseInt(value);
- if (value < 1 || value > 100) {
- if(isEditMode()){
- alert(llocale_info.tipInputNumberLimit);
- }
- else{
- tooltip.info(llocale_info.tipInputNumberLimit, "");
- }
- return;
- }
- let st_index = Store.luckysheet_select_save[0].column[1];
- luckysheetextendtable('column', st_index, value, "rightbottom");
- });
- //删除选中行列
- $("#luckysheet-del-selected, #luckysheet-del-selected_t").click(function (event) {
- $("#luckysheet-rightclick-menu").hide();
- $("#" + Store.container).attr("tabindex", 0).focus();
- if(Store.luckysheet_select_save.length > 1){
- if(Store.luckysheetRightHeadClickIs == "row"){
- if(isEditMode()){
- alert(locale_drag.noMulti);
- }
- else{
- tooltip.info(locale_drag.noMulti, "");
- }
- }
- else if(Store.luckysheetRightHeadClickIs == "column"){
- if(isEditMode()){
- alert(locale_drag.noMulti);
- }
- else{
- tooltip.info(locale_drag.noMulti, "");
- }
- }
- return;
- }
- let st_index = Store.luckysheet_select_save[0][Store.luckysheetRightHeadClickIs][0],
- ed_index = Store.luckysheet_select_save[0][Store.luckysheetRightHeadClickIs][1];
- luckysheetdeletetable(Store.luckysheetRightHeadClickIs, st_index, ed_index);
- });
- $("#luckysheet-delRows").click(function (event) {
- $("#luckysheet-rightclick-menu").hide();
- $("#" + Store.container).attr("tabindex", 0).focus();
- if(Store.luckysheet_select_save.length > 1){
- if(Store.luckysheetRightHeadClickIs == "row"){
- if(isEditMode()){
- alert(locale_drag.noMulti);
- }
- else{
- tooltip.info(locale_drag.noMulti, "");
- }
- }
- else if(Store.luckysheetRightHeadClickIs == "column"){
- if(isEditMode()){
- alert(locale_drag.noMulti);
- }
- else{
- tooltip.info(locale_drag.noMulti, "");
- }
- }
- return;
- }
- let st_index = Store.luckysheet_select_save[0].row[0],
- ed_index = Store.luckysheet_select_save[0].row[1];
- luckysheetdeletetable('row', st_index, ed_index);
- })
- $("#luckysheet-delCols").click(function (event) {
- $("#luckysheet-rightclick-menu").hide();
- $("#" + Store.container).attr("tabindex", 0).focus();
- if(Store.luckysheet_select_save.length > 1){
- if(Store.luckysheetRightHeadClickIs == "row"){
- if(isEditMode()){
- alert(locale_drag.noMulti);
- }
- else{
- tooltip.info(locale_drag.noMulti, "");
- }
- }
- else if(Store.luckysheetRightHeadClickIs == "column"){
- if(isEditMode()){
- alert(locale_drag.noMulti);
- }
- else{
- tooltip.info(locale_drag.noMulti, "");
- }
- }
- return;
- }
- let st_index = Store.luckysheet_select_save[0].column[0],
- ed_index = Store.luckysheet_select_save[0].column[1];
- luckysheetdeletetable('column', st_index, ed_index);
- })
- //隐藏、显示行
- $("#luckysheet-hidRows").click(function (event) {
- $("#luckysheet-rightclick-menu").hide();
- $("#" + Store.container).attr("tabindex", 0).focus();
- let cfg = $.extend(true, {}, Store.config);
- if(cfg["rowhidden"] == null){
- cfg["rowhidden"] = {};
- }
- for(let s = 0; s < Store.luckysheet_select_save.length; s++){
- let r1 = Store.luckysheet_select_save[s].row[0],
- r2 = Store.luckysheet_select_save[s].row[1],
- c1 = Store.luckysheet_select_save[s].column[0],
- c2 = Store.luckysheet_select_save[s].column[1];
- for(let r = r1; r <= r2; r++){
- cfg["rowhidden"][r] = 0;
- }
- }
- //保存撤销
- if(Store.clearjfundo){
- let redo = {};
- redo["type"] = "showHidRows";
- redo["sheetIndex"] = Store.currentSheetIndex;
- redo["config"] = $.extend(true, {}, Store.config);
- redo["curconfig"] = cfg;
- Store.jfundo = [];
- Store.jfredo.push(redo);
- }
- //config
- Store.config = cfg;
- Store.luckysheetfile[getSheetIndex(Store.currentSheetIndex)].config = Store.config;
- server.saveParam("cg", Store.currentSheetIndex, cfg["rowhidden"], { "k": "rowhidden" });
- //行高、列宽 刷新
- jfrefreshgrid_rhcw(Store.flowdata.length, Store.flowdata[0].length);
- })
- $("#luckysheet-showHidRows").click(function (event) {
- $("#luckysheet-rightclick-menu").hide();
- $("#" + Store.container).attr("tabindex", 0).focus();
- let cfg = $.extend(true, {}, Store.config);
- if(cfg["rowhidden"] == null){
- return;
- }
- for(let s = 0; s < Store.luckysheet_select_save.length; s++){
- let r1 = Store.luckysheet_select_save[s].row[0],
- r2 = Store.luckysheet_select_save[s].row[1],
- c1 = Store.luckysheet_select_save[s].column[0],
- c2 = Store.luckysheet_select_save[s].column[1];
- for(let r = r1; r <= r2; r++){
- delete cfg["rowhidden"][r];
- }
- }
- //保存撤销
- if(Store.clearjfundo){
- let redo = {};
- redo["type"] = "showHidRows";
- redo["sheetIndex"] = Store.currentSheetIndex;
- redo["config"] = $.extend(true, {}, Store.config);
- redo["curconfig"] = cfg;
- Store.jfundo = [];
- Store.jfredo.push(redo);
- }
- //config
- Store.config = cfg;
- Store.luckysheetfile[getSheetIndex(Store.currentSheetIndex)].config = Store.config;
- server.saveParam("cg", Store.currentSheetIndex, cfg["rowhidden"], { "k": "rowhidden" });
- //行高、列宽 刷新
- jfrefreshgrid_rhcw(Store.flowdata.length, Store.flowdata[0].length);
- })
- //清除单元格内容
- $("#luckysheet-delete-text").click(function(){
- $("#luckysheet-rightclick-menu").hide();
- $("#" + Store.container).attr("tabindex", 0).focus();
- if(Store.luckysheet_select_save.length > 0){
- let d = editor.deepCopyFlowData(Store.flowdata);
- let has_PartMC = false;
- for(let s = 0; s < Store.luckysheet_select_save.length; s++){
- let r1 = Store.luckysheet_select_save[s].row[0],
- r2 = Store.luckysheet_select_save[s].row[1];
- let c1 = Store.luckysheet_select_save[s].column[0],
- c2 = Store.luckysheet_select_save[s].column[1];
- if(hasPartMC(Store.config, r1, r2, c1, c2)){
- has_PartMC = true;
- break;
- }
- }
- if(has_PartMC){
- if(isEditMode()){
- alert(locale_drag.noPartMerge);
- }
- else{
- tooltip.info(locale_drag.noPartMerge, "");
- }
- return;
- }
- for(let s = 0; s < Store.luckysheet_select_save.length; s++){
- let r1 = Store.luckysheet_select_save[s].row[0],
- r2 = Store.luckysheet_select_save[s].row[1];
- let c1 = Store.luckysheet_select_save[s].column[0],
- c2 = Store.luckysheet_select_save[s].column[1];
- for(let r = r1; r <= r2; r++){
- for(let c = c1; c <= c2; c++){
- if(pivotTable.isPivotRange(r, c)){
- continue;
- }
- if(getObjType(d[r][c]) == "object"){
- delete d[r][c]["m"];
- delete d[r][c]["v"];
- if(d[r][c]["f"] != null){
- delete d[r][c]["f"];
- formula.delFunctionGroup(r, c, Store.currentSheetIndex);
- delete d[r][c]["spl"];
- }
- }
- else{
- d[r][c] = null;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- jfrefreshgrid(d, Store.luckysheet_select_save);
- }
- });
- //行高列宽设置
- $("#luckysheet-rows-cols-changesize").click(function(){
- $("#luckysheet-rightclick-menu").hide();
- $("#" + Store.container).attr("tabindex", 0).focus();
- let size = parseInt($(this).siblings("input[type='number']").val().trim());
- if(size < 0 || size > 255){
- if(isEditMode()){
- alert(llocale_info.tipRowHeightLimit);
- }
- else{
- tooltip.info(llocale_info.tipRowHeightLimit, "");
- }
- return;
- }
- let cfg = $.extend(true, {}, Store.config);
- let type;
- if(Store.luckysheetRightHeadClickIs == "row"){
- type = "resizeR";
- if(cfg["rowlen"] == null){
- cfg["rowlen"] = {};
- }
- for(let s = 0; s < Store.luckysheet_select_save.length; s++){
- let r1 = Store.luckysheet_select_save[s].row[0];
- let r2 = Store.luckysheet_select_save[s].row[1];
- for(let r = r1; r <= r2; r++){
- cfg["rowlen"][r] = size;
- }
- }
- }
- else if(Store.luckysheetRightHeadClickIs == "column"){
- type = "resizeC";
- if(cfg["columlen"] == null){
- cfg["columlen"] = {};
- }
- for(let s = 0; s < Store.luckysheet_select_save.length; s++){
- let c1 = Store.luckysheet_select_save[s].column[0];
- let c2 = Store.luckysheet_select_save[s].column[1];
- for(let c = c1; c <= c2; c++){
- cfg["columlen"][c] = size;
- }
- }
- }
- if (Store.clearjfundo) {
- Store.jfundo = [];
- Store.jfredo.push({
- "type": "resize",
- "ctrlType": type,
- "config": $.extend(true, {}, Store.config),
- "curconfig": $.extend(true, {}, cfg),
- "sheetIndex": Store.currentSheetIndex
- });
- }
- //config
- Store.config = cfg;
- Store.luckysheetfile[getSheetIndex(Store.currentSheetIndex)].config = Store.config;
- if(Store.luckysheetRightHeadClickIs == "row"){
- server.saveParam("cg", Store.currentSheetIndex, cfg["rowlen"], { "k": "rowlen" });
- jfrefreshgrid_rhcw(Store.flowdata.length, null);
- }
- else if(Store.luckysheetRightHeadClickIs == "column"){
- server.saveParam("cg", Store.currentSheetIndex, cfg["columlen"], { "k": "columlen" });
- jfrefreshgrid_rhcw(null, Store.flowdata[0].length);
- }
- });
- //模态框拖动
- $(document).on("mousedown", "div.luckysheet-modal-dialog", function (e) {
- if (!$(e.target).is(".luckysheet-modal-dialog")) {
- return;
- }
- Store.luckysheet_model_move_state = true;
- Store.luckysheet_model_move_obj = $(e.currentTarget);
- let toffset = Store.luckysheet_model_move_obj.offset();
- Store.luckysheet_model_xy = [e.pageX - toffset.left, e.pageY - toffset.top];
- });
- //模态框关闭
- $(document).on("click", ".luckysheet-modal-dialog-title-close, .luckysheet-model-close-btn", function (e) {
- //选择文本颜色和单元格颜色弹出框取消
- if($("#textcolorselect").is(":visible")||$("#cellcolorselect").is(":visible")){
- $("#luckysheet-conditionformat-dialog").show();
- }
- $(e.currentTarget).parents(".luckysheet-modal-dialog").hide();
- $("#luckysheet-modal-dialog-mask").hide();
- //函数查找功能所有弹出框关闭和取消
- if($(this).parents(".luckysheet-modal-dialog").hasClass("luckysheet-search-formula")){
- formula.dontupdate();
- luckysheetMoveHighlightCell("down", 0, "rangeOfSelect");
- }
- if($(this).parents(".luckysheet-modal-dialog").hasClass("luckysheet-search-formula-parm")){
- formula.dontupdate();
- luckysheetMoveHighlightCell("down", 0, "rangeOfSelect");
- }
- if($(this).parents(".luckysheet-modal-dialog").hasClass("luckysheet-search-formula-parm-select")){
- formula.dontupdate();
- luckysheetMoveHighlightCell("down", 0, "rangeOfSelect");
- }
- $("#" + Store.container).attr("tabindex", 0).focus();
- });
- //排序事件
- let luckysheet_sort_initial = true;
- $("#luckysheetorderby").click(function () {
- $("body .luckysheet-cols-menu").hide();
- const locale_sort = _locale.sort;
- if(Store.luckysheet_select_save.length > 1){
- if(isEditMode()){
- alert(locale_sort.noRangeError);
- }
- else{
- tooltip.info(locale_sort.noRangeError, "");
- }
- return;
- }
- let last = Store.luckysheet_select_save[0];
- let r1 = last["row"][0], r2 = last["row"][1];
- let c1 = last["column"][0], c2 = last["column"][1];
- if (luckysheet_sort_initial) {
- luckysheet_sort_initial = false;
- let content = ` + ${locale_sort.addOthers}
- $("body").append(replaceHtml(modelHTML, { "id": "luckysheet-sort-dialog", "addclass": "", "title": _locale.sort.sortTitle, "content": content, "botton": ``}));
- $("#luckysheet-sort-dialog .luckysheet-sort-dialog-additem").click(function () {
- let last = Store.luckysheet_select_save[0];
- let r1 = last["row"][0], r2 = last["row"][1];
- let c1 = last["column"][0], c2 = last["column"][1];
- let option = "", i = $("#luckysheet-sort-dialog table").data("itemcount") + 1;
- let t = $("#luckysheet-sort-haveheader").is(':checked');
- for (let c = c1; c <= c2; c++) {
- if (t) {
- let v = getcellvalue(r1, c, Store.flowdata, "m");
- if(v == null){
- v = locale_sort.columnOperation + (c - c1 + 1);
- }
- option += '';
- }
- else {
- option += '';
- }
- }
- $("#luckysheet-sort-dialog table").append(`
- ${locale_sort.secondaryTitle} |
- |
- `);
- $("#luckysheet-sort-dialog table").data("itemcount", i);
- });
- $("#luckysheet-sort-haveheader").change(function () {
- let last = Store.luckysheet_select_save[0];
- let r1 = last["row"][0], r2 = last["row"][1];
- let c1 = last["column"][0], c2 = last["column"][1];
- let t = $(this).is(':checked');
- let option = "";
- for (let c = c1; c <= c2; c++) {
- if (t) {
- let v = getcellvalue(r1, c, Store.flowdata, "m");
- if(v == null){
- v = locale_sort.columnOperation + (c - c1 + 1);
- }
- option += '';
- }
- else {
- option += '';
- }
- }
- $("#luckysheet-sort-dialog tr select").each(function () {
- $(this).html(option);
- });
- });
- //Custom sort
- $("#luckysheet-sort-modal-confirm").click(function () {
- if(Store.luckysheet_select_save.length > 1){
- if(isEditMode()){
- alert(locale_sort.noRangeError);
- }
- else{
- tooltip.info(locale_sort.noRangeError, "");
- }
- return;
- }
- let d = editor.deepCopyFlowData(Store.flowdata);
- let last = Store.luckysheet_select_save[0];
- let r1 = last["row"][0], r2 = last["row"][1];
- let c1 = last["column"][0], c2 = last["column"][1];
- //Data has header row
- let t = $("#luckysheet-sort-haveheader").is(':checked');
- let str;
- if(t){
- str = r1 + 1;
- }
- else{
- str = r1;
- }
- let hasMc = false; //Whether the sort selection has merged cells
- let data = [];
- for(let r = str; r <= r2; r++){
- let data_row = [];
- for(let c = c1; c <= c2; c++){
- if(d[r][c] != null && d[r][c].mc != null){
- hasMc = true;
- break;
- }
- data_row.push(d[r][c]);
- }
- data.push(data_row);
- }
- if(hasMc){
- if(isEditMode()){
- alert(locale_sort.mergeError);
- }
- else{
- tooltip.info(locale_sort.mergeError, "");
- }
- return;
- }
- $($("#luckysheet-sort-dialog table tr").toArray().reverse()).each(function () {
- let i = $(this).find("select").val(),
- asc = $(this).find('input:radio:checked').val();
- i -= c1;
- if (asc == "asc") {
- asc = true;
- }
- else {
- asc = false;
- }
- data = orderbydata([].concat(data), i, asc);
- });
- for(let r = str; r <= r2; r++){
- for(let c = c1; c <= c2; c++){
- d[r][c] = data[r - str][c - c1];
- }
- }
- if(Store.config["rowlen"] != null){
- let cfg = $.extend(true, {}, Store.config);
- cfg = rowlenByRange(d, str, r2, cfg);
- jfrefreshgrid(d, [{ "row": [str, r2], "column": [c1, c2] }], cfg, null, true);
- }
- else{
- jfrefreshgrid(d, [{ "row": [str, r2], "column": [c1, c2] }]);
- }
- $("#luckysheet-sort-dialog").hide();
- $("#luckysheet-modal-dialog-mask").hide();
- });
- }
- let option = "";
- for (let c = c1; c <= c2; c++) {
- option += '';
- }
- $("#luckysheet-sort-dialog select").html(option);
- $("#luckysheet-sort-dialog .luckysheet-sort-dialog-tr").remove();
- $("#luckysheet-sort-haveheader").prop("checked", false);
- $("#luckysheet-sort-dialog input:radio:first").prop("checked", "checked");
- $("#luckysheet-sort-dialog .luckysheet-modal-dialog-title-text").html(locale_sort.sortRangeTitle+"" + chatatABC(c1) + (r1 + 1) + ""+ locale_sort.sortRangeTitleTo +"" + chatatABC(c2) + (r2 + 1) + "");
- let $t = $("#luckysheet-sort-dialog"), myh = $t.outerHeight(), myw = $t.outerWidth();
- let winw = $(window).width(), winh = $(window).height();
- let scrollLeft = $(document).scrollLeft(), scrollTop = $(document).scrollTop();
- $("#luckysheet-sort-dialog-tablec").css("max-height", (winh - myh) / 2);
- $("#luckysheet-sort-dialog").css({ "left": (winw + scrollLeft - myw) / 2, "top": (winh + scrollTop - myh) / 2 }).show();
- $("#luckysheet-modal-dialog-mask").show();
- if (r1 < r2) {
- setTimeout(function () {
- let flowrowdata1 = Store.flowdata[r1],
- flowrowdata2 = Store.flowdata[r1 + 1],
- hastitle = false;
- for (let i = c1; i <= c2; i++) {
- let isdatatype_r1 = isdatatype(flowrowdata1[i]),
- isdatatype_r2 = isdatatype(flowrowdata2[i]);
- if (isdatatype_r1 != isdatatype_r2) {
- hastitle = true;
- }
- }
- if (hastitle) {
- $("#luckysheet-sort-haveheader").prop("checked", true).change();
- }
- }, 10);
- }
- });
- //filter event handler
- let hidefilersubmenu = null;
- $("#luckysheetfilter").click(createFilter);
- $("#luckysheet-filter-menu").mouseover(function () {
- clearTimeout(hidefilersubmenu);
- hidefilersubmenu = setTimeout(function () {
- $("#luckysheet-filter-submenu").hide();
- }, 500);
- });
- $("#luckysheet-filter-submenu").mouseover(function () {
- clearTimeout(hidefilersubmenu);
- }).find(".luckysheet-cols-menuitem").click(function (e) {
- $("#luckysheet-filter-selected span").html($(this).find(".luckysheet-cols-menuitem-content").text()).data("value", $(this).data("value"));
- $("#luckysheet-filter-menu .luckysheet-filter-selected-input").hide();
- let $type = $(this).data("type");
- let $value = $(this).attr("data-value");
- if ($type == "2") {
- $("#luckysheet-filter-selected span").data("type", "2");
- $("#luckysheet-filter-menu .luckysheet-filter-selected-input2").show();
- $("#luckysheet-filter-menu .luckysheet-filter-selected-input input").prop("type", "number");
- }
- else if ($type == "0") {
- $("#luckysheet-filter-selected span").data("type", "0");
- }
- else {
- $("#luckysheet-filter-selected span").data("type", "1");
- $("#luckysheet-filter-menu .luckysheet-filter-selected-input").eq(0).show();
- //若是日期 改变input type类型为date
- if($value == "dateequal" || $value == "datelessthan" || $value == "datemorethan"){
- $("#luckysheet-filter-menu .luckysheet-filter-selected-input input").prop("type", "date");
- }
- else if($value == "morethan" || $value == "moreequalthan" || $value == "lessthan" || $value == "lessequalthan" || $value == "equal" || $value == "noequal"){
- $("#luckysheet-filter-menu .luckysheet-filter-selected-input input").prop("type", "number");
- }
- else{
- $("#luckysheet-filter-menu .luckysheet-filter-selected-input input").prop("type", "text");
- }
- }
- $("#luckysheet-filter-byvalue").next().slideUp();
- $("#luckysheet-filter-submenu").hide();
- });
- $("#luckysheet-filter-bycondition, #luckysheet-filter-byvalue").click(function () {
- let $t = $(this);
- $t.next().slideToggle(200);
- setTimeout(function () {
- if ($t.attr("id") == "luckysheet-filter-bycondition" && $("#luckysheet-filter-bycondition").next().is(":visible")) {
- if ($("#luckysheet-filter-selected span").text() != locale_filter.filiterInputNone) {
- $("#luckysheet-filter-byvalue").next().slideUp(200);
- }
- }
- if ($t.is($("#luckysheet-filter-bycondition"))) {
- if ($("#luckysheet-filter-bycondition").next().is(":hidden") && $("#luckysheet-filter-byvalue").next().is(":hidden")) {
- $("#luckysheet-filter-byvalue").next().slideDown(200);
- }
- }
- }, 300);
- });
- $("#luckysheet-filter-selected").click(function () {
- let $t = $(this), toffset = $t.offset(), $menu = $("#luckysheet-filter-submenu");
- $menu.hide();
- let winH = $(window).height(), winW = $(window).width();
- let menuW = $menu.width(), menuH = $menu.height();
- let top = toffset.top, left = toffset.left, mheight = winH - toffset.top - 20;
- if (toffset.left + menuW > winW) {
- left = toffset.left - menuW;
- }
- if (toffset.top > winH / 2) {
- top = winH - toffset.top;
- if (top < 0) {
- top = 0;
- }
- mheight = toffset.top - 20;
- }
- $menu.css({ "top": top, "left": left, "height": mheight }).show();
- clearTimeout(hidefilersubmenu);
- });
- //筛选按钮点击事件
- $("#luckysheet-cell-main").on("click", ".luckysheet-filter-options", function (e) {
- let $t = $(e.currentTarget),
- toffset = $t.offset(),
- $menu = $("#luckysheet-filter-menu"),
- winH = $(window).height(),
- winW = $(window).width();
- let st_r = $t.data("str"),
- ed_r = $t.data("edr"),
- cindex = $t.data("cindex"),
- st_c = $t.data("stc"),
- ed_c = $t.data("edc"),
- rowhidden = $t.data("rowhidden") == "" ? {} : JSON.parse($t.data("rowhidden").replace(/\'/g, '"'));
- $("body .luckysheet-cols-menu").hide();
- $("#luckysheet-filter-menu, #luckysheet-filter-submenu").hide();
- $("#luckysheet-filter-byvalue-input").val("");
- $("#luckysheet-filter-bycondition").next().hide();
- $("#luckysheet-filter-byvalue").next().show();
- $menu.data("str", st_r);
- $menu.data("edr", ed_r);
- $menu.data("cindex", cindex);
- $menu.data("stc", st_c);
- $menu.data("edc", ed_c);
- $("#luckysheet-filter-menu .luckysheet-filter-selected-input").hide().find("input").val();
- $("#luckysheet-filter-selected span").data("type", "0").data("type", null).text(locale_filter.filiterInputNone);
- let byconditiontype = $t.data("byconditiontype");
- $("#luckysheet-filter-selected span").data("value", $t.data("byconditionvalue")).data("type", byconditiontype).text($t.data("byconditiontext"));
- if (byconditiontype == "2") {
- let $input = $("#luckysheet-filter-menu .luckysheet-filter-selected-input2").show().find("input");
- $input.eq(0).val($t.data("byconditionvalue1"));
- $input.eq(1).val($t.data("byconditionvalue2"));
- }
- else if (byconditiontype == "1") {
- $("#luckysheet-filter-menu .luckysheet-filter-selected-input").eq(0).show().find("input").val($t.data("byconditionvalue1"));
- }
- $("#luckysheet-filter-orderby-asc").off("click").on("click", function () {
- orderbydatafiler(st_r, st_c, ed_r, ed_c, cindex, true);
- });
- $("#luckysheet-filter-orderby-desc").off("click").on("click", function () {
- orderbydatafiler(st_r, st_c, ed_r, ed_c, cindex, false);
- });
- $("#luckysheet-filter-byvalue-select").empty().html(''+locale_filter.filiterMoreDataTip+' ');
- let rowhiddenother = {}; //其它筛选列的隐藏行
- $("#luckysheet-filter-options-sheet" + Store.currentSheetIndex + " .luckysheet-filter-options").not(this).each(function () {
- let $t = $(this), rh = $t.data("rowhidden");
- if (rh == "") {
- return true;
- }
- rh = JSON.parse(rh.replace(/\'/g, '"'));
- for (let r in rh) {
- rowhiddenother[r] = 0;
- }
- });
- let data = Store.flowdata;
- setTimeout(function () {
- //日期值
- let dvmap = {};
- let dvmap_uncheck = {};
- //除日期以外的值
- let vmap = {};
- let vmap_uncheck = {};
- for (let r = st_r + 1; r <= ed_r; r++) {
- if(r in rowhiddenother){
- continue;
- }
- if(Store.flowdata[r] == null){
- continue;
- }
- let cell = Store.flowdata[r][cindex];
- if(cell != null && !isRealNull(cell.v) && cell.ct != null && cell.ct.t == "d" ){ //单元格是日期
- let v = update("YYYY-MM-DD", cell.v);
- let y = v.split("-")[0];
- let m = v.split("-")[1];
- let d = v.split("-")[2];
- if(!(y in dvmap)){
- dvmap[y] = {};
- }
- if(!(m in dvmap[y])){
- dvmap[y][m] = {};
- }
- if(!(d in dvmap[y][m])){
- dvmap[y][m][d] = 0;
- }
- dvmap[y][m][d]++;
- if(r in rowhidden){
- dvmap_uncheck[y] = 0;
- dvmap_uncheck[m] = 0;
- dvmap_uncheck[d] = 0;
- }
- }
- else{
- let v, m;
- if(cell == null || isRealNull(cell.v)){
- v = null;
- m = null;
- }
- else{
- v = cell.v;
- m = cell.m;
- }
- if(!(v in vmap)){
- vmap[v] = {};
- }
- if(!(m in vmap[v])){
- vmap[v][m] = 0;
- }
- vmap[v][m]++;
- if(r in rowhidden){
- vmap_uncheck[v + "#$$$#" + m] = 0;
- }
- }
- }
- //遍历数据加到页面
- let item = [];
- if(JSON.stringify(dvmap).length > 2){
- for(let y in dvmap){
- let ysum = 0;
- let monthHtml = '';
- for(let m in dvmap[y]){
- let msum = 0;
- let dayHtml = '';
- for(let d in dvmap[y][m]){
- let dayL = dvmap[y][m][d];
- msum += dayL;
- //月 小于 10
- let mT;
- if(Number(m) < 10){
- mT = "0" + Number(m);
- }
- else{
- mT = m;
- }
- //日 小于 10
- let dT;
- if(Number(d) < 10){
- dT = "0" + Number(d);
- }
- else{
- dT = d;
- }
- //日是否选中状态
- if((y in dvmap_uncheck) && (m in dvmap_uncheck) && (d in dvmap_uncheck)){
- dayHtml += '' +
- '' +
- '' +
- '( ' + dayL + ' )' +
- '
- }
- else{
- dayHtml += '' +
- '' +
- '' +
- '( ' + dayL + ' )' +
- '
- }
- }
- ysum += msum;
- //月 小于 10
- let mT2;
- if(Number(m) < 10){
- mT2 = "0" + Number(m);
- }
- else{
- mT2 = m;
- }
- //月是否选中状态
- if((y in dvmap_uncheck) && (m in dvmap_uncheck)){
- monthHtml += '' +
- '
' +
- '' +
- '' +
- '' +
- '( ' + msum + ' )' +
- '
' +
- '
' + dayHtml + '
' +
- '
- }
- else{
- monthHtml += '' +
- '
' +
- '' +
- '' +
- '' +
- '( ' + msum + ' )' +
- '
' +
- '
' + dayHtml + '
' +
- '
- }
- }
- //年是否选中状态
- let yearHtml;
- if(y in dvmap_uncheck){
- yearHtml = '' +
- '
' +
- '' +
- '' +
- '' +
- '( ' + ysum + ' )' +
- '
' +
- '
' + monthHtml + '
' +
- '
- }
- else{
- yearHtml = '' +
- '
' +
- '' +
- '' +
- '' +
- '( ' + ysum + ' )' +
- '
' +
- '
' + monthHtml + '
' +
- '
- }
- item.unshift(yearHtml);
- }
- }
- if(JSON.stringify(vmap).length > 2){
- let vmapKeys = Object.keys(vmap);
- vmapKeys = orderbydata1D(vmapKeys, true);
- for(let i = 0; i < vmapKeys.length; i++){
- let v = vmapKeys[i];
- for(let x in vmap[v]){
- let text;
- if((v + "#$$$#" + x) == "null#$$$#null"){
- text = "(空白)";
- }
- else{
- text = x;
- }
- //是否选中状态
- let dataHtml;
- if((v + "#$$$#" + x) in vmap_uncheck){
- dataHtml = '' +
- '' +
- '' +
- '( ' + vmap[v][x] + ' )' +
- '
- }
- else{
- dataHtml = '' +
- '' +
- '' +
- '( ' + vmap[v][x] + ' )' +
- '
- }
- item.push(dataHtml);
- }
- }
- }
- $("#luckysheet-filter-byvalue-select").html("");
- }, 1);
- showrightclickmenu($menu, toffset.left, toffset.top + 20);
- e.stopPropagation();
- return false;
- });
- //按颜色筛选
- $("#luckysheet-filter-orderby-color").hover(
- function(){
- //遍历筛选列颜色
- let $menu = $("#luckysheet-filter-menu");
- let st_r = $menu.data("str"),
- ed_r = $menu.data("edr"),
- cindex = $menu.data("cindex"),
- st_c = $menu.data("stc"),
