Note: This repository has been moved to - Please contribute there!
Some utilities around the XRechnung Standard that is used in Germany and other countries for electronic invoicing.
This repository is young and the tools are in very early stage. It is a start to support this standard from open source. Contributions to this efforts are highly appreciated.
XRechnung documents can be created by the software Kraft (Github repo).
XRechnung samples can be found in the xrechnung-testsuite repository.
XRView is a Qt based viewer for the Desktop that renders XRechnung XML documents. It uses the official XSL stylesheets provided in the repository of the Koordinierungsstelle für IT-Standards.
Beside the rendering, it also extracts some important data from the XML and displays them in the overview pane.
To run XRView a configuration file has to be manually created first. Create a file in the users home directory in the local configuration directory, usually in $HOME/.config/xrview/xrview.conf
The config file has to look like:
The files need to be downloaded and stored on the computer. They can be downloaded here:
- Saxon: (Please make sure to only use
) - xrechnung-visualization: It contains the needed XSL stylesheets.
Start the viewer from the command line and pass one or more XML files in XRechnung format on the command line.
xrview /real/path/3321-342.xml
XRView is written in C++ using the Qt toolkit and cmake. Build as usual.