Extension vscode.configuration-editing does not contribute csharpExtensionLoadPaths Extension vscode.css-language-features does not contribute csharpExtensionLoadPaths Extension vscode.debug-auto-launch does not contribute csharpExtensionLoadPaths Extension vscode.debug-server-ready does not contribute csharpExtensionLoadPaths Extension vscode.emmet does not contribute csharpExtensionLoadPaths Extension vscode.extension-editing does not contribute csharpExtensionLoadPaths Extension vscode.git does not contribute csharpExtensionLoadPaths Extension vscode.git-base does not contribute csharpExtensionLoadPaths Extension vscode.github does not contribute csharpExtensionLoadPaths Extension vscode.grunt does not contribute csharpExtensionLoadPaths Extension vscode.gulp does not contribute csharpExtensionLoadPaths Extension vscode.html-language-features does not contribute csharpExtensionLoadPaths Extension vscode.ipynb does not contribute csharpExtensionLoadPaths Extension vscode.jake does not contribute csharpExtensionLoadPaths Extension vscode.json-language-features does not contribute csharpExtensionLoadPaths Extension vscode.markdown-language-features does not contribute csharpExtensionLoadPaths Extension vscode.markdown-math does not contribute csharpExtensionLoadPaths Extension vscode.merge-conflict does not contribute csharpExtensionLoadPaths Extension ms-vscode.js-debug does not contribute csharpExtensionLoadPaths Extension ms-vscode.vscode-js-profile-table does not contribute csharpExtensionLoadPaths Extension vscode.npm does not contribute csharpExtensionLoadPaths Extension vscode.php-language-features does not contribute csharpExtensionLoadPaths Extension vscode.references-view does not contribute csharpExtensionLoadPaths Extension vscode.search-result does not contribute csharpExtensionLoadPaths Extension vscode.typescript-language-features does not contribute csharpExtensionLoadPaths Extension formulahendry.dotnet-test-explorer does not contribute csharpExtensionLoadPaths Extension fredericbonnet.cmake-test-adapter does not contribute csharpExtensionLoadPaths Extension hbenl.vscode-test-explorer does not contribute csharpExtensionLoadPaths Extension jmrog.vscode-nuget-package-manager does not contribute csharpExtensionLoadPaths Extension jvcdk-at-github.vscode-commandline-test-adapter does not contribute csharpExtensionLoadPaths Extension k--kato.docomment does not contribute csharpExtensionLoadPaths Extension ms-dotnettools.csharp does not contribute csharpExtensionLoadPaths Extension ms-dotnettools.vscode-dotnet-runtime does not contribute csharpExtensionLoadPaths Extension ms-vscode.cmake-tools does not contribute csharpExtensionLoadPaths Extension ms-vscode.cpptools does not contribute csharpExtensionLoadPaths Extension ms-vscode.test-adapter-converter does not contribute csharpExtensionLoadPaths Extension qcz.text-power-tools does not contribute csharpExtensionLoadPaths Extension redhat.vscode-yaml does not contribute csharpExtensionLoadPaths Extension streetsidesoftware.code-spell-checker does not contribute csharpExtensionLoadPaths Extension twxs.cmake does not contribute csharpExtensionLoadPaths [Trace - 3:46:47 PM] Sending notification 'initialized'. Params: {} [Trace - 3:46:47 PM] Sending notification 'textDocument/didOpen'. Params: { "textDocument": { "uri": "file:///workspaces/leaf-compiler-gameengine/compiler/CompilerCore/src/Output/BinaryOutput/PartialCompilers/ActionListCompiler.cs", "languageId": "csharp", "version": 1, "text": "using System;\nusing System.Collections.Generic;\nusing System.Diagnostics;\nusing System.IO;\nusing System.Linq;\nusing CompilerCore.Compiling;\nusing CompilerCore.Compiling.Phases;\nusing CompilerCore.Generated;\nusing CompilerCore.Interfaces;\nusing CompilerCore.Model;\nusing CompilerCore.Model.Modules;\nusing Util;\n\nnamespace CompilerCore.Output.BinaryOutput.PartialCompilers\n{\n using AlAddrType = UInt16;\n\n internal class CompiledActionList\n {\n public int IndexId = -1;\n public IList Bytecode = null;\n public CodeReference CodeRef = null;\n }\n\n /// \n /// This phase:\n /// - compiles ActionLists from GameDefinition into bytecode\n /// - generates indices for all active action lists\n /// - inlines internal action lists (of type ActionList) when possible\n /// (only non-recursive and not referenced from rules or constants)\n /// - partitions too large action lists into action lists that are supported by GE \n /// \n public class ActionListCompiler : PrimitiveParser, IBinaryCompiler\n {\n internal readonly Dictionary CompiledActionLists = new Dictionary();\n private readonly HashSet _actionListStack = new HashSet();\n private readonly BinaryAnimationCompiler _binaryAnimationCompiler;\n private readonly bool _convertGameModelBeforeCompilation;\n private bool _skipRecursionCheckForNextCall;\n private const string StaticKeyword = \"Static\";\n private const string DynamicKeyword = \"Dynamic\";\n private int _nextCompiledActionListIndexId;\n private readonly bool _validate;\n private const int BytesToReserveForRunActionListCall = 24;\n public const int PointerSize = sizeof(AlAddrType);\n\n public static int MaxActionListSpace { get => UInt16.MaxValue * SharedConstants.ActionListAddressUnits; }\n public static int MaxActionLists { get => UInt16.MaxValue - SharedConstants.ActionListIdOffset; }\n\n public ActionListCompiler(GameDefinition gameDefinition, ILeafCompiler parentCompiler, BinaryAnimationCompiler binaryAnimationCompiler = null, bool validate = true) :\n base(gameDefinition, parentCompiler)\n {\n Debug.Assert(parentCompiler != null);\n _binaryAnimationCompiler = binaryAnimationCompiler;\n _validate = validate;\n InitActionListOffsets();\n }\n\n public ActionListCompiler(GameModel gameModel, ILeafCompiler parentCompiler, bool validate = true, bool convertGameModel = false) :\n base(gameModel, parentCompiler)\n {\n Debug.Assert(parentCompiler != null);\n _binaryAnimationCompiler = null;\n _validate = validate;\n if (convertGameModel)\n {\n GameDefinition = new GameModelToGameDefinitionConverter(ParentCompiler).Compile(gameModel);\n InitActionListOffsets();\n }\n else\n {\n GameDefinition = new GameDefinition(gameModel, parentCompiler);\n _convertGameModelBeforeCompilation = true;\n }\n }\n\n private void InitActionListOffsets()\n {\n _nextCompiledActionListIndexId = 0;\n CompiledActionLists.Clear();\n foreach(var al in GameDefinition.DirectlyUsedActionLists())\n CreateCompiledActionList(al.Key, al.Value.CodeReference);\n }\n\n private CompiledActionList CreateCompiledActionList(string actionListId, CodeReference codeRef)\n {\n var actionList = new CompiledActionList() {\n CodeRef = codeRef,\n IndexId = _nextCompiledActionListIndexId++\n };\n\n CompiledActionLists.Add(actionListId, actionList);\n return actionList;\n } \n \n public ushort[] GetActionListIndices()\n {\n var als = CompiledActionLists.Values.ToList();\n if(als.Count == 0)\n return new ushort[0];\n\n var result = new ushort[als.Count + 1];\n result[0] = 0;\n for(var i = 0; i < als.Count; i++) {\n var al = als[i];\n if(al.IndexId > MaxActionLists)\n throw new CompilerException($\"Action List Index Id exceeded max value. Got {al.IndexId}. Max: {MaxActionLists}.\", al.CodeRef);\n\n if(i == 0) {\n if(al.IndexId != 0)\n throw new Exception(\"Programming error: Expected index id of first Action List to be zero.