- ed_c = $menu.data("edc");
- let bgMap = {}; //单元格颜色
- let fcMap = {}; //字体颜色
- let af_compute = alternateformat.getComputeMap();
- let cf_compute = conditionformat.getComputeMap();
- for (let r = st_r + 1; r <= ed_r; r++) {
- let cell = Store.flowdata[r][cindex];
- //单元格颜色
- let bg = menuButton.checkstatus(Store.flowdata, r, cindex , "bg");
- let checksAF = alternateformat.checksAF(r, cindex, af_compute);
- if(checksAF != null){//若单元格有交替颜色
- bg = checksAF[1];
- }
- let checksCF = conditionformat.checksCF(r, cindex, cf_compute);
- if(checksCF != null && checksCF["cellColor"] != null){//若单元格有条件格式
- bg = checksCF["cellColor"];
- }
- if(bg.indexOf("rgb") > -1){
- bg = rgbTohex(bg);
- }
- if(bg.length == 4){
- bg = bg.substr(0, 1) + bg.substr(1, 1).repeat(2) + bg.substr(2, 1).repeat(2) + bg.substr(3, 1).repeat(2);
- }
- //字体颜色
- let fc = menuButton.checkstatus(Store.flowdata, r, cindex , "fc");
- if(checksAF != null){//若单元格有交替颜色
- fc = checksAF[0];
- }
- if(checksCF != null && checksCF["textColor"] != null){//若单元格有条件格式
- fc = checksCF["textColor"];
- }
- if(fc.indexOf("rgb") > -1){
- fc = rgbTohex(fc);
- }
- if(fc.length == 4){
- fc = fc.substr(0, 1) + fc.substr(1, 1).repeat(2) + fc.substr(2, 1).repeat(2) + fc.substr(3, 1).repeat(2);
- }
- if(Store.config != null && Store.config["rowhidden"] != null && r in Store.config["rowhidden"]){
- bgMap[bg] = 1;
- if(cell != null && !isRealNull(cell.v)){
- fcMap[fc] = 1;
- }
- }
- else{
- bgMap[bg] = 0;
- if(cell != null && !isRealNull(cell.v)){
- fcMap[fc] = 0;
- }
- }
- }
- //
- let filterBgColorHtml = '';
- if(JSON.stringify(bgMap).length > 2 && Object.keys(bgMap).length > 1){
- let bgColorItemHtml = '';
- for(let b in bgMap){
- if(bgMap[b] == 0){
- bgColorItemHtml += '';
- }
- else{
- bgColorItemHtml += '';
- }
- }
- filterBgColorHtml = ''+locale_filter.filiterByColorTip+'
' + bgColorItemHtml + '
- }
- let filterFcColorHtml = '';
- if(JSON.stringify(fcMap).length > 2 && Object.keys(fcMap).length > 1){
- let fcColorItemHtml = '';
- for(let f in fcMap){
- if(fcMap[f] == 0){
- fcColorItemHtml += '';
- }
- else{
- fcColorItemHtml += '';
- }
- }
- filterFcColorHtml = ''+locale_filter.filiterByTextColorTip+'
' + fcColorItemHtml + '
- }
- //
- let content;
- if(filterBgColorHtml == '' && filterFcColorHtml == ''){
- content = ''+locale_filter.filterContainerOneColorTip+'
- }
- else{
- content = filterBgColorHtml + filterFcColorHtml + '';
- }
- //颜色筛选子菜单
- $("#luckysheet-filter-orderby-color-submenu").remove();
- $("body").append('');
- let $t = $("#luckysheet-filter-orderby-color-submenu").end();
- let $con = $(this).parent();
- let winW = $(window).width(), winH = $(window).height();
- let menuW = $con.width(),
- myh = $t.height() + 25,
- myw = $t.width() + 5;
- let offset = $(this).offset();
- let top = offset.top, left = offset.left + menuW;
- if (left + myw > winW) {
- left = offset.left - myw;
- }
- if (top + myh > winH) {
- top = winH - myh;
- }
- $("#luckysheet-filter-orderby-color-submenu").css({ "top": top, "left": left }).show();
- },
- function(){
- submenuhide = setTimeout(function () { $("#luckysheet-filter-orderby-color-submenu").hide(); }, 200);
- }
- );
- $(document).on("mouseover mouseleave", "#luckysheet-filter-orderby-color-submenu", function(e){
- if (e.type === "mouseover") {
- clearTimeout(submenuhide);
- }
- else {
- $(this).hide();
- }
- });
- $(document).on("click", "#luckysheet-filter-orderby-color-submenu .item label", function(){
- $(this).siblings("input[type='checkbox']").click();
- });
- $(document).off("click.orderbyColorConfirm").on("click.orderbyColorConfirm", "#luckysheet-filter-orderby-color-submenu #luckysheet-filter-orderby-color-confirm", function(){
- let bg_colorMap = {};
- let fc_colorMap = {};
- $("#luckysheet-filter-orderby-color-submenu .item").each(function(i, e){
- if($(e).find("input[type='checkbox']").is(":checked")){
- let color = $(this).find("label").attr("title");
- let $id = $(this).closest(".box").attr("id");
- if($id == "filterBgColor"){
- bg_colorMap[color] = 0;
- }
- else if($id == "filterFcColor"){
- fc_colorMap[color] = 0;
- }
- }
- });
- let bg_filter;
- if($("#luckysheet-filter-orderby-color-submenu #filterBgColor").length > 0){
- bg_filter = true;
- }
- else{
- bg_filter = false;
- }
- let fc_filter;
- if($("#luckysheet-filter-orderby-color-submenu #filterFcColor").length > 0){
- fc_filter = true;
- }
- else{
- fc_filter = false;
- }
- let $menu = $("#luckysheet-filter-menu");
- let st_r = $menu.data("str"),
- ed_r = $menu.data("edr"),
- cindex = $menu.data("cindex"),
- st_c = $menu.data("stc"),
- ed_c = $menu.data("edc");
- let rowhiddenother = {}; //其它筛选列的隐藏行
- $("#luckysheet-filter-options-sheet" + Store.currentSheetIndex + " .luckysheet-filter-options").not($("#luckysheet-filter-options-sheet" + Store.currentSheetIndex + " .luckysheet-filter-options").eq(cindex - st_c).get(0)).each(function () {
- let $t = $(this), rh = $t.data("rowhidden");
- if (rh == "") {
- return true;
- }
- rh = JSON.parse(rh);
- for (let r in rh) {
- rowhiddenother[r] = 0;
- }
- });
- let filterdata = {};
- let rowhidden = {};
- let caljs = {};
- let af_compute = alternateformat.getComputeMap();
- let cf_compute = conditionformat.getComputeMap();
- for (let r = st_r + 1; r <= ed_r; r++) {
- if(r in rowhiddenother){
- continue;
- }
- if(Store.flowdata[r] == null){
- continue;
- }
- let cell = Store.flowdata[r][cindex];
- //单元格颜色
- let bg = menuButton.checkstatus(Store.flowdata, r, cindex , "bg");
- let checksAF = alternateformat.checksAF(r, cindex, af_compute);
- if(checksAF != null){//若单元格有交替颜色
- bg = checksAF[1];
- }
- let checksCF = conditionformat.checksCF(r, cindex, cf_compute);
- if(checksCF != null && checksCF["cellColor"] != null){//若单元格有条件格式
- bg = checksCF["cellColor"];
- }
- if(bg.indexOf("rgb") > -1){
- bg = rgbTohex(bg);
- }
- if(bg.length == 4){
- bg = bg.substr(0, 1) + bg.substr(1, 1).repeat(2) + bg.substr(2, 1).repeat(2) + bg.substr(3, 1).repeat(2);
- }
- //文本颜色
- let fc = menuButton.checkstatus(Store.flowdata, r, cindex , "fc");
- if(checksAF != null){//若单元格有交替颜色
- fc = checksAF[0];
- }
- if(checksCF != null && checksCF["textColor"] != null){//若单元格有条件格式
- fc = checksCF["textColor"];
- }
- if(fc.indexOf("rgb") > -1){
- fc = rgbTohex(fc);
- }
- if(fc.length == 4){
- fc = fc.substr(0, 1) + fc.substr(1, 1).repeat(2) + fc.substr(2, 1).repeat(2) + fc.substr(3, 1).repeat(2);
- }
- if(bg_filter && fc_filter){
- if(!(bg in bg_colorMap) && (!(fc in fc_colorMap) || cell == null || isRealNull(cell.v))){
- rowhidden[r] = 0;
- }
- }
- else if(bg_filter){
- if(!(bg in bg_colorMap)){
- rowhidden[r] = 0;
- }
- }
- else if(fc_filter){
- if(!(fc in fc_colorMap) || cell == null || isRealNull(cell.v)){
- rowhidden[r] = 0;
- }
- }
- }
- let $top = $("#luckysheet-filter-options-sheet" + Store.currentSheetIndex + " .luckysheet-filter-options").eq(cindex - st_c);
- let optionstate = Object.keys(rowhidden).length > 0;
- let rowhiddenall = $.extend(true, rowhiddenother, rowhidden),
- rowhidenPre = json.parseJsonParm($top.data("rowhidden"));
- labelFilterOptionState($top, optionstate, rowhidden, caljs, true, st_r, ed_r, cindex, st_c, ed_c);
- let cfg = $.extend(true, {}, Store.config);
- cfg["rowhidden"] = rowhiddenall;
- //保存撤销
- if(Store.clearjfundo){
- let redo = {};
- redo["type"] = "datachangeAll_filter";
- redo["sheetIndex"] = Store.currentSheetIndex;
- redo["config"] = $.extend(true, {}, Store.config);
- redo["curconfig"] = cfg;
- redo["optionstate"] = optionstate;
- redo["optionsindex"] = cindex - st_c;
- redo["rowhidden"] = $.extend(true, {}, rowhidden);
- redo["rowhidenPre"] = $.extend(true, {}, rowhidenPre);
- if (caljs != null) {
- redo["caljs"] = caljs;
- }
- Store.jfundo = [];
- Store.jfredo.push(redo);
- }
- //config
- Store.config = cfg;
- Store.luckysheetfile[getSheetIndex(Store.currentSheetIndex)].config = Store.config;
- server.saveParam("cg", Store.currentSheetIndex, cfg["rowhidden"], { "k": "rowhidden" });
- //行高、列宽 刷新
- jfrefreshgrid_rhcw(Store.flowdata.length, Store.flowdata[0].length);
- $("#luckysheet-filter-menu, #luckysheet-filter-submenu, #luckysheet-filter-orderby-color-submenu").hide();
- cleargridelement();
- });
- //点击复选框
- $(document).off("click.filterCheckbox1").on("click.filterCheckbox1", "#luckysheet-filter-byvalue-select .textBox",function(){
- if($(this).attr("data-check") == "true"){
- $(this).attr("data-check", "false");
- $(this).find("input[type='checkbox']").removeAttr("checked");
- }
- else{
- $(this).attr("data-check", "true");
- $(this).find("input[type='checkbox']").prop("checked", true);
- }
- })
- $(document).off("click.filterCheckbox2").on("click.filterCheckbox2", "#luckysheet-filter-byvalue-select .year",function(){
- if($(this).attr("data-check") == "true"){
- $(this).attr("data-check", "false");
- $(this).parents(".yearBox").find(".month").attr("data-check", "false");
- $(this).parents(".yearBox").find(".day").attr("data-check", "false");
- $(this).parents(".yearBox").find("input[type='checkbox']").removeAttr("checked");
- }
- else{
- $(this).attr("data-check", "true");
- $(this).parents(".yearBox").find(".month").attr("data-check", "true");
- $(this).parents(".yearBox").find(".day").attr("data-check", "true");
- $(this).parents(".yearBox").find("input[type='checkbox']").prop("checked", true);
- }
- })
- $(document).off("click.filterCheckbox3").on("click.filterCheckbox3", "#luckysheet-filter-byvalue-select .month",function(){
- //月份 对应的 天
- if($(this).attr("data-check") == "true"){
- $(this).attr("data-check", "false");
- $(this).parents(".monthBox").find(".day").attr("data-check", "false");
- $(this).parents(".monthBox").find("input[type='checkbox']").removeAttr("checked");
- }
- else{
- $(this).attr("data-check", "true");
- $(this).parents(".monthBox").find(".day").attr("data-check", "true");
- $(this).parents(".monthBox").find("input[type='checkbox']").prop("checked", true);
- }
- //月份 对应的 年份
- let yearDayAllCheck = true;
- let $yearDay = $(this).parents(".yearBox").find(".day");
- $yearDay.each(function(i,e){
- if($(e).attr("data-check") == "true"){
- }
- else{
- yearDayAllCheck = false;
- }
- });
- if(yearDayAllCheck){
- $(this).parents(".yearBox").find(".year").attr("data-check", "true");
- $(this).parents(".yearBox").find(".year input[type='checkbox']").prop("checked", true);
- }
- else{
- $(this).parents(".yearBox").find(".year").attr("data-check", "false");
- $(this).parents(".yearBox").find(".year input[type='checkbox']").removeAttr("checked");
- }
- })
- $(document).off("click.filterCheckbox4").on("click.filterCheckbox4", "#luckysheet-filter-byvalue-select .day",function(){
- if($(this).attr("data-check") == "true"){
- $(this).attr("data-check", "false");
- $(this).find("input[type='checkbox']").removeAttr("checked");
- }
- else{
- $(this).attr("data-check", "true");
- $(this).find("input[type='checkbox']").prop("checked", true);
- }
- //天 对应的 月份
- let monthDayAllCheck = true;
- let $monthDay = $(this).parents(".monthBox").find(".day");
- $monthDay.each(function(i,e){
- if($(e).attr("data-check") == "true"){
- }
- else{
- monthDayAllCheck = false;
- }
- });
- if(monthDayAllCheck){
- $(this).parents(".monthBox").find(".month").attr("data-check", "true");
- $(this).parents(".monthBox").find(".month input[type='checkbox']").prop("checked", true);
- }
- else{
- $(this).parents(".monthBox").find(".month").attr("data-check", "false");
- $(this).parents(".monthBox").find(".month input[type='checkbox']").removeAttr("checked");
- }
- //天 对应的 年份
- let yearDayAllCheck = true;
- let $yearDay = $(this).parents(".yearBox").find(".day");
- $yearDay.each(function(i,e){
- if($(e).attr("data-check") == "true"){
- }
- else{
- yearDayAllCheck = false;
- }
- });
- if(yearDayAllCheck){
- $(this).parents(".yearBox").find(".year").attr("data-check", "true");
- $(this).parents(".yearBox").find(".year input[type='checkbox']").prop("checked", true);
- }
- else{
- $(this).parents(".yearBox").find(".year").attr("data-check", "false");
- $(this).parents(".yearBox").find(".year input[type='checkbox']").removeAttr("checked");
- }
- })
- //日期 三级下拉显示
- $(document).off("click.filterYearDropdown").on("click.filterYearDropdown", "#luckysheet-filter-byvalue-select .yearBox .fa-caret-right",function(event){
- let $p = $(this).parents(".luckysheet-mousedown-cancel");
- if($p.hasClass("year")){
- $(this).parents(".yearBox").find(".monthList").slideToggle();
- }
- if($p.hasClass("month")){
- $(this).parents(".monthBox").find(".dayList").slideToggle();
- }
- event.stopPropagation();
- });
- //全选
- $("#luckysheet-filter-byvalue-btn-all").click(function () {
- $("#luckysheet-filter-byvalue-select .ListBox input[type='checkbox']").prop("checked", true);
- $("#luckysheet-filter-byvalue-select .ListBox input[type='checkbox']").parents(".luckysheet-mousedown-cancel").attr("data-check", "true");
- });
- //清除
- $("#luckysheet-filter-byvalue-btn-clear").click(function () {
- $("#luckysheet-filter-byvalue-select .ListBox input[type='checkbox']").removeAttr("checked");
- $("#luckysheet-filter-byvalue-select .ListBox input[type='checkbox']").parents(".luckysheet-mousedown-cancel").attr("data-check", "false");
- });
- //反选
- $("#luckysheet-filter-byvalue-btn-contra").click(function () {
- let $input = $("#luckysheet-filter-byvalue-select .ListBox input[type='checkbox']");
- $input.each(function(i, e){
- if($(e).is(":checked")){
- $(e).removeAttr("checked");
- $(e).parents(".luckysheet-mousedown-cancel").attr("data-check", "false");
- }
- else{
- $(e).prop("checked", true);
- $(e).parents(".luckysheet-mousedown-cancel").attr("data-check", "true");
- }
- });
- //天 对应的 月份
- let $month = $("#luckysheet-filter-byvalue-select .ListBox .monthBox");
- $month.each(function(index, event){
- let monthDayAllCheck = true;
- let $monthDay = $(event).find(".day input[type='checkbox']");
- $monthDay.each(function(i,e){
- if($(e).is(":checked")){
- }
- else{
- monthDayAllCheck = false;
- }
- });
- if(monthDayAllCheck){
- $(event).find(".month input[type='checkbox']").prop("checked", true);
- $(event).attr("data-check", "true");
- }
- else{
- $(event).find(".month input[type='checkbox']").removeAttr("checked");
- $(event).attr("data-check", "false");
- }
- });
- //天 对应的 年份
- let $year = $("#luckysheet-filter-byvalue-select .ListBox .yearBox");
- $year.each(function(index, event){
- let yearDayAllCheck = true;
- let $yearDay = $(event).find(".day input[type='checkbox']");
- $yearDay.each(function(i,e){
- if($(e).is(":checked")){
- }
- else{
- yearDayAllCheck = false;
- }
- });
- if(yearDayAllCheck){
- $(event).find(".year input[type='checkbox']").prop("checked", true);
- $(event).attr("data-check", "true");
- }
- else{
- $(event).find(".year input[type='checkbox']").removeAttr("checked");
- $(event).attr("data-check", "false");
- }
- });
- });
- //清除筛选
- $("#luckysheet-filter-initial").click(function () {
- $("#luckysheet-filter-menu .luckysheet-filter-selected-input").hide().find("input").val();
- $("#luckysheet-filter-selected span").data("type", "0").data("type", null).text(locale_filter.conditionNone);
- $('#luckysheet-filter-selected-sheet' + Store.currentSheetIndex + ', #luckysheet-filter-options-sheet' + Store.currentSheetIndex).remove();
- $("#luckysheet-filter-menu, #luckysheet-filter-submenu").hide();
- let redo = {};
- redo["type"] = "datachangeAll_filter_clear";
- redo["sheetIndex"] = Store.currentSheetIndex;
- redo["config"] = $.extend(true, {}, Store.config);
- Store.config["rowhidden"] = {};
- redo["curconfig"] = $.extend(true, {}, Store.config);
- redo["filter_save"] = $.extend(true, {}, Store.luckysheet_filter_save);
- let optiongroups = [];
- $("#luckysheet-filter-options-sheet" + Store.currentSheetIndex + " .luckysheet-filter-options").each(function () {
- let $t = $(this);
- let optionstate = $t.hasClass("luckysheet-filter-options-active");
- let rowhidden = json.parseJsonParm($t.data("rowhidden"));
- let caljs = json.parseJsonParm($t.data("caljs"));
- optiongroups.push({
- "optionstate":optionstate,
- "rowhidden": rowhidden,
- "caljs":caljs,
- "str": $t.data("str"),
- "edr": $t.data("edr"),
- "cindex": $t.data("cindex"),
- "stc": $t.data("stc"),
- "edc": $t.data("edc")
- });
- });
- redo["optiongroups"] = optiongroups;
- Store.jfundo = [];
- Store.jfredo.push(redo);
- //清除筛选发送给后台
- Store.luckysheetfile[getSheetIndex(Store.currentSheetIndex)].filter = null;
- Store.luckysheetfile[getSheetIndex(Store.currentSheetIndex)].filter_select = null;
- server.saveParam("fsc", Store.currentSheetIndex, null);
- //config
- Store.luckysheetfile[getSheetIndex(Store.currentSheetIndex)].config = Store.config;
- server.saveParam("cg", Store.currentSheetIndex, {}, { "k": "rowhidden" });
- //行高、列宽 刷新
- jfrefreshgrid_rhcw(Store.flowdata.length, Store.flowdata[0].length);
- });
- //按照值进行筛选
- $("#luckysheet-filter-byvalue-input").on('input propertychange', function () {
- let v = $(this).val().toString();
- $("#luckysheet-filter-byvalue-select .ListBox .luckysheet-mousedown-cancel").show();
- if(v != ""){
- $("#luckysheet-filter-byvalue-select .ListBox input[type='checkbox']").each(function(i, e){
- if($(e).closest(".day").length > 0){
- let day = $(e).siblings("label").text().toString();
- let month = $(e).closest(".monthBox").find(".month label").text().toString();
- let year = $(e).closest(".yearBox").find(".year label").text().toString();
- let itemV = year + "-" + month + "-" + day;
- if(itemV.indexOf(v) == -1){
- $(e).closest(".day").hide();
- //天 对应的 月份
- let $monthDay = $(e).closest(".dayList").find(".day:visible");
- if($monthDay.length == 0){
- $(e).closest(".monthBox").find(".month").hide();
- }
- //天 对应的 年份
- let $yearDay = $(e).closest(".monthList").find(".day:visible");
- if($yearDay.length == 0){
- $(e).closest(".yearBox").find(".year").hide();
- }
- }
- }
- if($(e).closest(".textBox").length > 0){
- let itemV = $(e).siblings("label").text().toString();
- if(itemV.indexOf(v) == -1){
- $(e).parents(".textBox").hide();
- }
- }
- });
- }
- });
- //筛选取消
- $("#luckysheet-filter-cancel").click(function () {
- $("#luckysheet-filter-menu, #luckysheet-filter-submenu").hide();
- });
- //筛选 确认
- $("#luckysheet-filter-confirm").click(function () {
- let $menu = $("#luckysheet-filter-menu");
- let st_r = $menu.data("str"),
- ed_r = $menu.data("edr"),
- cindex = $menu.data("cindex"),
- st_c = $menu.data("stc"),
- ed_c = $menu.data("edc");
- let rowhiddenother = {}; //其它筛选列的隐藏行
- $("#luckysheet-filter-options-sheet" + Store.currentSheetIndex + " .luckysheet-filter-options").not($("#luckysheet-filter-options-sheet" + Store.currentSheetIndex + " .luckysheet-filter-options").eq(cindex - st_c).get(0)).each(function () {
- let $t = $(this), rh = $t.data("rowhidden");
- if (rh == "") {
- return true;
- }
- rh = JSON.parse(rh.replace(/\'/g, '"'));
- for (let r in rh) {
- rowhiddenother[r] = 0;
- }
- });
- let filterdata = {};
- let rowhidden = {};
- let caljs = {};
- if ($("#luckysheet-filter-bycondition").next().is(":visible") && $("#luckysheet-filter-byvalue").next().is(":hidden") && $("#luckysheet-filter-selected span").data("value") != "null") {
- let $t = $("#luckysheet-filter-selected span");
- let type = $t.data("type"), value = $t.data("value");
- caljs["value"] = value;
- caljs["text"] = $t.text();
- if (type == "0") {
- caljs["type"] = "0";
- }
- else if (type == "2") {
- let $input = $("#luckysheet-filter-menu .luckysheet-filter-selected-input2 input");
- caljs["type"] = "2";
- caljs["value1"] = $input.eq(0).val();
- caljs["value2"] = $input.eq(1).val();
- }
- else {
- caljs["type"] = "1";
- caljs["value1"] = $("#luckysheet-filter-menu .luckysheet-filter-selected-input").eq(0).find("input").val();
- }
- for (let r = st_r + 1; r <= ed_r; r++) {
- if(r in rowhiddenother){
- continue;
- }
- if(Store.flowdata[r] == null){
- continue;
- }
- let cell = Store.flowdata[r][cindex];
- if (value == "cellnull") { //单元格为空
- if(cell != null && !isRealNull(cell.v)){
- rowhidden[r] = 0;
- }
- }
- else if (value == "cellnonull") { //单元格有数据
- if(cell == null || isRealNull(cell.v)){
- rowhidden[r] = 0;
- }
- }
- else if (value == "textinclude") { //文本包含
- let value1 = caljs["value1"];
- if(cell == null || isRealNull(cell.v)){
- rowhidden[r] = 0;
- }
- else{
- if(cell.m.indexOf(value1) == -1){
- rowhidden[r] = 0;
- }
- }
- }
- else if (value == "textnotinclude") { //文本不包含
- let value1 = caljs["value1"];
- if(cell == null || isRealNull(cell.v)){
- }
- else{
- if(cell.m.indexOf(value1) > -1){
- rowhidden[r] = 0;
- }
- }
- }
- else if (value == "textstart") { //文本开头为
- let value1 = caljs["value1"], valuelen = value1.length;
- if(cell == null || isRealNull(cell.v)){
- rowhidden[r] = 0;
- }
- else{
- if(cell.m.substr(0, valuelen) != value1){
- rowhidden[r] = 0;
- }
- }
- }
- else if (value == "textend") { //文本结尾为
- let value1 = caljs["value1"], valuelen = value1.length;
- if(cell == null || isRealNull(cell.v)){
- rowhidden[r] = 0;
- }
- else{
- if(valuelen > cell.m.length || cell.m.substr(cell.m.length - valuelen, valuelen) != value1){
- rowhidden[r] = 0;
- }
- }
- }
- else if (value == "textequal") { //文本等于
- let value1 = caljs["value1"];
- if(cell == null || isRealNull(cell.v)){
- rowhidden[r] = 0;
- }
- else{
- if(cell.m != value1){
- rowhidden[r] = 0;
- }
- }
- }
- else if (value == "dateequal") { //日期等于
- let value1 = genarate(caljs["value1"])[2];
- if(cell == null || isRealNull(cell.v)){
- rowhidden[r] = 0;
- }
- else if(cell.ct != null && cell.ct.t == "d"){
- if(parseInt(cell.v) != value1){
- rowhidden[r] = 0;
- }
- }
- else{
- rowhidden[r] = 0;
- }
- }
- else if (value == "datelessthan") { //日期早于
- let value1 = genarate(caljs["value1"])[2];
- if(cell == null || isRealNull(cell.v)){
- rowhidden[r] = 0;
- }
- else if(cell.ct != null && cell.ct.t == "d"){
- if(parseInt(cell.v) >= value1){
- rowhidden[r] = 0;
- }
- }
- else{
- rowhidden[r] = 0;
- }
- }
- else if (value == "datemorethan") { //日期晚于
- let value1 = genarate(caljs["value1"])[2];
- if(cell == null || isRealNull(cell.v)){
- rowhidden[r] = 0;
- }
- else if(cell.ct != null && cell.ct.t == "d"){
- if(parseInt(cell.v) <= value1){
- rowhidden[r] = 0;
- }
- }
- else{
- rowhidden[r] = 0;
- }
- }
- else if (value == "morethan") { //大于
- let value1 = parseFloat(caljs["value1"]);
- if(cell == null || isRealNull(cell.v)){
- rowhidden[r] = 0;
- }
- else if(cell.ct != null && cell.ct.t == "n"){
- if(cell.v <= value1){
- rowhidden[r] = 0;
- }
- }
- else{
- rowhidden[r] = 0;
- }
- }
- else if (value == "moreequalthan") { //大于等于
- let value1 = parseFloat(caljs["value1"]);
- if(cell == null || isRealNull(cell.v)){
- rowhidden[r] = 0;
- }
- else if(cell.ct != null && cell.ct.t == "n"){
- if(cell.v < value1){
- rowhidden[r] = 0;
- }
- }
- else{
- rowhidden[r] = 0;
- }
- }
- else if (value == "lessthan") { //小于
- let value1 = parseFloat(caljs["value1"]);
- if(cell == null || isRealNull(cell.v)){
- rowhidden[r] = 0;
- }
- else if(cell.ct != null && cell.ct.t == "n"){
- if(cell.v >= value1){
- rowhidden[r] = 0;
- }
- }
- else{
- rowhidden[r] = 0;
- }
- }
- else if (value == "lessequalthan") { //小于等于
- let value1 = parseFloat(caljs["value1"]);
- if(cell == null || isRealNull(cell.v)){
- rowhidden[r] = 0;
- }
- else if(cell.ct != null && cell.ct.t == "n"){
- if(cell.v > value1){
- rowhidden[r] = 0;
- }
- }
- else{
- rowhidden[r] = 0;
- }
- }
- else if (value == "equal") { //等于
- let value1 = parseFloat(caljs["value1"]);
- if(cell == null || isRealNull(cell.v)){
- rowhidden[r] = 0;
- }
- else if(cell.ct != null && cell.ct.t == "n"){
- if(cell.v != value1){
- rowhidden[r] = 0;
- }
- }
- else{
- rowhidden[r] = 0;
- }
- }
- else if (value == "noequal") { //不等于
- let value1 = parseFloat(caljs["value1"]);
- if(cell == null || isRealNull(cell.v)){
- rowhidden[r] = 0;
- }
- else if(cell.ct != null && cell.ct.t == "n"){
- if(cell.v == value1){
- rowhidden[r] = 0;
- }
- }
- else{
- rowhidden[r] = 0;
- }
- }
- else if (value == "include") { //介于
- let value1 = parseFloat(caljs["value1"]), value2 = parseFloat(caljs["value2"]);
- let min, max;
- if(value1 < value2){
- min = value1;
- max = value2;
- }
- else{
- max = value1;
- min = value2;
- }
- if(cell == null || isRealNull(cell.v)){
- rowhidden[r] = 0;
- }
- else if(cell.ct != null && cell.ct.t == "n"){
- if(cell.v < min || cell.v > max){
- rowhidden[r] = 0;
- }
- }
- else{
- rowhidden[r] = 0;
- }
- }
- else if (value == "noinclude") { //不在其中
- let value1 = parseFloat(caljs["value1"]), value2 = parseFloat(caljs["value2"]);
