New development is taking place in dradis/dradis-ce.
This repo contains 2007->2015 code, from Dradis v1 to v3.0.
This repo lives here for archeological purposes.
Dradis is an open source collaboration framework, tailored to InfoSec teams.
- Share the information effectively.
- Easy to use, easy to be adopted. Otherwise it would present little benefit over other systems.
- Flexible: with a powerful and simple extensions interface.
- Small and portable. You should be able to use it while on site (no outside connectivity). It should be OS independent (no two testers use the same OS).
- Platform independent
- Markup support for the notes: text styles, code blocks, images, links, etc.
- Integration with existing systems and tools:
$ git clone
$ cd dradisframework/
$ ruby bin/setup
$ bundle exec rails server
You can browse to the app at http://localhost:3000/
In you will find the latest packages. (pending 3.0 release)
- Dradis Guides:
- Community Forums
- IRC: #dradis
Please see for details.
Many thanks to all Dradis Framework contributors.
Dradis Framework is released under GNU General Public License version 2.0