Create a Ripple website using the Nuxt.js framework in seconds
Make sure you have npx installed (npx
is shipped by default since npm 5.2.0
npx @dpc-sdp/create-ripple-app <my-project>
For updating Ripple to latest in your project:
npx @dpc-sdp/create-ripple-app /home/user1/my-project --config /home/user1/example.json --release latest
For updating Ripple to specific SDP release in your project:
npx @dpc-sdp/create-ripple-app /home/user1/my-project --config /home/user1/example.json --release 1.23.0
There are several methods of providing config options
- JSON file
You can provide a JSON file with the key/values to populate by passing the --config parameter(absolute path), eg:
npx @dpc-sdp/create-ripple-app --config /home/user1/example.json
The JSON file should include the keys to populate, if there are missing keys you will then be asked to interactively add them.
Example JSON file
"name": "projectname",
"author": "DPC",
"description": "My great project",
"modules": "site,alert,grants",
"backendurl": "",
"siteid": "4",
"authuser": "shielduser",
"authpass": "shieldpass",
"gtmtoken": "GTM-123456-1"
- Commandline parameters
You can pass all options as parameters to create-ripple-app eg:
npx @dpc-sdp/create-ripple-app --name projectname --author DPC --modules grant,site,alert,authenticatedContent --siteid 4 --authuser userid --authpass userpass --gtmtoken GTM-123456-1
- Interactively
If no parameters are passed (or if required parameters are missing) then you will be asked for each missing option interactively. To choose modules use the arrow keys to move and space bar to make a selection.