- let min, max;
- if(value1 < value2){
- min = value1;
- max = value2;
- }
- else{
- max = value1;
- min = value2;
- }
- if(cell == null || isRealNull(cell.v)){
- rowhidden[r] = 0;
- }
- else if(cell.ct != null && cell.ct.t == "n"){
- if(cell.v >= min && cell.v <= max){
- rowhidden[r] = 0;
- }
- }
- else{
- rowhidden[r] = 0;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- else {
- $("#luckysheet-filter-byvalue-select .ListBox input[type='checkbox']").each(function(i, e){
- if($(e).is(":visible") && $(e).is(":checked")){
- return true;
- }
- if($(e).closest(".day").length > 0){
- let day = $(e).siblings("label").text();
- if(Number(day) < 10){
- day = "0" + Number(day);
- }
- let month = $(e).closest(".monthBox").find(".month label").text().replace(locale_filter.filiterMonthText, "");
- if(Number(month) < 10){
- month = "0" + Number(month);
- }
- let year = $(e).closest(".yearBox").find(".year label").text().replace(locale_filter.filiterYearText, "");
- let itemV = locale_filter.filterDateFormatTip +"#$$$#" + year + "-" + month + "-" + day;
- filterdata[itemV] = "1";
- }
- if($(e).closest(".textBox").length > 0){
- let itemV = $(e).closest(".textBox").data("filter");
- filterdata[itemV] = "1";
- }
- });
- for (let r = st_r + 1; r <= ed_r; r++) {
- if(r in rowhiddenother){
- continue;
- }
- if(Store.flowdata[r] == null){
- continue;
- }
- let cell = Store.flowdata[r][cindex];
- let value;
- if(cell == null || isRealNull(cell.v)){
- value = "null#$$$#null";
- }
- else if(cell.ct != null && cell.ct.t == "d"){
- let fmt = update("YYYY-MM-DD", cell.v);
- value = locale_filter.filterDateFormatTip +"#$$$#" + fmt;
- }
- else{
- value = cell.v + "#$$$#" + cell.m;
- }
- if(value in filterdata){
- rowhidden[r] = 0;
- }
- }
- }
- let $top = $("#luckysheet-filter-options-sheet" + Store.currentSheetIndex + " .luckysheet-filter-options").eq(cindex - st_c);
- let optionstate = $("#luckysheet-filter-byvalue-select .ListBox input[type='checkbox']:visible:checked").length < $("#luckysheet-filter-byvalue-select .ListBox input[type='checkbox']:visible").length || $("#luckysheet-filter-byvalue-input").val().length > 0 || ($("#luckysheet-filter-bycondition").next().is(":visible") && $("#luckysheet-filter-byvalue").next().is(":hidden") && $("#luckysheet-filter-selected span").data("value") != "null");
- let rowhiddenall = $.extend(true, rowhiddenother, rowhidden),
- rowhidenPre = json.parseJsonParm($top.data("rowhidden"));
- labelFilterOptionState($top, optionstate, rowhidden, caljs, true, st_r, ed_r, cindex, st_c, ed_c);
- let cfg = $.extend(true, {}, Store.config);
- cfg["rowhidden"] = rowhiddenall;
- //保存撤销
- if(Store.clearjfundo){
- let redo = {};
- redo["type"] = "datachangeAll_filter";
- redo["sheetIndex"] = Store.currentSheetIndex;
- redo["config"] = $.extend(true, {}, Store.config);
- redo["curconfig"] = cfg;
- redo["optionstate"] = optionstate;
- redo["optionsindex"] = cindex - st_c;
- redo["rowhidden"] = $.extend(true, {}, rowhidden);
- redo["rowhidenPre"] = $.extend(true, {}, rowhidenPre);
- if (caljs != null) {
- redo["caljs"] = caljs;
- }
- Store.jfundo = [];
- Store.jfredo.push(redo);
- }
- //config
- Store.config = cfg;
- Store.luckysheetfile[getSheetIndex(Store.currentSheetIndex)].config = Store.config;
- server.saveParam("cg", Store.currentSheetIndex, cfg["rowhidden"], { "k": "rowhidden" });
- //行高、列宽 刷新
- jfrefreshgrid_rhcw(Store.flowdata.length, Store.flowdata[0].length);
- $("#luckysheet-filter-menu, #luckysheet-filter-submenu").hide();
- cleargridelement();
- });
- //左上角返回按钮
- $("#luckysheet_info_detail_title").click(function(){
- window.open(luckysheetConfigsetting.myFolderUrl, "_self");
- });
- $("#luckysheet_info_detail_input").val(server.title).css("width", getByteLen(server.title) * 10).keydown(function(){
- let ctrlKey = event.ctrlKey;
- let altKey = event.altKey;
- let shiftKey = event.shiftKey;
- let kcode = event.keyCode;
- let $t = $(this);
- if(kcode == keycode.ENTER){
- $t.blur().change();
- }
- }).bind('input propertychange', function() {
- let $t = $(this);
- let inputlen = getByteLen($t.val())*10;
- let updatelen = $("#luckysheet_info_detail_update").outerWidth();
- let savelen = $("#luckysheet_info_detail_save").outerWidth();
- let userlen = $("#luckysheet_info_detail_user").parent().outerWidth()+60;
- let containerlen = $("#" + Store.container).outerWidth();
- let otherlen = 100;
- let minuslen = containerlen- savelen - updatelen - userlen - otherlen;
- if(inputlen > minuslen){
- $("#luckysheet_info_detail_input").css("width", minuslen);
- }
- else{
- $("#luckysheet_info_detail_input").css("width", inputlen);
- }
- }).change(function(){
- server.saveParam("na", null, $(this).val());
- });
- //公式栏处理
- $("#luckysheet-functionbox-cell").focus(function () {
- if(isEditMode()){//此模式下禁用公式栏
- return;
- }
- if(Store.luckysheet_select_save.length > 0){
- let last = Store.luckysheet_select_save[Store.luckysheet_select_save.length - 1];
- let row_index = last["row_focus"], col_index = last["column_focus"];
- let row = Store.visibledatarow[row_index],
- row_pre = row_index - 1 == -1 ? 0 : Store.visibledatarow[row_index - 1];
- let col = Store.visibledatacolumn[col_index],
- col_pre = col_index - 1 == -1 ? 0 : Store.visibledatacolumn[col_index - 1];
- let margeset = menuButton.mergeborer(Store.flowdata, row_index, col_index);
- if(!!margeset){
- row = margeset.row[1];
- row_pre = margeset.row[0];
- row_index = margeset.row[2];
- col = margeset.column[1];
- col_pre = margeset.column[0];
- col_index = margeset.column[2];
- }
- luckysheetupdateCell(row, row_pre, row_index, col, col_pre, col_index, Store.flowdata, null, true);
- formula.rangeResizeTo = $("#luckysheet-functionbox-cell");
- }
- }).keydown(function (event) {
- if(isEditMode()){//此模式下禁用公式栏
- return;
- }
- let ctrlKey = event.ctrlKey;
- let altKey = event.altKey;
- let shiftKey = event.shiftKey;
- let kcode = event.keyCode;
- let $inputbox = $("#luckysheet-input-box");
- if (kcode == keycode.ENTER && parseInt($inputbox.css("top")) > 0) {
- if ($("#luckysheet-formula-search-c").is(":visible") && formula.searchFunctionCell != null) {
- formula.searchFunctionEnter($("#luckysheet-formula-search-c").find(".luckysheet-formula-search-item-active"));
- }
- else {
- formula.updatecell(Store.luckysheetCellUpdate[0], Store.luckysheetCellUpdate[1]);
- Store.luckysheet_select_save = [{ "row": [Store.luckysheetCellUpdate[0], Store.luckysheetCellUpdate[0]], "column": [Store.luckysheetCellUpdate[1], Store.luckysheetCellUpdate[1]], "row_focus": Store.luckysheetCellUpdate[0], "column_focus": Store.luckysheetCellUpdate[1] }];
- luckysheetMoveHighlightCell("down", 1, "rangeOfSelect");
- $("#luckysheet-functionbox-cell").blur();
- }
- event.preventDefault();
- }
- else if (kcode == keycode.ESC && parseInt($inputbox.css("top")) > 0) {
- formula.dontupdate();
- luckysheetMoveHighlightCell("down", 0, "rangeOfSelect");
- event.preventDefault();
- }
- else if (kcode == keycode.F4 && parseInt($inputbox.css("top")) > 0) {
- formula.setfreezonFuc(event);
- event.preventDefault();
- }
- else if (kcode == keycode.UP && parseInt($inputbox.css("top")) > 0) {
- if ($("#luckysheet-formula-search-c").is(":visible")) {
- let $up = $("#luckysheet-formula-search-c").find(".luckysheet-formula-search-item-active").prev();
- if ($up.length == 0) {
- $up = $("#luckysheet-formula-search-c").find(".luckysheet-formula-search-item").last();
- }
- $("#luckysheet-formula-search-c").find(".luckysheet-formula-search-item").removeClass("luckysheet-formula-search-item-active");
- $up.addClass("luckysheet-formula-search-item-active");
- event.preventDefault();
- }
- }
- else if (kcode == keycode.DOWN && parseInt($inputbox.css("top")) > 0) {
- if ($("#luckysheet-formula-search-c").is(":visible")) {
- let $up = $("#luckysheet-formula-search-c").find(".luckysheet-formula-search-item-active").next();
- if ($up.length == 0) {
- $up = $("#luckysheet-formula-search-c").find(".luckysheet-formula-search-item").first();
- }
- $("#luckysheet-formula-search-c").find(".luckysheet-formula-search-item").removeClass("luckysheet-formula-search-item-active");
- $up.addClass("luckysheet-formula-search-item-active");
- event.preventDefault();
- }
- }
- else if (kcode == keycode.LEFT && parseInt($inputbox.css("top")) > 0) {
- formula.rangeHightlightselected($("#luckysheet-functionbox-cell"));
- }
- else if (kcode == keycode.RIGHT && parseInt($inputbox.css("top")) > 0) {
- formula.rangeHightlightselected($("#luckysheet-functionbox-cell"));
- }
- else if (!((kcode >= 112 && kcode <= 123) || kcode <= 46 || kcode == 144 || kcode == 108 || event.ctrlKey || event.altKey || (event.shiftKey && (kcode == 37 || kcode == 38 || kcode == 39 || kcode == 40))) || kcode == 8 || kcode == 32 || kcode == 46 || (event.ctrlKey && kcode == 86)) {
- formula.functionInputHanddler($("#luckysheet-rich-text-editor"), $("#luckysheet-functionbox-cell"), kcode);
- }
- }).click(function () {
- if(isEditMode()){//此模式下禁用公式栏
- return;
- }
- formula.rangeHightlightselected($("#luckysheet-functionbox-cell"));
- });
- //公式栏 取消(X)按钮
- $("#luckysheet-wa-functionbox-cancel").click(function () {
- if (!$(this).hasClass("luckysheet-wa-calculate-active")) {
- return;
- }
- //若有参数弹出框,隐藏
- if($("#luckysheet-search-formula-parm").is(":visible")){
- $("#luckysheet-search-formula-parm").hide();
- }
- //若有参数选取范围弹出框,隐藏
- if($("#luckysheet-search-formula-parm-select").is(":visible")){
- $("#luckysheet-search-formula-parm-select").hide();
- }
- formula.dontupdate();
- luckysheetMoveHighlightCell("down", 0, "rangeOfSelect");
- });
- //公式栏 确认()按钮
- $("#luckysheet-wa-functionbox-confirm").click(function () {
- if (!$(this).hasClass("luckysheet-wa-calculate-active")) {
- return;
- }
- //若有参数弹出框,隐藏
- if($("#luckysheet-search-formula-parm").is(":visible")){
- $("#luckysheet-search-formula-parm").hide();
- }
- //若有参数选取范围弹出框,隐藏
- if($("#luckysheet-search-formula-parm-select").is(":visible")){
- $("#luckysheet-search-formula-parm-select").hide();
- }
- formula.updatecell(Store.luckysheetCellUpdate[0], Store.luckysheetCellUpdate[1]);
- luckysheetMoveHighlightCell("down", 0, "rangeOfSelect");
- });
- //公式栏 fx按钮
- $("#luckysheet-wa-functionbox-fx").click(function () {
- //点击函数查找弹出框
- if(Store.luckysheet_select_save.length == 0){
- if(isEditMode()){
- alert(locale_formula.tipSelectCell);
- }
- else{
- tooltip.info(locale_formula.tipSelectCell,"");
- }
- return;
- }
- let last = Store.luckysheet_select_save[Store.luckysheet_select_save.length - 1];
- let row_index = last["row_focus"], col_index = last["column_focus"];
- let row = Store.visibledatarow[row_index],
- row_pre = row_index - 1 == -1 ? 0 : Store.visibledatarow[row_index - 1];
- let col = Store.visibledatacolumn[col_index],
- col_pre = col_index - 1 == -1 ? 0 : Store.visibledatacolumn[col_index - 1];
- luckysheetupdateCell(row, row_pre, row_index, col, col_pre, col_index, Store.flowdata);
- let cell = Store.flowdata[row_index][col_index];
- if(cell != null && cell.f != null){
- //单元格有计算
- let functionStr = formula.getfunctionParam(cell.f);
- if(functionStr.fn != null){
- //有函数公式
- insertFormula.formulaParmDialog(functionStr.fn, functionStr.param);
- }
- else{
- //无函数公式
- insertFormula.formulaListDialog();
- }
- }
- else{
- //单元格无计算
- $("#luckysheet-rich-text-editor").html('=');
- $("#luckysheet-functionbox-cell").html($("#luckysheet-rich-text-editor").html());
- insertFormula.formulaListDialog();
- }
- insertFormula.init();
- });
- //公式选区操作
- $("#luckysheet-formula-functionrange").on("mousedown", ".luckysheet-copy", function (event) {
- formula.rangeMove = true;
- Store.luckysheet_scroll_status = true;
- formula.rangeMoveObj = $(this).parent();
- formula.rangeMoveIndex = $(this).parent().attr("rangeindex");
- let mouse = mouseposition(event.pageX, event.pageY);
- let x = mouse[0] + $("#luckysheet-cell-main").scrollLeft();
- let y = mouse[1] + $("#luckysheet-cell-main").scrollTop();
- $("#luckysheet-formula-functionrange-highlight-" + formula.rangeMoveIndex).find(".luckysheet-selection-copy-hc").css("opacity", 0.13);
- let type = $(this).data("type");
- if (type == "top") {
- y += 3;
- }
- else if (type == "right") {
- x -= 3;
- }
- else if (type == "bottom") {
- y -= 3;
- }
- else if (type == "left") {
- x += 3;
- }
- let row_index = rowLocation(y)[2];
- let col_index = colLocation(x)[2];
- formula.rangeMovexy = [row_index, col_index];
- $("#luckysheet-sheettable").css("cursor", "move");
- event.stopPropagation();
- });
- $("#luckysheet-formula-functionrange").on("mousedown", ".luckysheet-highlight", function (e) {
- formula.rangeResize = $(this).data("type");//开始状态resize
- formula.rangeResizeIndex = $(this).parent().attr("rangeindex");
- let mouse = mouseposition(e.pageX, e.pageY),
- scrollLeft = $("#luckysheet-cell-main").scrollLeft(),
- scrollTop = $("#luckysheet-cell-main").scrollTop();
- let x = mouse[0] + scrollLeft;
- let y = mouse[1] + scrollTop;
- formula.rangeResizeObj = $(this).parent();
- $("#luckysheet-formula-functionrange-highlight-" + formula.rangeResizeIndex).find(".luckysheet-selection-copy-hc").css("opacity", 0.13);
- if (formula.rangeResize == "lt") {
- x += 3;
- y += 3;
- }
- else if (formula.rangeResize == "lb") {
- x += 3;
- y -= 3;
- }
- else if (formula.rangeResize == "rt") {
- x -= 3;
- y += 3;
- }
- else if (formula.rangeResize == "rb") {
- x -= 3;
- y -= 3;
- }
- let row_location = rowLocation(y),
- row = row_location[1],
- row_pre = row_location[0],
- row_index = row_location[2];
- let col_location = colLocation(x),
- col = col_location[1],
- col_pre = col_location[0],
- col_index = col_location[2];
- let position = formula.rangeResizeObj.position();
- formula.rangeResizexy = [
- col_pre,
- row_pre,
- formula.rangeResizeObj.width(),
- formula.rangeResizeObj.height(),
- position.left + scrollLeft,
- position.top + scrollTop, col, row
- ];
- formula.rangeResizeWinH = $("#luckysheet-cell-main")[0].scrollHeight;
- formula.rangeResizeWinW = $("#luckysheet-cell-main")[0].scrollWidth;
- Store.luckysheet_scroll_status = true;
- event.stopPropagation();
- });
$("#luckysheet-chart-rangeShow").on("mousedown.chartRangeShowMove", ".luckysheet-chart-rangeShow-move", function(event){
Store.chart_selection.rangeMove = true;
diff --git a/src/controllers/keyboard.js b/src/controllers/keyboard.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..05137df30
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/controllers/keyboard.js
@@ -0,0 +1,917 @@
+import luckysheetConfigsetting from './luckysheetConfigsetting';
+import menuButton from './menuButton';
+import conditionformat from './conditionformat';
+import server from './server';
+import luckysheetupdateCell from './updateCell';
+import { keycode } from './constant';
+import {
+ luckysheetMoveHighlightCell,
+ luckysheetMoveHighlightCell2,
+ luckysheetMoveHighlightRange,
+ luckysheetMoveHighlightRange2
+} from './sheetMove';
+import { selectHightlightShow, selectIsOverlap } from './select';
+import selection from './selection';
+import searchReplace from './searchReplace';
+import controlHistory from './controlHistory';
+import {
+ getByteLen,
+ luckysheetactiveCell,
+} from '../utils/util';
+import { getSheetIndex } from '../methods/get';
+import { hasPartMC, isEditMode } from '../global/validate';
+import formula from '../global/formula';
+import cleargridelement from '../global/cleargridelement';
+import tooltip from '../global/tooltip';
+import locale from '../locale/locale';
+import Store from '../store';
+let luckysheet_shiftkeydown = false;
+function formulaMoveEvent(dir, ctrlKey, shiftKey){
+ if ($("#luckysheet-formula-search-c").is(":visible")) {
+ let $up = $("#luckysheet-formula-search-c").find(".luckysheet-formula-search-item-active").next();
+ if ($up.length == 0) {
+ $up = $("#luckysheet-formula-search-c").find(".luckysheet-formula-search-item").first();
+ }
+ $("#luckysheet-formula-search-c").find(".luckysheet-formula-search-item").removeClass("luckysheet-formula-search-item-active");
+ $up.addClass("luckysheet-formula-search-item-active");
+ event.preventDefault();
+ }
+ else{
+ if($("#luckysheet-formula-functionrange-select").is(":visible")){
+ if(ctrlKey && shiftKey){
+ luckysheetMoveHighlightRange2(dir, "rangeOfFormula");
+ }
+ else if(ctrlKey){
+ luckysheetMoveHighlightCell2(dir, "rangeOfFormula");
+ }
+ else if(shiftKey){
+ let dir_n = dir, step = 1;
+ if(dir == 'up'){
+ dir_n = 'down';
+ step = -1;
+ }
+ if(dir == 'left'){
+ dir_n = 'right';
+ step = -1;
+ }
+ luckysheetMoveHighlightRange(dir_n, step, "rangeOfFormula");
+ }
+ else{
+ let dir_n = dir, step = 1;
+ if(dir == 'up'){
+ dir_n = 'down';
+ step = -1;
+ }
+ if(dir == 'left'){
+ dir_n = 'right';
+ step = -1;
+ }
+ luckysheetMoveHighlightCell(dir_n, step, "rangeOfFormula");
+ }
+ }
+ else if(formula.israngeseleciton()){
+ let anchor = $(window.getSelection().anchorNode);
+ if(anchor.parent().next().text() == null || anchor.parent().next().text() == ""){
+ let vText = $("#luckysheet-input-box #luckysheet-input-box-index").text();
+ let range = formula.getcellrange(vText);
+ if(range == null){
+ range = formula.getcellrange($("#luckysheet-input-box-index").text());
+ }
+ let r1 = range["row"][0], r2 = range["row"][1];
+ let c1 = range["column"][0], c2 = range["column"][1];
+ let row = Store.visibledatarow[r2],
+ row_pre = r1 - 1 == -1 ? 0 : Store.visibledatarow[r1 - 1];
+ let col = Store.visibledatacolumn[c2],
+ col_pre = c1 - 1 == -1 ? 0 : Store.visibledatacolumn[c1 - 1];
+ formula.func_selectedrange = {
+ "left": col_pre,
+ "width": col - col_pre - 1,
+ "top": row_pre,
+ "height": row - row_pre - 1,
+ "left_move": col_pre,
+ "width_move": col - col_pre - 1,
+ "top_move": row_pre,
+ "height_move": row - row_pre - 1,
+ "row": [r1, r2],
+ "column": [c1, c2],
+ "row_focus": r1,
+ "column_focus": c1
+ };
+ formula.rangeSetValue({ "row": [r1, r2], "column": [c1, c2] });
+ formula.rangestart = true;
+ formula.rangedrag_column_start = false;
+ formula.rangedrag_row_start = false;
+ if(ctrlKey && shiftKey){
+ luckysheetMoveHighlightRange2(dir, "rangeOfFormula");
+ }
+ else if(ctrlKey){
+ luckysheetMoveHighlightCell2(dir, "rangeOfFormula");
+ }
+ else if(shiftKey){
+ let dir_n = dir, step = 1;
+ if(dir == 'up'){
+ dir_n = 'down';
+ step = -1;
+ }
+ if(dir == 'left'){
+ dir_n = 'right';
+ step = -1;
+ }
+ luckysheetMoveHighlightRange(dir_n, step, "rangeOfFormula");
+ }
+ else{
+ let dir_n = dir, step = 1;
+ if(dir == 'up'){
+ dir_n = 'down';
+ step = -1;
+ }
+ if(dir == 'left'){
+ dir_n = 'right';
+ step = -1;
+ }
+ luckysheetMoveHighlightCell(dir_n, step, "rangeOfFormula");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if(!ctrlKey && !shiftKey){
+ let anchor = $(window.getSelection().anchorNode);
+ let anchorOffset = window.getSelection().anchorOffset;
+ if(dir == 'up'){
+ if(anchor.parent().is("span") && anchor.parent().next().length == 0 && anchorOffset > 0){
+ formula.updatecell(Store.luckysheetCellUpdate[0], Store.luckysheetCellUpdate[1]);
+ luckysheetMoveHighlightCell("down", -1, "rangeOfSelect");
+ event.preventDefault();
+ }
+ else if(anchor.is("#luckysheet-rich-text-editor") && anchor.context.childElementCount == anchorOffset){
+ formula.updatecell(Store.luckysheetCellUpdate[0], Store.luckysheetCellUpdate[1]);
+ luckysheetMoveHighlightCell("down", -1, "rangeOfSelect");
+ event.preventDefault();
+ }
+ else if(anchor.parent().is("#luckysheet-rich-text-editor") && anchor.context.length == anchorOffset){
+ formula.updatecell(Store.luckysheetCellUpdate[0], Store.luckysheetCellUpdate[1]);
+ luckysheetMoveHighlightCell("down", -1, "rangeOfSelect");
+ event.preventDefault();
+ }
+ }
+ else if(dir == 'down'){
+ if(anchor.parent().is("span") && anchor.parent().next().length == 0 && anchorOffset > 0){
+ formula.updatecell(Store.luckysheetCellUpdate[0], Store.luckysheetCellUpdate[1]);
+ luckysheetMoveHighlightCell("down", 1, "rangeOfSelect");
+ event.preventDefault();
+ }
+ else if(anchor.is("#luckysheet-rich-text-editor") && anchor.context.childElementCount == anchorOffset){
+ formula.updatecell(Store.luckysheetCellUpdate[0], Store.luckysheetCellUpdate[1]);
+ luckysheetMoveHighlightCell("down", 1, "rangeOfSelect");
+ event.preventDefault();
+ }
+ else if(anchor.parent().is("#luckysheet-rich-text-editor") && anchor.context.length == anchorOffset){
+ formula.updatecell(Store.luckysheetCellUpdate[0], Store.luckysheetCellUpdate[1]);
+ luckysheetMoveHighlightCell("down", 1, "rangeOfSelect");
+ event.preventDefault();
+ }
+ }
+ else if(dir == 'left'){
+ if(anchor.parent().is("span") && anchor.parent().prev().length == 0 && anchorOffset == 0){
+ formula.updatecell(Store.luckysheetCellUpdate[0], Store.luckysheetCellUpdate[1]);
+ luckysheetMoveHighlightCell("right", -1, "rangeOfSelect");
+ event.preventDefault();
+ }
+ else if(anchor.is("#luckysheet-rich-text-editor") && anchorOffset == 1){
+ formula.updatecell(Store.luckysheetCellUpdate[0], Store.luckysheetCellUpdate[1]);
+ luckysheetMoveHighlightCell("right", -1, "rangeOfSelect");
+ event.preventDefault();
+ }
+ else if(anchor.parent().is("#luckysheet-rich-text-editor") && anchorOffset == 0){
+ formula.updatecell(Store.luckysheetCellUpdate[0], Store.luckysheetCellUpdate[1]);
+ luckysheetMoveHighlightCell("right", -1, "rangeOfSelect");
+ event.preventDefault();
+ }
+ }
+ else if(dir == 'right'){
+ if(anchor.parent().is("span") && anchor.parent().next().length == 0 && anchorOffset > 0){
+ formula.updatecell(Store.luckysheetCellUpdate[0], Store.luckysheetCellUpdate[1]);
+ luckysheetMoveHighlightCell("right", 1, "rangeOfSelect");
+ event.preventDefault();
+ }
+ else if(anchor.is("#luckysheet-rich-text-editor") && anchor.context.childElementCount == anchorOffset){
+ formula.updatecell(Store.luckysheetCellUpdate[0], Store.luckysheetCellUpdate[1]);
+ luckysheetMoveHighlightCell("right", 1, "rangeOfSelect");
+ event.preventDefault();
+ }
+ else if(anchor.parent().is("#luckysheet-rich-text-editor") && anchor.context.length == anchorOffset){
+ formula.updatecell(Store.luckysheetCellUpdate[0], Store.luckysheetCellUpdate[1]);
+ luckysheetMoveHighlightCell("right", 1, "rangeOfSelect");
+ event.preventDefault();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+export function keyboardInitial(){
+ const _locale = locale();
+ const locale_drag = _locale.drag;
+ //单元格编辑输入
+ $("#luckysheet-input-box").click(function () {
+ formula.rangeHightlightselected($("#luckysheet-rich-text-editor"));
+ }).add("#" + Store.container).on("keydown", function (event) {
+ if ($("#luckysheet-modal-dialog-mask").is(":visible") || $(event.target).hasClass("luckysheet-mousedown-cancel") || $(event.target).hasClass("formulaInputFocus")) {
+ return;
+ }
+ let ctrlKey = event.ctrlKey;
+ let altKey = event.altKey;
+ let shiftKey = event.shiftKey;
+ let kcode = event.keyCode;
+ if ($("#luckysheet-modal-dialog-mask").is(":visible") || $(event.target).hasClass("luckysheet-mousedown-cancel") || $(event.target).hasClass("sp-input") || (parseInt($("#luckysheet-input-box").css("top")) > 0 && $(event.target).closest(".luckysheet-input-box").length > 0 && kcode != keycode.ENTER && kcode != keycode.TAB && kcode != keycode.UP && kcode != keycode.DOWN && kcode != keycode.LEFT && kcode != keycode.RIGHT)) {
+ let anchor = $(window.getSelection().anchorNode);
+ if(anchor.parent().is("#luckysheet-helpbox-cell") || anchor.is("#luckysheet-helpbox-cell")){
+ if(kcode == keycode.ENTER){
+ let helpboxValue = $("#luckysheet-helpbox-cell").text();
+ if(formula.iscelldata(helpboxValue)){
+ let cellrange = formula.getcellrange(helpboxValue);
+ Store.luckysheet_select_save = [{ "row": cellrange["row"], "column": cellrange["column"], "row_focus": cellrange["row"][0], "column_focus": cellrange["column"][0] }];
+ selectHightlightShow();
+ $("#luckysheet-helpbox-cell").blur();
+ let scrollLeft = $("#luckysheet-cell-main").scrollLeft(),
+ scrollTop = $("#luckysheet-cell-main").scrollTop();
+ let winH = $("#luckysheet-cell-main").height(),
+ winW = $("#luckysheet-cell-main").width();
+ let row = Store.visibledatarow[cellrange["row"][1]],
+ row_pre = cellrange["row"][0] - 1 == -1 ? 0 : Store.visibledatarow[cellrange["row"][0] - 1];
+ let col = Store.visibledatacolumn[cellrange["column"][1]],
+ col_pre = cellrange["column"][0] - 1 == -1 ? 0 : Store.visibledatacolumn[cellrange["column"][0] - 1];
+ if (col - scrollLeft - winW + 20 > 0) {
+ $("#luckysheet-scrollbar-x").scrollLeft(col - winW + 20);
+ }
+ else if (col_pre - scrollLeft - 20 < 0) {
