Author | Period | State |
Dmitri Pal | December, 2022 | Draft |
This document describes the detailed architecture of the Enarx attestation workflow. For a more high level view and concepts related to Confidential Computing Attestation flow please read the following document.
- Participants:
Name | Purpose/Function | Optional |
Drawbridge | Text | Text |
Steward | Text | Text |
Host | Text | Text |
Guest | Text | Text |
Relying party | Text | Text |
- Actors:
Name | Role/Function |
Publisher | Text |
Administrator | Text |
:::danger TODO Update assumption about the Steward :::
- Either:
- A public (Profian operated) instance of Steward service is accessible to the parties listed in the flows.
- Customer deploys a private Steward service accessible to the parties listed in the flows.
- Either:
- A public (Profian operated) instance of Drawbridge service is accessible the parties listed in the flows.
- Customer deploys a private Drawbridge service accessible to the parties listed in the flows.
- Drawbridge is configured to use a specific instance of Steward (in general, a customer can choose to use different instances of Steward for different workloads). By default, without any override, the deployed public or private instance of Drawbridge assumes the public instance of Steward. This means that a private instance of Drawbridge will work with a public or private (if deployed and configured) instance of Steward, but some instance of Steward is always required.
- Developer has created a workload and compiled it to WebAssembly generating WASM bytecode binary.
- This sequence starts by the Publisher. Publisher is the person responsible for making a workload available for execution. In some cases a Publisher can be a developer, but in general these roles are separate.
- During this phase the Publisher prepares a workload and uploads it into the workload registry - Drawbridge.
- The sequence ends by the Publisher receiving the results of the upload from the registry.
:::info Terminology:
- wasm - WASM bytecode, i.e. the application complied to WASM binary.
- config - Workload configuration data (TOML).
- assets - Additional data that the Publisher might want to package with the workload. This data is placed on the virtual filesystem of the keep, once the workload is delivered to the keep.
- workload - A wasm application with config data and assets data.
- keep - TEE with WebAssembly run-time plus Enarx logic. Keeps are where customer workloads run. For more information see the documentation.
- Public workload - a workload that can be downloaded by any execution environment without limitations. It does not require the keep to authenticate to get it.
- Private workload - a workload that can be released only to the keep that passed attestation security checks.
enarx publish
- The command line to talk to Drawbridge and upload the workload.- wdig - The digest of the workload. This is a top level hash of the workload package stored in the Drawbridge. Different parts of the workload are stored in Drawbridge together with the Merkle tree of hashes.
- wsigkey - Publisher's public key used to sign the workload during the upload process.
- wsig - the workload signature. It is created during the upload of the workload. The signature includes the public key of the Publisher used to create the signature - wsigkey.
- Deployment token - A random string to bind a specific workload to a specific environment where keep is running. A default deployment token is always generated and returned by Drawbridge when Publisher uploads a private workload.
- slug - a workload identifier.
- Format: [domain]//:
- [domain] - optional part that used to construct the URL for the Drawbridge server. If omitted the default Profian server located at is assumed.
- - The logical organization that workload belongs to. The organization shares common set of users who can perform different operations within the namespace based on the defined individual permissions.
- - the name of the workload assigned by publisher
- - the version of the workload specified by publisher
- Example: :::
- Format: [domain]//:
:::danger Todo Update the deployment information to include the information about priming and keeping the information Systemd service Operator Tool to fetch and store the CPU and related keys data. Var/cache/Intel/SGX var/cache/AMD-SEV - local machine certificate in the cert chain for attestation it comes from AMD and needs refreshed periodically after the firmware update Vendor information Top part of the chain is baked into Steward Middle and bottom is needed Bottom is generated Middle is not keep specific Middle part of the chain is CPU information VCEK certificate PCK certificate Certificate chain CRL Store as is what we fetched :::
actor publisher
participant drawbridge
publisher ->> publisher: Prepares a workload on a local filesystem.
Note right of publisher: A workload contains:<br>wasm(s), config and assets.
publisher ->> publisher: Stages workload via `enarx publish`.<br>Optionally provides his own signing key - wsigkey.
Note right of publisher: Provides arguments:<br>namespace<br>name<br>version<br>private/public<br>return wdig?
opt Publisher provided wsigkey
publisher ->> publisher: `enarx publish` signs workload with wsigkey.<br>The corresponding Publisher's private key<br>never leaves the system.
publisher ->> drawbridge: Upload workload.<br>Authenticated using<br>Publisher's credentials.
drawbridge ->> drawbridge: Stores workload.<br>Generates its own signatures and wdig.<br>Generates dtoken<br>(for private workloads only).
drawbridge ->> publisher: Success +<br>Workload identifier (slug) +<br>dtoken (private only) +<br>wdig (if requested).
:::success Notes:
If the signing key pair is not provided by Publisher, no signature is created. The signing provides an extra level of security to prove that the workload has not been tampered with. It is optional. It is highly recommended for the production workloads but can be omitted in development.
To limit the deployment of the specific workloads to specific environments, Publisher can define additional deployment tokens for different environments. The API and CLI to do this are out of scope of this document.