\");\n }\n else {\n if(al.IndexId != als[i-1].IndexId + 1)\n throw new Exception(\"Programming error: Expected index id to be one higher than previous.\");\n }\n\n if(al.Bytecode.Count % SharedConstants.ActionListAddressUnits != 0)\n throw new Exception(\"Programming error: Action List was not padded to correct length.\");\n var addr = result[i] + al.Bytecode.Count / SharedConstants.ActionListAddressUnits;\n if(addr > AlAddrType.MaxValue)\n throw new CompilerException($\"Action List Address exceeded max value. Got {addr}. Max: {AlAddrType.MaxValue}.\", al.CodeRef);\n result[i+1] = (AlAddrType) addr;\n }\n return result;\n }\n\n /// Generates byte code for action list indices section\n public byte[] GetActionListIndexSection()\n {\n var indices = GetActionListIndices();\n var result = new byte[indices.Length * PointerSize];\n Buffer.BlockCopy(indices, 0, result, 0, result.Length);\n return result;\n }\n \n public byte[] Compile(IGameValidator gameValidator = null)\n {\n if (_convertGameModelBeforeCompilation) {\n GameDefinition = new GameModelToGameDefinitionConverter(ParentCompiler).Compile(GameDefinition);\n InitActionListOffsets();\n }\n\n return Compile(GameDefinition, gameValidator);\n }\n\n /// Compiles ActionLists from GameDefinition into bytecode\n public byte[] Compile(GameDefinition gameDefinition, IGameValidator gameValidator)\n {\n if (gameValidator != null)\n {\n gameValidator.SetGame(gameDefinition);\n gameValidator.ValidateActionLists();\n }\n\n foreach(var al in CompiledActionLists.ToList())\n CompiledActionLists[al.Key].Bytecode = CompileActionList(gameDefinition.ActionLists[al.Key], al.Key, inner: false);\n\n var actionListsBytes = GetBytecode();\n return actionListsBytes.ToArray();\n }\n\n /// Generates bytecode from compiled action lists \n private List GetBytecode()\n {\n var alByteCode = CompiledActionLists.Select(al => al.Value.Bytecode).ToList();\n if(alByteCode.Any(bc => bc == null))\n throw new Exception($\"Programming error: Action List was registered as used but was not compiled.\");\n\n return alByteCode.SelectMany(bc => bc).ToList();\n }\n\n private IList CompileActionList(ActionListWithArgsModel actionList, string actionListId, bool inner)\n {\n var result = new List();\n for (var i = 0; i < actionList.Actions.Count; i++)\n {\n var action = actionList.Actions.ElementAt(i);\n if (!CompileParams(actionListId, actionList, action.PrimitiveId, action.Parameters, out var paramBytes, out var error, _validate))\n {\n if (_validate)\n throw new CompilerException(error, actionList);\n }\n \n if (result.Count > SharedConstants.MaxActionListSize - BytesToReserveForRunActionListCall) // reserve some space for appended RunActionListX call\n {\n // generate new action list with the remaining of actions and run it\n PartitionActionListIntoTwo(actionListId, actionList, i, result);\n break;\n }\n result.Add(IntToByte((int)action.PrimitiveId, actionList));\n var parameters = paramBytes.ToList();\n result.AddRange(parameters);\n }\n result.Add((byte) SharedConstants.Primitive.EndOfList);\n\n if(!inner)\n while(result.Count % SharedConstants.ActionListAddressUnits != 0)\n result.Add(0); // Does not matter\n\n if (result.Count > SharedConstants.MaxActionListSize)\n throw new FatalCompilerException(\n $\"Action list {actionListId} is {result.Count} bytes which exceeds max action lists size of {SharedConstants.MaxActionListSize}\", actionList);\n\n return result;\n }\n\n private void PartitionActionListIntoTwo(string actionListId, ActionListWithArgsModel actionList, int splitPoint, List parentBytecode)\n {\n var generatedActionListId = GameDefinition.GetNewActionListName(actionListId, \"Continued\");\n var args = actionList.Arguments;\n var remainingCount = actionList.Actions.Count - splitPoint;\n var remainingActions = actionList.Actions.GetRange(splitPoint, remainingCount);\n actionList.Actions.RemoveRange(splitPoint, remainingCount);\n var remainingActionsModel = new ActionListWithArgsModel(actionList);\n foreach (var item in remainingActions)\n remainingActionsModel.Actions.Add(item);\n\n GameDefinition.ActionLists.Add(generatedActionListId, remainingActionsModel);\n var compiledAl = CreateCompiledActionList(generatedActionListId, remainingActionsModel.CodeReference);\n compiledAl.Bytecode = CompileActionList(remainingActionsModel, generatedActionListId, inner: false);\n ParentCompiler.ExtraInfo($\"Generated continued action list: {generatedActionListId}\");\n\n var runAction = GetAppropriateRunActionListAction(generatedActionListId, args, actionList);\n if (runAction == null)\n throw new CompilerException($\"Action list {actionListId} call has wrong number of arguments ({args.Count})\", actionList);\n\n var runActions = new ActionListModel(actionList) { runAction };\n var generatedRunActionListId = GameDefinition.GetNewActionListName(actionListId, \"RunContinued\");\n actionList.Actions.Add(runAction);\n var callNextAlBytecode = CompileActionList(new ActionListWithArgsModel(runActions, args), generatedRunActionListId, inner: true);\n ParentCompiler.ExtraInfo($\"Generated run continued action list: {generatedRunActionListId}\");\n parentBytecode.AddRange(callNextAlBytecode);\n }\n\n public byte[] ParseParameter(List arguments, SharedConstants.Primitive primitiveId, object parameter, ref SharedConstants.PrimitiveParameterType parameterType, ICodeReferenced codeRef, bool validate = true)\n {\n if (TryParseParameter(arguments, primitiveId, parameter, ref parameterType, out var value, codeRef, validate) && value.HasValue)\n {\n if (Enum.TryParse(parameterType.ToString(), out var size))\n {\n var bytes = (int)size;\n if (bytes == 2)\n {\n return BitConverter.GetBytes(value.Value);\n }\n if (bytes == 1)\n {\n if (value.Value > byte.MaxValue) throw new FatalCompilerException($\"Uint8 value out of range: {value.Value}\", codeRef);\n return new [] {(byte)value.Value};\n \n }\n throw new FatalCompilerException($\"Type {parameterType} is not supported in PrimitiveParser.ParseParameter\", codeRef);\n }\n }\n\n try\n {\n var parameterString = parameter.ToString();\n switch (parameterType)\n {\n case SharedConstants.PrimitiveParameterType.ActionListId:\n {\n var actionListId = GameDefinition.GetResolvedActionList(parameterString);\n if (_skipRecursionCheckForNextCall)\n {\n _skipRecursionCheckForNextCall = false;\n }\n else if (validate)\n {\n ValidateActionListRecursion(primitiveId, actionListId, codeRef);\n }\n\n var result = ParseActionListId(actionListId, codeRef);\n return result;\n }\n case SharedConstants.PrimitiveParameterType.ActionList:\n return ParseActionList(parameterString, arguments, codeRef, validate);\n case SharedConstants.PrimitiveParameterType.Argument:\n return ParseArgument( parameterString, arguments, codeRef);\n case SharedConstants.PrimitiveParameterType.Uint8:\n TryParseInt8(parameterString, codeRef, validate: true, out byte? byteval); // validate == true => throw on error\n return new[] {byteval.Value};\n case SharedConstants.PrimitiveParameterType.Animation:\n return ParseAnimation(parameterString, codeRef);\n case SharedConstants.PrimitiveParameterType.Uint8Array:\n return ParseInt8Array((IEnumerable) parameter, codeRef);\n case SharedConstants.PrimitiveParameterType.Uint16Array:\n return ParseUInt16Array(parameter as IEnumerable, codeRef);\n case SharedConstants.PrimitiveParameterType.CounterArray:\n return ParseCounterArray(parameter as IEnumerable, codeRef);\n case SharedConstants.PrimitiveParameterType.ActionListArray:\n