A compilation unit is a KB object (with its own set of slots), and it lives in the slot of a label, which is a parent object.
If we take a snapshot of the parent object (the label), and then we look in the compilation unit slot, we will find a compilation unit object.
If we want to inspect that object, we need to take a snapshot of it (so taking a snapshot of a parent object does not take a snapshot of children objects).
In a new folder somewhere, create a file called main.ml
with the following:
open Core_kernel
open Bap.Std
module T = Bap_core_theory.Theory
module KB = Bap_core_theory.KB
open KB.Let
let () = match Bap_main.init () with
| Ok () -> ()
| Error _ -> failwith "Error initializing BAP"
Add functions to create a label, a compilation unit, and a program:
let create_label (addr : Bitvec.t) : T.Label.t KB.t =
let* label = KB.Object.create T.Program.cls in
let* () = KB.provide T.Label.addr label (Some addr) in
KB.return label
let create_compilation_unit (target : T.Target.t) : T.Unit.t KB.t =
let* comp_unit = KB.Object.create T.Unit.cls in
let* () = KB.provide T.Unit.target comp_unit target in
KB.return comp_unit
let create_program (addr : Bitvec.t) (target : T.Target.t) : T.Label.t KB.t =
let* label = create_label addr in
let* comp_unit = create_compilation_unit target in
let* () = KB.provide T.Label.unit label (Some comp_unit) in
KB.return label
Add a function that takes a T.Unit.t option
and then uses KB.run
to take a snapshot:
let inspect_comp_unit (comp_unit : T.Unit.t option) (state : KB.state) : unit =
match comp_unit with
| Some comp_unit' ->
let result = KB.run T.Unit.cls (KB.return comp_unit') state in
match result with
| Ok (snapshot, _) ->
let target = KB.Value.get T.Unit.target snapshot in
Format.printf "- Target: %a\n%!" T.Target.pp target
| Error e -> Format.printf "Error: %a\n%!" KB.Conflict.pp e
| None -> Format.printf "No compilation unit\n%!"
Add a function that takes a program label and then uses KB.run
to take a snapshot:
let inspect_program (program : T.Label.t KB.t) (state : KB.state) : unit =
let result = KB.run T.Program.cls program state in
match result with
| Ok (snapshot, state') ->
let comp_unit = KB.Value.get T.Label.unit snapshot in
inspect_comp_unit comp_unit state'
| Error e -> Format.printf "Error: %a\n%!" KB.Conflict.pp e
Note that the above retrieves the compilation unit object from the T.Label.unit
slot in the snapshot, and then it applies inspect_comp_unit
to it.
Finally, create a program, and then inspect it:
let () =
let target = T.Target.read "bap:armv7+le" in
let addr = Bitvec.(int 0x10400 mod m32) in
let program = create_program addr target in
let state = Toplevel.current () in
inspect_program program state
To summarize, the entire main.ml
file looks like this:
open Core_kernel
open Bap.Std
module T = Bap_core_theory.Theory
module KB = Bap_core_theory.KB
open KB.Let
let () = match Bap_main.init () with
| Ok () -> ()
| Error _ -> failwith "Error initializing BAP"
let create_label (addr : Bitvec.t) : T.Label.t KB.t =
let* label = KB.Object.create T.Program.cls in
let* () = KB.provide T.Label.addr label (Some addr) in
KB.return label
let create_compilation_unit (target : T.Target.t) : T.Unit.t KB.t =
let* comp_unit = KB.Object.create T.Unit.cls in
let* () = KB.provide T.Unit.target comp_unit target in
KB.return comp_unit
let create_program (addr : Bitvec.t) (target : T.Target.t) : T.Label.t KB.t =
let* label = create_label addr in
let* comp_unit = create_compilation_unit target in
let* () = KB.provide T.Label.unit label (Some comp_unit) in
KB.return label
let inspect_comp_unit (comp_unit : T.Unit.t option) (state : KB.state) : unit =
match comp_unit with
| Some comp_unit' ->
let result = KB.run T.Unit.cls (KB.return comp_unit') state in
match result with
| Ok (snapshot, _) ->
let target = KB.Value.get T.Unit.target snapshot in
Format.printf "- Target: %a\n%!" T.Target.pp target
| Error e -> Format.printf "Error: %a\n%!" KB.Conflict.pp e
| None -> Format.printf "No compilation unit\n%!"
let inspect_program (program : T.Label.t KB.t) (state : KB.state) : unit =
let result = KB.run T.Program.cls program state in
match result with
| Ok (snapshot, state') ->
let comp_unit = KB.Value.get T.Label.unit snapshot in
inspect_comp_unit comp_unit state'
| Error e -> Format.printf "Error: %a\n%!" KB.Conflict.pp e
let () =
let target = T.Target.read "bap:armv7+le" in
let addr = Bitvec.(int 0x10400 mod m32) in
let program = create_program addr target in
let state = Toplevel.current () in
inspect_program program state
Add a dune
(name main)
(libraries findlib.dynload bap))
Add a Makefile
EXE := main.exe
all: clean run
.PHONY: clean
dune clean
dune build ./$(EXE)
run: build
dune exec ./$(EXE)
Run the program:
It will print out the target:
- Target: bap:armv7+le
Clean up:
make clean