diff --git a/src/System.Private.ServiceModel/tools/scripts/sync-pr.cmd b/src/System.Private.ServiceModel/tools/scripts/sync-pr.cmd index caf66a555b7..ed21c567eda 100755 --- a/src/System.Private.ServiceModel/tools/scripts/sync-pr.cmd +++ b/src/System.Private.ServiceModel/tools/scripts/sync-pr.cmd @@ -72,8 +72,8 @@ if "%4"=="" ( ) REM Disregard the chevrons and quotataions in the next line - it's to output the correct ampersand character to PowerShell -REM We have to duplicate the request URL below for output and for PowerShell because of Powershell's crazy escape sequences interacting -REM badly with cmd's crazy and conflicting escape sequences +REM We have to duplicate the request URL below for output and for PowerShell because of Powershell's escape sequences interacting +REM badly with cmd's conflicting escape sequences echo [%~n0] Making call to %__SYNC_HOST_URL%?id=%__REPO_ID%^&%__OPERATION_MODE%=%__BRANCH_OR_PR_ID% powershell -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy unrestricted -Command "(New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString('%__SYNC_HOST_URL%?id=%__REPO_ID%&%__OPERATION_MODE%=%__BRANCH_OR_PR_ID%');"