+ $("#luckysheet-scrollbar-x").scrollLeft(col_pre - 20);
+ }
+ if (row - scrollTop - winH + 20 > 0) {
+ $("#luckysheet-scrollbar-y").scrollTop(row - winH + 20);
+ }
+ else if (row_pre - scrollTop - 20 < 0) {
+ $("#luckysheet-scrollbar-y").scrollTop(row_pre - 20);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ let $inputbox = $("#luckysheet-input-box");
+ if (kcode == keycode.ENTER && parseInt($inputbox.css("top")) > 0) {
+ if ($("#luckysheet-formula-search-c").is(":visible") && formula.searchFunctionCell != null) {
+ formula.searchFunctionEnter($("#luckysheet-formula-search-c").find(".luckysheet-formula-search-item-active"));
+ }
+ else {
+ formula.updatecell(Store.luckysheetCellUpdate[0], Store.luckysheetCellUpdate[1]);
+ Store.luckysheet_select_save = [{
+ "row": [Store.luckysheetCellUpdate[0], Store.luckysheetCellUpdate[0]],
+ "column": [Store.luckysheetCellUpdate[1], Store.luckysheetCellUpdate[1]],
+ "row_focus": Store.luckysheetCellUpdate[0],
+ "column_focus": Store.luckysheetCellUpdate[1]
+ }];
+ luckysheetMoveHighlightCell("down", 1, "rangeOfSelect");
+ }
+ //若有参数弹出框,隐藏
+ if($("#luckysheet-search-formula-parm").is(":visible")){
+ $("#luckysheet-search-formula-parm").hide();
+ }
+ //若有参数选取范围弹出框,隐藏
+ if($("#luckysheet-search-formula-parm-select").is(":visible")){
+ $("#luckysheet-search-formula-parm-select").hide();
+ }
+ event.preventDefault();
+ }
+ else if (kcode == keycode.TAB) {
+ if (parseInt($inputbox.css("top")) > 0) {
+ return;
+ }
+ luckysheetMoveHighlightCell("right", 1, "rangeOfSelect");
+ event.preventDefault();
+ }
+ else if(kcode == keycode.F2){
+ if (parseInt($inputbox.css("top")) > 0) {
+ return;
+ }
+ let last = Store.luckysheet_select_save[Store.luckysheet_select_save.length - 1];
+ let row_index = last["row_focus"], col_index = last["column_focus"];
+ let row = Store.visibledatarow[row_index],
+ row_pre = row_index - 1 == -1 ? 0 : Store.visibledatarow[row_index - 1];
+ let col = Store.visibledatacolumn[col_index],
+ col_pre = col_index - 1 == -1 ? 0 : Store.visibledatacolumn[col_index - 1];
+ luckysheetupdateCell(row, row_pre, row_index, col, col_pre, col_index, Store.flowdata);
+ event.preventDefault();
+ }
+ else if (kcode == keycode.F4 && parseInt($inputbox.css("top")) > 0) {
+ formula.setfreezonFuc(event);
+ event.preventDefault();
+ }
+ else if (kcode == keycode.ESC && parseInt($inputbox.css("top")) > 0) {
+ formula.dontupdate();
+ luckysheetMoveHighlightCell("down", 0, "rangeOfSelect");
+ event.preventDefault();
+ }
+ else if (kcode == keycode.ENTER) {
+ if($(event.target).hasClass("formulaInputFocus") || $("#luckysheet-conditionformat-dialog").is(":visible")){
+ return;
+ }
+ else if (String.fromCharCode(kcode) != null && $("#luckysheet-cell-selected").is(":visible")) {
+ let last = Store.luckysheet_select_save[Store.luckysheet_select_save.length - 1];
+ let row_index = last["row_focus"], col_index = last["column_focus"];
+ let row = Store.visibledatarow[row_index],
+ row_pre = row_index - 1 == -1 ? 0 : Store.visibledatarow[row_index - 1];
+ let col = Store.visibledatacolumn[col_index],
+ col_pre = col_index - 1 == -1 ? 0 : Store.visibledatacolumn[col_index - 1];
+ let margeset = menuButton.mergeborer(Store.flowdata, row_index, col_index);
+ if(!!margeset){
+ row = margeset.row[1];
+ row_pre = margeset.row[0];
+ row_index = margeset.row[2];
+ col = margeset.column[1];
+ col_pre = margeset.column[0];
+ col_index = margeset.column[2];
+ }
+ luckysheetupdateCell(row, row_pre, row_index, col, col_pre, col_index, Store.flowdata);
+ event.preventDefault();
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ if (ctrlKey || event.metaKey) {
+ if (shiftKey) {
+ if (!luckysheet_shiftkeydown) {
+ Store.luckysheet_shiftpositon = $.extend(true, {}, Store.luckysheet_select_save[Store.luckysheet_select_save.length - 1]);
+ Store.luckysheet_shiftkeydown = true;
+ }
+ //Ctrl + shift + 方向键 调整选区
+ if (kcode == keycode.UP) {
+ if (parseInt($inputbox.css("top")) > 0 || $("#luckysheet-singleRange-dialog").is(":visible") || $("#luckysheet-multiRange-dialog").is(":visible")) {
+ return;
+ }
+ luckysheetMoveHighlightRange2("up", "rangeOfSelect");
+ }
+ else if (kcode == keycode.DOWN) {
+ if (parseInt($inputbox.css("top")) > 0 || $("#luckysheet-singleRange-dialog").is(":visible") || $("#luckysheet-multiRange-dialog").is(":visible")) {
+ return;
+ }
+ luckysheetMoveHighlightRange2("down", "rangeOfSelect");
+ }
+ else if (kcode == keycode.LEFT) {
+ if (parseInt($inputbox.css("top")) > 0 || $("#luckysheet-singleRange-dialog").is(":visible") || $("#luckysheet-multiRange-dialog").is(":visible")) {
+ return;
+ }
+ luckysheetMoveHighlightRange2("left", "rangeOfSelect");
+ }
+ else if (kcode == keycode.RIGHT) {
+ if (parseInt($inputbox.css("top")) > 0 || $("#luckysheet-singleRange-dialog").is(":visible") || $("#luckysheet-multiRange-dialog").is(":visible")) {
+ return;
+ }
+ luckysheetMoveHighlightRange2("right", "rangeOfSelect");
+ }
+ }
+ else if (kcode == 66) {//Ctrl + B 加粗
+ $("#luckysheet-icon-bold").click();
+ }
+ else if (kcode == 67) {//Ctrl + C 复制
+ //复制时存在格式刷状态,取消格式刷
+ if(menuButton.luckysheetPaintModelOn){
+ menuButton.cancelPaintModel();
+ }
+ if(Store.luckysheet_select_save.length == 0){
+ return;
+ }
+ //复制范围内包含部分合并单元格,提示
+ if(Store.config["merge"] != null){
+ let has_PartMC = false;
+ for(let s = 0; s < Store.luckysheet_select_save.length; s++){
+ let r1 = Store.luckysheet_select_save[s].row[0],
+ r2 = Store.luckysheet_select_save[s].row[1];
+ let c1 = Store.luckysheet_select_save[s].column[0],
+ c2 = Store.luckysheet_select_save[s].column[1];
+ has_PartMC = hasPartMC(Store.config, r1, r2, c1, c2);
+ if(has_PartMC){
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if(has_PartMC){
+ if(isEditMode()){
+ alert(locale_drag.noMerge);
+ }
+ else{
+ tooltip.info(locale_drag.noMerge, "");
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ //多重选区 有条件格式时 提示
+ let cdformat = Store.luckysheetfile[getSheetIndex(Store.currentSheetIndex)].luckysheet_conditionformat_save;
+ if(Store.luckysheet_select_save.length > 1 && cdformat != null && cdformat.length > 0){
+ let hasCF = false;
+ let cf_compute = conditionformat.getComputeMap();
+ label:
+ for(let s = 0; s < Store.luckysheet_select_save.length; s++){
+ if(hasCF){
+ break;
+ }
+ let r1 = Store.luckysheet_select_save[s].row[0],
+ r2 = Store.luckysheet_select_save[s].row[1];
+ let c1 = Store.luckysheet_select_save[s].column[0],
+ c2 = Store.luckysheet_select_save[s].column[1];
+ for(let r = r1; r <= r2; r++){
+ for(let c = c1; c <= c2; c++){
+ if(conditionformat.checksCF(r, c, cf_compute) != null){
+ hasCF = true;
+ continue label;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(hasCF){
+ if(isEditMode()){
+ alert(locale_drag.noMulti);
+ }
+ else{
+ tooltip.info(locale_drag.noMulti, "");
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ //多重选区 行不一样且列不一样时 提示
+ if(Store.luckysheet_select_save.length > 1){
+ let isSameRow = true,
+ str_r = luckysheet_select_save[0].row[0],
+ end_r = luckysheet_select_save[0].row[1];
+ let isSameCol = true,
+ str_c = luckysheet_select_save[0].column[0],
+ end_c = luckysheet_select_save[0].column[1];
+ for(let s = 1; s < luckysheet_select_save.length; s++){
+ if(luckysheet_select_save[s].row[0] != str_r || luckysheet_select_save[s].row[1] != end_r){
+ isSameRow = false;
+ }
+ if(luckysheet_select_save[s].column[0] != str_c || luckysheet_select_save[s].column[1] != end_c){
+ isSameCol = false;
+ }
+ }
+ if((!isSameRow && !isSameCol) || selectIsOverlap()){
+ if(isEditMode()){
+ alert(locale_drag.noMulti);
+ }
+ else{
+ tooltip.info(locale_drag.noMulti, "");
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ selection.copy(event);
+ Store.luckysheet_paste_iscut = false;
+ luckysheetactiveCell();
+ event.stopPropagation();
+ return;
+ }
+ else if (kcode == 70) {//Ctrl + F 查找
+ searchReplace.createDialog(0);
+ searchReplace.init();
+ $("#luckysheet-search-replace #searchInput input").focus();
+ }
+ else if (kcode == 72) {//Ctrl + H 替换
+ searchReplace.createDialog(1);
+ searchReplace.init();
+ $("#luckysheet-search-replace #searchInput input").focus();
+ }
+ else if (kcode == 73) {//Ctrl + I 斜体
+ $("#luckysheet-icon-italic").click();
+ }
+ else if (kcode == 86) {//Ctrl + V 粘贴
+ if(isEditMode()){//此模式下禁用粘贴
+ return;
+ }
+ if($(event.target).hasClass("formulaInputFocus")){
+ return;
+ }
+ if(Store.luckysheet_select_save.length > 1){
+ if(isEditMode()){
+ alert(locale_drag.noPaste);
+ }
+ else{
+ tooltip.info(locale_drag.noPaste, "");
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ selection.isPasteAction = true;
+ luckysheetactiveCell();
+ event.stopPropagation();
+ return;
+ }
+ else if (kcode == 88) {//Ctrl + X 剪切
+ //复制时存在格式刷状态,取消格式刷
+ if(menuButton.luckysheetPaintModelOn){
+ menuButton.cancelPaintModel();
+ }
+ if(Store.luckysheet_select_save.length == 0){
+ return;
+ }
+ //复制范围内包含部分合并单元格,提示
+ if(Store.config["merge"] != null){
+ let has_PartMC = false;
+ for(let s = 0; s < Store.luckysheet_select_save.length; s++){
+ let r1 = Store.luckysheet_select_save[s].row[0],
+ r2 = Store.luckysheet_select_save[s].row[1];
+ let c1 = Store.luckysheet_select_save[s].column[0],
+ c2 = Store.luckysheet_select_save[s].column[1];
+ has_PartMC = hasPartMC(Store.config, r1, r2, c1, c2);
+ if(has_PartMC){
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if(has_PartMC){
+ if(luckysheetConfigsetting.editMode){
+ alert(_locale_drag.noMerge);
+ }
+ else{
+ tooltip.info(_locale_drag.noMerge, "");
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ //多重选区时 提示
+ if(Store.luckysheet_select_save.length > 1){
+ if(isEditMode()){
+ alert(locale_drag.noMulti);
+ }
+ else{
+ tooltip.info(locale_drag.noMulti, "");
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ selection.copy(event);
+ Store.luckysheet_paste_iscut = true;
+ luckysheetactiveCell();
+ event.stopPropagation();
+ return;
+ }
+ else if (kcode == 90) {//Ctrl + Z 撤销
+ controlHistory.redo(event);
+ luckysheetactiveCell();
+ event.stopPropagation();
+ return;
+ }
+ else if (kcode == 89) {//Ctrl + Y 重做
+ controlHistory.undo(event);
+ luckysheetactiveCell();
+ event.stopPropagation();
+ return;
+ }
+ else if (kcode == keycode.UP) {//Ctrl + up 调整单元格
+ if (parseInt($inputbox.css("top")) > 0 || $("#luckysheet-singleRange-dialog").is(":visible") || $("#luckysheet-multiRange-dialog").is(":visible")) {
+ return;
+ }
+ luckysheetMoveHighlightCell2("up", "rangeOfSelect");
+ }
+ else if (kcode == keycode.DOWN) {//Ctrl + down 调整单元格
+ if (parseInt($inputbox.css("top")) > 0 || $("#luckysheet-singleRange-dialog").is(":visible") || $("#luckysheet-multiRange-dialog").is(":visible")) {
+ return;
+ }
+ luckysheetMoveHighlightCell2("down", "rangeOfSelect");
+ }
+ else if (kcode == keycode.LEFT) {//Ctrl + top 调整单元格
+ if (parseInt($inputbox.css("top")) > 0 || $("#luckysheet-singleRange-dialog").is(":visible") || $("#luckysheet-multiRange-dialog").is(":visible")) {
+ return;
+ }
+ luckysheetMoveHighlightCell2("left", "rangeOfSelect");
+ }
+ else if (kcode == keycode.RIGHT) {//Ctrl + right 调整单元格
+ if (parseInt($inputbox.css("top")) > 0 || $("#luckysheet-singleRange-dialog").is(":visible") || $("#luckysheet-multiRange-dialog").is(":visible")) {
+ return;
+ }
+ luckysheetMoveHighlightCell2("right", "rangeOfSelect");
+ }
+ else if (String.fromCharCode(kcode).toLocaleUpperCase() == "A") {//Ctrl + A 全选
+ $("#luckysheet-left-top").trigger("mousedown");
+ $(document).trigger("mouseup");
+ }
+ event.preventDefault();
+ return;
+ }
+ else if (shiftKey && (kcode == keycode.UP || kcode == keycode.DOWN || kcode == keycode.LEFT || kcode == keycode.RIGHT || (altKey && (kcode == 53 || kcode == 101)))) {
+ if (parseInt($inputbox.css("top")) > 0 || $(event.target).hasClass("formulaInputFocus")) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!luckysheet_shiftkeydown) {
+ Store.luckysheet_shiftpositon = $.extend(true, {}, Store.luckysheet_select_save[Store.luckysheet_select_save.length - 1]);
+ Store.luckysheet_shiftkeydown = true;
+ }
+ //shift + 方向键 调整选区
+ if (kcode == keycode.UP) {
+ if($("#luckysheet-singleRange-dialog").is(":visible") || $("#luckysheet-multiRange-dialog").is(":visible")){
+ return;
+ }
+ luckysheetMoveHighlightRange("down", -1, "rangeOfSelect");
+ }
+ else if (kcode == keycode.DOWN) {
+ if($("#luckysheet-singleRange-dialog").is(":visible") || $("#luckysheet-multiRange-dialog").is(":visible")){
+ return;
+ }
+ luckysheetMoveHighlightRange("down", 1, "rangeOfSelect");
+ }
+ else if (kcode == keycode.LEFT) {
+ if($("#luckysheet-singleRange-dialog").is(":visible") || $("#luckysheet-multiRange-dialog").is(":visible")){
+ return;
+ }
+ luckysheetMoveHighlightRange("right", -1, "rangeOfSelect");
+ }
+ else if (kcode == keycode.RIGHT) {
+ if($("#luckysheet-singleRange-dialog").is(":visible") || $("#luckysheet-multiRange-dialog").is(":visible")){
+ return;
+ }
+ luckysheetMoveHighlightRange("right", 1, "rangeOfSelect");
+ }
+ else if (altKey && (kcode == 53 || kcode == 101)) {
+ //Alt + Shift + 5(删除线)
+ $("#luckysheet-icon-strikethrough").click();
+ }
+ event.preventDefault();
+ }
+ else if (kcode == keycode.ESC) {
+ if(menuButton.luckysheetPaintModelOn){
+ menuButton.cancelPaintModel();
+ }
+ else{
+ cleargridelement(event);
+ event.preventDefault();
+ }
+ selectHightlightShow();
+ }
+ else if (kcode == keycode.DELETE) {
+ $("#luckysheet-delete-text").click();
+ event.preventDefault();
+ }
+ else if (kcode == keycode.UP) {
+ if (parseInt($inputbox.css("top")) > 0 || $(event.target).hasClass("formulaInputFocus") || $("#luckysheet-singleRange-dialog").is(":visible") || $("#luckysheet-multiRange-dialog").is(":visible")) {
+ return;
+ }
+ luckysheetMoveHighlightCell("down", -1, "rangeOfSelect");
+ event.preventDefault();
+ }
+ else if (kcode == keycode.DOWN) {
+ if (parseInt($inputbox.css("top")) > 0 || $(event.target).hasClass("formulaInputFocus") || $("#luckysheet-singleRange-dialog").is(":visible") || $("#luckysheet-multiRange-dialog").is(":visible")) {
+ return;
+ }
+ luckysheetMoveHighlightCell("down", 1, "rangeOfSelect");
+ event.preventDefault();
+ }
+ else if (kcode == keycode.LEFT) {
+ if (parseInt($inputbox.css("top")) > 0 || $(event.target).hasClass("formulaInputFocus") || $("#luckysheet-singleRange-dialog").is(":visible") || $("#luckysheet-multiRange-dialog").is(":visible")) {
+ return;
+ }
+ luckysheetMoveHighlightCell("right", -1, "rangeOfSelect");
+ event.preventDefault();
+ }
+ else if (kcode == keycode.RIGHT) {
+ if (parseInt($inputbox.css("top")) > 0 || $(event.target).hasClass("formulaInputFocus") || $("#luckysheet-singleRange-dialog").is(":visible") || $("#luckysheet-multiRange-dialog").is(":visible")) {
+ return;
+ }
+ luckysheetMoveHighlightCell("right", 1, "rangeOfSelect");
+ event.preventDefault();
+ }
+ else if (!((kcode >= 112 && kcode <= 123) || kcode <= 46 || kcode == 144 || kcode == 108 || event.ctrlKey || event.altKey || (event.shiftKey && (kcode == 37 || kcode == 38 || kcode == 39 || kcode == 40))) || kcode == 8 || kcode == 32 || kcode == 46 || kcode == 0 || (event.ctrlKey && kcode == 86)) {
+ if (String.fromCharCode(kcode) != null && $("#luckysheet-cell-selected").is(":visible") && (kcode != keycode.CAPSLOCK && kcode != keycode.WIN && kcode != 18)) {
+ let last = Store.luckysheet_select_save[Store.luckysheet_select_save.length - 1];
+ let row_index = last["row_focus"], col_index = last["column_focus"];
+ let row = Store.visibledatarow[row_index],
+ row_pre = row_index - 1 == -1 ? 0 : Store.visibledatarow[row_index - 1];
+ let col = Store.visibledatacolumn[col_index],
+ col_pre = col_index - 1 == -1 ? 0 : Store.visibledatacolumn[col_index - 1];
+ let margeset = menuButton.mergeborer(Store.flowdata, row_index, col_index);
+ if(!!margeset){
+ row = margeset.row[1];
+ row_pre = margeset.row[0];
+ row_index = margeset.row[2];
+ col = margeset.column[1];
+ col_pre = margeset.column[0];
+ col_index = margeset.column[2];
+ }
+ luckysheetupdateCell(row, row_pre, row_index, col, col_pre, col_index, Store.flowdata, true);
+ if(kcode == 8){
+ $("#luckysheet-rich-text-editor").html("
+ }
+ formula.functionInputHanddler($("#luckysheet-functionbox-cell"), $("#luckysheet-rich-text-editor"), kcode);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ luckysheetactiveCell();
+ event.stopPropagation();
+ });
+ //单元格编辑 keydown (公式 上下左右键移动)
+ $("#" + Store.container).add("#luckysheet-input-box").keydown(function (event) {
+ if ($("#luckysheet-modal-dialog-mask").is(":visible") || $(event.target).hasClass("luckysheet-mousedown-cancel") || $(event.target).hasClass("formulaInputFocus")) {
+ return;
+ }
+ let ctrlKey = event.ctrlKey;
+ let altKey = event.altKey;
+ let shiftKey = event.shiftKey;
+ let kcode = event.keyCode;
+ let $inputbox = $("#luckysheet-input-box");
+ if (kcode == keycode.ESC && parseInt($("#luckysheet-input-box").css("top")) > 0) {
+ formula.dontupdate();
+ luckysheetMoveHighlightCell("down", 0, "rangeOfSelect");
+ event.preventDefault();
+ }
+ else if (kcode == keycode.ENTER && parseInt($inputbox.css("top")) > 0) {
+ if ($("#luckysheet-formula-search-c").is(":visible") && formula.searchFunctionCell != null) {
+ formula.searchFunctionEnter($("#luckysheet-formula-search-c").find(".luckysheet-formula-search-item-active"));
+ event.preventDefault();
+ }
+ }
+ else if(kcode == keycode.TAB && parseInt($inputbox.css("top")) > 0){
+ if ($("#luckysheet-formula-search-c").is(":visible") && formula.searchFunctionCell != null) {
+ formula.searchFunctionEnter($("#luckysheet-formula-search-c").find(".luckysheet-formula-search-item-active"));
+ }
+ else{
+ formula.updatecell(Store.luckysheetCellUpdate[0], Store.luckysheetCellUpdate[1]);
+ luckysheetMoveHighlightCell("right", 1, "rangeOfSelect");
+ }
+ event.preventDefault();
+ }
+ else if (kcode == keycode.F4 && parseInt($inputbox.css("top")) > 0) {
+ formula.setfreezonFuc(event);
+ event.preventDefault();
+ }
+ else if (kcode == keycode.UP && parseInt($inputbox.css("top")) > 0) {
+ formulaMoveEvent("up", ctrlKey, shiftKey);
+ }
+ else if (kcode == keycode.DOWN && parseInt($inputbox.css("top")) > 0) {
+ formulaMoveEvent("down", ctrlKey, shiftKey);
+ }
+ else if (kcode == keycode.LEFT && parseInt($inputbox.css("top")) > 0) {
+ formulaMoveEvent("left", ctrlKey, shiftKey);
+ }
+ else if (kcode == keycode.RIGHT && parseInt($inputbox.css("top")) > 0) {
+ formulaMoveEvent("right", ctrlKey, shiftKey);
+ }
+ else if (!((kcode >= 112 && kcode <= 123) || kcode <= 46 || kcode == 144 || kcode == 108 || event.ctrlKey || event.altKey || (event.shiftKey && (kcode == 37 || kcode == 38 || kcode == 39 || kcode == 40))) || kcode == 8 || kcode == 32 || kcode == 46 || (event.ctrlKey && kcode == 86)) {
+ formula.functionInputHanddler($("#luckysheet-functionbox-cell"), $("#luckysheet-rich-text-editor"), kcode);
+ }
+ }).keyup(function (e) {
+ let kcode = e.keyCode;
+ if (!e.shiftKey && kcode == 16) {
+ Store.luckysheet_shiftkeydown = false;
+ Store.luckysheet_shiftpositon = null;
+ }
+ //输入框中文输入后 shift 和 空格 处理
+ if(parseInt($("#luckysheet-input-box").css("top")) > 0 && (kcode == 13 || kcode == 16 || kcode == 32)){
+ formula.functionInputHanddler($("#luckysheet-functionbox-cell"), $("#luckysheet-rich-text-editor"), kcode);
+ }
+ e.preventDefault();
+ });
+ //top workBook rename
+ $("#luckysheet_info_detail_input").val(server.title).css("width", getByteLen(server.title) * 10).keydown(function(){
+ let ctrlKey = event.ctrlKey;
+ let altKey = event.altKey;
+ let shiftKey = event.shiftKey;
+ let kcode = event.keyCode;
+ let $t = $(this);
+ if(kcode == keycode.ENTER){
+ $t.blur().change();
+ }
+ }).bind('input propertychange', function() {
+ let $t = $(this);
+ let inputlen = getByteLen($t.val())*10;
+ let updatelen = $("#luckysheet_info_detail_update").outerWidth();
+ let savelen = $("#luckysheet_info_detail_save").outerWidth();
+ let userlen = $("#luckysheet_info_detail_user").parent().outerWidth()+60;
+ let containerlen = $("#" + Store.container).outerWidth();
+ let otherlen = 100;
+ let minuslen = containerlen- savelen - updatelen - userlen - otherlen;
+ if(inputlen > minuslen){
+ $("#luckysheet_info_detail_input").css("width", minuslen);
+ }
+ else{
+ $("#luckysheet_info_detail_input").css("width", inputlen);
+ }
+ }).change(function(){
+ server.saveParam("na", null, $(this).val());
+ });
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/controllers/matrixOperation.js b/src/controllers/matrixOperation.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..382e90796
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/controllers/matrixOperation.js
@@ -0,0 +1,1241 @@
+import selection from './selection';
+import {
+ numFormat,
+} from '../utils/util';
+import { hasPartMC, isEditMode } from '../global/validate';
+import { getdatabyselection, getcellvalue } from '../global/getdata';
+import tooltip from '../global/tooltip';
+import editor from '../global/editor';
+import Store from '../store';
+export function initialMatrixOperation(){
+ //右键功能键
+ //复制为json格式字符串,首行为标题
+ $("#luckysheet-copy-json-head").click(function (event) {
+ $("body .luckysheet-cols-menu").hide();
+ $("#" + Store.container).attr("tabindex", 0).focus();
+ if(Store.luckysheet_select_save.length > 1){
+ if(isEditMode()){
+ alert(locale_drag.noMulti);
+ }
+ else{
+ tooltip.info(locale_drag.noMulti, "");
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ //复制范围内包含部分合并单元格,提示
+ if(Store.config["merge"] != null){
+ let has_PartMC = false;
+ for(let s = 0; s < Store.luckysheet_select_save.length; s++){
+ let r1 = Store.luckysheet_select_save[s].row[0],
+ r2 = Store.luckysheet_select_save[s].row[1];
+ let c1 = Store.luckysheet_select_save[s].column[0],
+ c2 = Store.luckysheet_select_save[s].column[1];
+ has_PartMC = hasPartMC(Store.config, r1, r2, c1, c2);
+ if(has_PartMC){
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if(has_PartMC){
+ if(isEditMode()){
+ alert(locale_drag.noPartMerge);
+ }
+ else{
+ tooltip.info(locale_drag.noPartMerge, "");
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ let getdata = getdatabyselection(Store.luckysheet_select_save[0]);
+ let arr = [];
+ if (getdata.length == 0) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (getdata.length == 1) {
+ let obj = {};
+ for (let i = 0; i < getdata[0].length; i++) {
+ obj[getcellvalue(0, i, getdata)] = "";
+ }
+ arr.push(obj);
+ }
+ else {
+ for (let r = 1; r < getdata.length; r++) {
+ let obj = {};
+ for (let c = 0; c < getdata[0].length; c++) {
+ if(getcellvalue(0, c, getdata) == undefined){
+ obj[""] = getcellvalue(r, c, getdata);
+ }else{
+ obj[getcellvalue(0, c, getdata)] = getcellvalue(r, c, getdata);
+ }
+ }
+ arr.push(obj);
+ }
+ }
+ selection.copybyformat(event, JSON.stringify(arr));
+ });
+ //复制为json格式字符串,无标题,采用ABCD作为标题
+ $("#luckysheet-copy-json-nohead").click(function (event) {
+ $("body .luckysheet-cols-menu").hide();
+ $("#" + Store.container).attr("tabindex", 0).focus();
+ if(Store.luckysheet_select_save.length > 1){
+ if(isEditMode()){
+ alert(locale_drag.noMulti);
+ }
+ else{
+ tooltip.info(locale_drag.noMulti, "");
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ //复制范围内包含部分合并单元格,提示
+ if(Store.config["merge"] != null){
+ let has_PartMC = false;
+ for(let s = 0; s < Store.luckysheet_select_save.length; s++){
+ let r1 = Store.luckysheet_select_save[s].row[0],
+ r2 = Store.luckysheet_select_save[s].row[1];
+ let c1 = Store.luckysheet_select_save[s].column[0],
+ c2 = Store.luckysheet_select_save[s].column[1];
+ has_PartMC = hasPartMC(Store.config, r1, r2, c1, c2);
+ if(has_PartMC){
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if(has_PartMC){
+ if(isEditMode()){
+ alert(locale_drag.noPartMerge);
+ }
+ else{
+ tooltip.info(locale_drag.noPartMerge, "");
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ let getdata = getdatabyselection(Store.luckysheet_select_save[0]);
+ let arr = [];
+ if (getdata.length == 0) {
+ return;
+ }
+ let st = Store.luckysheet_select_save[0]["column"][0];
+ for (let r = 0; r < getdata.length; r++) {
+ let obj = {};
+ for (let c = 0; c < getdata[0].length; c++) {
+ obj[chatatABC(c + st)] = getcellvalue(r, c, getdata);
+ }
+ arr.push(obj);
+ }
+ selection.copybyformat(event, JSON.stringify(arr));
+ });
+ //复制为一维数组
+ $("#luckysheet-copy-array1").click(function (event) {
+ $("body .luckysheet-cols-menu").hide();
+ $("#" + Store.container).attr("tabindex", 0).focus();
+ if(Store.luckysheet_select_save.length > 1){
+ if(isEditMode()){
+ alert(locale_drag.noMulti);