return ParseActionListArray(parameter as IEnumerable, codeRef);\n case SharedConstants.PrimitiveParameterType.ModuleSelf:\n if (parameterString.Equals(ModuleUtils.ModuleString))\n return new byte[0];\n throw new CompilerException($\"Expected keyword was not ModuleSelf: {parameterString}\");\n default:\n throw new CompilerException($\"Unsupported parameter: {parameterString} ({parameterType})\");\n }\n }\n catch (FatalCompilerException)\n {\n throw;\n }\n catch (CompilerException)\n {\n if (validate) throw;\n return null;\n }\n catch (Exception)\n {\n return null;\n }\n }\n\n public bool CompileParams(string actionListName, ActionListWithArgsModel actionList, SharedConstants.Primitive primitiveId, ActionParametersModel actionParams, out IEnumerable result, out string error, bool validate = true)\n {\n error = \"\";\n if (validate && !ValidateParams(primitiveId, actionParams, out error)) {\n result = null;\n return false;\n }\n\n var paramBytes = new List();\n var primitiveParameters = SharedConstants.PrimitiveParameters[primitiveId];\n for (var i = 0; i < primitiveParameters.Count; i++)\n {\n if (CompileParam(actionListName, actionList, primitiveId, actionParams, i, paramBytes, out error,\n validate)) continue;\n result = null;\n return false;\n }\n\n result = paramBytes;\n return true;\n }\n\n private bool CompileParam(string actionListName, ActionListWithArgsModel actionList, SharedConstants.Primitive primitiveId, ActionParametersModel parameters, int i,\n List paramBytes, out string error, bool validate = true)\n {\n error = \"\";\n IList actionParams = parameters.Values.ToList();\n var actionParam = actionParams[i];\n var typeList = SharedConstants.PrimitiveParameters[primitiveId][i];\n\n var isStaticParameter = typeList.StaticType || typeList.Types.Length == 1;\n if (CompileParam(actionList, primitiveId, paramBytes, actionParam,\n isStaticParameter, parameters, validate)) return true;\n var parameterType = isStaticParameter ? StaticKeyword : DynamicKeyword;\n error =\n $\"{parameterType} parameter {i} ({CompilerCore.Compiling.Util.FormatSingleElementOrList(actionParam.Value)}, type: [{string.Join(\",\", typeList.Types)}]) failed to parse for primitive: {primitiveId} in {actionListName}\";\n return false;\n }\n \n private bool CompileParam(ActionListWithArgsModel actionList, SharedConstants.Primitive primitiveId, List paramBytes, ActionParameter actionParameter, bool isStaticParameter, ICodeReferenced codeRef, bool validate = true)\n {\n var parameterType = actionParameter.Type;\n // if action parameter includes module, add module bitmask to the type and put module reference before the actual parameter\n if (actionParameter.HasModule()) \n {\n var module = actionParameter.GetModuleName();\n var moduleRefType = actionParameter.GetModuleType();\n var moduleRefBytes = ParseParameter(actionList.Arguments, primitiveId, module, ref moduleRefType, codeRef, validate);\n moduleRefType |= SharedConstants.PrimitiveParameterType.ModuleBitmask;\n paramBytes.Add((byte)moduleRefType); // prefix module value with type identifier\n paramBytes.AddRange(moduleRefBytes);\n }\n var result = ParseParameter(actionList.Arguments, primitiveId, actionParameter.Value, ref parameterType, codeRef, validate);\n\n if (result == null) return false;\n if (!isStaticParameter)\n {\n if((int)parameterType > byte.MaxValue)\n {\n throw new FatalCompilerException($\"Alias type {parameterType} got compiled into binary!\", codeRef);\n }\n paramBytes.Add((byte) parameterType); // prefix value with type identifier\n }\n paramBytes.AddRange(result);\n return true;\n }\n \n private static byte[] ParseInt8Array(IEnumerable input, ICodeReferenced codeRef = null)\n {\n var stream = new MemoryStream();\n foreach (var elem in input) {\n TryParseInt8(elem.ToString(), codeRef, validate: true, out byte? byteval); // validate == true => throw on error\n stream.WriteByte(byteval.Value);\n }\n\n return stream.ToArray();\n }\n\n private static byte[] ParseUInt16Array(IEnumerable input, ICodeReferenced codeRef = null)\n {\n var stream = new MemoryStream();\n foreach (var elem in input)\n {\n var arr = ParseUInt16(elem.ToString(), codeRef);\n stream.Write(arr, 0, arr.Length);\n }\n return stream.ToArray();\n }\n \n private static byte[] ParseUInt16(string input, ICodeReferenced codeRef = null)\n {\n TryParseUInt16(input, codeRef, validate: true, out ushort? value); // validate == true => Throw on error\n return BitConverter.GetBytes(value.Value);\n }\n\n private byte[] ParseCounter(string input, ICodeReferenced codeRef = null)\n {\n // validate == true => throw exception on error\n TryParseCounter(input, codeRef, validate: true, out ushort? result);\n return BitConverter.GetBytes(result.Value);\n }\n \n public ushort ParseModule(string input, ICodeReferenced codeRef = null)\n {\n if(input == null)\n return SharedConstants.NoModule;\n TryGetModuleId(input, codeRef, validate: false, out ushort? id);\n if(id == null)\n throw new CompilerException($\"Could not parse module '{input}' to ID.\", codeRef);\n return id.Value;\n }\n \n private byte[] ParseCounterArray(IEnumerable input, ICodeReferenced codeRef = null)\n {\n var stream = new MemoryStream();\n foreach (var elem in input)\n {\n var arr = ParseCounter(elem.ToString(), codeRef);\n stream.Write(arr, 0, arr.Length);\n }\n return stream.ToArray();\n }\n \n private static byte[] ParseArgument(string input, IReadOnlyList arguments,ICodeReferenced codeRef = null)\n {\n return TryParseArgument(input, arguments, out var byteVal, codeRef) ? new []{byteVal} : null;\n }\n \n private byte[] ParseAnimation(string input, ICodeReferenced codeRef = null)\n {\n var value = 0;\n input = input.StripSuffix(BinaryAnimationCompiler.BinaryAnimationExtension);\n if (!ParentCompiler.GameAssets.Animations.ContainsKey(input)) return null;\n if (_binaryAnimationCompiler != null)\n value = _binaryAnimationCompiler.AnimationToAddress(input, codeRef);\n if(ParentCompiler.ShouldSaveUsedAssets()) ParentCompiler.AssetUsages.AnimationNames.Add(input);\n return Int16ToByteArray(value, codeRef);\n }\n\n private static byte [] Int16ToByteArray(int value, ICodeReferenced codeRef = null) {\n TryIntToUInt16(value, codeRef, validate: true, out var ushortVal); // validate == true -> throw on error\n return BitConverter.GetBytes(ushortVal.Value);\n }\n\n private byte[] ParseActionList(string actionListId, IReadOnlyList arguments, ICodeReferenced codeRef = null, bool validate = true)\n {\n if(actionListId == \"-\")\n return new byte[] {0}; // convert empty action list to nul\n\n if(actionListId == \"\")\n return new byte[] {}; // skip empty action list parameter\n\n var actionListIsArgument = GetMatchingActionListArgs(actionListId, arguments, out var args);\n if (!actionListIsArgument) {\n if (!GameDefinition.HasActionList(actionListId)) {\n if (!validate)\n return new byte[] {};\n throw new CompilerException($\"ActionList {actionListId} not found!