- Additionally the doployment tokens (dtokens) can be:
- Valid for a specific time, i.e have an expriation date
- Valid for a number of uses, for example sinlge use or limited number of launches.
- Revoked by Publisher
- Updated by Publisher to change/extend lifetime or number of uses
- The details of the deployment token managment are out of scope of this document.
- Additionally the doployment tokens (dtokens) can be:
As a result of this phase the Publisher is expected to collect the following information and make it available later at PHASE 3.
- slug - it will be used as a required argument for workload deployment.
- dtoken - Deployment token required for private workloads only.
- wsigkey - the Publisher's public key used to sign the workload. An optional argument at PHASE 3.
- wdig - the hash of the workload as Drawbridge knows it. An optional argument at PHASE 3. :::
The Enarx binaries include two parts:
- The client side part that, i.e. Enarx client, - the CLI that runs on a host
- The bits that run in the keep:
- Low level shim that abstracts the hardware
- WebAssembly run-time - WasmTime
- Enarx keep logic
In phases shown below, the Host refers to the full system that hosts Enarx CLI. The Guest refers to the "Enarx keep logic" deployed into TEE on the target host together with shim and run-time.
The provisioning of the Enarx bits happens outside the attestation flow and is not demonstrated below. In general the Enarx bits need to be somehow delivered or installed on the target system - host. The delivery mechanism varies, depending on customer preferences.
The primary options are:
- Enarx binaries are installed on the host using RPM or a similar packaging system. This can be orchestrated by some provisioning and/or automation tools or done manually.
- Enarx binaries are packaged in a container, and the container is deployed towards a target node. The mechanism of how it is done (Docker, Kubernetes or something else) is not relevant here.
As a result the bits are installed on a target host and ready to accept a workload.
:::success Notes:
- This phase can be done anytime before PHASE 1. :::
This phase is broken into sub-phases for readability of the diagrams. The sub-phases in this phase are a part of the single uninterrupted flow.
- This phase starts with the invocation of the Enarx CLI on the Host. The CLI can be involved manually or using some other tools or automation. The nature of this invocation is irrelevant to the flow.
- The CLI starts the workflow using
enarx deploy slug
command. From this point on, the CLI is blocked waiting for the workload to exit. If an error is encountered in any part of the flow below, the Enarx keep (the Guest) exits and the error is returned to the CLI (the Host). - The goal of this phase is to make sure that the Guest has the right metadata and that the metadata is correct.
- The phase ends when the Guest finishes the preliminary checks or determines that no checks are possible.
participant drawbridge
participant guest
participant host
host ->> guest: slug +<br>[wdig] + [wsigkey] + [dtoken]
Note left of host: See slug format<br>in the notes
guest ->> drawbridge: Get workload public<br>metadata using slug<br>and [dtoken]
alt Host gave dtoken
drawbridge ->> drawbridge: Check if dtoken<br>matches one of<br>the dtokens on<br>the workload
alt dtoken matches
drawbridge ->> guest: Steward URL<br>+ wdig [+ wsig]
else dtoken does not match
drawbridge ->> guest: Error
else host did not provide dtoken
alt workload is public
drawbridge ->> guest: Steward URL<br>+ wdig [+ wsig]
else workload is private
drawbridge ->> guest: Error
opt Host gave wdig
guest ->> guest: Validate wdig equality
opt Metadata<br>has wsig
guest ->> guest: Validate workload<br>signature
Note over guest: This validates<br>the signature<br>but NOT trust<br>of the pubkey
opt Host gave<br>wsigkey
guest ->> guest: Check wsigkey<br>equality
Note over guest: This validates<br>the that the signature<br>was created with<br>the provided wsigkey
:::danger TODO Steward URL is optional and defined by the TOML file for the workload :::
:::success Notes:
- Providing optional arguments helps to reduce attack surface in different scenarios.
- wdig is optional to pass from the host. Having a wdig passed to host out of band helps to make sure that the workload has not been tampered with by hajacking Drawbridge or spoofing DNS. It adds a level of security and is highly recommended for production deployments of private workloads.
- wsigkey is optional to pass from the host. Having a wsigkey passed to host out of band helps to make sure that the workload has not been tampered with by replacing the workload in Drawbridge by someone who hijacked Publisher's account in Drawbridge. It is highly recommended for private production workloads.
- dtoken is optional for public workloads and required for private workloads to make sure that the workload is allowed to be released to the specific environment, the host that run the keep. dtoken should be delivered to the host out of band and viewed as a secret that grants the environment the right to run the workload. If dtoken is stolen and used in another environment, that environment would be able to launch the workload. While the attacker would not be able to get inside the workload and see its data, he would be able to observe the workload behavior from the outside in the environment he controls.
- Any failure to check wdig or wsig is fatal.
- wdig is only validated if Host provided it as apart from the command line, otherwise no check is conducted.
- wsig contains the public key of the Publisher. The key is extracted from the wsig and then the signature is verified. This is the semantic verification. At this point there is no verification that the signing key, the Publisher used, is trusted. :::
After completing validations described in the previous phase, Guest establishes the workload identity.