+ }
+ else{
+ tooltip.info(locale_drag.noMulti, "");
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ //复制范围内包含部分合并单元格,提示
+ if(Store.config["merge"] != null){
+ let has_PartMC = false;
+ for(let s = 0; s < Store.luckysheet_select_save.length; s++){
+ let r1 = Store.luckysheet_select_save[s].row[0],
+ r2 = Store.luckysheet_select_save[s].row[1];
+ let c1 = Store.luckysheet_select_save[s].column[0],
+ c2 = Store.luckysheet_select_save[s].column[1];
+ has_PartMC = hasPartMC(Store.config, r1, r2, c1, c2);
+ if(has_PartMC){
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if(has_PartMC){
+ if(isEditMode()){
+ alert(locale_drag.noPartMerge);
+ }
+ else{
+ tooltip.info(locale_drag.noPartMerge, "");
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ let getdata = getdatabyselection(Store.luckysheet_select_save[0]);
+ let arr = [];
+ if (getdata.length == 0) {
+ return;
+ }
+ for (let r = 0; r < getdata.length; r++) {
+ for (let c = 0; c < getdata[0].length; c++) {
+ arr.push(getcellvalue(r, c, getdata));
+ }
+ }
+ selection.copybyformat(event, JSON.stringify(arr));
+ });
+ //复制为二维数组
+ $("#luckysheet-copy-array2").click(function (event) {
+ $("body .luckysheet-cols-menu").hide();
+ $("#" + Store.container).attr("tabindex", 0).focus();
+ if(Store.luckysheet_select_save.length > 1){
+ if(isEditMode()){
+ alert(locale_drag.noMulti);
+ }
+ else{
+ tooltip.info(locale_drag.noMulti, "");
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ //复制范围内包含部分合并单元格,提示
+ if(Store.config["merge"] != null){
+ let has_PartMC = false;
+ for(let s = 0; s < Store.luckysheet_select_save.length; s++){
+ let r1 = Store.luckysheet_select_save[s].row[0],
+ r2 = Store.luckysheet_select_save[s].row[1];
+ let c1 = Store.luckysheet_select_save[s].column[0],
+ c2 = Store.luckysheet_select_save[s].column[1];
+ has_PartMC = hasPartMC(Store.config, r1, r2, c1, c2);
+ if(has_PartMC){
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if(has_PartMC){
+ if(isEditMode()){
+ alert(locale_drag.noPartMerge);
+ }
+ else{
+ tooltip.info(locale_drag.noPartMerge, "");
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ let getdata = getdatabyselection(Store.luckysheet_select_save[0]);
+ let arr = [];
+ if (getdata.length == 0) {
+ return;
+ }
+ for (let r = 0; r < getdata.length; r++) {
+ let a = [];
+ for (let c = 0; c < getdata[0].length; c++) {
+ a.push(getcellvalue(r, c, getdata));
+ }
+ arr.push(a);
+ }
+ selection.copybyformat(event, JSON.stringify(arr));
+ });
+ //复制为多维数组
+ $("#luckysheet-copy-arraymore-confirm").click(function (event) {
+ $("body .luckysheet-cols-menu").hide();
+ if(Store.luckysheet_select_save.length > 1){
+ if(isEditMode()){
+ alert(locale_drag.noMulti);
+ }
+ else{
+ tooltip.info(locale_drag.noMulti, "");
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ //复制范围内包含部分合并单元格,提示
+ if(Store.config["merge"] != null){
+ let has_PartMC = false;
+ for(let s = 0; s < Store.luckysheet_select_save.length; s++){
+ let r1 = Store.luckysheet_select_save[s].row[0],
+ r2 = Store.luckysheet_select_save[s].row[1];
+ let c1 = Store.luckysheet_select_save[s].column[0],
+ c2 = Store.luckysheet_select_save[s].column[1];
+ has_PartMC = hasPartMC(Store.config, r1, r2, c1, c2);
+ if(has_PartMC){
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if(has_PartMC){
+ if(isEditMode()){
+ alert(locale_drag.noPartMerge);
+ }
+ else{
+ tooltip.info(locale_drag.noPartMerge, "");
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ let getdata = getdatabyselection(Store.luckysheet_select_save[0]);
+ let arr = [];
+ if (getdata.length == 0) {
+ return;
+ }
+ for (let r = 0; r < getdata.length; r++) {
+ for (let c = 0; c < getdata[0].length; c++) {
+ arr.push(getdata[r][c]);
+ }
+ }
+ let row = $("#luckysheet-copy-arraymore-row").val(), col = $("#luckysheet-copy-arraymore-col").val();
+ if (row == "" && col == "") {
+ selection.copybyformat(event, JSON.stringify(arr));
+ $("body .luckysheet-cols-menu").hide();
+ return;
+ }
+ if (row == "") {
+ row = 1;
+ }
+ else {
+ row = parseInt(row);
+ if (row == null) {
+ row = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ if (col == "") {
+ col = 1;
+ }
+ else {
+ col = parseInt(col);
+ if (col == null) {
+ col = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ if(row.toString() == "NaN" || col.toString() == "NaN"){
+ if(isEditMode()){
+ alert(locale_drag.inputCorrect);
+ }
+ else{
+ tooltip.info(locale_drag.inputCorrect, "");
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ if(row < 1 || col < 1){
+ if(isEditMode()){
+ alert(locale_drag.notLessOne);
+ }
+ else{
+ tooltip.info(locale_drag.notLessOne, "");
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ let arrlen = arr.length, i = 0, ret = [];
+ for (let r = 0; r < row; r++) {
+ let a = [];
+ for (let c = 0; c < col; c++) {
+ a.push(arr[i++]);
+ if (i >= arrlen) {
+ selection.copybyformat(event, JSON.stringify(ret));
+ $("body .luckysheet-cols-menu").hide();
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ ret.push(a);
+ }
+ selection.copybyformat(event, JSON.stringify(ret));
+ });
+ //复制为对角线
+ $("#luckysheet-copy-diagonal").click(function (event) {
+ $("body .luckysheet-cols-menu").hide();
+ $("#" + Store.container).attr("tabindex", 0).focus();
+ if(Store.luckysheet_select_save.length > 1){
+ if(isEditMode()){
+ alert(locale_drag.noMulti);
+ }
+ else{
+ tooltip.info(locale_drag.noMulti, "");
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ //复制范围内包含部分合并单元格,提示
+ if(Store.config["merge"] != null){
+ let has_PartMC = false;
+ for(let s = 0; s < Store.luckysheet_select_save.length; s++){
+ let r1 = Store.luckysheet_select_save[s].row[0],
+ r2 = Store.luckysheet_select_save[s].row[1];
+ let c1 = Store.luckysheet_select_save[s].column[0],
+ c2 = Store.luckysheet_select_save[s].column[1];
+ has_PartMC = hasPartMC(Store.config, r1, r2, c1, c2);
+ if(has_PartMC){
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if(has_PartMC){
+ if(isEditMode()){
+ alert(locale_drag.noPartMerge);
+ }
+ else{
+ tooltip.info(locale_drag.noPartMerge, "");
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ let getdata = getdatabyselection(Store.luckysheet_select_save[0]);
+ let arr = [];
+ if (getdata.length == 0) {
+ return;
+ }
+ let clen = getdata[0].length;
+ for (let r = 0; r < getdata.length; r++) {
+ if (r >= clen) {
+ break;
+ }
+ arr.push(getdata[r][r]);
+ }
+ selection.copybyformat(event, JSON.stringify(arr));
+ });
+ //复制为反对角线
+ $("#luckysheet-copy-antidiagonal").click(function (event) {
+ $("body .luckysheet-cols-menu").hide();
+ $("#" + Store.container).attr("tabindex", 0).focus();
+ if(Store.luckysheet_select_save.length > 1){
+ if(isEditMode()){
+ alert(locale_drag.noMulti);
+ }
+ else{
+ tooltip.info(locale_drag.noMulti, "");
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ //复制范围内包含部分合并单元格,提示
+ if(Store.config["merge"] != null){
+ let has_PartMC = false;
+ for(let s = 0; s < Store.luckysheet_select_save.length; s++){
+ let r1 = Store.luckysheet_select_save[s].row[0],
+ r2 = Store.luckysheet_select_save[s].row[1];
+ let c1 = Store.luckysheet_select_save[s].column[0],
+ c2 = Store.luckysheet_select_save[s].column[1];
+ has_PartMC = hasPartMC(Store.config, r1, r2, c1, c2);
+ if(has_PartMC){
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if(has_PartMC){
+ if(isEditMode()){
+ alert(locale_drag.noPartMerge);
+ }
+ else{
+ tooltip.info(locale_drag.noPartMerge, "");
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ let getdata = getdatabyselection(Store.luckysheet_select_save[0]);
+ let arr = [];
+ if (getdata.length == 0) {
+ return;
+ }
+ let clen = getdata[0].length;
+ for (let r = 0; r < getdata.length; r++) {
+ if (r >= clen) {
+ break;
+ }
+ arr.push(getdata[r][clen - r - 1]);
+ }
+ selection.copybyformat(event, JSON.stringify(arr));
+ });
+ //复制为对角偏移n列
+ $("#luckysheet-copy-diagonaloffset").click(function (event) {
+ $("body .luckysheet-cols-menu").hide();
+ $("#" + Store.container).attr("tabindex", 0).focus();
+ if(Store.luckysheet_select_save.length > 1){
+ if(isEditMode()){
+ alert(locale_drag.noMulti);
+ }
+ else{
+ tooltip.info(locale_drag.noMulti, "");
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ //复制范围内包含部分合并单元格,提示
+ if(Store.config["merge"] != null){
+ let has_PartMC = false;
+ for(let s = 0; s < Store.luckysheet_select_save.length; s++){
+ let r1 = Store.luckysheet_select_save[s].row[0],
+ r2 = Store.luckysheet_select_save[s].row[1];
+ let c1 = Store.luckysheet_select_save[s].column[0],
+ c2 = Store.luckysheet_select_save[s].column[1];
+ has_PartMC = hasPartMC(Store.config, r1, r2, c1, c2);
+ if(has_PartMC){
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if(has_PartMC){
+ if(isEditMode()){
+ alert(locale_drag.noPartMerge);
+ }
+ else{
+ tooltip.info(locale_drag.noPartMerge, "");
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ let getdata = getdatabyselection(Store.luckysheet_select_save[0]);
+ let arr = [];
+ if (getdata.length == 0) {
+ return;
+ }
+ let clen = getdata[0].length,
+ offset = parseInt($("#luckysheet-copy-diagonaloffset-value").val());
+ if(offset.toString() == "NaN"){
+ if(isEditMode()){
+ alert(locale_drag.inputCorrect);
+ }
+ else{
+ tooltip.info(locale_drag.inputCorrect, "");
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ if(offset < 0){
+ if(isEditMode()){
+ alert(locale_drag.offsetColumnLessZero);
+ }
+ else{
+ tooltip.info(locale_drag.offsetColumnLessZero, "");
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ if (offset == null) {
+ offset = 1;
+ }
+ for (let r = 0; r < getdata.length; r++) {
+ if (r + offset >= clen) {
+ break;
+ }
+ arr.push(getdata[r][r + offset]);
+ }
+ selection.copybyformat(event, JSON.stringify(arr));
+ });
+ //复制为布尔值
+ $("#luckysheet-copy-boolvalue").click(function (event) {
+ $("body .luckysheet-cols-menu").hide();
+ $("#" + Store.container).attr("tabindex", 0).focus();
+ if(Store.luckysheet_select_save.length > 1){
+ if(isEditMode()){
+ alert(locale_drag.noMulti);
+ }
+ else{
+ tooltip.info(locale_drag.noMulti, "");
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ //复制范围内包含部分合并单元格,提示
+ if(Store.config["merge"] != null){
+ let has_PartMC = false;
+ for(let s = 0; s < Store.luckysheet_select_save.length; s++){
+ let r1 = Store.luckysheet_select_save[s].row[0],
+ r2 = Store.luckysheet_select_save[s].row[1];
+ let c1 = Store.luckysheet_select_save[s].column[0],
+ c2 = Store.luckysheet_select_save[s].column[1];
+ has_PartMC = hasPartMC(Store.config, r1, r2, c1, c2);
+ if(has_PartMC){
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if(has_PartMC){
+ if(isEditMode()){
+ alert(locale_drag.noPartMerge);
+ }
+ else{
+ tooltip.info(locale_drag.noPartMerge, "");
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ let getdata = getdatabyselection(Store.luckysheet_select_save[0]);
+ let arr = [];
+ if (getdata.length == 0) {
+ return;
+ }
+ for (let r = 0; r < getdata.length; r++) {
+ let a = [];
+ for (let c = 0; c < getdata[0].length; c++) {
+ let bool = false;
+ if(getObjType(getdata[r][c]) == "object"){
+ let v = getdata[r][c].v;
+ }
+ else{
+ let v = getdata[r][c];
+ }
+ if (v == null || v == "") {
+ bool = false;
+ }
+ else {
+ v = parseInt(v);
+ if (v == null || v > 0) {
+ bool = true;
+ }
+ else {
+ bool = false;
+ }
+ }
+ a.push(bool);
+ }
+ arr.push(a);
+ }
+ selection.copybyformat(event, JSON.stringify(arr));
+ });
+ //矩阵操作选区 翻转 上下
+ $("#luckysheet-matrix-turn-up").click(function (event) {
+ $("body .luckysheet-cols-menu").hide();
+ $("#" + Store.container).attr("tabindex", 0).focus();
+ if(Store.luckysheet_select_save.length > 1){
+ if(isEditMode()){
+ alert(locale_drag.noMulti);
+ }
+ else{
+ tooltip.info(locale_drag.noMulti, "");
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ let getdata = getdatabyselection(Store.luckysheet_select_save[0]);
+ if (getdata.length == 0) {
+ return;
+ }
+ let arr = [];
+ for (let r = getdata.length - 1; r >= 0; r--) {
+ let a = [];
+ for (let c = 0; c < getdata[0].length; c++) {
+ let value = "";
+ if (getdata[r] != null && getdata[r][c] != null) {
+ value = getdata[r][c];
+ }
+ a.push(value);
+ }
+ arr.push(a);
+ }
+ editor.controlHandler(arr);
+ });
+ //矩阵操作选区 翻转 左右
+ $("#luckysheet-matrix-turn-left").click(function (event) {
+ $("body .luckysheet-cols-menu").hide();
+ $("#" + Store.container).attr("tabindex", 0).focus();
+ if(Store.luckysheet_select_save.length > 1){
+ if(isEditMode()){
+ alert(locale_drag.noMulti);
+ }
+ else{
+ tooltip.info(locale_drag.noMulti, "");
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ let getdata = getdatabyselection(Store.luckysheet_select_save[0]);
+ if (getdata.length == 0) {
+ return;
+ }
+ let arr = [];
+ for (let r = 0; r < getdata.length; r++) {
+ let a = [];
+ for (let c = getdata[0].length - 1; c >= 0; c--) {
+ let value = "";
+ if (getdata[r] != null && getdata[r][c] != null) {
+ value = getdata[r][c];
+ }
+ a.push(value);
+ }
+ arr.push(a);
+ }
+ editor.controlHandler(arr);
+ });
+ //矩阵操作选区 翻转 顺时针
+ $("#luckysheet-matrix-turn-cw").click(function (event) {
+ $("body .luckysheet-cols-menu").hide();
+ $("#" + Store.container).attr("tabindex", 0).focus();
+ if(Store.luckysheet_select_save.length > 1){
+ if(isEditMode()){
+ alert(locale_drag.noMulti);
+ }
+ else{
+ tooltip.info(locale_drag.noMulti, "");
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ let getdata = getdatabyselection(Store.luckysheet_select_save[0]);
+ if (getdata.length == 0) {
+ return;
+ }
+ let arr = [];
+ for (let c = 0; c < getdata[0].length; c++) {
+ let a = [];
+ for (let r = getdata.length - 1; r >= 0; r--) {
+ let value = "";
+ if (getdata[r] != null && getdata[r][c] != null) {
+ value = getdata[r][c];
+ }
+ a.push(value);
+ }
+ arr.push(a);
+ }
+ editor.controlHandlerD(arr);
+ });
+ //矩阵操作选区 翻转 逆时针
+ $("#luckysheet-matrix-turn-anticw").click(function (event) {
+ $("body .luckysheet-cols-menu").hide();
+ $("#" + Store.container).attr("tabindex", 0).focus();
+ if(Store.luckysheet_select_save.length > 1){
+ if(isEditMode()){
+ alert(locale_drag.noMulti);
+ }
+ else{
+ tooltip.info(locale_drag.noMulti, "");
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ let getdata = getdatabyselection(Store.luckysheet_select_save[0]);
+ if (getdata.length == 0) {
+ return;
+ }
+ let arr = [];
+ for (let c = getdata[0].length - 1; c >= 0; c--) {
+ let a = [];
+ for (let r = 0; r < getdata.length; r++) {
+ let value = "";
+ if (getdata[r] != null && getdata[r][c] != null) {
+ value = getdata[r][c];
+ }
+ a.push(value);
+ }
+ arr.push(a);
+ }
+ editor.controlHandlerD(arr);
+ });
+ //矩阵操作选区 转置
+ $("#luckysheet-matrix-turn-trans").click(function (event) {
+ $("body .luckysheet-cols-menu").hide();
+ $("#" + Store.container).attr("tabindex", 0).focus();
+ if(Store.luckysheet_select_save.length > 1){
+ if(isEditMode()){
+ alert(locale_drag.noMulti);
+ }
+ else{
+ tooltip.info(locale_drag.noMulti, "");
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ let getdata = getdatabyselection(Store.luckysheet_select_save[0]);
+ if (getdata.length == 0) {
+ return;
+ }
+ let arr = [];
+ for (let c = 0; c < getdata[0].length; c++) {
+ let a = [];
+ for (let r = 0; r < getdata.length; r++) {
+ let value = "";
+ if (getdata[r] != null && getdata[r][c] != null) {
+ value = getdata[r][c];
+ }
+ a.push(value);
+ }
+ arr.push(a);
+ }
+ editor.controlHandlerD(arr);
+ });
+ let jfnqrt = function (x, p) {
+ if (x == 0)
+ return 0;
+ let x0, x1;
+ x0 = x;
+ x1 = ((p - 1) * x0 / p) + (x / (Math.pow(x0, p - 1) * p));//利用迭代法求解
+ while (Math.abs(x1 - x0) > 0.000001) {
+ x0 = x1;
+ x1 = ((p - 1) * x0 / p) + (x / (Math.pow(x0, p - 1) * p));
+ }
+ return x1;
+ }
+ //矩阵操作选区 矩阵计算
+ $("#luckysheet-matrix-cal-confirm").click(function (event) {
+ $("body .luckysheet-cols-menu").hide();
+ $("#" + Store.container).attr("tabindex", 0).focus();
+ if(Store.luckysheet_select_save.length > 1){
+ if(isEditMode()){
+ alert(locale_drag.noMulti);
+ }
+ else{
+ tooltip.info(locale_drag.noMulti, "");
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ let getdata = getdatabyselection(Store.luckysheet_select_save[0]);
+ if (getdata.length == 0) {
+ return;
+ }
+ let caltype = $("#luckysheet-matrix-cal-type").val(),
+ calvalue = parseInt($("#luckysheet-matrix-cal-value").val());
+ if(calvalue.toString() == "NaN"){
+ if(isEditMode()){
+ alert(locale_drag.inputCorrect);
+ }
+ else{
+ tooltip.info(locale_drag.inputCorrect, "");
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ if (calvalue == null) {
+ calvalue = 2;
+ }
+ let arr = [];
+ for (let r = 0; r < getdata.length; r++) {
+ let a = [];
+ for (let c = 0; c < getdata[0].length; c++) {
+ let value = "";
+ if (getdata[r] != null && getdata[r][c] != null) {
+ value = getdata[r][c];
+ if (parseInt(value) != null && getdata[r][c].ct != undefined && getdata[r][c].ct.t == "n") {
+ if (caltype == "minus") {
+ value.v = value.v - calvalue;
+ }
+ else if (caltype == "multiply") {
+ value.v = value.v * calvalue;
+ }
+ else if (caltype == "divided") {
+ value.v = numFormat(value.v / calvalue, 4);
+ }
+ else if (caltype == "power") {
+ value.v = Math.pow(value.v, calvalue);
+ }
+ else if (caltype == "root") {
+ if (calvalue == 2) {
+ value.v = numFormat(Math.sqrt(value.v), 4);
+ }
+ else if (calvalue == 3 && Math.cbrt) {
+ value.v = numFormat(Math.cbrt(value.v), 4);
+ }
+ else {
+ value.v = numFormat(jfnqrt(value.v, calvalue), 4);
+ }
+ }
+ else if (caltype == "log") {
+ value.v = numFormat(Math.log(value.v) * 10000 / Math.log(Math.abs(calvalue)), 4);
+ }
+ else {
+ value.v = value.v + calvalue;
+ }
+ if(value.v == null){
+ value.m = "";
+ }
+ else{
+ value.m = value.v.toString();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ a.push(value);
+ }
+ arr.push(a);
+ }
+ editor.controlHandler(arr);
+ });
+ //矩阵操作选区 删除两端0值 按行
+ $("#luckysheet-matrix-delezero-row").click(function (event) {
+ $("body .luckysheet-cols-menu").hide();
+ $("#" + Store.container).attr("tabindex", 0).focus();
+ if(Store.luckysheet_select_save.length > 1){
+ if(isEditMode()){
+ alert(locale_drag.noMulti);
+ }
+ else{
+ tooltip.info(locale_drag.noMulti, "");
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ let getdata = getdatabyselection(Store.luckysheet_select_save[0]);
+ if (getdata.length == 0) {
+ return;
+ }
+ let arr = [];
+ let getdatalen = getdata[0].length;
+ for (let r = 0; r < getdata.length; r++) {
+ let a = [], stdel = true, eddel = true;
+ for (let c = 0; c < getdatalen; c++) {
+ let value = "";
+ if (getdata[r] != null && getdata[r][c] != null) {
+ value = getdata[r][c];
+ if ((value.v == "0" || value.v == 0) && stdel) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ else {
+ stdel = false;
+ }
+ }
+ a.push(value);
+ }
+ let a1 = [];
+ if (a.length == getdatalen) {
+ a1 = a;
+ }
+ else {
+ for (let c = a.length - 1; c >= 0; c--) {
+ let value = "";
+ if (a[c] != null) {
+ value = a[c];
+ if ((value.v == "0" || value.v == 0) && eddel) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ else {
+ eddel = false;
+ }
+ }
+ a1.unshift(value);
+ }
+ let l = getdatalen - a1.length;
+ for (let c1 = 0; c1 < l; c1++) {
+ a1.push("");
+ }
+ }
+ arr.push(a1);
+ }
+ editor.controlHandler(arr);
+ });
+ //矩阵操作选区 删除两端0值 按列
+ $("#luckysheet-matrix-delezero-column").click(function (event) {
+ $("body .luckysheet-cols-menu").hide();
+ $("#" + Store.container).attr("tabindex", 0).focus();
+ if(Store.luckysheet_select_save.length > 1){
+ if(isEditMode()){
+ alert(locale_drag.noMulti);
+ }
+ else{
+ tooltip.info(locale_drag.noMulti, "");
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ let getdata = getdatabyselection(Store.luckysheet_select_save[0]);
+ if (getdata.length == 0) {
+ return;
+ }
+ let arr = [];
+ let getdatalen = getdata.length, collen = getdata[0].length;
+ for (let c = 0; c < collen; c++) {
+ let a = [], stdel = true, eddel = true;
+ for (let r = 0; r < getdatalen; r++) {
+ let value = "";
+ if (getdata[r] != null && getdata[r][c] != null) {
+ value = getdata[r][c];
+ if ((value.v == "0" || value.v == 0) && stdel) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ else {
+ stdel = false;
+ }
+ }
+ a.push(value);
+ }
+ let a1 = [];
+ if (a.length == getdatalen) {
+ a1 = a;
+ }
+ else {
+ for (let r = a.length - 1; r >= 0; r--) {
+ let value = "";
+ if (a[r] != null) {
+ value = a[r];
+ if ((value.v == "0" || value.v == 0) && eddel) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ else {
+ eddel = false;
+ }
+ }
+ a1.unshift(value);
+ }
+ let l = getdatalen - a1.length;
+ for (let r1 = 0; r1 < l; r1++) {
+ a1.push("");
+ }
+ }
+ arr.push(a1);
+ }
+ let arr1 = [];
+ for (let c = 0; c < arr[0].length; c++) {
+ let a = [];
+ for (let r = 0; r < arr.length; r++) {
+ let value = "";
+ if (arr[r] != null && arr[r][c] != null) {
+ value = arr[r][c];
+ }
+ a.push(value);
+ }
+ arr1.push(a);
+ }
+ editor.controlHandler(arr1);
+ });
+ //矩阵操作选区 删除重复值 按行
+ $("#luckysheet-matrix-delerpt-row").click(function (event) {
+ $("body .luckysheet-cols-menu").hide();
+ $("#" + Store.container).attr("tabindex", 0).focus();
+ if(Store.luckysheet_select_save.length > 1){
+ if(isEditMode()){
+ alert(locale_drag.noMulti);
+ }
+ else{
+ tooltip.info(locale_drag.noMulti, "");
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ let getdata = getdatabyselection(Store.luckysheet_select_save[0]);
+ if (getdata.length == 0) {
+ return;
+ }
+ let arr = [];
+ let getdatalen = getdata[0].length;
+ for (let r = 0; r < getdata.length; r++) {
+ let a = [], repeat = {};
+ for (let c = 0; c < getdatalen; c++) {
+ let value = null;
+ if (getdata[r] != null && getdata[r][c] != null) {
+ value = getdata[r][c];
+ if(value.v in repeat){
+ repeat[value.v].push(value);
+ }
+ else{
+ repeat[value.v] = [];
+ repeat[value.v].push(value);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for (let c = 0; c < getdatalen; c++) {
+ let value = null;
+ if (getdata[r] != null && getdata[r][c] != null) {
+ value = getdata[r][c];
+ if(repeat[value.v].length == 1){
+ a.push(value);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ let l = getdatalen - a.length;
+ for (let c1 = 0; c1 < l; c1++) {
+ a.push(null);
+ }
+ arr.push(a);
+ }
+ editor.controlHandler(arr);
+ });
+ //矩阵操作选区 删除重复值 按列
+ $("#luckysheet-matrix-delerpt-column").click(function (event) {
+ $("body .luckysheet-cols-menu").hide();
+ $("#" + Store.container).attr("tabindex", 0).focus();
+ if(Store.luckysheet_select_save.length > 1){
+ if(isEditMode()){
+ alert(locale_drag.noMulti);
+ }
+ else{
+ tooltip.info(locale_drag.noMulti, "");
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ let getdata = getdatabyselection(Store.luckysheet_select_save[0]);
+ if (getdata.length == 0) {
+ return;
+ }
+ let arr = [];
+ let getdatalen = getdata.length, collen = getdata[0].length;
+ for (let c = 0; c < collen; c++) {
+ let a = [], repeat = {};
+ for (let r = 0; r < getdatalen; r++) {
+ let value = null;
+ if (getdata[r] != null && getdata[r][c] != null) {
+ value = getdata[r][c];
+ if(value.v in repeat){
+ repeat[value.v].push(value);
+ }
+ else{
+ repeat[value.v] = [];
+ repeat[value.v].push(value);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for (let r = 0; r < getdatalen; r++) {
+ let value = null;
+ if (getdata[r] != null && getdata[r][c] != null) {
+ value = getdata[r][c];
+ if(repeat[value.v].length == 1){
+ a.push(value);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ a1 = a;
+ let l = getdatalen - a1.length;
+ for (let r1 = 0; r1 < l; r1++) {
+ a1.push(null);
+ }
+ arr.push(a1);
+ }
+ let arr1 = [];
+ for (let c = 0; c < arr[0].length; c++) {
+ let a = [];
+ for (let r = 0; r < arr.length; r++) {
+ let value = null;
+ if (arr[r] != null && arr[r][c] != null) {
+ value = arr[r][c];
+ }
+ a.push(value);
+ }
+ arr1.push(a);
+ }
+ editor.controlHandler(arr1);
+ });
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/controllers/orderBy.js b/src/controllers/orderBy.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f8550401b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/controllers/orderBy.js
@@ -0,0 +1,273 @@
+import { modelHTML } from './constant';
+import { selectHightlightShow } from './select';
+import {
+ replaceHtml,
+ chatatABC,
+} from '../utils/util';
+import { rowlenByRange } from '../global/getRowlen';
+import { isEditMode } from '../global/validate';
+import cleargridelement from '../global/cleargridelement';
+import {
+ jfrefreshgrid,
+} from '../global/refresh';
+import { getcellvalue } from '../global/getdata';
+import { orderbydata, sortColumnSeletion } from '../global/sort';