\", codeRef);\n }\n }\n \n _skipRecursionCheckForNextCall = true;\n IList innerIfActionList = null;\n if (!actionListIsArgument && !IsActionListRecursive(actionListId))\n innerIfActionList = GetInnerIfActionListBytes(actionListId);\n if(innerIfActionList == null)\n innerIfActionList = GenerateInnerRunActionList(actionListId, codeRef, args, actionListIsArgument);\n var listBytes = new List();\n var actionListBytesCount = innerIfActionList.Count;\n Debug.Assert(actionListBytesCount < byte.MaxValue);\n listBytes.Add((byte)actionListBytesCount);\n listBytes.AddRange(innerIfActionList);\n return listBytes.ToArray();\n }\n\n private bool GetMatchingActionListArgs(string actionListId, IReadOnlyList arguments, out List args)\n {\n bool actionListIsArgument;\n if (ParseArgument(actionListId, arguments) != null) // if action list is an argument call RunActionListDynamic\n {\n args = new List();\n actionListIsArgument = true;\n }\n else\n {\n args = GameDefinition.ActionLists[actionListId].Arguments;\n actionListIsArgument = false;\n }\n\n return actionListIsArgument;\n }\n\n private IList GenerateInnerRunActionList(string actionListId, ICodeReferenced codeReferenced, List args,\n bool actionListIsArgument)\n {\n var action = GetAppropriateRunActionListAction(actionListId, args, codeReferenced, actionListIsArgument);\n if (action == null)\n {\n throw new CompilerException($\"Action list {actionListId} call has wrong number of arguments ({args.Count})\",\n codeReferenced);\n }\n\n var inlineActions = new ActionListModel(codeReferenced) { action };\n var generatedActionListId = GameDefinition.GetNewActionListName(actionListId, \"Intern\");\n var actionList = CompileActionList(new ActionListWithArgsModel(inlineActions, args), generatedActionListId, inner: true);\n ParentCompiler.ExtraInfo($\"Generated internal action list: {generatedActionListId}\");\n return actionList;\n }\n\n private IList GetInnerIfActionListBytes(string actionListId)\n {\n // Don't inline action list that will be compiled and allocated anyway...\n if(CompiledActionLists.TryGetValue(actionListId, out _))\n return null;\n\n IList innerIfActionList = null;\n _actionListStack.Add(actionListId);\n innerIfActionList = CompileActionList(GameDefinition.ActionLists[actionListId], actionListId, inner: true);\n _actionListStack.Remove(actionListId);\n\n if (innerIfActionList == null || innerIfActionList.Count >= byte.MaxValue)\n return null;\n\n ParentCompiler.Info($\"Inlined action list for {actionListId}\");\n return innerIfActionList;\n }\n\n private static ActionModel GetAppropriateRunActionListAction(string actionList, IReadOnlyList args, ICodeReferenced codeReferenced, bool passArgument = false)\n {\n switch (args.Count)\n {\n case 2:\n return new ActionModel(SharedConstants.Primitive.RunActionList2,\n new ActionParametersModel(codeReferenced.CodeReference)\n {\n {\"id\", new ActionParameter(actionList, SharedConstants.PrimitiveParameterType.ActionListId)},\n {\"arg1\", new ActionParameter(args[0], SharedConstants.PrimitiveParameterType.Argument)},\n {\"arg2\", new ActionParameter(args[1], SharedConstants.PrimitiveParameterType.Argument)}\n }, codeReferenced.CodeReference);\n case 1:\n return new ActionModel(SharedConstants.Primitive.RunActionList1,\n new ActionParametersModel(codeReferenced.CodeReference)\n {\n {\"id\", new ActionParameter(actionList, SharedConstants.PrimitiveParameterType.ActionListId)},\n {\"arg1\", new ActionParameter(args[0], SharedConstants.PrimitiveParameterType.Argument)}\n }, codeReferenced.CodeReference);\n case 0:\n if (passArgument)\n {\n return new ActionModel(SharedConstants.Primitive.RunActionListDynamic,\n new ActionParametersModel(codeReferenced.CodeReference)\n {\n {\"id\", new ActionParameter(actionList, SharedConstants.PrimitiveParameterType.Argument)}\n }, codeReferenced.CodeReference);\n }\n else\n {\n return new ActionModel(SharedConstants.Primitive.RunActionList,\n new ActionParametersModel(codeReferenced.CodeReference)\n {\n {\"id\", new ActionParameter(actionList, SharedConstants.PrimitiveParameterType.ActionListId)}\n }, codeReferenced.CodeReference);\n }\n default:\n return null;\n }\n }\n \n private byte[] ParseActionListId(string actionList, ICodeReferenced codeRef = null)\n {\n var id = ActionListToPointer(actionList, codeRef);\n if (id == 0)\n ParentCompiler.Warn($\"Action list {actionList} parsed to 0!\", codeRef);\n\n if (id < SharedConstants.ActionListIdOffset || id >= UInt16.MaxValue)\n throw new FatalCompilerException($\"Action list {actionList} id outside range: {id}!\");\n\n return BitConverter.GetBytes((ushort) id);\n }\n\n private byte[] ParseActionListArray(IEnumerable input, ICodeReferenced codeRef = null)\n {\n var actions = input.ToList();\n var stream = new MemoryStream();\n foreach (var arr in actions.Select(elem => ParseActionListId(elem.ToString(), codeRef)))\n {\n stream.Write(arr, 0, arr.Length);\n }\n\n return stream.ToArray();\n }\n \n // check for infinite recursion by iterating over destination action list primitives\n // and compiling them to find out if they contain references to the source action list\n // by storing visited action lists in a collection\n private void ValidateActionListRecursion(SharedConstants.Primitive primitiveId, string actionListId, ICodeReferenced codeRef)\n {\n if (actionListId == \"\") return; // to support default empty action lists\n if(GameDefinition.HasActionList(actionListId))\n {\n if (_actionListStack.Contains(actionListId))\n {\n if(primitiveId == SharedConstants.Primitive.RunActionList)\n throw new CompilerException(\"Recursive RunActionList: \" + actionListId, codeRef);\n ParentCompiler.Warn(\"Possibly recursive action list call\", GameDefinition.ActionLists[actionListId]);\n }\n else\n {\n _actionListStack.Add(actionListId);\n foreach (var action in GameDefinition.ActionLists[actionListId].Actions)\n {\n if (!CompileParams(actionListId, GameDefinition.ActionLists[actionListId], action.PrimitiveId, action.Parameters, out var result, out var error))\n {\n throw new CompilerException(error, GameDefinition.ActionLists[actionListId]);\n }\n }\n _actionListStack.Remove(actionListId);\n }\n }\n else\n throw new CompilerException(\"Referenced action list not found: \" + actionListId,codeRef);\n }\n\n private ushort ActionListToPointer(int index)\n {\n if (SharedConstants.ActionListIdOffset + index < ushort.MaxValue)\n return (ushort)(SharedConstants.ActionListIdOffset + index);\n throw new CompilerException(\"Programming error: ActionListIndex could not be cast to ushort\");\n }\n\n public ushort ActionListToPointer(string actionListId, ICodeReferenced codeRef = null)\n {\n if (actionListId == \"\")\n return 0; // to support default empty action lists\n\n if(!CompiledActionLists.TryGetValue(actionListId, out var result)) {\n if(!GameDefinition.ActionLists.TryGetValue(actionListId, out var source))\n throw new CompilerException($\"Could not find referenced Action List {actionListId}.