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237 lines (174 loc) · 5.88 KB

File metadata and controls

237 lines (174 loc) · 5.88 KB

Multiple variable assignments

Sometimes a simple assignment involves setting flags too. For instance, suppose on a 32-bit architecture machine that uses status flags, we have a program that adds 0xffffffff and 0x01, and then assigns the result to the register R2:

mov R2, 0xffffffff + 0x01

What is the semantics of this program? It adds 0xffffffff and 0x01 and assigns the result to R2, but it also sets the zero flag ZF and the overflow flag OF. In pseudo-core theory code:

  (set (var R2) (add (int 0xffffffff) (int 0x01)))
  (set (var ZF) (int 0x01))
  (set (var OF) (int 0x01))


In a new folder somewhere, create a file called with the following:

open Bap.Std

module T = Bap_core_theory.Theory
module KB = Bap_core_theory.KB

open KB.Let

let () = match Bap_main.init () with
  | Ok () -> ()
  | Error _ -> failwith "Error initializing BAP"

Create a function that creates a binary word of a certain size:

let create_word (i : int) (bits : int) : Bitvec.t =
  let m = Bitvec.modulus bits in
  Bitvec.(int i mod m)

Create a function that adds 0xffffffff and 0x01, assigns the result to R2, sets ZF and OF to 0x01, and then sequences those assignments into a block that ends with a fallthrough:

let provide_semantics (label : T.Label.t) : 'a T.effect KB.t =
  let* (module CT) = T.current in
  let* target = label in
  let bits = T.Target.bits target in
  let width = T.Bitv.define bits in

  let one_bv = create_word 0x01 bits in
  let max_int_bv = create_word 0xffffffff bits in

  let one = width one_bv in
  let max_int = width max_int_bv in

  let r2 = T.Var.define width "R2" in
  let z_flag = T.Var.define width "ZF" in
  let o_flag = T.Var.define width "OF" in

  let r2_assignment = CT.set r2 (CT.add max_int one) in
  let zf_assignment = CT.set z_flag one in
  let of_assignment = CT.set o_flag one in

  let data = CT.seq r2_assignment (CT.seq zf_assignment of_assignment) in
  let ctrl = KB.return (T.Effect.empty T.Effect.Sort.fall) in
  CT.blk label data ctrl

Register the function as a promise:

let () = KB.promise T.Semantics.slot provide_semantics

Add a function that creates a compilation unit:

let create_compilation_unit (target : T.Target.t) : T.Unit.t KB.t =
  let* comp_unit = KB.Object.create T.Unit.cls in
  let* () = KB.provide comp_unit target in
  KB.return comp_unit

Add a function that creates a program label and adds a compilation unit to it:

let create_program (addr : Bitvec.t) (target : T.Target.t) : T.Label.t KB.t =
  let* label = T.Label.for_addr addr in
  let* comp_unit = create_compilation_unit target in
  let* () = KB.provide T.Label.unit label (Some comp_unit) in
  KB.return label

Finally, generate the program and use Toplevel.eval to retrieve the semantics and print the result:

let () =
  let target = "bap:armv7+le" in
  let addr = Bitvec.(int 0x10400 mod m32) in
  let label = create_program addr target in
  let program = Toplevel.eval T.Semantics.slot label in
  Format.printf "%a\n%!" KB.Value.pp program

To summarize, the entire file looks like this:

open Bap.Std

module T = Bap_core_theory.Theory
module KB = Bap_core_theory.KB

open KB.Let

let () = match Bap_main.init () with
  | Ok () -> ()
  | Error _ -> failwith "Error initializing BAP"

let create_word (i : int) (bits : int) : Bitvec.t =
  let m = Bitvec.modulus bits in
  Bitvec.(int i mod m)

let provide_semantics (label : T.Label.t) : 'a T.effect KB.t =
  let* (module CT) = T.current in
  let* target = label in
  let bits = T.Target.bits target in
  let width = T.Bitv.define bits in

  let one_bv = create_word 0x01 bits in
  let max_int_bv = create_word 0xffffffff bits in

  let one = width one_bv in
  let max_int = width max_int_bv in

  let r2 = T.Var.define width "R2" in
  let z_flag = T.Var.define width "ZF" in
  let o_flag = T.Var.define width "OF" in

  let r2_assignment = CT.set r2 (CT.add max_int one) in
  let zf_assignment = CT.set z_flag one in
  let of_assignment = CT.set o_flag one in

  let data = CT.seq r2_assignment (CT.seq zf_assignment of_assignment) in
  let ctrl = KB.return (T.Effect.empty T.Effect.Sort.fall) in
  CT.blk label data ctrl

let () = KB.promise T.Semantics.slot provide_semantics

let create_compilation_unit (target : T.Target.t) : T.Unit.t KB.t =
  let* comp_unit = KB.Object.create T.Unit.cls in
  let* () = KB.provide comp_unit target in
  KB.return comp_unit

let create_program (addr : Bitvec.t) (target : T.Target.t) : T.Label.t KB.t =
  let* label = T.Label.for_addr addr in
  let* comp_unit = create_compilation_unit target in
  let* () = KB.provide T.Label.unit label (Some comp_unit) in
  KB.return label

let () =
  let target = "bap:armv7+le" in
  let addr = Bitvec.(int 0x10400 mod m32) in
  let label = create_program addr target in
  let program = Toplevel.eval T.Semantics.slot label in
  Format.printf "%a\n%!" KB.Value.pp program

Add a dune file:

  (name main)
  (libraries findlib.dynload bap))

Add a Makefile:

EXE := main.exe



all: clean run


.PHONY: clean
        dune clean

        dune build ./$(EXE)

run: build
        dune exec ./$(EXE)

Run the program:


It will print out the snapshot:

((bap:ir-graph "00000009:
                0000000c: R2 := 0
                0000000f: ZF := 1
                00000012: OF := 1")
 (bap:insn-dests (()))
 (bap:bir (%00000009))
 (bap:bil "{
             R2 := 0
             ZF := 1
             OF := 1

Clean up:

make clean