+import tooltip from '../global/tooltip';
+import editor from '../global/editor';
+import { isdatatype } from '../global/datecontroll';
+import Store from '../store';
+import locale from '../locale/locale';
+export function orderByInitial(){
+ const _locale = locale();
+ //菜单栏 排序按钮
+ $("#luckysheetorderbyasc, #luckysheetorderbyasc_t").mousedown(function (event) {
+ cleargridelement(event);
+ sortColumnSeletion(Store.orderbyindex, true);
+ selectHightlightShow();
+ });
+ $("#luckysheetorderbydesc, #luckysheetorderbydesc_t").click(function (event) {
+ cleargridelement(event);
+ sortColumnSeletion(Store.orderbyindex, false);
+ selectHightlightShow();
+ });
+ //排序事件
+ let luckysheet_sort_initial = true;
+ $("#luckysheetorderby").click(function () {
+ $("body .luckysheet-cols-menu").hide();
+ const locale_sort = _locale.sort;
+ if(Store.luckysheet_select_save.length > 1){
+ if(isEditMode()){
+ alert(locale_sort.noRangeError);
+ }
+ else{
+ tooltip.info(locale_sort.noRangeError, "");
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ let last = Store.luckysheet_select_save[0];
+ let r1 = last["row"][0], r2 = last["row"][1];
+ let c1 = last["column"][0], c2 = last["column"][1];
+ if (luckysheet_sort_initial) {
+ luckysheet_sort_initial = false;
+ let content = ` + ${locale_sort.addOthers}
+ $("body").append(replaceHtml(modelHTML, { "id": "luckysheet-sort-dialog", "addclass": "", "title": _locale.sort.sortTitle, "content": content, "botton": ``}));
+ $("#luckysheet-sort-dialog .luckysheet-sort-dialog-additem").click(function () {
+ let last = Store.luckysheet_select_save[0];
+ let r1 = last["row"][0], r2 = last["row"][1];
+ let c1 = last["column"][0], c2 = last["column"][1];
+ let option = "", i = $("#luckysheet-sort-dialog table").data("itemcount") + 1;
+ let t = $("#luckysheet-sort-haveheader").is(':checked');
+ for (let c = c1; c <= c2; c++) {
+ if (t) {
+ let v = getcellvalue(r1, c, Store.flowdata, "m");
+ if(v == null){
+ v = locale_sort.columnOperation + (c - c1 + 1);
+ }
+ option += '';
+ }
+ else {
+ option += '';
+ }
+ }
+ $("#luckysheet-sort-dialog table").append(`
+ ${locale_sort.secondaryTitle} |
+ |
+ `);
+ $("#luckysheet-sort-dialog table").data("itemcount", i);
+ });
+ $("#luckysheet-sort-haveheader").change(function () {
+ let last = Store.luckysheet_select_save[0];
+ let r1 = last["row"][0], r2 = last["row"][1];
+ let c1 = last["column"][0], c2 = last["column"][1];
+ let t = $(this).is(':checked');
+ let option = "";
+ for (let c = c1; c <= c2; c++) {
+ if (t) {
+ let v = getcellvalue(r1, c, Store.flowdata, "m");
+ if(v == null){
+ v = locale_sort.columnOperation + (c - c1 + 1);
+ }
+ option += '';
+ }
+ else {
+ option += '';
+ }
+ }
+ $("#luckysheet-sort-dialog tr select").each(function () {
+ $(this).html(option);
+ });
+ });
+ //Custom sort
+ $("#luckysheet-sort-modal-confirm").click(function () {
+ if(Store.luckysheet_select_save.length > 1){
+ if(isEditMode()){
+ alert(locale_sort.noRangeError);
+ }
+ else{
+ tooltip.info(locale_sort.noRangeError, "");
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ let d = editor.deepCopyFlowData(Store.flowdata);
+ let last = Store.luckysheet_select_save[0];
+ let r1 = last["row"][0], r2 = last["row"][1];
+ let c1 = last["column"][0], c2 = last["column"][1];
+ //Data has header row
+ let t = $("#luckysheet-sort-haveheader").is(':checked');
+ let str;
+ if(t){
+ str = r1 + 1;
+ }
+ else{
+ str = r1;
+ }
+ let hasMc = false; //Whether the sort selection has merged cells
+ let data = [];
+ for(let r = str; r <= r2; r++){
+ let data_row = [];
+ for(let c = c1; c <= c2; c++){
+ if(d[r][c] != null && d[r][c].mc != null){
+ hasMc = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ data_row.push(d[r][c]);
+ }
+ data.push(data_row);
+ }
+ if(hasMc){
+ if(isEditMode()){
+ alert(locale_sort.mergeError);
+ }
+ else{
+ tooltip.info(locale_sort.mergeError, "");
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ $($("#luckysheet-sort-dialog table tr").toArray().reverse()).each(function () {
+ let i = $(this).find("select").val(),
+ asc = $(this).find('input:radio:checked').val();
+ i -= c1;
+ if (asc == "asc") {
+ asc = true;
+ }
+ else {
+ asc = false;
+ }
+ data = orderbydata([].concat(data), i, asc);
+ });
+ for(let r = str; r <= r2; r++){
+ for(let c = c1; c <= c2; c++){
+ d[r][c] = data[r - str][c - c1];
+ }
+ }
+ if(Store.config["rowlen"] != null){
+ let cfg = $.extend(true, {}, Store.config);
+ cfg = rowlenByRange(d, str, r2, cfg);
+ jfrefreshgrid(d, [{ "row": [str, r2], "column": [c1, c2] }], cfg, null, true);
+ }
+ else{
+ jfrefreshgrid(d, [{ "row": [str, r2], "column": [c1, c2] }]);
+ }
+ $("#luckysheet-sort-dialog").hide();
+ $("#luckysheet-modal-dialog-mask").hide();
+ });
+ }
+ let option = "";
+ for (let c = c1; c <= c2; c++) {
+ option += '';
+ }
+ $("#luckysheet-sort-dialog select").html(option);
+ $("#luckysheet-sort-dialog .luckysheet-sort-dialog-tr").remove();
+ $("#luckysheet-sort-haveheader").prop("checked", false);
+ $("#luckysheet-sort-dialog input:radio:first").prop("checked", "checked");
+ $("#luckysheet-sort-dialog .luckysheet-modal-dialog-title-text").html(locale_sort.sortRangeTitle+"" + chatatABC(c1) + (r1 + 1) + ""+ locale_sort.sortRangeTitleTo +"" + chatatABC(c2) + (r2 + 1) + "");
+ let $t = $("#luckysheet-sort-dialog"), myh = $t.outerHeight(), myw = $t.outerWidth();
+ let winw = $(window).width(), winh = $(window).height();
+ let scrollLeft = $(document).scrollLeft(), scrollTop = $(document).scrollTop();
+ $("#luckysheet-sort-dialog-tablec").css("max-height", (winh - myh) / 2);
+ $("#luckysheet-sort-dialog").css({ "left": (winw + scrollLeft - myw) / 2, "top": (winh + scrollTop - myh) / 2 }).show();
+ $("#luckysheet-modal-dialog-mask").show();
+ if (r1 < r2) {
+ setTimeout(function () {
+ let flowrowdata1 = Store.flowdata[r1],
+ flowrowdata2 = Store.flowdata[r1 + 1],
+ hastitle = false;
+ for (let i = c1; i <= c2; i++) {
+ let isdatatype_r1 = isdatatype(flowrowdata1[i]),
+ isdatatype_r2 = isdatatype(flowrowdata2[i]);
+ if (isdatatype_r1 != isdatatype_r2) {
+ hastitle = true;
+ }
+ }
+ if (hastitle) {
+ $("#luckysheet-sort-haveheader").prop("checked", true).change();
+ }
+ }, 10);
+ }
+ });
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/controllers/pivotTable.js b/src/controllers/pivotTable.js
index 888e12908..aea4af5f9 100644
--- a/src/controllers/pivotTable.js
+++ b/src/controllers/pivotTable.js
@@ -873,7 +873,7 @@ const pivotTable = {
if (_this.initial) {
_this.initial = false;
- $("body").append(luckysheetPivotTableHTML);
+ $("body").append(luckysheetPivotTableHTML());
$("#luckysheet-modal-dialog-slider-close").click(function () {
diff --git a/src/controllers/rowColumnOperation.js b/src/controllers/rowColumnOperation.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5ba87e118
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/controllers/rowColumnOperation.js
@@ -0,0 +1,1620 @@
+import pivotTable from './pivotTable';
+import luckysheetPostil from './postil';
+import menuButton from './menuButton';
+import server from './server';
+import { selectHightlightShow, luckysheet_count_show } from './select';
+import {
+ getObjType,
+ showrightclickmenu,
+} from '../utils/util';
+import { getSheetIndex, getRangetxt } from '../methods/get';
+import {
+ rowLocation,
+ rowLocationByIndex,
+ colLocation,
+ colLocationByIndex,
+ mouseposition
+} from '../global/location';
+import { isRealNull, isRealNum, hasPartMC, isEditMode } from '../global/validate';
+import { countfunc } from '../global/count';
+import formula from '../global/formula';
+import { luckysheetextendtable, luckysheetdeletetable } from '../global/extend';
+import {
+ jfrefreshgrid,
+ jfrefreshgridall,
+ jfrefreshgrid_rhcw,
+} from '../global/refresh';
+import { getcellvalue } from '../global/getdata';
+import tooltip from '../global/tooltip';
+import editor from '../global/editor';
+import locale from '../locale/locale';
+import Store from '../store';
+export function rowColumnOperationInitial(){
+ //表格行标题 mouse事件
+ $("#luckysheet-rows-h").mousedown(function (event) {
+ //有批注在编辑时
+ luckysheetPostil.removeActivePs();
+ let mouse = mouseposition(event.pageX, event.pageY);
+ let y = mouse[1] + $("#luckysheet-rows-h").scrollTop();
+ let row_location = rowLocation(y),
+ row = row_location[1],
+ row_pre = row_location[0],
+ row_index = row_location[2];
+ let col_index = Store.visibledatacolumn.length - 1,
+ col = Store.visibledatacolumn[col_index], col_pre = 0;
+ $("#luckysheet-rightclick-menu").hide();
+ $("#luckysheet-sheet-list, #luckysheet-rightclick-sheet-menu").hide();
+ //mousedown是右键
+ if (event.which == "3") {
+ let isright = false;
+ for(let s = 0; s < Store.luckysheet_select_save.length; s++){
+ let obj_s = Store.luckysheet_select_save[s];
+ if(obj_s["row"] != null && (row_index >= obj_s["row"][0] && row_index <= obj_s["row"][1]) && (obj_s["column"][0] == 0 && obj_s["column"][1] == Store.flowdata[0].length - 1)){
+ isright = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if(isright){
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ let top = row_pre, height = row - row_pre - 1;
+ let rowseleted = [row_index, row_index];
+ Store.luckysheet_scroll_status = true;
+ //公式相关
+ let $input = $("#luckysheet-input-box");
+ if (parseInt($input.css("top")) > 0) {
+ if (formula.rangestart || formula.rangedrag_column_start || formula.rangedrag_row_start || formula.israngeseleciton() || $("#luckysheet-ifFormulaGenerator-multiRange-dialog").is(":visible")) {
+ //公式选区
+ let changeparam = menuButton.mergeMoveMain([0, col_index], rowseleted, {"row_focus": row_index, "column_focus": 0}, top, height, col_pre, col);
+ if(changeparam != null){
+ //columnseleted = changeparam[0];
+ rowseleted = changeparam[1];
+ top = changeparam[2];
+ height = changeparam[3];
+ //left = changeparam[4];
+ //width = changeparam[5];
+ }
+ if(event.shiftKey){
+ let last = formula.func_selectedrange;
+ let top = 0, height = 0, rowseleted = [];
+ if (last.top > row_pre) {
+ top = row_pre;
+ height = last.top + last.height - row_pre;
+ if(last.row[1] > last.row_focus){
+ last.row[1] = last.row_focus;
+ }
+ rowseleted = [row_index, last.row[1]];
+ }
+ else if (last.top == row_pre) {
+ top = row_pre;
+ height = last.top + last.height - row_pre;
+ rowseleted = [row_index, last.row[0]];
+ }
+ else {
+ top = last.top;
+ height = row - last.top - 1;
+ if(last.row[0] < last.row_focus){
+ last.row[0] = last.row_focus;
+ }
+ rowseleted = [last.row[0], row_index];
+ }
+ let changeparam = menuButton.mergeMoveMain([0, col_index], rowseleted, {"row_focus": row_index, "column_focus": 0}, top, height, col_pre, col);
+ if(changeparam != null){
+ // columnseleted = changeparam[0];
+ rowseleted = changeparam[1];
+ top = changeparam[2];
+ height = changeparam[3];
+ // left = changeparam[4];
+ // width = changeparam[5];
+ }
+ last["row"] = rowseleted;
+ last["top_move"] = top;
+ last["height_move"] = height;
+ formula.func_selectedrange = last;
+ }
+ else if(event.ctrlKey && $("#luckysheet-rich-text-editor").find("span").last().text() != ","){
+ //按住ctrl 选择选区时 先处理上一个选区
+ let vText = $("#luckysheet-rich-text-editor").text() + ",";
+ if(vText.length > 0 && vText.substr(0, 1) == "="){
+ vText = formula.functionHTMLGenerate(vText);
+ if (window.getSelection) { // all browsers, except IE before version 9
+ let currSelection = window.getSelection();
+ formula.functionRangeIndex = [$(currSelection.anchorNode).parent().index(), currSelection.anchorOffset];
+ }
+ else { // Internet Explorer before version 9
+ let textRange = document.selection.createRange();
+ formula.functionRangeIndex = textRange;
+ }
+ $("#luckysheet-rich-text-editor").html(vText);
+ formula.canceFunctionrangeSelected();
+ formula.createRangeHightlight();
+ }
+ formula.rangestart = false;
+ formula.rangedrag_column_start = false;
+ formula.rangedrag_row_start = false;
+ $("#luckysheet-functionbox-cell").html(vText);
+ formula.rangeHightlightselected($("#luckysheet-rich-text-editor"));
+ //再进行 选区的选择
+ formula.israngeseleciton();
+ formula.func_selectedrange = {
+ "left": colLocationByIndex(0)[0],
+ "width": colLocationByIndex(0)[1] - colLocationByIndex(0)[0] - 1,
+ "top": top,
+ "height": height,
+ "left_move": col_pre,
+ "width_move": col - col_pre - 1,
+ "top_move": top,
+ "height_move": height,
+ "row": rowseleted,
+ "column": [0, col_index],
+ "row_focus": row_index,
+ "column_focus": 0
+ }
+ }
+ else{
+ formula.func_selectedrange = {
+ "left": colLocationByIndex(0)[0],
+ "width": colLocationByIndex(0)[1] - colLocationByIndex(0)[0] - 1,
+ "top": top,
+ "height": height,
+ "left_move": col_pre,
+ "width_move": col - col_pre - 1,
+ "top_move": top,
+ "height_move": height,
+ "row": rowseleted,
+ "column": [0, col_index],
+ "row_focus": row_index,
+ "column_focus": 0
+ }
+ }
+ if(formula.rangestart || formula.rangedrag_column_start || formula.rangedrag_row_start || formula.israngeseleciton()){
+ formula.rangeSetValue({ "row": rowseleted, "column": [null, null] });
+ }
+ else if($("#luckysheet-ifFormulaGenerator-multiRange-dialog").is(":visible")){//if公式生成器
+ let range = getRangetxt(Store.currentSheetIndex, { "row": rowseleted, "column": [0, col_index] }, Store.currentSheetIndex);
+ $("#luckysheet-ifFormulaGenerator-multiRange-dialog input").val(range);
+ }
+ formula.rangedrag_row_start = true;
+ formula.rangestart = false;
+ formula.rangedrag_column_start = false;
+ $("#luckysheet-formula-functionrange-select").css({
+ "left": col_pre,
+ "width": col - col_pre - 1,
+ "top": top,
+ "height": height
+ }).show();
+ $("#luckysheet-formula-help-c").hide();
+ luckysheet_count_show(col_pre, top, col - col_pre - 1, height, rowseleted, [0, col_index]);
+ setTimeout(function(){
+ let currSelection = window.getSelection();
+ let anchorOffset = currSelection.anchorNode;
+ let $editor;
+ if($("#luckysheet-search-formula-parm").is(":visible")||$("#luckysheet-search-formula-parm-select").is(":visible")){
+ $editor = $("#luckysheet-rich-text-editor");
+ formula.rangechangeindex = formula.data_parm_index;
+ }
+ else{
+ $editor = $(anchorOffset).closest("div");
+ }
+ let $span = $editor.find("span[rangeindex='" + formula.rangechangeindex + "']");
+ formula.setCaretPosition($span.get(0), 0, $span.html().length);
+ }, 1);
+ return;
+ }
+ else {
+ formula.updatecell(Store.luckysheetCellUpdate[0], Store.luckysheetCellUpdate[1]);
+ Store.luckysheet_rows_selected_status = true;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ Store.luckysheet_rows_selected_status = true;
+ }
+ if (Store.luckysheet_rows_selected_status) {
+ if(event.shiftKey){
+ //按住shift点击行索引选取范围
+ let last = $.extend(true, {}, Store.luckysheet_select_save[Store.luckysheet_select_save.length - 1]); //选区最后一个
+ let top = 0, height = 0, rowseleted = [];
+ if (last.top > row_pre) {
+ top = row_pre;
+ height = last.top + last.height - row_pre;
+ if(last.row[1] > last.row_focus){
+ last.row[1] = last.row_focus;
+ }
+ rowseleted = [row_index, last.row[1]];
+ }
+ else if (last.top == row_pre) {
+ top = row_pre;
+ height = last.top + last.height - row_pre;
+ rowseleted = [row_index, last.row[0]];
+ }
+ else {
+ top = last.top;
+ height = row - last.top - 1;
+ if(last.row[0] < last.row_focus){
+ last.row[0] = last.row_focus;
+ }
+ rowseleted = [last.row[0], row_index];
+ }
+ last["row"] = rowseleted;
+ last["top_move"] = top;
+ last["height_move"] = height;
+ Store.luckysheet_select_save[Store.luckysheet_select_save.length - 1] = last;
+ }
+ else if(event.ctrlKey){
+ Store.luckysheet_select_save.push({
+ "left": colLocationByIndex(0)[0],
+ "width": colLocationByIndex(0)[1] - colLocationByIndex(0)[0] - 1,
+ "top": top,
+ "height": height,
+ "left_move": col_pre,
+ "width_move": col - col_pre - 1,
+ "top_move": top,
+ "height_move": height,
+ "row": rowseleted,
+ "column": [0, col_index],
+ "row_focus": row_index,
+ "column_focus": 0
+ });
+ }
+ else{
+ Store.luckysheet_select_save = [];
+ Store.luckysheet_select_save.push({
+ "left": colLocationByIndex(0)[0],
+ "width": colLocationByIndex(0)[1] - colLocationByIndex(0)[0] - 1,
+ "top": top,
+ "height": height,
+ "left_move": col_pre,
+ "width_move": col - col_pre - 1,
+ "top_move": top,
+ "height_move": height,
+ "row": rowseleted,
+ "column": [0, col_index],
+ "row_focus": row_index,
+ "column_focus": 0
+ });
+ }
+ selectHightlightShow();
+ if(server.allowUpdate){
+ //允许编辑后的后台更新时
+ server.saveParam("mv", Store.currentSheetIndex, Store.luckysheet_select_save);
+ }
+ }
+ $("#luckysheet-helpbox-cell").text(getRangetxt(Store.currentSheetIndex, Store.luckysheet_select_save[Store.luckysheet_select_save.length - 1]));
+ setTimeout(function () {
+ clearTimeout(Store.countfuncTimeout);
+ countfunc();
+ }, 101);
+ }).mousemove(function (event) {
+ if (Store.luckysheet_rows_selected_status || Store.luckysheet_rows_change_size || Store.luckysheet_select_status) {
+ $("#luckysheet-rows-h-hover").hide();
+ return;
+ }
+ let mouse = mouseposition(event.pageX, event.pageY);
+ let y = mouse[1] + $("#luckysheet-rows-h").scrollTop();
+ let row_location = rowLocation(y),
+ row = row_location[1],
+ row_pre = row_location[0],
+ row_index = row_location[2];
+ $("#luckysheet-rows-h-hover").css({ "top": row_pre, "height": row - row_pre - 1, "display": "block" });
+ if (y < row - 1 && y >= row - 5) {
+ $("#luckysheet-rows-change-size").css({ "top": row - 3, "opacity": 0 });
+ }
+ else {
+ $("#luckysheet-rows-change-size").css("opacity", 0);
+ }
+ }).mouseleave(function (event) {
+ $("#luckysheet-rows-h-hover").hide();
+ $("#luckysheet-rows-change-size").css("opacity", 0);
+ }).mouseup(function (event) {
+ if (event.which == 3) {
+ if(isEditMode()){ //非编辑模式下禁止右键功能框
+ return;
+ }
+ $("#luckysheet-cols-rows-shift").hide();
+ Store.luckysheetRightHeadClickIs = "row";
+ $("#luckysheet-rightclick-menu .luckysheet-cols-rows-shift-word").text(locale().rightclick.row);
+ $("#luckysheet-rightclick-menu .luckysheet-cols-rows-shift-size").text(locale().rightclick.height);
+ $("#luckysheet-rightclick-menu .luckysheet-cols-rows-shift-left").text(locale().rightclick.top);
+ $("#luckysheet-rightclick-menu .luckysheet-cols-rows-shift-right").text(locale().rightclick.bottom);
+ $("#luckysheet-cols-rows-add").show();
+ $("#luckysheet-cols-rows-data").show();
+ $("#luckysheet-cols-rows-shift").hide();
+ $("#luckysheet-cols-rows-handleincell").hide();
+ showrightclickmenu($("#luckysheet-rightclick-menu"), $(this).offset().left + 46, event.pageY);
+ Store.luckysheet_cols_menu_status = true;
+ //行高默认值
+ let cfg = $.extend(true, {}, Store.config);
+ if(cfg["rowlen"] == null){
+ cfg["rowlen"] = {};
+ }
+ let first_rowlen = cfg["rowlen"][Store.luckysheet_select_save[0].row[0]] == null ? Store.defaultrowlen : cfg["rowlen"][Store.luckysheet_select_save[0].row[0]];
+ let isSame = true;
+ for(let i = 0; i < Store.luckysheet_select_save.length; i++){
+ let s = Store.luckysheet_select_save[i];
+ let r1 = s.row[0], r2 = s.row[1];
+ for(let r = r1; r <= r2; r++){
+ let rowlen = cfg["rowlen"][r] == null ? Store.defaultrowlen : cfg["rowlen"][r];
+ if(rowlen != first_rowlen){
+ isSame = false;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(isSame){
+ $("#luckysheet-cols-rows-add").find("input[type='number'].rcsize").val(first_rowlen);
+ }
+ else{
+ $("#luckysheet-cols-rows-add").find("input[type='number'].rcsize").val("");
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ //表格列标题 mouse事件
+ $("#luckysheet-cols-h-c").mousedown(function (event) {
+ //有批注在编辑时
+ luckysheetPostil.removeActivePs();
+ let mouse = mouseposition(event.pageX, event.pageY);
+ let x = mouse[0] + $(this).scrollLeft();
+ let row_index = Store.visibledatarow.length - 1,
+ row = Store.visibledatarow[row_index], row_pre = 0;
+ let col_location = colLocation(x),
+ col = col_location[1],
+ col_pre = col_location[0],
+ col_index = col_location[2];
+ Store.orderbyindex = col_index;//排序全局函数
+ $("#luckysheet-rightclick-menu").hide();
+ $("#luckysheet-sheet-list, #luckysheet-rightclick-sheet-menu").hide();
+ $("#luckysheet-filter-menu, #luckysheet-filter-submenu").hide();
+ //mousedown是右键
+ if (event.which == "3") {
+ let isright = false;
+ for(let s = 0; s < Store.luckysheet_select_save.length; s++){
+ let obj_s = Store.luckysheet_select_save[s];
+ if(obj_s["column"] != null && (col_index >= obj_s["column"][0] && col_index <= obj_s["column"][1]) && (obj_s["row"][0] == 0 && obj_s["row"][1] == Store.flowdata.length - 1)){
+ isright = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if(isright){
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ let left = col_pre, width = col - col_pre - 1;
+ let columnseleted = [col_index, col_index];
+ Store.luckysheet_scroll_status = true;
+ //公式相关
+ let $input = $("#luckysheet-input-box");
+ if (parseInt($input.css("top")) > 0) {
+ if (formula.rangestart || formula.rangedrag_column_start || formula.rangedrag_row_start || formula.israngeseleciton() || $("#luckysheet-ifFormulaGenerator-multiRange-dialog").is(":visible")) {
+ //公式选区
+ let changeparam = menuButton.mergeMoveMain(columnseleted, [0, row_index], {"row_focus": 0, "column_focus": col_index}, row_pre, row, left, width);
+ if(changeparam != null){
+ columnseleted = changeparam[0];
+ //rowseleted= changeparam[1];
+ //top = changeparam[2];
+ //height = changeparam[3];
+ left = changeparam[4];
+ width = changeparam[5];
+ }
+ if(event.shiftKey){
+ let last = formula.func_selectedrange;
+ let left = 0, width = 0, columnseleted = [];
+ if (last.left > col_pre) {
+ left = col_pre;
+ width = last.left + last.width - col_pre;
+ if(last.column[1] > last.column_focus){
+ last.column[1] = last.column_focus;
+ }
+ columnseleted = [col_index, last.column[1]];
+ }
+ else if (last.left == col_pre) {
+ left = col_pre;
+ width = last.left + last.width - col_pre;
+ columnseleted = [col_index, last.column[0]];
+ }
+ else {
+ left = last.left;
+ width = col - last.left - 1;
+ if(last.column[0] < last.column_focus){
+ last.column[0] = last.column_focus;
+ }
+ columnseleted = [last.column[0], col_index];
+ }
+ let changeparam = menuButton.mergeMoveMain(columnseleted , [0, row_index], {"row_focus": 0, "column_focus": col_index}, row_pre, row, left, width);
+ if(changeparam != null){
+ columnseleted = changeparam[0];
+ //rowseleted= changeparam[1];
+ //top = changeparam[2];
+ //height = changeparam[3];
+ left = changeparam[4];
+ width = changeparam[5];
+ }
+ last["column"] = columnseleted;
+ last["left_move"] = left;
+ last["width_move"] = width;
+ formula.func_selectedrange = last;
+ }
+ else if(event.ctrlKey && $("#luckysheet-rich-text-editor").find("span").last().text() != ","){
+ //按住ctrl 选择选区时 先处理上一个选区
+ let vText = $("#luckysheet-rich-text-editor").text() + ",";
+ if(vText.length > 0 && vText.substr(0, 1) == "="){
+ vText = formula.functionHTMLGenerate(vText);
+ if (window.getSelection) { // all browsers, except IE before version 9
+ let currSelection = window.getSelection();
+ formula.functionRangeIndex = [$(currSelection.anchorNode).parent().index(), currSelection.anchorOffset];
+ }
+ else { // Internet Explorer before version 9
+ let textRange = document.selection.createRange();
+ formula.functionRangeIndex = textRange;
+ }
+ $("#luckysheet-rich-text-editor").html(vText);
+ formula.canceFunctionrangeSelected();
+ formula.createRangeHightlight();
+ }
+ formula.rangestart = false;
+ formula.rangedrag_column_start = false;
+ formula.rangedrag_row_start = false;
+ $("#luckysheet-functionbox-cell").html(vText);
+ formula.rangeHightlightselected($("#luckysheet-rich-text-editor"));
+ //再进行 选区的选择
+ formula.israngeseleciton();
+ formula.func_selectedrange = {
+ "left": left,
+ "width": width,
+ "top": rowLocationByIndex(0)[0],
+ "height": rowLocationByIndex(0)[1] - rowLocationByIndex(0)[0] - 1,
+ "left_move": left,
+ "width_move": width,
+ "top_move": row_pre,
+ "height_move": row - row_pre - 1,
+ "row": [0, row_index],
+ "column": columnseleted,
+ "row_focus": 0,
+ "column_focus": col_index
+ }
+ }
+ else{
+ formula.func_selectedrange = {
+ "left": left,
+ "width": width,
+ "top": rowLocationByIndex(0)[0],
+ "height": rowLocationByIndex(0)[1] - rowLocationByIndex(0)[0] - 1,
+ "left_move": left,
+ "width_move": width,
+ "top_move": row_pre,
+ "height_move": row - row_pre - 1,
+ "row": [0, row_index],
+ "column": columnseleted,
+ "row_focus": 0,
+ "column_focus": col_index
+ }
+ }
+ if(formula.rangestart || formula.rangedrag_column_start || formula.rangedrag_row_start || formula.israngeseleciton()){