- The phase starts with the Guest collecting necessary data.
- The goal of the phase is to acquire a certificate.
- Depending on the configuration the phase ends with the Guest having a PKI pair with a certificate either signed by Steward, in case the keep is deployed into a real TEE or with the self-signed certificate, if the keep is outside the real TEE. The latter is used for testing and development and not recommended as a part of the production workflow.
:::info Terminology:
- CSR - Certificate Signing Request
- SAN - Subject Alternative Name
- attestation blob - is a blob returned by the hardware. Its format is highly hardware implementation specific. The data blob contains the input signed by the key in embedded in hardware and other data including the certificate chain. The certificate chain can be extracted from this blob and validated at the later stages. :::
guest ->> guest: Get platform type<br>[nil, kvm, sgx, snp]
guest ->> guest: Generate TLS keypair
Note right of guest: Cert URI SAN: slug [w/o wdig]
Note right of guest: Cert URI SAN: wdig
opt wsig is present
Note right of guest: Cert URI SAN: hash(wsig pubkey)
alt Keep = (SGX || SEV)
guest ->> guest: Get attestation blob<br>(hash(TLS pubkey))
Note right of guest: Cert Extension: attestation blob
Note right of guest: Attestation blob contains<br>measurements of the Enarx runtime
guest ->> guest: Generate signed CSR<br>for TLS keypair
guest ->> steward: CSR (Steward API)
steward ->> steward: Validate attestation*
Note right of steward: *see documentation<br>for the Steward side<br>of the verification<br>process
steward ->> guest: cert
else Not a keep
guest ->> guest: issue self-signed cert
:::danger TODO Do privately signed certificate every time Send it instead of CSR to Steward in case of a real Keep Steward parses , verifies and signs, sends back a Steward sign cert There is one private key with two certs The workload will be able to choose which one to use with relying party Self-signed cert without the attestation blob is the complete leap of faith and should not be used in production
AMD ASN1 code needs to support cached CRLs
We package as a part of different binary blobs of the same extension using ASN1
ASN object will have a s
Additional field for CRLs
:::success Notes:
- The platform type is determined by a system call with NULL storage argument. The call returns the type of the keep. At the moment of writing the real keeps are SGX and SEV. Other types of keeps will be supported in the future.
- CSR includes the SAN with URIs of: slug, wdig and optionally the hash of the wsig pubkey. The hash is used for compactness since wsig pubkey (and wsig it is extracted from) can be quite big.
- The attestation blob is placed into a separate extension
- The CSR request to Steward is a simple API call. There is no sense to make this protocol to adhere to any standard. Following a standard assumes that there might be alternative implementations of Steward. However, since the operation the Steward performs is very specific for the flow, there is no sense to have an alternative implementation.
- Steward documentation mentioned in the diagram.
- Code to place the extension into the CSR :::
- This part of the flow starts when Guest acquired or generated a self-signed cert.
- The goal of this phase to acquire and download the workload
- The phase ends with the running workload.
guest ->> drawbridge: TLS client auth using cert
Note right of drawbridge: If public workload || <br>(private workload &&<br> signed certificate)<br> => Success!<br>Else=> Failure
loop Recursively fetch workload contents
guest ->> drawbridge: Fetch one workload content item
drawbridge ->> guest: workload content item
guest ->> guest: Validate workload content item digest
guest ->> guest: Start running workload
:::success Notes:
- If Guest is requesting a public workload, the signed certificate is not required. The workload will be released to a request with a self-signed cert. A private workload requires a properly attested and signed certificate. :::
- This phase is workload specific.
- It starts with the workload running and defining a socket to either connect to external service or accept an external connection.
- The phase ends when the workload is optionally attested by the relying party defined by the deployment.
alt Connection originator is the keep
guest ->> relparty: TLS auth via cert (server or client)
else Connection originator is the relying party
relparty ->> guest: TLS auth via cert (server or client)
Note over relparty: Verification of the<br>TLS connection.<br>Relparty applies its own checks<br>to validate the certificate<br>issued by Steward.
:::success Notes:
- It is highly recommended to make the workload connect to the relying party in some way. The validation of the Steward issued certificate is the final step verifying that all the elements of the flow have been executed and nothing has been hijacked or tampered with.
- It is expected that the workload would either set a socket for external client to connect to it or will make a connection itself to some other service. The protocol of this connection is workload specific. The connection is enforced by Enarx to be TLS and controlled by the workload policy specified in the TOML file, which is downloaded as a part of the application. The policy expressed in the TOML file would define what keys should be used for the TLS connection and how. This means that the peer will be able to act as a relying party and perform the certificate validation during the handshake the way it prefers. The secondary keys can be then downloaded by the application over this connection giving the workload an ability to authenticate against some other service with this secondary keys. How the downloaded secondary secrets become a part of the Networking policy for other sockets opened later is out of scope of this document.
- If the workload acts as a server is accepting connections, its hostname is a part of the networking configuration of the host. It should be defined and communicated to the relying party out of band using standard procedures that are outside the scope of this document. :::