\", codeRef);\n\n result = CreateCompiledActionList(actionListId, codeRef?.CodeReference);\n result.Bytecode = CompileActionList(source, actionListId, inner: false);\n }\n\n return ActionListToPointer(result.IndexId);\n }\n\n private bool IsActionListRecursive(string actionListId)\n {\n if (actionListId != \"\" && GameDefinition.HasActionList(actionListId))\n {\n return _actionListStack.Contains(actionListId);\n }\n return false;\n }\n\n public void SaveDebugInfo(GameDebugInformation debugInfo, int startOffset)\n {\n var actionListIndex = GetActionListIndices();\n\n foreach(var al in CompiledActionLists) {\n var size = al.Value.Bytecode.Count;\n var address = (al.Value.IndexId >= 0) ? actionListIndex[al.Value.IndexId] : -1;\n debugInfo.ActionListsInfo.Add(al.Key, new ActionListInfo { Index = al.Value.IndexId, Address = address, Size = size, CodeReference = al.Value.CodeRef });\n debugInfo.ActionListIndices.Add(al.Key, ActionListToPointer(al.Value.IndexId));\n var module = debugInfo.GetModule(al.Value.CodeRef, true);\n module.InternalSize += sizeof(AlAddrType);\n module.ExternalSize += size;\n module.ActionLists++;\n }\n }\n }\n}\n" } } [Trace - 3:46:47 PM] Sending request 'textDocument/diagnostic - (1)'. Params: { "textDocument": { "uri": "file:///workspaces/leaf-compiler-gameengine/compiler/CompilerCore/src/Output/BinaryOutput/PartialCompilers/ActionListCompiler.cs" } } [Trace - 3:46:47 PM] Sending request 'workspace/diagnostic - (2)'. Params: { "previousResultIds": [], "partialResultToken": "c5b44558-4d2d-4e48-875f-5357ebe39f88" } [Trace - 3:46:47 PM] Received notification 'window/logMessage'. Params: { "type": 4, "message": "[LanguageServerHost][01:46:47.601][End]initialize" } [Trace - 3:46:47 PM] Received notification 'window/logMessage'. Params: { "type": 4, "message": "[LanguageServerHost][01:46:47.610][Start]initialized" } [Trace - 3:46:47 PM] Sending request 'textDocument/documentSymbol - (3)'. Params: { "textDocument": { "uri": "file:///workspaces/leaf-compiler-gameengine/compiler/CompilerCore/src/Output/BinaryOutput/PartialCompilers/ActionListCompiler.cs" } } [Trace - 3:46:47 PM] Sending request 'textDocument/codeAction - (4)'. Params: { "textDocument": { "uri": "file:///workspaces/leaf-compiler-gameengine/compiler/CompilerCore/src/Output/BinaryOutput/PartialCompilers/ActionListCompiler.cs" }, "range": { "start": { "line": 52, "character": 23 }, "end": { "line": 52, "character": 23 } }, "context": { "diagnostics": [], "triggerKind": 2 } } [Trace - 3:46:47 PM] Sending request 'textDocument/inlayHint - (5)'. Params: { "textDocument": { "uri": "file:///workspaces/leaf-compiler-gameengine/compiler/CompilerCore/src/Output/BinaryOutput/PartialCompilers/ActionListCompiler.cs" }, "range": { "start": { "line": 0, "character": 0 }, "end": { "line": 144, "character": 9 } } } [Trace - 3:46:47 PM] Received request 'client/registerCapability - (2)'. Params: { "registrations": [ { "id": "d49a246d-5544-4891-8ac9-43ae849b00bf", "method": "workspace/didChangeConfiguration" } ] } [Trace - 3:46:47 PM] Sending response 'client/registerCapability - (2)'. Processing request took 0ms No result returned. [Trace - 3:46:47 PM] Received request 'workspace/configuration - (3)'. Params: { "items": [ { "section": "csharp|symbol_search.dotnet_search_reference_assemblies" }, { "section": "visual_basic|symbol_search.dotnet_search_reference_assemblies" }, { "section": "csharp|implement_type.dotnet_insertion_behavior" }, { "section": "visual_basic|implement_type.dotnet_insertion_behavior" }, { "section": "csharp|implement_type.dotnet_property_generation_behavior" }, { "section": "visual_basic|implement_type.dotnet_property_generation_behavior" }, { "section": "csharp|completion.dotnet_show_name_completion_suggestions" }, { "section": "visual_basic|completion.dotnet_show_name_completion_suggestions" }, { "section": "csharp|completion.dotnet_provide_regex_completions" }, { "section": "visual_basic|completion.dotnet_provide_regex_completions" }, { "section": "csharp|completion.dotnet_show_completion_items_from_unimported_namespaces" }, { "section": "visual_basic|completion.dotnet_show_completion_items_from_unimported_namespaces" }, { "section": "csharp|quick_info.dotnet_show_remarks_in_quick_info" }, { "section": "visual_basic|quick_info.dotnet_show_remarks_in_quick_info" }, { "section": "navigation.dotnet_navigate_to_decompiled_sources" }, { "section": "csharp|highlighting.dotnet_highlight_related_json_components" }, { "section": "visual_basic|highlighting.dotnet_highlight_related_json_components" }, { "section": "csharp|highlighting.dotnet_highlight_related_regex_components" }, { "section": "visual_basic|highlighting.dotnet_highlight_related_regex_components" }, { "section": "csharp|inlay_hints.dotnet_enable_inlay_hints_for_parameters" }, { "section": "visual_basic|inlay_hints.dotnet_enable_inlay_hints_for_parameters" }, { "section": "csharp|inlay_hints.dotnet_enable_inlay_hints_for_literal_parameters" }, { "section": "visual_basic|inlay_hints.dotnet_enable_inlay_hints_for_literal_parameters" }, { "section": "csharp|inlay_hints.dotnet_enable_inlay_hints_for_indexer_parameters" }, { "section": "visual_basic|inlay_hints.dotnet_enable_inlay_hints_for_indexer_parameters" }, { "section": "csharp|inlay_hints.dotnet_enable_inlay_hints_for_object_creation_parameters" }, { "section": "visual_basic|inlay_hints.dotnet_enable_inlay_hints_for_object_creation_parameters" }, { "section": "csharp|inlay_hints.dotnet_enable_inlay_hints_for_other_parameters" }, { "section": "visual_basic|inlay_hints.dotnet_enable_inlay_hints_for_other_parameters" }, { "section": "csharp|inlay_hints.dotnet_suppress_inlay_hints_for_parameters_that_differ_only_by_suffix" }, { "section": "visual_basic|inlay_hints.dotnet_suppress_inlay_hints_for_parameters_that_differ_only_by_suffix" }, { "section": "csharp|inlay_hints.dotnet_suppress_inlay_hints_for_parameters_that_match_method_intent" }, { "section": "visual_basic|inlay_hints.dotnet_suppress_inlay_hints_for_parameters_that_match_method_intent" }, { "section": "csharp|inlay_hints.dotnet_suppress_inlay_hints_for_parameters_that_match_argument_name" }, { "section": "visual_basic|inlay_hints.dotnet_suppress_inlay_hints_for_parameters_that_match_argument_name" }, { "section": "csharp|inlay_hints.csharp_enable_inlay_hints_for_types" }, { "section": "visual_basic|inlay_hints.csharp_enable_inlay_hints_for_types" }, { "section": "csharp|inlay_hints.csharp_enable_inlay_hints_for_implicit_variable_types" }, { "section": "visual_basic|inlay_hints.csharp_enable_inlay_hints_for_implicit_variable_types" }, { "section": "csharp|inlay_hints.csharp_enable_inlay_hints_for_lambda_parameter_types" }, { "section": "visual_basic|inlay_hints.csharp_enable_inlay_hints_for_lambda_parameter_types" }, { "section": "csharp|inlay_hints.csharp_enable_inlay_hints_for_implicit_object_creation" }, { "section": "visual_basic|inlay_hints.csharp_enable_inlay_hints_for_implicit_object_creation" }, { "section": "csharp|code_style.formatting.indentation_and_spacing.tab_width" }, { "section": "visual_basic|code_style.formatting.indentation_and_spacing.tab_width" }, { "section": "csharp|code_style.formatting.indentation_and_spacing.indent_size" }, { "section": "visual_basic|code_style.formatting.indentation_and_spacing.indent_size" }, { "section": "csharp|code_style.formatting.indentation_and_spacing.indent_style" }, { "section": "visual_basic|code_style.formatting.indentation_and_spacing.indent_style" }, { "section": "csharp|code_style.formatting.new_line.end_of_line" }, { "section": "visual_basic|code_style.formatting.new_line.end_of_line" }, { "section": "code_style.formatting.new_line.insert_final_newline" }, { "section": "csharp|background_analysis.dotnet_analyzer_diagnostics_scope" }, { "section": "visual_basic|background_analysis.dotnet_analyzer_diagnostics_scope" }, { "section": "csharp|background_analysis.dotnet_compiler_diagnostics_scope" }, { "section": "visual_basic|background_analysis.dotnet_compiler_diagnostics_scope" }, { "section": "csharp|code_lens.dotnet_enable_references_code_lens" }, { "section": "visual_basic|code_lens.dotnet_enable_references_code_lens" }, { "section": "csharp|code_lens.dotnet_enable_tests_code_lens" }, { "section": "visual_basic|code_lens.dotnet_enable_tests_code_lens" } ] } [Trace - 3:46:47 PM] Sending response 'workspace/configuration - (3)'. Processing request took 2ms Result: [ true, null, "withOtherMembersOfTheSameKind", null, "preferThrowingProperties", null, "true", null, "true", null, true, null, "true", null, "true", "true", null, "true", null, false, null, false, null, false, null, false, null, false, null, false, null, false, null, false, null, false, null, false, null, false, null, false, null, "4", null, "4", null, "space", null, "auto", null, false, "openFiles", null, "openFiles", null, true, null, true, null ] [Trace - 3:46:47 PM] Received notification 'window/logMessage'. Params: { "type": 4, "message": "[LanguageServerHost][01:46:47.741][End]initialized" } [Trace - 3:46:47 PM] Received notification 'window/logMessage'. Params: { "type": 4, "message": "[LanguageServerHost][01:46:47.743][Start]textDocument/didOpen" } [Trace - 3:46:47 PM] Received notification 'window/logMessage'. Params: { "type": 4, "message": "[LanguageServerHost]didOpen for file:///workspaces/leaf-compiler-gameengine/compiler/CompilerCore/src/Output/BinaryOutput/PartialCompilers/ActionListCompiler.cs" } [Trace - 3:46:47 PM] Received notification 'window/logMessage'. Params: { "type": 4, "message": "[LanguageServerHost][01:46:47.752][End]textDocument/didOpen" } [Trace - 3:46:47 PM] Sending request 'textDocument/semanticTokens/range - (6)'. Params: { "textDocument": { "uri": "file:///workspaces/leaf-compiler-gameengine/compiler/CompilerCore/src/Output/BinaryOutput/PartialCompilers/ActionListCompiler.cs" }, "range": { "start": { "line": 0, "character": 0 }, "end": { "line": 114, "character": 116 } } } [Trace - 3:46:47 PM] Received notification 'window/logMessage'. Params: { "type": 4, "message": "[LanguageServerHost]Could not find 'file:///workspaces/leaf-compiler-gameengine/compiler/CompilerCore/src/Output/BinaryOutput/PartialCompilers/ActionListCompiler.cs'. Searched Host" } [Trace - 3:46:47 PM] Received notification 'window/logMessage'. Params: { "type": 4, "message": "[LanguageServerHost][01:46:47.836][Start]textDocument/diagnostic" } [Trace - 3:46:47 PM] Received notification 'window/logMessage'. Params: { "type": 4, "message": "[LanguageServerHost]PublicDocumentPullDiagnosticsHandler(category: ) started getting diagnostics" } [Trace - 3:46:47 PM] Received notification 'window/logMessage'. Params: { "type": 4, "message": "[LanguageServerHost]previousResults.Length=0" } [Trace - 3:46:47 PM] Received notification 'window/logMessage'. Params: { "type": 4, "message": "[LanguageServerHost]Processing 1 documents" } [Trace - 3:46:47 PM] Received notification 'window/logMessage'. Params: { "type": 4, "message": "[LanguageServerHost][01:46:47.864][Start]workspace/diagnostic" } [Trace - 3:46:47 PM] Received notification 'window/logMessage'. Params: { "type": 4, "message": "[LanguageServerHost]/workspaces/leaf-compiler-gameengine/compiler/CompilerCore/src/Output/BinaryOutput/PartialCompilers/ActionListCompiler.cs found in workspace MiscellaneousFiles" } [Trace - 3:46:47 PM] Received notification 'window/logMessage'. Params: { "type": 4, "message": "[LanguageServerHost][01:46:47.867][Start]textDocument/documentSymbol" } [Trace - 3:46:47 PM] Received notification 'window/logMessage'. Params: { "type": 4, "message": "[LanguageServerHost]/workspaces/leaf-compiler-gameengine/compiler/CompilerCore/src/Output/BinaryOutput/PartialCompilers/ActionListCompiler.cs found in workspace MiscellaneousFiles" } [Trace - 3:46:47 PM] Received notification 'window/logMessage'. Params: { "type": 4, "message": "[LanguageServerHost]PublicWorkspacePullDiagnosticsHandler(category: ) started getting diagnostics" } [Trace - 3:46:47 PM] Received notification 'window/logMessage'. Params: { "type": 4, "message": "[LanguageServerHost][01:46:47.868][Start]textDocument/codeAction" } [Trace - 3:46:47 PM] Received notification 'window/logMessage'. Params: { "type": 4, "message": "[LanguageServerHost]/workspaces/leaf-compiler-gameengine/compiler/CompilerCore/src/Output/BinaryOutput/PartialCompilers/ActionListCompiler.cs found in workspace MiscellaneousFiles" } [Trace - 3:46:47 PM] Received notification 'window/logMessage'. Params: { "type": 4, "message": "[LanguageServerHost][01:46:47.869][Start]textDocument/inlayHint" } [Trace - 3:46:47 PM] Received notification 'window/logMessage'. Params: { "type": 4, "message": "[LanguageServerHost]/workspaces/leaf-compiler-gameengine/compiler/CompilerCore/src/Output/BinaryOutput/PartialCompilers/ActionListCompiler.cs found in workspace MiscellaneousFiles" } [Trace - 3:46:47 PM] Received notification 'window/logMessage'. Params: { "type": 4, "message": "[LanguageServerHost][01:46:47.869][Start]textDocument/semanticTokens/range" } [Trace - 3:46:47 PM] Received notification 'window/logMessage'. Params: { "type": 4, "message": "[LanguageServerHost]previousResults.Length=0" } [Trace - 3:46:47 PM] Received notification 'window/logMessage'. Params: { "type": 4, "message": "[LanguageServerHost]Processing 0 documents" } [Trace - 3:46:47 PM] Received notification 'window/logMessage'. Params: { "type": 4, "message": "[LanguageServerHost]Closing workspace/diagnostics request" } [Trace - 3:46:47 PM] Received notification 'window/logMessage'. Params: { "type": 4, "message": "[LanguageServerHost]Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.LanguageServer.Handler.Diagnostics.Public.PublicWorkspacePullDiagnosticsHandler finished getting diagnostics" } [Trace - 3:46:47 PM] Received response 'workspace/diagnostic - (2)' in 275ms. Result: { "items": [] } [Trace - 3:46:47 PM] Received notification 'window/logMessage'. Params: { "type": 4, "message": "[LanguageServerHost][01:46:47.887][End]workspace/diagnostic" } [Trace - 3:46:47 PM] Received response 'textDocument/inlayHint - (5)' in 279ms. Result: [] [Trace - 3:46:47 PM] Received notification 'window/logMessage'. Params: { "type": 4, "message": "[LanguageServerHost][01:46:47.906][End]textDocument/inlayHint" } [Trace - 3:46:47 PM] Sending request 'textDocument/foldingRange - (7)'. Params: { "textDocument": { "uri": "file:///workspaces/leaf-compiler-gameengine/compiler/CompilerCore/src/Output/BinaryOutput/PartialCompilers/ActionListCompiler.cs" } } [Trace - 3:46:47 PM] Received notification 'window/logMessage'. Params: { "type": 4, "message": "[LanguageServerHost]/workspaces/leaf-compiler-gameengine/compiler/CompilerCore/src/Output/BinaryOutput/PartialCompilers/ActionListCompiler.cs found in workspace MiscellaneousFiles" } [Trace - 3:46:47 PM] Received notification 'window/logMessage'. Params: { "type": 4, "message": "[LanguageServerHost][01:46:47.927][Start]textDocument/foldingRange" } [Trace - 3:46:48 PM] Received notification 'window/logMessage'. Params: { "type": 4, "message": "[LanguageServerHost]Found 0 diagnostics for DocumentDiagnosticSource: /workspaces/leaf-compiler-gameengine/compiler/CompilerCore/src/Output/BinaryOutput/PartialCompilers/ActionListCompiler.cs in Miscellaneous Files" } [Trace - 3:46:48 PM] Received notification 'window/logMessage'. Params: { "type": 4, "message": "[LanguageServerHost]Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.LanguageServer.Handler.Diagnostics.Public.PublicDocumentPullDiagnosticsHandler finished getting diagnostics" } [Trace - 3:46:48 PM] Received response 'textDocument/diagnostic - (1)' in 488ms. Result: { "kind": "full", "resultId": "PublicDocumentPullDiagnosticsHandler(category: ):0", "items": [] } [Trace - 3:46:48 PM] Received notification 