+ formula.rangeSetValue({ "row": [null, null], "column": columnseleted });
+ }
+ else if($("#luckysheet-ifFormulaGenerator-multiRange-dialog").is(":visible")){//if公式生成器
+ let range = getRangetxt(Store.currentSheetIndex, { "row": [0, row_index], "column": columnseleted }, Store.currentSheetIndex);
+ $("#luckysheet-ifFormulaGenerator-multiRange-dialog input").val(range);
+ }
+ formula.rangedrag_column_start = true;
+ formula.rangestart = false;
+ formula.rangedrag_row_start = false;
+ $("#luckysheet-formula-functionrange-select").css({
+ "left": left,
+ "width": width,
+ "top": row_pre,
+ "height": row - row_pre - 1
+ }).show();
+ $("#luckysheet-formula-help-c").hide();
+ luckysheet_count_show(left, row_pre, width, row - row_pre - 1, [0, row_index], columnseleted);
+ return;
+ }
+ else {
+ formula.updatecell(Store.luckysheetCellUpdate[0], Store.luckysheetCellUpdate[1]);
+ Store.luckysheet_cols_selected_status = true;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ Store.luckysheet_cols_selected_status = true;
+ }
+ if (Store.luckysheet_cols_selected_status) {
+ if(event.shiftKey){
+ //按住shift点击列索引选取范围
+ let last = $.extend(true, {}, Store.luckysheet_select_save[Store.luckysheet_select_save.length - 1]); //选区最后一个
+ let left = 0, width = 0, columnseleted = [];
+ if (last.left > col_pre) {
+ left = col_pre;
+ width = last.left + last.width - col_pre;
+ if(last.column[1] > last.column_focus){
+ last.column[1] = last.column_focus;
+ }
+ columnseleted = [col_index, last.column[1]];
+ }
+ else if (last.left == col_pre) {
+ left = col_pre;
+ width = last.left + last.width - col_pre;
+ columnseleted = [col_index, last.column[0]];
+ }
+ else {
+ left = last.left;
+ width = col - last.left - 1;
+ if(last.column[0] < last.column_focus){
+ last.column[0] = last.column_focus;
+ }
+ columnseleted = [last.column[0], col_index];
+ }
+ last["column"] = columnseleted;
+ last["left_move"] = left;
+ last["width_move"] = width;
+ Store.luckysheet_select_save[Store.luckysheet_select_save.length - 1] = last;
+ }
+ else if(event.ctrlKey){
+ //选区添加
+ Store.luckysheet_select_save.push({
+ "left": left,
+ "width": width,
+ "top": rowLocationByIndex(0)[0],
+ "height": rowLocationByIndex(0)[1] - rowLocationByIndex(0)[0] - 1,
+ "left_move": left,
+ "width_move": width,
+ "top_move": row_pre,
+ "height_move": row - row_pre - 1,
+ "row": [0, row_index],
+ "column": columnseleted,
+ "row_focus": 0,
+ "column_focus": col_index
+ });
+ }
+ else{
+ Store.luckysheet_select_save = [];
+ Store.luckysheet_select_save.push({
+ "left": left,
+ "width": width,
+ "top": rowLocationByIndex(0)[0],
+ "height": rowLocationByIndex(0)[1] - rowLocationByIndex(0)[0] - 1,
+ "left_move": left,
+ "width_move": width,
+ "top_move": row_pre,
+ "height_move": row - row_pre - 1,
+ "row": [0, row_index],
+ "column": columnseleted,
+ "row_focus": 0,
+ "column_focus": col_index
+ });
+ }
+ selectHightlightShow();
+ if(server.allowUpdate){
+ //允许编辑后的后台更新时
+ server.saveParam("mv", Store.currentSheetIndex, Store.luckysheet_select_save);
+ }
+ }
+ $("#luckysheet-helpbox-cell").text(getRangetxt(Store.currentSheetIndex, Store.luckysheet_select_save[Store.luckysheet_select_save.length - 1]));
+ setTimeout(function () {
+ clearTimeout(Store.countfuncTimeout);
+ countfunc();
+ }, 101);
+ if (Store.luckysheet_cols_menu_status) {
+ $("#luckysheet-rightclick-menu").hide();
+ $("#luckysheet-cols-h-hover").hide();
+ $("#luckysheet-cols-menu-btn").hide();
+ Store.luckysheet_cols_menu_status = false;
+ }
+ event.stopPropagation();
+ }).mousemove(function (event) {
+ if (Store.luckysheet_cols_selected_status || Store.luckysheet_select_status) {
+ $("#luckysheet-cols-h-hover").hide();
+ $("#luckysheet-cols-menu-btn").hide();
+ return;
+ }
+ if (Store.luckysheet_cols_menu_status || Store.luckysheet_cols_change_size) {
+ return;
+ }
+ let mouse = mouseposition(event.pageX, event.pageY);
+ let x = mouse[0] + $("#luckysheet-cols-h-c").scrollLeft();
+ let col_location = colLocation(x),
+ col = col_location[1],
+ col_pre = col_location[0],
+ col_index = col_location[2];
+ $("#luckysheet-cols-h-hover").css({ "left": col_pre, "width": col - col_pre - 1, "display": "block" });
+ $("#luckysheet-cols-menu-btn").css({ "left": col - 19, "display": "block" });
+ $("#luckysheet-cols-change-size").css({ "left": col - 5 });
+ if (x < col && x >= col - 5) {
+ $("#luckysheet-cols-change-size").css({ "opacity": 0 });
+ $("#luckysheet-cols-menu-btn").hide();
+ }
+ else {
+ $("#luckysheet-change-size-line").hide();
+ $("#luckysheet-cols-change-size").css("opacity", 0);
+ }
+ }).mouseleave(function (event) {
+ if (Store.luckysheet_cols_menu_status || Store.luckysheet_cols_change_size) {
+ return;
+ }
+ $("#luckysheet-cols-h-hover").hide();
+ $("#luckysheet-cols-menu-btn").hide();
+ $("#luckysheet-cols-change-size").css("opacity", 0);
+ }).mouseup(function (event) {
+ if (event.which == 3) {
+ if(isEditMode()){ //非编辑模式下禁止右键功能框
+ return;
+ }
+ Store.luckysheetRightHeadClickIs = "column";
+ $("#luckysheet-rightclick-menu .luckysheet-cols-rows-shift-word").text(locale().rightclick.column);
+ $("#luckysheet-rightclick-menu .luckysheet-cols-rows-shift-size").text(locale().rightclick.width);
+ $("#luckysheet-rightclick-menu .luckysheet-cols-rows-shift-left").text(locale().rightclick.left);
+ $("#luckysheet-rightclick-menu .luckysheet-cols-rows-shift-right").text(locale().rightclick.right);
+ $("#luckysheet-cols-rows-add").show();
+ $("#luckysheet-cols-rows-data").show();
+ $("#luckysheet-cols-rows-shift").hide();
+ $("#luckysheet-cols-rows-handleincell").hide();
+ showrightclickmenu($("#luckysheet-rightclick-menu"), event.pageX, $(this).offset().top + 18);
+ Store.luckysheet_cols_menu_status = true;
+ //列宽默认值
+ let cfg = $.extend(true, {}, Store.config);
+ if(cfg["columlen"] == null){
+ cfg["columlen"] = {};
+ }
+ let first_collen = cfg["columlen"][Store.luckysheet_select_save[0].column[0]] == null ? Store.defaultcollen : cfg["columlen"][Store.luckysheet_select_save[0].column[0]];
+ let isSame = true;
+ for(let i = 0; i < Store.luckysheet_select_save.length; i++){
+ let s = Store.luckysheet_select_save[i];
+ let c1 = s.column[0], c2 = s.column[1];
+ for(let c = c1; c <= c2; c++){
+ let collen = cfg["columlen"][c] == null ? Store.defaultcollen : cfg["columlen"][c];
+ if(collen != first_collen){
+ isSame = false;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(isSame){
+ $("#luckysheet-cols-rows-add").find("input[type='number'].rcsize").val(first_collen);
+ }
+ else{
+ $("#luckysheet-cols-rows-add").find("input[type='number'].rcsize").val("");
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ //表格行标题 改变行高按钮
+ $("#luckysheet-rows-change-size").mousedown(function (event) {
+ //有批注在编辑时
+ luckysheetPostil.removeActivePs();
+ $("#luckysheet-input-box").hide();
+ $("#luckysheet-rows-change-size").css({ "opacity": 1 });
+ let mouse = mouseposition(event.pageX, event.pageY);
+ let y = mouse[1] + $("#luckysheet-rows-h").scrollTop();
+ let scrollLeft = $("#luckysheet-cell-main").scrollLeft();
+ let winW = $("#luckysheet-cell-main").width();
+ let row_location = rowLocation(y),
+ row = row_location[1],
+ row_pre = row_location[0],
+ row_index = row_location[2];
+ Store.luckysheet_rows_change_size = true;
+ Store.luckysheet_scroll_status = true;
+ $("#luckysheet-change-size-line").css({
+ "height": "1px",
+ "border-width":
+ "0 0px 1px 0",
+ "top": row - 3,
+ "left": 0,
+ "width": scrollLeft + winW,
+ "display": "block",
+ "cursor": "ns-resize"
+ });
+ $("#luckysheet-sheettable, #luckysheet-rows-h, #luckysheet-rows-h canvas").css("cursor", "ns-resize");
+ Store.luckysheet_rows_change_size_start = [row_pre, row_index];
+ $("#luckysheet-rightclick-menu").hide();
+ $("#luckysheet-rows-h-hover").hide();
+ $("#luckysheet-cols-menu-btn").hide();
+ event.stopPropagation();
+ });
+ //表格列标题 改变列宽按钮
+ $("#luckysheet-cols-change-size").mousedown(function (event) {
+ //有批注在编辑时
+ luckysheetPostil.removeActivePs();
+ $("#luckysheet-input-box").hide();
+ $("#luckysheet-cols-change-size").css({ "opacity": 1 });
+ let mouse = mouseposition(event.pageX, event.pageY);
+ let scrollLeft = $("#luckysheet-cols-h-c").scrollLeft();
+ let scrollTop = $("#luckysheet-cell-main").scrollTop();
+ let winH = $("#luckysheet-cell-main").height();
+ let x = mouse[0] + scrollLeft;
+ let row_index = Store.visibledatarow.length - 1,
+ row = Store.visibledatarow[row_index], row_pre = 0;
+ let col_location = colLocation(x),
+ col = col_location[1],
+ col_pre = col_location[0],
+ col_index = col_location[2];
+ Store.luckysheet_cols_change_size = true;
+ Store.luckysheet_scroll_status = true;
+ $("#luckysheet-change-size-line").css({
+ "height": winH + scrollTop,
+ "border-width": "0 1px 0 0",
+ "top": 0,
+ "left": col - 3,
+ "width": "1px",
+ "display": "block",
+ "cursor": "ew-resize"
+ });
+ $("#luckysheet-sheettable, #luckysheet-cols-h-c, .luckysheet-cols-h-cells, .luckysheet-cols-h-cells canvas").css("cursor", "ew-resize");
+ Store.luckysheet_cols_change_size_start = [col_pre, col_index];
+ $("#luckysheet-rightclick-menu").hide();
+ $("#luckysheet-cols-h-hover").hide();
+ $("#luckysheet-cols-menu-btn").hide();
+ Store.luckysheet_cols_dbclick_times = 0;
+ event.stopPropagation();
+ }).dblclick(function () {
+ luckysheetcolsdbclick();
+ });
+ $("#luckysheet-cols-menu-btn").click(function (event) {
+ let $menu = $("#luckysheet-rightclick-menu");
+ let offset = $(this).offset();
+ $("#luckysheet-cols-rows-shift").show();
+ Store.luckysheetRightHeadClickIs = "column";
+ $("#luckysheet-rightclick-menu .luckysheet-cols-rows-shift-word").text(locale().rightclick.column);
+ $("#luckysheet-rightclick-menu .luckysheet-cols-rows-shift-left").text(locale().rightclick.left);
+ $("#luckysheet-rightclick-menu .luckysheet-cols-rows-shift-right").text(locale().rightclick.right);
+ $("#luckysheet-cols-rows-add").show();
+ $("#luckysheet-cols-rows-data").hide();
+ $("#luckysheet-cols-rows-shift").show();
+ $("#luckysheet-cols-rows-handleincell").hide();
+ showrightclickmenu($menu, offset.left, offset.top + 18);
+ Store.luckysheet_cols_menu_status = true;
+ });
+ //向左增加列,向上增加行
+ $("#luckysheet-add-lefttop, #luckysheet-add-lefttop_t").click(function (event) {
+ $("#luckysheet-rightclick-menu").hide();
+ $("#" + Store.container).attr("tabindex", 0).focus();
+ if(Store.luckysheet_select_save.length > 1){
+ if(isEditMode()){
+ alert(locale_drag.noMulti);
+ }
+ else{
+ tooltip.info(locale_drag.noMulti, "");
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ let $t = $(this), value = $t.parent().find("input").val();
+ if (!isRealNum(value)) {
+ if(isEditMode()){
+ alert(locale_info.tipInputNumber);
+ }
+ else{
+ tooltip.info(locale_info.tipInputNumber, "");
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ value = parseInt(value);
+ if (value < 1 || value > 100) {
+ if(isEditMode()){
+ alert(locale_info.tipInputNumberLimit);
+ }
+ else{
+ tooltip.info(locale_info.tipInputNumberLimit, "");
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ let st_index = Store.luckysheet_select_save[0][Store.luckysheetRightHeadClickIs][0];
+ luckysheetextendtable(Store.luckysheetRightHeadClickIs, st_index, value, "lefttop");
+ });
+ $("#luckysheet-addTopRows").click(function (event) {
+ $("#luckysheet-rightclick-menu").hide();
+ $("#" + Store.container).attr("tabindex", 0).focus();
+ if(Store.luckysheet_select_save.length > 1){
+ if(isEditMode()){
+ alert(locale_drag.noMulti);
+ }
+ else{
+ tooltip.info(locale_drag.noMulti, "");
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ let $t = $(this), value = $t.parent().find("input").val();
+ if (!isRealNum(value)) {
+ if(isEditMode()){
+ alert(locale_info.tipInputNumber);
+ }
+ else{
+ tooltip.info(locale_info.tipInputNumber, "");
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ value = parseInt(value);
+ if (value < 1 || value > 100) {
+ if(isEditMode()){
+ alert(llocale_info.tipInputNumberLimit);
+ }
+ else{
+ tooltip.info(llocale_info.tipInputNumberLimit, "");
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ let st_index = Store.luckysheet_select_save[0].row[0];
+ luckysheetextendtable('row', st_index, value, "lefttop");
+ })
+ $("#luckysheet-addLeftCols").click(function (event) {
+ $("#luckysheet-rightclick-menu").hide();
+ $("#" + Store.container).attr("tabindex", 0).focus();
+ if(Store.luckysheet_select_save.length > 1){
+ if(isEditMode()){
+ alert(locale_drag.noMulti);
+ }
+ else{
+ tooltip.info(locale_drag.noMulti, "");
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ let $t = $(this), value = $t.parent().find("input").val();
+ if (!isRealNum(value)) {
+ if(isEditMode()){
+ alert(locale_info.tipInputNumber);
+ }
+ else{
+ tooltip.info(locale_info.tipInputNumber, "");
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ value = parseInt(value);
+ if (value < 1 || value > 100) {
+ if(isEditMode()){
+ alert(llocale_info.tipInputNumberLimit);
+ }
+ else{
+ tooltip.info(llocale_info.tipInputNumberLimit, "");
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ let st_index = Store.luckysheet_select_save[0].column[0];
+ luckysheetextendtable('column', st_index, value, "lefttop");
+ })
+ //向右增加列,向下增加行
+ $("#luckysheet-add-rightbottom, #luckysheet-add-rightbottom_t").click(function (event) {
+ $("#luckysheet-rightclick-menu").hide();
+ $("#" + Store.container).attr("tabindex", 0).focus();
+ if(Store.luckysheet_select_save.length > 1){
+ if(isEditMode()){
+ alert(locale_drag.noMulti);
+ }
+ else{
+ tooltip.info(locale_drag.noMulti, "");
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ let $t = $(this), value = $t.parent().find("input").val();
+ if (!isRealNum(value)) {
+ if(isEditMode()){
+ alert(locale_info.tipInputNumber);
+ }
+ else{
+ tooltip.info(locale_info.tipInputNumber, "");
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ value = parseInt(value);
+ if (value < 1 || value > 100) {
+ if(isEditMode()){
+ alert(llocale_info.tipInputNumberLimit);
+ }
+ else{
+ tooltip.info(llocale_info.tipInputNumberLimit, "");
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ let st_index = Store.luckysheet_select_save[0][Store.luckysheetRightHeadClickIs][1];
+ luckysheetextendtable(Store.luckysheetRightHeadClickIs, st_index, value, "rightbottom");
+ });
+ $("#luckysheet-addBottomRows").click(function (event) {
+ $("#luckysheet-rightclick-menu").hide();
+ $("#" + Store.container).attr("tabindex", 0).focus();
+ if(Store.luckysheet_select_save.length > 1){
+ if(isEditMode()){
+ alert(locale_drag.noMulti);
+ }
+ else{
+ tooltip.info(locale_drag.noMulti, "");
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ let $t = $(this), value = $t.parent().find("input").val();
+ if (!isRealNum(value)) {
+ if(isEditMode()){
+ alert(locale_info.tipInputNumber);
+ }
+ else{
+ tooltip.info(locale_info.tipInputNumber, "");
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ value = parseInt(value);
+ if (value < 1 || value > 100) {
+ if(isEditMode()){
+ alert(llocale_info.tipInputNumberLimit);
+ }
+ else{
+ tooltip.info(llocale_info.tipInputNumberLimit, "");
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ let st_index = Store.luckysheet_select_save[0].row[1];
+ luckysheetextendtable('row', st_index, value, "rightbottom");
+ });
+ $("#luckysheet-addRightCols").click(function (event) {
+ $("#luckysheet-rightclick-menu").hide();
+ $("#" + Store.container).attr("tabindex", 0).focus();
+ if(Store.luckysheet_select_save.length > 1){
+ if(isEditMode()){
+ alert(locale_drag.noMulti);
+ }
+ else{
+ tooltip.info(locale_drag.noMulti, "");
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ let $t = $(this), value = $t.parent().find("input").val();
+ if (!isRealNum(value)) {
+ if(isEditMode()){
+ alert(locale_info.tipInputNumber);
+ }
+ else{
+ tooltip.info(locale_info.tipInputNumber, "");
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ value = parseInt(value);
+ if (value < 1 || value > 100) {
+ if(isEditMode()){
+ alert(llocale_info.tipInputNumberLimit);
+ }
+ else{
+ tooltip.info(llocale_info.tipInputNumberLimit, "");
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ let st_index = Store.luckysheet_select_save[0].column[1];
+ luckysheetextendtable('column', st_index, value, "rightbottom");
+ });
+ //删除选中行列
+ $("#luckysheet-del-selected, #luckysheet-del-selected_t").click(function (event) {
+ $("#luckysheet-rightclick-menu").hide();
+ $("#" + Store.container).attr("tabindex", 0).focus();
+ if(Store.luckysheet_select_save.length > 1){
+ if(Store.luckysheetRightHeadClickIs == "row"){
+ if(isEditMode()){
+ alert(locale_drag.noMulti);
+ }
+ else{
+ tooltip.info(locale_drag.noMulti, "");
+ }
+ }
+ else if(Store.luckysheetRightHeadClickIs == "column"){
+ if(isEditMode()){
+ alert(locale_drag.noMulti);
+ }
+ else{
+ tooltip.info(locale_drag.noMulti, "");
+ }
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ let st_index = Store.luckysheet_select_save[0][Store.luckysheetRightHeadClickIs][0],
+ ed_index = Store.luckysheet_select_save[0][Store.luckysheetRightHeadClickIs][1];
+ luckysheetdeletetable(Store.luckysheetRightHeadClickIs, st_index, ed_index);
+ });
+ $("#luckysheet-delRows").click(function (event) {
+ $("#luckysheet-rightclick-menu").hide();
+ $("#" + Store.container).attr("tabindex", 0).focus();
+ if(Store.luckysheet_select_save.length > 1){
+ if(Store.luckysheetRightHeadClickIs == "row"){
+ if(isEditMode()){
+ alert(locale_drag.noMulti);
+ }
+ else{
+ tooltip.info(locale_drag.noMulti, "");
+ }
+ }
+ else if(Store.luckysheetRightHeadClickIs == "column"){
+ if(isEditMode()){
+ alert(locale_drag.noMulti);
+ }
+ else{
+ tooltip.info(locale_drag.noMulti, "");
+ }
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ let st_index = Store.luckysheet_select_save[0].row[0],
+ ed_index = Store.luckysheet_select_save[0].row[1];
+ luckysheetdeletetable('row', st_index, ed_index);
+ })
+ $("#luckysheet-delCols").click(function (event) {
+ $("#luckysheet-rightclick-menu").hide();
+ $("#" + Store.container).attr("tabindex", 0).focus();
+ if(Store.luckysheet_select_save.length > 1){
+ if(Store.luckysheetRightHeadClickIs == "row"){
+ if(isEditMode()){
+ alert(locale_drag.noMulti);
+ }
+ else{
+ tooltip.info(locale_drag.noMulti, "");
+ }
+ }
+ else if(Store.luckysheetRightHeadClickIs == "column"){
+ if(isEditMode()){
+ alert(locale_drag.noMulti);
+ }
+ else{
+ tooltip.info(locale_drag.noMulti, "");
+ }
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ let st_index = Store.luckysheet_select_save[0].column[0],
+ ed_index = Store.luckysheet_select_save[0].column[1];
+ luckysheetdeletetable('column', st_index, ed_index);
+ })
+ //隐藏、显示行
+ $("#luckysheet-hidRows").click(function (event) {
+ $("#luckysheet-rightclick-menu").hide();
+ $("#" + Store.container).attr("tabindex", 0).focus();
+ let cfg = $.extend(true, {}, Store.config);
+ if(cfg["rowhidden"] == null){
+ cfg["rowhidden"] = {};
+ }
+ for(let s = 0; s < Store.luckysheet_select_save.length; s++){
+ let r1 = Store.luckysheet_select_save[s].row[0],
+ r2 = Store.luckysheet_select_save[s].row[1],
+ c1 = Store.luckysheet_select_save[s].column[0],
+ c2 = Store.luckysheet_select_save[s].column[1];
+ for(let r = r1; r <= r2; r++){
+ cfg["rowhidden"][r] = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ //保存撤销
+ if(Store.clearjfundo){
+ let redo = {};
+ redo["type"] = "showHidRows";
+ redo["sheetIndex"] = Store.currentSheetIndex;
+ redo["config"] = $.extend(true, {}, Store.config);
+ redo["curconfig"] = cfg;
+ Store.jfundo = [];
+ Store.jfredo.push(redo);
+ }
+ //config
+ Store.config = cfg;
+ Store.luckysheetfile[getSheetIndex(Store.currentSheetIndex)].config = Store.config;
+ server.saveParam("cg", Store.currentSheetIndex, cfg["rowhidden"], { "k": "rowhidden" });
+ //行高、列宽 刷新
+ jfrefreshgrid_rhcw(Store.flowdata.length, Store.flowdata[0].length);
+ })
+ $("#luckysheet-showHidRows").click(function (event) {
+ $("#luckysheet-rightclick-menu").hide();
+ $("#" + Store.container).attr("tabindex", 0).focus();
+ let cfg = $.extend(true, {}, Store.config);
+ if(cfg["rowhidden"] == null){
+ return;
+ }
+ for(let s = 0; s < Store.luckysheet_select_save.length; s++){
+ let r1 = Store.luckysheet_select_save[s].row[0],
+ r2 = Store.luckysheet_select_save[s].row[1],
+ c1 = Store.luckysheet_select_save[s].column[0],
+ c2 = Store.luckysheet_select_save[s].column[1];
+ for(let r = r1; r <= r2; r++){
+ delete cfg["rowhidden"][r];
+ }
+ }
+ //保存撤销
+ if(Store.clearjfundo){
+ let redo = {};
+ redo["type"] = "showHidRows";
+ redo["sheetIndex"] = Store.currentSheetIndex;
+ redo["config"] = $.extend(true, {}, Store.config);
+ redo["curconfig"] = cfg;
+ Store.jfundo = [];
+ Store.jfredo.push(redo);
+ }
+ //config
+ Store.config = cfg;
+ Store.luckysheetfile[getSheetIndex(Store.currentSheetIndex)].config = Store.config;
+ server.saveParam("cg", Store.currentSheetIndex, cfg["rowhidden"], { "k": "rowhidden" });
+ //行高、列宽 刷新
+ jfrefreshgrid_rhcw(Store.flowdata.length, Store.flowdata[0].length);
+ })
+ //清除单元格内容
+ $("#luckysheet-delete-text").click(function(){
+ $("#luckysheet-rightclick-menu").hide();
+ $("#" + Store.container).attr("tabindex", 0).focus();
+ if(Store.luckysheet_select_save.length > 0){
+ let d = editor.deepCopyFlowData(Store.flowdata);
+ let has_PartMC = false;
+ for(let s = 0; s < Store.luckysheet_select_save.length; s++){
+ let r1 = Store.luckysheet_select_save[s].row[0],
+ r2 = Store.luckysheet_select_save[s].row[1];
+ let c1 = Store.luckysheet_select_save[s].column[0],
+ c2 = Store.luckysheet_select_save[s].column[1];
+ if(hasPartMC(Store.config, r1, r2, c1, c2)){
+ has_PartMC = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if(has_PartMC){
+ if(isEditMode()){
+ alert(locale_drag.noPartMerge);
+ }
+ else{
+ tooltip.info(locale_drag.noPartMerge, "");
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ for(let s = 0; s < Store.luckysheet_select_save.length; s++){
+ let r1 = Store.luckysheet_select_save[s].row[0],
+ r2 = Store.luckysheet_select_save[s].row[1];
+ let c1 = Store.luckysheet_select_save[s].column[0],
+ c2 = Store.luckysheet_select_save[s].column[1];
+ for(let r = r1; r <= r2; r++){
+ for(let c = c1; c <= c2; c++){
+ if(pivotTable.isPivotRange(r, c)){
+ continue;
+ }
+ if(getObjType(d[r][c]) == "object"){
+ delete d[r][c]["m"];
+ delete d[r][c]["v"];
+ if(d[r][c]["f"] != null){
+ delete d[r][c]["f"];
+ formula.delFunctionGroup(r, c, Store.currentSheetIndex);
+ delete d[r][c]["spl"];
+ }
+ }
+ else{
+ d[r][c] = null;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ jfrefreshgrid(d, Store.luckysheet_select_save);
+ }
+ });
+ //行高列宽设置
+ $("#luckysheet-rows-cols-changesize").click(function(){
+ $("#luckysheet-rightclick-menu").hide();
+ $("#" + Store.container).attr("tabindex", 0).focus();
+ let size = parseInt($(this).siblings("input[type='number']").val().trim());
+ if(size < 0 || size > 255){
+ if(isEditMode()){
+ alert(llocale_info.tipRowHeightLimit);
+ }
+ else{
+ tooltip.info(llocale_info.tipRowHeightLimit, "");
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ let cfg = $.extend(true, {}, Store.config);
+ let type;
+ if(Store.luckysheetRightHeadClickIs == "row"){
+ type = "resizeR";
+ if(cfg["rowlen"] == null){
+ cfg["rowlen"] = {};
+ }
+ for(let s = 0; s < Store.luckysheet_select_save.length; s++){
+ let r1 = Store.luckysheet_select_save[s].row[0];
+ let r2 = Store.luckysheet_select_save[s].row[1];
+ for(let r = r1; r <= r2; r++){
+ cfg["rowlen"][r] = size;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if(Store.luckysheetRightHeadClickIs == "column"){
+ type = "resizeC";
+ if(cfg["columlen"] == null){
+ cfg["columlen"] = {};
+ }
+ for(let s = 0; s < Store.luckysheet_select_save.length; s++){
+ let c1 = Store.luckysheet_select_save[s].column[0];
+ let c2 = Store.luckysheet_select_save[s].column[1];
+ for(let c = c1; c <= c2; c++){
+ cfg["columlen"][c] = size;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (Store.clearjfundo) {
+ Store.jfundo = [];
+ Store.jfredo.push({
+ "type": "resize",
+ "ctrlType": type,
+ "config": $.extend(true, {}, Store.config),
+ "curconfig": $.extend(true, {}, cfg),
+ "sheetIndex": Store.currentSheetIndex
+ });
+ }
+ //config
+ Store.config = cfg;
+ Store.luckysheetfile[getSheetIndex(Store.currentSheetIndex)].config = Store.config;
+ if(Store.luckysheetRightHeadClickIs == "row"){
+ server.saveParam("cg", Store.currentSheetIndex, cfg["rowlen"], { "k": "rowlen" });
+ jfrefreshgrid_rhcw(Store.flowdata.length, null);
+ }