'window/logMessage'. Params: { "type": 4, "message": "[LanguageServerHost][01:46:48.101][End]textDocument/diagnostic" } [Trace - 3:46:48 PM] Sending notification '$/cancelRequest'. Params: { "id": 4 } [Trace - 3:46:48 PM] Sending request 'textDocument/codeAction - (8)'. Params: { "textDocument": { "uri": "file:///workspaces/leaf-compiler-gameengine/compiler/CompilerCore/src/Output/BinaryOutput/PartialCompilers/ActionListCompiler.cs" }, "range": { "start": { "line": 52, "character": 23 }, "end": { "line": 52, "character": 23 } }, "context": { "diagnostics": [], "triggerKind": 2 } } [Trace - 3:46:48 PM] Received notification 'window/logMessage'. Params: { "type": 4, "message": "[LanguageServerHost]/workspaces/leaf-compiler-gameengine/compiler/CompilerCore/src/Output/BinaryOutput/PartialCompilers/ActionListCompiler.cs found in workspace MiscellaneousFiles" } [Trace - 3:46:48 PM] Received notification 'window/logMessage'. Params: { "type": 4, "message": "[LanguageServerHost][01:46:48.380][Start]textDocument/codeAction" } [Trace - 3:46:48 PM] Received response 'textDocument/codeAction - (4)' in 788ms. Request failed: The task was cancelled. (-32800). [Trace - 3:46:48 PM] Received response 'textDocument/foldingRange - (7)' in 547ms. Result: [ { "startLine": 0, "startCharacter": 6, "endLine": 11, "endCharacter": 11, "kind": "imports", "collapsedText": "..." }, { "startLine": 13, "startCharacter": 59, "endLine": 687, "endCharacter": 1, "collapsedText": "..." }, { "startLine": 17, "startCharacter": 37, "endLine": 22, "endCharacter": 5, "collapsedText": "..." }, { "startLine": 32, "startCharacter": 36, "endLine": 686, "endCharacter": 5, "collapsedText": "..." }, { "startLine": 24, "startCharacter": 4, "endLine": 31, "endCharacter": 18, "collapsedText": "/// This phase: - compiles ActionLists from GameDefinition into byteco ..." }, { "startLine": 49, "startCharacter": 173, "endLine": 56, "endCharacter": 9, "collapsedText": "..." }, { "startLine": 58, "startCharacter": 138, "endLine": 74, "endCharacter": 9, "collapsedText": "..." }, { "startLine": 64, "startCharacter": 33, "endLine": 68, "endCharacter": 13, "collapsedText": "..." }, { "startLine": 69, "startCharacter": 16, "endLine": 73, "endCharacter": 13, 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Params: { "type": 4, "message": "[LanguageServerHost][01:46:48.824][End]textDocument/documentSymbol" } [Trace - 3:46:48 PM] Received response 'textDocument/codeAction - (8)' in 479ms. Result: [ { "title": "Introduce local for 'Debug.Assert(parentCompiler != null)'", "kind": "refactor", "data": { "UniqueIdentifier": "Introduce local for 'Debug.Assert(parentCompiler != null)'", "CustomTags": [ "IntroduceLocalForExpression" ], "Range": { "start": { "line": 52, "character": 23 }, "end": { "line": 52, "character": 23 } }, "TextDocument": { "uri": "file:///workspaces/leaf-compiler-gameengine/compiler/CompilerCore/src/Output/BinaryOutput/PartialCompilers/ActionListCompiler.cs" } } } ] [Trace - 3:46:48 PM] Received notification 'window/logMessage'. Params: { "type": 4, "message": "[LanguageServerHost][01:46:48.847][End]textDocument/codeAction" } [Trace - 3:46:48 PM] Received response 'textDocument/hover - (9)' in 142ms. Result: { "contents": { "kind": "markdown", "value": "```csharp\n(field) readonly BinaryAnimationCompiler ActionListCompiler._binaryAnimationCompiler\n```\n \n" }, "range": { "start": { "line": 53, "character": 12 }, "end": { "line": 53, "character": 36 } } } [Trace - 3:46:48 PM] Received notification 'window/logMessage'. Params: { "type": 4, "message": "[LanguageServerHost][01:46:48.934][End]textDocument/hover" } [Trace - 3:46:49 PM] Received response 'textDocument/semanticTokens/range - (6)' in 1305ms. 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0, 1, 1, 43, 0, 0, 1, 1, 21, 0, 0, 1, 7, 8, 0, 0, 8, 1, 21, 0, 0, 2, 1, 19, 0, 0, 1, 1, 43, 0, 1, 24, 5, 23, 0, 0, 6, 3, 15, 0, 0, 4, 9, 8, 0, 0, 9, 1, 43, 0, 0, 1, 70, 18, 0, 0, 70, 1, 43, 0, 0, 1, 1, 43, 0 ] } [Trace - 3:46:49 PM] Received notification 'window/logMessage'. Params: { "type": 4, "message": "[LanguageServerHost][01:46:49.077][End]textDocument/semanticTokens/range" } [Trace - 3:46:49 PM] Sending request 'textDocument/hover - (10)'. Params: { "textDocument": { "uri": "file:///workspaces/leaf-compiler-gameengine/compiler/CompilerCore/src/Output/BinaryOutput/PartialCompilers/ActionListCompiler.cs" }, "position": { "line": 55, "character": 21 } } [Trace - 3:46:49 PM] Received notification 'window/logMessage'. Params: { "type": 4, "message": "[LanguageServerHost]/workspaces/leaf-compiler-gameengine/compiler/CompilerCore/src/Output/BinaryOutput/PartialCompilers/ActionListCompiler.cs found in workspace MiscellaneousFiles" } [Trace - 3:46:49 PM] Received notification 'window/logMessage'. Params: { "type": 4, "message": "[LanguageServerHost][01:46:49.461][Start]textDocument/hover" } [Trace - 3:46:49 PM] Sending notification '$/cancelRequest'. Params: { "id": 10 } [Trace - 3:46:49 PM] Sending request 'textDocument/documentHighlight - (11)'. Params: { "textDocument": { "uri": "file:///workspaces/leaf-compiler-gameengine/compiler/CompilerCore/src/Output/BinaryOutput/PartialCompilers/ActionListCompiler.cs" }, "position": { "line": 55, "character": 22 } } [Trace - 3:46:49 PM] Received response 'textDocument/hover - (10)' in 17ms. Request failed: The task was cancelled. (-32800). [Trace - 3:46:49 PM] Received notification 'window/logMessage'. Params: { "type": 4, "message": "[LanguageServerHost]/workspaces/leaf-compiler-gameengine/compiler/CompilerCore/src/Output/BinaryOutput/PartialCompilers/ActionListCompiler.cs found in workspace MiscellaneousFiles" } [Trace - 3:46:49 PM] Received notification 'window/logMessage'. Params: { "type": 4, "message": "[LanguageServerHost][01:46:49.477][Start]textDocument/documentHighlight" } [Trace - 3:46:49 PM] Received notification 'window/logMessage'. Params: { "type": 4, "message": "[LanguageServerHost][01:46:49.479][End]textDocument/hover" } [Trace - 3:46:49 PM] Sending request 'textDocument/codeAction - (12)'. Params: { "textDocument": { "uri": "file:///workspaces/leaf-compiler-gameengine/compiler/CompilerCore/src/Output/BinaryOutput/PartialCompilers/ActionListCompiler.cs" }, "range": { "start": { "line": 55, "character": 22 }, "end": { "line": 55, "character": 22 } }, "context": { "diagnostics": [], "triggerKind": 2 } } [Trace - 3:46:49 PM] Received notification 'window/logMessage'. Params: { "type": 4, "message": "[LanguageServerHost]/workspaces/leaf-compiler-gameengine/compiler/CompilerCore/src/Output/BinaryOutput/PartialCompilers/ActionListCompiler.cs found in workspace MiscellaneousFiles" } [Trace - 3:46:49 PM] Received notification 'window/logMessage'. Params: { "type": 4, "message": "[LanguageServerHost][01:46:49.722][Start]textDocument/codeAction" } [Trace - 3:46:49 PM] Received response 'textDocument/codeAction - (12)' in 24ms. Result: [] [Trace - 3:46:49 PM] Received notification 'window/logMessage'. Params: { "type": 4, "message": "[LanguageServerHost][01:46:49.743][End]textDocument/codeAction" } [Trace - 3:46:49 PM] Received request 'workspace/inlayHint/refresh - (4)'. Params: [] [Trace - 3:46:49 PM] Sending response 'workspace/inlayHint/refresh - (4)'. Processing request took 0ms No result returned. [Trace - 3:46:49 PM] Received response 'textDocument/documentHighlight - (11)' in 322ms. Result: [ { "range": { "start": { "line": 