+ else if(Store.luckysheetRightHeadClickIs == "column"){
+ server.saveParam("cg", Store.currentSheetIndex, cfg["columlen"], { "k": "columlen" });
+ jfrefreshgrid_rhcw(null, Store.flowdata[0].length);
+ }
+ });
+function luckysheetcolsdbclick() {
+ Store.luckysheet_cols_change_size = false;
+ $("#luckysheet-change-size-line").hide();
+ $("#luckysheet-cols-change-size").css("opacity", 0);
+ $("#luckysheet-sheettable, #luckysheet-cols-h-c, .luckysheet-cols-h-cells, .luckysheet-cols-h-cells canvas").css("cursor", "default");
+ let mouse = mouseposition(event.pageX, event.pageY);
+ let scrollLeft = $("#luckysheet-cols-h-c").scrollLeft();
+ let x = mouse[0] + scrollLeft;
+ let winW = $(window).width();
+ let row_index = Store.visibledatarow.length - 1,
+ row = Store.visibledatarow[row_index],
+ row_pre = 0;
+ let col_location = colLocation(x),
+ col = col_location[1],
+ col_pre = col_location[0],
+ col_index = col_location[2];
+ Store.luckysheet_cols_change_size_start = [col_pre, col_index];
+ let dataflow = $("#luckysheetTableContent").get(0).getContext("2d");
+ let cfg = $.extend(true, {}, Store.config);
+ let matchColumn = {};
+ for(let s = 0; s < Store.luckysheet_select_save.length; s++){
+ let c1 = Store.luckysheet_select_save[s].column[0],
+ c2 = Store.luckysheet_select_save[s].column[1];
+ if (col_index < c1 || col_index > c2) {
+ if(col_index in matchColumn){//此列已计算过
+ continue;
+ }
+ x = -Infinity;
+ let countret = 0;
+ let fontsize = 13;
+ for (let r = 0; r < Store.flowdata.length; r++) {
+ if (countret >= 15) {
+ break;
+ }
+ let value = getcellvalue(r, Store.luckysheet_cols_change_size_start[1], Store.flowdata);
+ let mask = getcellvalue(r, Store.luckysheet_cols_change_size_start[1], Store.flowdata, "m");
+ if(mask != null){
+ value = mask;
+ }
+ let cell = Store.flowdata[r][Store.luckysheet_cols_change_size_start[1]];
+ if(getObjType(cell) == "object" && ("fs" in cell)){
+ if(cell.fs > fontsize){
+ fontsize = cell.fs;
+ }
+ }
+ if (value == null || value.toString().length == 0) {
+ countret++;
+ continue;
+ }
+ let textMetrics = dataflow.measureText(value).width;
+ if (textMetrics > x) {
+ x = textMetrics;
+ }
+ }
+ let size = x + fontsize * 1.5;
+ if ((x + 3) < 30) {
+ size = 30;
+ }
+ if (x >= winW - 100 + scrollLeft) {
+ size = winW - 100 + scrollLeft;
+ }
+ if (cfg["columlen"] == null) {
+ cfg["columlen"] = {};
+ }
+ cfg["columlen"][Store.luckysheet_cols_change_size_start[1]] = Math.ceil(size);
+ matchColumn[col_index] = 1;
+ }
+ else {
+ for (let c = c1; c <= c2; c++) {
+ if(c in matchColumn){//此列已计算过
+ continue;
+ }
+ x = -Infinity;
+ let countret = 0;
+ let fontsize = 13;
+ for (let r = 0; r < Store.flowdata.length; r++) {
+ if (countret >= 15) {
+ break;
+ }
+ let value = getcellvalue(r, c, Store.flowdata);
+ let cell = Store.flowdata[r][c];
+ if(getObjType(cell) == "object" && ("fs" in cell)){
+ if(cell.fs > fontsize){
+ fontsize = cell.fs;
+ }
+ }
+ if (isRealNull(value)) {
+ countret++;
+ continue;
+ }
+ let textMetrics = dataflow.measureText(value).width;
+ if (textMetrics > x) {
+ x = textMetrics;
+ }
+ }
+ let size = x + fontsize*1.5;;
+ if ((x + 3) < 30) {
+ size = 30;
+ }
+ if (x >= winW - 100 + scrollLeft) {
+ size = winW - 100 + scrollLeft;
+ }
+ if (cfg["columlen"] == null) {
+ cfg["columlen"] = {};
+ }
+ cfg["columlen"][c] = Math.ceil(size);
+ matchColumn[c] = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ jfrefreshgridall(Store.flowdata[0].length, Store.flowdata.length, Store.flowdata, cfg, Store.luckysheet_select_save, "resizeC", "columlen");
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/controllers/sheetBar.js b/src/controllers/sheetBar.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4d5300b3d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/controllers/sheetBar.js
@@ -0,0 +1,454 @@
+import sheetmanage from './sheetmanage';
+import server from './server';
+import { sheetselectlistitemHTML, sheetselectlistHTML, keycode } from './constant';
+import {
+ replaceHtml,
+ mouseclickposition,
+} from '../utils/util';
+import { getSheetIndex } from '../methods/get';
+import { isEditMode } from '../global/validate';
+import formula from '../global/formula';
+import cleargridelement from '../global/cleargridelement';
+import tooltip from '../global/tooltip';
+import locale from '../locale/locale';
+import Store from '../store';
+//表格底部名称栏区域 相关事件(增、删、改、隐藏显示、颜色等等)
+let isInitialSheetConfig = false, luckysheetcurrentSheetitem = null, jfdbclicklagTimeout = null;
+function showsheetconfigmenu() {
+ if (!isInitialSheetConfig) {
+ isInitialSheetConfig = true;
+ const _locale = locale();
+ let locale_toolbar = _locale.toolbar;
+ $("#luckysheetsheetconfigcolorur").spectrum({
+ showPalette: true,
+ preferredFormat: "hex",
+ clickoutFiresChange: false,
+ showInitial: true,
+ showInput: true,
+ flat: true,
+ hideAfterPaletteSelect: false,
+ showSelectionPalette: true,
+ maxPaletteSize: 10,
+ cancelText: _locale.sheetconfig.cancelText,
+ chooseText: _locale.sheetconfig.chooseText,
+ togglePaletteMoreText: locale_toolbar.toolMore,
+ togglePaletteLessText: locale_toolbar.toolLess,
+ clearText: locale_toolbar.clearText,
+ noColorSelectedText: locale_toolbar.noColorSelectedText,
+ palette: [["rgb(0, 0, 0)", "rgb(67, 67, 67)", "rgb(102, 102, 102)", "rgb(204, 204, 204)", "rgb(217, 217, 217)", "rgb(255, 255, 255)"], ["rgb(152, 0, 0)", "rgb(255, 0, 0)", "rgb(255, 153, 0)", "rgb(255, 255, 0)", "rgb(0, 255, 0)", "rgb(0, 255, 255)", "rgb(74, 134, 232)", "rgb(0, 0, 255)", "rgb(153, 0, 255)", "rgb(255, 0, 255)"], ["rgb(230, 184, 175)", "rgb(244, 204, 204)", "rgb(252, 229, 205)", "rgb(255, 242, 204)", "rgb(217, 234, 211)", "rgb(208, 224, 227)", "rgb(201, 218, 248)", "rgb(207, 226, 243)", "rgb(217, 210, 233)", "rgb(234, 209, 220)"], ["rgb(221, 126, 107)", "rgb(234, 153, 153)", "rgb(249, 203, 156)", "rgb(255, 229, 153)", "rgb(182, 215, 168)", "rgb(162, 196, 201)", "rgb(164, 194, 244)", "rgb(159, 197, 232)", "rgb(180, 167, 214)", "rgb(213, 166, 189)"], ["rgb(204, 65, 37)", "rgb(224, 102, 102)", "rgb(246, 178, 107)", "rgb(255, 217, 102)", "rgb(147, 196, 125)", "rgb(118, 165, 175)", "rgb(109, 158, 235)", "rgb(111, 168, 220)", "rgb(142, 124, 195)", "rgb(194, 123, 160)"], ["rgb(166, 28, 0)", "rgb(204, 0, 0)", "rgb(230, 145, 56)", "rgb(241, 194, 50)", "rgb(106, 168, 79)", "rgb(69, 129, 142)", "rgb(60, 120, 216)", "rgb(61, 133, 198)", "rgb(103, 78, 167)", "rgb(166, 77, 121)"], ["rgb(91, 15, 0)", "rgb(102, 0, 0)", "rgb(120, 63, 4)", "rgb(127, 96, 0)", "rgb(39, 78, 19)", "rgb(12, 52, 61)", "rgb(28, 69, 135)", "rgb(7, 55, 99)", "rgb(32, 18, 77)", "rgb(76, 17, 48)"], ["#c1232b", "#27727b", "#fcce10", "#e87c25", "#b5c334", "#fe8463", "#9bca63", "#fad860", "#f3a43b", "#60c0dd", "#d7504b", "#c6e579", "#f4e001", "#f0805a", "#26c0c0", "#c12e34", "#e6b600", "#0098d9", "#2b821d", "#005eaa", "#339ca8", "#cda819", "#32a487", "#3fb1e3", "#6be6c1", "#626c91", "#a0a7e6", "#c4ebad", "#96dee8"]],
+ change: function (color) {
+ let $input = $(this);
+ if (color != null) {
+ color = color.toHexString();
+ }
+ else {
+ color = "rgb(0, 0, 0)";
+ }
+ let oldcolor = null;
+ if(luckysheetcurrentSheetitem.find(".luckysheet-sheets-item-color").length>0){
+ oldcolor = luckysheetcurrentSheetitem.find(".luckysheet-sheets-item-color").css("background-color");
+ }
+ luckysheetcurrentSheetitem.find(".luckysheet-sheets-item-color").remove();
+ luckysheetcurrentSheetitem.append('');
+ let index = getSheetIndex(Store.currentSheetIndex);
+ Store.luckysheetfile[index].color = color;
+ server.saveParam("all", Store.currentSheetIndex, color, { "k": "color" });
+ if (Store.clearjfundo) {
+ let redo = {};
+ redo["type"] = "sheetColor";
+ redo["sheetIndex"] = Store.currentSheetIndex;
+ redo["oldcolor"] = oldcolor;
+ redo["color"] = color;
+ Store.jfundo = [];
+ Store.jfredo.push(redo);
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ $("#luckysheetsheetconfigcolorreset").click(function () {
+ let oldcolor = null;
+ if(luckysheetcurrentSheetitem.find(".luckysheet-sheets-item-color").length>0){
+ oldcolor = luckysheetcurrentSheetitem.find(".luckysheet-sheets-item-color").css("background-color");
+ }
+ luckysheetcurrentSheetitem.find(".luckysheet-sheets-item-color").remove();
+ let index = getSheetIndex(Store.currentSheetIndex);
+ Store.luckysheetfile[index].color = null;
+ server.saveParam("all", Store.currentSheetIndex, null, { "k": "color" } );
+ if (Store.clearjfundo) {
+ let redo = {};
+ redo["type"] = "sheetColor";
+ redo["sheetIndex"] = Store.currentSheetIndex;
+ redo["oldcolor"] = oldcolor;
+ redo["color"] = null;
+ Store.jfundo = [];
+ Store.jfredo.push(redo);
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ let index = getSheetIndex(Store.currentSheetIndex);
+ if (Store.luckysheetfile[index].color != null && Store.luckysheetfile[index].color.length > 0) {
+ $("#luckysheetsheetconfigcolorur").spectrum("set", Store.luckysheetfile[index].color);
+ }
+ $("#luckysheetsheetconfigcolorur").parent().find("span, div, button, input, a").addClass("luckysheet-mousedown-cancel");
+ setTimeout(function(){
+ mouseclickposition($("#luckysheet-rightclick-sheet-menu"), luckysheetcurrentSheetitem.offset().left + luckysheetcurrentSheetitem.width(), luckysheetcurrentSheetitem.offset().top - 18, "leftbottom");
+ },1);
+let luckysheetsheetrightclick = function ($t, $cur, e) {
+ clearTimeout(jfdbclicklagTimeout);
+ if ($cur.hasClass("luckysheet-sheets-item-name") && $cur.attr("contenteditable") == "true") {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (formula.rangestart || formula.rangedrag_column_start || formula.rangedrag_row_start || formula.israngeseleciton()) {
+ setTimeout(function () {
+ formula.setCaretPosition(formula.rangeSetValueTo.get(0), 0, formula.rangeSetValueTo.text().length);
+ formula.createRangeHightlight();
+ $("#luckysheet-input-box-index").find(".luckysheet-input-box-index-sheettxt").remove().end().prepend("" + sheetmanage.getSheetName(formula.rangetosheet) + "!").show();
+ $("#luckysheet-input-box-index").css({"left": $("#luckysheet-input-box").css("left"), "top": (parseInt($("#luckysheet-input-box").css("top")) - 20) + "px", "z-index": $("#luckysheet-input-box").css("z-index")});
+ }, 1);
+ }
+ else {
+ $("#luckysheet-input-box").removeAttr("style");
+ $("#luckysheet-formula-functionrange .luckysheet-formula-functionrange-highlight").remove();
+ }
+ $("#luckysheet-sheet-area div.luckysheet-sheets-item").removeClass("luckysheet-sheets-item-active");
+ $t.addClass("luckysheet-sheets-item-active");
+ cleargridelement(e);
+ sheetmanage.changeSheet($t.data("index"));
+ $("#luckysheet-sheet-list, #luckysheet-rightclick-sheet-menu").hide();
+ if ($cur.hasClass("luckysheet-sheets-item-menu") || $cur.hasClass("fa-sort-desc") || e.which == "3") {
+ luckysheetcurrentSheetitem = $cur.closest(".luckysheet-sheets-item");
+ showsheetconfigmenu();
+ }
+export function initialSheetBar(){
+ const _locale = locale();
+ const locale_sheetconfig = _locale.sheetconfig;
+ $("#luckysheet-sheet-area").on("mousedown", "div.luckysheet-sheets-item", function (e) {
+ if(isEditMode()){
+ // alert("非编辑模式下不允许该操作!");
+ return;
+ }
+ let $t = $(this), $cur = $(e.target), $item = $cur.closest(".luckysheet-sheets-item");
+ if (e.which == "3") {
+ luckysheetsheetrightclick($t, $cur, e);
+ luckysheetcurrentSheetitem = $item;
+ showsheetconfigmenu();
+ return;
+ }
+ if ($item.hasClass("luckysheet-sheets-item-active") && $item.find(".luckysheet-sheets-item-name").attr("contenteditable") == "false") {
+ jfdbclicklagTimeout = setTimeout(function () {
+ Store.luckysheet_sheet_move_status = true;
+ Store.luckysheet_sheet_move_data = {};
+ Store.luckysheet_sheet_move_data.widthlist = [];
+ $("#luckysheet-sheet-area div.luckysheet-sheets-item:visible").each(function (i) {
+ if (i == 0) {
+ Store.luckysheet_sheet_move_data.widthlist.push(parseInt($(this).outerWidth()));
+ }
+ else {
+ Store.luckysheet_sheet_move_data.widthlist.push(parseInt($(this).outerWidth()) + Store.luckysheet_sheet_move_data.widthlist[i - 1]);
+ }
+ });
+ Store.luckysheet_sheet_move_data.curindex = $("#luckysheet-sheet-area div.luckysheet-sheets-item").index($item);
+ let x = e.pageX;
+ Store.luckysheet_sheet_move_data.curleft = x - $item.offset().left;
+ Store.luckysheet_sheet_move_data.pageX = x;
+ Store.luckysheet_sheet_move_data.activeobject = $item;
+ Store.luckysheet_sheet_move_data.cursorobject = $cur;
+ let $itemclone = $item.clone().css("visibility", "hidden").attr("id", "luckysheet-sheets-item-clone");
+ $item.after($itemclone);
+ $item.css({ "position": "absolute", "opacity": 0.8, "cursor": "move", "transition": "initial", "z-index": 10 });
+ }, 200);
+ }
+ }).on("click", "div.luckysheet-sheets-item", function (e) {
+ if(isEditMode()){
+ // alert("非编辑模式下不允许该操作!");
+ return;
+ }
+ let $t = $(this), $cur = $(e.target);
+ luckysheetsheetrightclick($t, $cur, e);
+ });
+ let luckysheetsheetnameeditor = function ($t) {
+ $t.attr("contenteditable", "true").addClass("luckysheet-mousedown-cancel").data("oldtxt", $t.text());
+ setTimeout(function () {
+ if (document.selection) {
+ let range = document.body.createTextRange();
+ range.moveToElementText($t.get(0));
+ range.select();
+ } else if (window.getSelection) {
+ let range = document.createRange();
+ range.selectNodeContents($t.get(0));
+ window.getSelection().removeAllRanges();
+ window.getSelection().addRange(range);
+ }
+ }, 1);
+ }
+ $("#luckysheet-sheet-area").on("dblclick", "span.luckysheet-sheets-item-name", function (e) {
+ luckysheetsheetnameeditor($(this));
+ });
+ $("#luckysheet-sheet-area").on("blur", "span.luckysheet-sheets-item-name", function (e) {
+ let $t = $(this);
+ let txt = $t.text(), oldtxt = $t.data("oldtxt");
+ let index = getSheetIndex(Store.currentSheetIndex);
+ for (let i = 0; i < Store.luckysheetfile.length; i++) {
+ if (index != i && Store.luckysheetfile[i].name == txt) {
+ if(isEditMode()){
+ alert(locale_sheetconfig.tipNameRepeat);
+ }
+ else{
+ tooltip.info("", locale_sheetconfig.tipNameRepeat);
+ }
+ $t.text(oldtxt).attr("contenteditable", "false");
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ let winW = $(window).width();
+ let c_width = 0;
+ $("#luckysheet-sheet-container-c > div.luckysheet-sheets-item:visible").each(function(){
+ c_width += $(this).outerWidth();
+ });
+ if (c_width >= winW * 0.7) {
+ $("#luckysheet-sheet-area .luckysheet-sheets-scroll").css("display", "inline-block");
+ $("#luckysheet-sheet-container .docs-sheet-fade-left").show();
+ }
+ Store.luckysheetfile[index].name = txt;
+ server.saveParam("all", Store.currentSheetIndex, txt, { "k": "name" });
+ $t.attr("contenteditable", "false").removeClass("luckysheet-mousedown-cancel");
+ if (Store.clearjfundo) {
+ let redo = {};
+ redo["type"] = "sheetName";
+ redo["sheetIndex"] = Store.currentSheetIndex;
+ redo["oldtxt"] = oldtxt;
+ redo["txt"] = txt;
+ Store.jfundo = [];
+ Store.jfredo.push(redo);
+ }
+ });
+ $("#luckysheet-sheet-area").on("keydown", "span.luckysheet-sheets-item-name", function (e) {
+ let kcode = e.keyCode;
+ let $t = $(this);
+ if (kcode == keycode.ENTER) {
+ let index = getSheetIndex(Store.currentSheetIndex);
+ Store.luckysheetfile[index].name = $t.text();
+ $t.attr("contenteditable", "false");
+ }
+ });
+ $("#luckysheetsheetconfigrename").click(function () {
+ luckysheetsheetnameeditor(luckysheetcurrentSheetitem.find("span.luckysheet-sheets-item-name"));
+ $("#luckysheet-input-box").removeAttr("style");
+ $("#luckysheet-sheet-list, #luckysheet-rightclick-sheet-menu").hide();
+ });
+ $("#luckysheetsheetconfigshow").click(function () {
+ $("#luckysheet-sheets-m").click();
+ $("#luckysheet-input-box").removeAttr("style");
+ $("#luckysheet-rightclick-sheet-menu").hide();
+ });
+ $("#luckysheetsheetconfigmoveleft").click(function () {
+ if (luckysheetcurrentSheetitem.prevAll(":visible").length > 0) {
+ luckysheetcurrentSheetitem.insertBefore(luckysheetcurrentSheetitem.prevAll(":visible").eq(0));
+ sheetmanage.reOrderAllSheet();
+ }
+ $("#luckysheet-input-box").removeAttr("style");
+ $("#luckysheet-sheet-list, #luckysheet-rightclick-sheet-menu").hide();
+ });
+ $("#luckysheetsheetconfigmoveright").click(function () {
+ if (luckysheetcurrentSheetitem.nextAll(":visible").length > 0) {
+ luckysheetcurrentSheetitem.insertAfter(luckysheetcurrentSheetitem.nextAll(":visible").eq(0));
+ sheetmanage.reOrderAllSheet();
+ }
+ $("#luckysheet-input-box").removeAttr("style");
+ $("#luckysheet-sheet-list, #luckysheet-rightclick-sheet-menu").hide();
+ });
+ $("#luckysheetsheetconfigdelete").click(function (e) {
+ $("#luckysheet-sheet-list, #luckysheet-rightclick-sheet-menu").hide();
+ if($("#luckysheet-sheet-container-c .luckysheet-sheets-item:visible").length <= 1){
+ if(isEditMode()){
+ alert(locale_sheetconfig.noMoreSheet);
+ }
+ else{
+ tooltip.info(locale_sheetconfig.noMoreSheet, "");
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ let index = getSheetIndex(Store.currentSheetIndex);
+ tooltip.confirm(locale_sheetconfig.confirmDelete+"【" + Store.luckysheetfile[index].name + "】?", ""+locale_sheetconfig.redoDelete+"", function () {
+ sheetmanage.deleteSheet(luckysheetcurrentSheetitem.data("index"));
+ }, null);
+ $("#luckysheet-input-box").removeAttr("style");
+ });
+ $("#luckysheetsheetconfigcopy").click(function (e) {
+ sheetmanage.copySheet(luckysheetcurrentSheetitem.data("index"), e);
+ $("#luckysheet-input-box").removeAttr("style");
+ $("#luckysheet-sheet-list, #luckysheet-rightclick-sheet-menu").hide();
+ });
+ $("#luckysheetsheetconfighide").click(function () {
+ if ($("#luckysheet-sheet-area div.luckysheet-sheets-item:visible").length == 1) {
+ if(isEditMode()){
+ alert(locale_sheetconfig.noHide);
+ }
+ else{
+ tooltip.info("", locale_sheetconfig.noHide);
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ sheetmanage.setSheetHide(luckysheetcurrentSheetitem.data("index"));
+ $("#luckysheet-input-box").removeAttr("style");
+ $("#luckysheet-sheet-list, #luckysheet-rightclick-sheet-menu").hide();
+ });
+ $("#luckysheet-sheets-add").click(function (e) {
+ sheetmanage.addNewSheet(e);
+ sheetmanage.locationSheet();
+ $("#luckysheet-input-box").removeAttr("style");
+ });
+ let sheetscrollani = null, sheetscrollstart = 0, sheetscrollend = 0, sheetscrollstep = 150;
+ $("#luckysheet-sheets-leftscroll").click(function () {
+ let $c = $("#luckysheet-sheet-container-c");
+ sheetscrollstart = $c.scrollLeft();
+ sheetscrollend = $c.scrollLeft() - sheetscrollstep;
+ if (sheetscrollend <= 0) {
+ $("#luckysheet-sheet-container .docs-sheet-fade-left").hide();
+ }
+ $("#luckysheet-sheet-container .docs-sheet-fade-right").show();
+ clearInterval(sheetscrollani);
+ sheetscrollani = setInterval(function () {
+ sheetscrollstart -= 4;
+ $c.scrollLeft(sheetscrollstart);
+ if (sheetscrollstart <= sheetscrollend) {
+ clearInterval(sheetscrollani);
+ }
+ }, 1);
+ });
+ $("#luckysheet-sheets-rightscroll").click(function () {
+ let $c = $("#luckysheet-sheet-container-c");
+ sheetscrollstart = $c.scrollLeft();
+ sheetscrollend = $c.scrollLeft() + sheetscrollstep;
+ if (sheetscrollstart > 0) {
+ $("#luckysheet-sheet-container .docs-sheet-fade-right").hide();
+ }
+ $("#luckysheet-sheet-container .docs-sheet-fade-left").show();
+ clearInterval(sheetscrollani);
+ sheetscrollani = setInterval(function () {
+ sheetscrollstart += 4;
+ $c.scrollLeft(sheetscrollstart);
+ if (sheetscrollstart >= sheetscrollend) {
+ clearInterval(sheetscrollani);
+ }
+ }, 1);
+ });
+ let initialOpenSheet = true;
+ $("#luckysheet-sheets-m").click(function (e) {
+ $("#luckysheet-sheet-list").html("");
+ let item = "";
+ for (let i = 0; i < Store.luckysheetfile.length; i++) {
+ let f = Store.luckysheetfile[i], icon = '', style = "";
+ if (f["status"] == 1) {
+ icon = '';
+ }
+ if (f["hide"] == 1) {
+ icon = '';
+ style += "color:#BBBBBB;";
+ }
+ if (f["color"] != null && f["color"].length > 0) {
+ style += "border-right:4px solid " + f["color"] + ";";
+ }
+ item += replaceHtml(sheetselectlistitemHTML, { "index": f["index"], "name": f["name"], "icon": icon, "style": style });
+ }
+ if (initialOpenSheet) {
+ $("#" + Store.container).append(replaceHtml(sheetselectlistHTML, { "item": item }));
+ $("#luckysheet-sheet-list").on("click", ".luckysheet-cols-menuitem", function (e) {
+ if(isEditMode()){
+ // tooltip.info("提示", "图表编辑模式下不允许该操作!");
+ alert(locale_sheetconfig.chartEditNoOpt);
+ return;
+ }
+ let $item = $(this), index = $item.data("index");
+ if ($item.data("index") != Store.currentSheetIndex) {
+ sheetmanage.setSheetShow(index);
+ sheetmanage.locationSheet();
+ }
+ });
+ initialOpenSheet = false;
+ }
+ else {
+ $("#luckysheet-sheet-list").html(item);
+ }
+ let $t = $("#luckysheet-sheet-list");
+ mouseclickposition($t, $(this).offset().left, $(this).offset().top - 12, "leftbottom");
+ $("#luckysheet-input-box").removeAttr("style");
+ });
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/core.js b/src/core.js
index 1714f628d..6440e5490 100644
--- a/src/core.js
+++ b/src/core.js
@@ -7,6 +7,13 @@ import luckysheetConfigsetting from './controllers/luckysheetConfigsetting';
import sheetmanage from './controllers/sheetmanage';
import luckysheetsizeauto from './controllers/resize';
import luckysheetHandler from './controllers/handler';
+import {initialFilterHandler} from './controllers/filter';
+import {initialMatrixOperation} from './controllers/matrixOperation';
+import {initialSheetBar} from './controllers/sheetBar';
+import {formulaBarInitial} from './controllers/formulaBar';
+import {rowColumnOperationInitial} from './controllers/rowColumnOperation';
+import {keyboardInitial} from './controllers/keyboard';
+import {orderByInitial} from './controllers/orderBy';
import {initPlugins} from './controllers/expendPlugins';
import {
@@ -99,7 +106,7 @@ luckysheet.create = function (setting) {
if (loadurl == "") {
sheetmanage.initialjfFile(menu, title);
- luckysheetHandler();
+ initialWorkBook();
else {
$.post(loadurl, {"gridKey" : server.gridKey}, function (d) {
@@ -108,7 +115,7 @@ luckysheet.create = function (setting) {
sheetmanage.initialjfFile(menu, title);
- luckysheetHandler();
+ initialWorkBook();
@@ -118,6 +125,17 @@ luckysheet.create = function (setting) {
+function initialWorkBook(){
+ luckysheetHandler();//Overall dom initialization
+ initialFilterHandler();//Filter initialization
+ initialMatrixOperation();//Right click matrix initialization
+ initialSheetBar();//bottom sheet bar initialization
+ formulaBarInitial();//top formula bar initialization
+ rowColumnOperationInitial();//row and coloumn operate initialization
+ keyboardInitial();//Keyboard operate initialization
+ orderByInitial();//menu bar orderby function initialization
luckysheet.getluckysheetfile = getluckysheetfile;
diff --git a/src/global/refresh.js b/src/global/refresh.js
index 4f3abe81f..32c6c16d9 100644
--- a/src/global/refresh.js
+++ b/src/global/refresh.js
@@ -268,7 +268,7 @@ function jfrefreshrange(data, range, cdformat) {
"curdata": data,
"range": range,
"sheetIndex": Store.currentSheetIndex,
- "cdformat": $.extend(true, [], luckysheetfile[getSheetIndex(Store.currentSheetIndex)]["luckysheet_conditionformat_save"]),
+ "cdformat": $.extend(true, [], Store.luckysheetfile[getSheetIndex(Store.currentSheetIndex)]["luckysheet_conditionformat_save"]),
"curCdformat": cdformat
diff --git a/src/locale/en.js b/src/locale/en.js
index 5a22c5e3e..e933a23f7 100644
--- a/src/locale/en.js
+++ b/src/locale/en.js
@@ -645,6 +645,13 @@ export default {
resetColor: 'Reset color',
cancelText: 'Cancel',
chooseText: 'Confirm color',
+ tipNameRepeat:"The name of the tab page cannot be repeated! Please revise",
+ noMoreSheet:"The workbook contains at least one visual worksheet. To delete the selected worksheet, please insert a new worksheet or show a hidden worksheet.",
+ confirmDelete:"Are you sure to delete",
+ redoDelete:"Can be undo by Ctrl+Z",
+ noHide:"Can't hide, at least keep one sheet tag",
+ chartEditNoOpt:"This operation is not allowed in chart editing mode!",
conditionformat: {
rule: 'Rule',
@@ -798,6 +805,9 @@ export default {
inputCorrect:"Please enter the correct value",
notLessOne:"The number of rows and columns cannot be less than 1",
offsetColumnLessZero:"The offset column cannot be negative!",
+ },
+ pivotTable:{
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/locale/zh.js b/src/locale/zh.js
index 5ef1e9b95..e5f8cb342 100644
--- a/src/locale/zh.js
+++ b/src/locale/zh.js
@@ -829,5 +829,8 @@ export default {
+ },
+ pivotTable:{