55, "character": 12 }, "end": { "line": 55, "character": 33 } }, "kind": 2 }, { "range": { "start": { "line": 67, "character": 16 }, "end": { "line": 67, "character": 37 } }, "kind": 2 }, { "range": { "start": { "line": 76, "character": 21 }, "end": { "line": 76, "character": 42 } } }, { "range": { "start": { "line": 140, "character": 16 }, "end": { "line": 140, "character": 37 } }, "kind": 2 } ] [Trace - 3:46:49 PM] Received notification 'window/logMessage'. Params: { "type": 4, "message": "[LanguageServerHost][01:46:49.796][End]textDocument/documentHighlight" } [Trace - 3:46:49 PM] Sending request 'textDocument/definition - (13)'. Params: { "textDocument": { "uri": "file:///workspaces/leaf-compiler-gameengine/compiler/CompilerCore/src/Output/BinaryOutput/PartialCompilers/ActionListCompiler.cs" }, "position": { "line": 55, "character": 22 } } [Trace - 3:46:49 PM] Received notification 'window/logMessage'. Params: { "type": 4, "message": "[LanguageServerHost]/workspaces/leaf-compiler-gameengine/compiler/CompilerCore/src/Output/BinaryOutput/PartialCompilers/ActionListCompiler.cs found in workspace MiscellaneousFiles" } [Trace - 3:46:49 PM] Received notification 'window/logMessage'. Params: { "type": 4, "message": "[LanguageServerHost][01:46:49.805][Start]textDocument/definition" } [Trace - 3:46:49 PM] Received response 'textDocument/definition - (13)' in 35ms. Result: [ { "uri": "file:///workspaces/leaf-compiler-gameengine/compiler/CompilerCore/src/Output/BinaryOutput/PartialCompilers/ActionListCompiler.cs", "range": { "start": { "line": 76, "character": 21 }, "end": { "line": 76, "character": 42 } } } ] [Trace - 3:46:49 PM] Received notification 'window/logMessage'. Params: { "type": 4, "message": "[LanguageServerHost][01:46:49.834][End]textDocument/definition" } [Trace - 3:46:49 PM] Received request 'workspace/codeLens/refresh - (5)'. Params: [] [Trace - 3:46:49 PM] Sending response 'workspace/codeLens/refresh - (5)'. Processing request took 0ms No result returned. [Trace - 3:46:49 PM] Received request 'workspace/diagnostic/refresh - (6)'. Params: [] [Trace - 3:46:49 PM] Sending response 'workspace/diagnostic/refresh - (6)'. Processing request took 1ms No result returned. [Trace - 3:46:49 PM] Sending request 'textDocument/diagnostic - (14)'. Params: { "textDocument": { "uri": "file:///workspaces/leaf-compiler-gameengine/compiler/CompilerCore/src/Output/BinaryOutput/PartialCompilers/ActionListCompiler.cs" }, "previousResultId": "PublicDocumentPullDiagnosticsHandler(category: ):0" } [Trace - 3:46:49 PM] Received request 'workspace/semanticTokens/refresh - (7)'. Params: [] [Trace - 3:46:49 PM] Sending response 'workspace/semanticTokens/refresh - (7)'. Processing request took 0ms No result returned. [Trace - 3:46:49 PM] Received notification 'window/logMessage'. Params: { "type": 4, "message": "[LanguageServerHost]/workspaces/leaf-compiler-gameengine/compiler/CompilerCore/src/Output/BinaryOutput/PartialCompilers/ActionListCompiler.cs found in workspace MiscellaneousFiles" } [Trace - 3:46:49 PM] Received notification 'window/logMessage'. Params: { "type": 4, "message": "[LanguageServerHost][01:46:49.845][Start]textDocument/diagnostic" } [Trace - 3:46:49 PM] Received notification 'window/logMessage'. Params: { "type": 4, "message": "[LanguageServerHost]PublicDocumentPullDiagnosticsHandler(category: ) started getting diagnostics" } [Trace - 3:46:49 PM] Received notification 'window/logMessage'. Params: { "type": 4, "message": "[LanguageServerHost]previousResults.Length=1" } [Trace - 3:46:49 PM] Received notification 'window/logMessage'. Params: { "type": 4, "message": "[LanguageServerHost]Processing 1 documents" } [Trace - 3:46:49 PM] Received notification 'window/logMessage'. Params: { "type": 4, "message": "[LanguageServerHost]Diagnostics were unchanged for DocumentDiagnosticSource: /workspaces/leaf-compiler-gameengine/compiler/CompilerCore/src/Output/BinaryOutput/PartialCompilers/ActionListCompiler.cs in Miscellaneous Files" } [Trace - 3:46:49 PM] Received notification 'window/logMessage'. Params: { "type": 4, "message": "[LanguageServerHost]Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.LanguageServer.Handler.Diagnostics.Public.PublicDocumentPullDiagnosticsHandler finished getting diagnostics" } [Trace - 3:46:49 PM] Received response 'textDocument/diagnostic - (14)' in 15ms. Result: { "kind": "unchanged", "resultId": "PublicDocumentPullDiagnosticsHandler(category: ):0" } [Trace - 3:46:49 PM] Received notification 'window/logMessage'. Params: { "type": 4, "message": "[LanguageServerHost][01:46:49.858][End]textDocument/diagnostic" } [Trace - 3:46:49 PM] Sending request 'workspace/diagnostic - (15)'. Params: { "previousResultIds": [], "partialResultToken": "83752176-5c1b-426c-a24b-d6a839f0aa2c" } [Trace - 3:46:49 PM] Received notification 'window/logMessage'. Params: { "type": 4, "message": "[LanguageServerHost][01:46:49.891][Start]workspace/diagnostic" } [Trace - 3:46:49 PM] Received notification 'window/logMessage'. Params: { "type": 4, "message": "[LanguageServerHost]PublicWorkspacePullDiagnosticsHandler(category: ) started getting diagnostics" } [Trace - 3:46:49 PM] Received notification 'window/logMessage'. Params: { "type": 4, "message": "[LanguageServerHost]previousResults.Length=0" } [Trace - 3:46:49 PM] Received notification 'window/logMessage'. Params: { "type": 4, "message": "[LanguageServerHost]Processing 0 documents" } [Trace - 3:46:49 PM] Sending request 'textDocument/inlayHint - (16)'. Params: { "textDocument": { "uri": "file:///workspaces/leaf-compiler-gameengine/compiler/CompilerCore/src/Output/BinaryOutput/PartialCompilers/ActionListCompiler.cs" }, "range": { "start": { "line": 0, "character": 0 }, "end": { "line": 187, "character": 0 } } } [Trace - 3:46:49 PM] Received notification 'window/logMessage'. Params: { "type": 4, "message": "[LanguageServerHost]/workspaces/leaf-compiler-gameengine/compiler/CompilerCore/src/Output/BinaryOutput/PartialCompilers/ActionListCompiler.cs found in workspace MiscellaneousFiles" } [Trace - 3:46:49 PM] Received notification 'window/logMessage'. Params: { "type": 4, "message": "[LanguageServerHost][01:46:49.962][Start]textDocument/inlayHint" } [Trace - 3:46:49 PM] Received response 'textDocument/inlayHint - (16)' in 2ms. Result: [] [Trace - 3:46:49 PM] Received notification 'window/logMessage'. Params: { "type": 4, "message": "[LanguageServerHost][01:46:49.962][End]textDocument/inlayHint" } [Trace - 3:46:50 PM] Sending request 'textDocument/semanticTokens/range - (17)'. Params: { "textDocument": { "uri": "file:///workspaces/leaf-compiler-gameengine/compiler/CompilerCore/src/Output/BinaryOutput/PartialCompilers/ActionListCompiler.cs" }, "range": { "start": { "line": 21, "character": 0 }, "end": { "line": 157, "character": 0 } } } [Trace - 3:46:50 PM] Received notification 'window/logMessage'. Params: { "type": 4, "message": "[LanguageServerHost]/workspaces/leaf-compiler-gameengine/compiler/CompilerCore/src/Output/BinaryOutput/PartialCompilers/ActionListCompiler.cs found in workspace MiscellaneousFiles" } [Trace - 3:46:50 PM] Received notification 'window/logMessage'. Params: { "type": 4, "message": "[LanguageServerHost][01:46:50.007][Start]textDocument/semanticTokens/range" } [Trace - 3:46:50 PM] Received response 'textDocument/semanticTokens/range - (17)' in 73ms. Result: { "data": [ 21, 8, 6, 15, 0, 0, 7, 13, 8, 0, 0, 14, 7, 27, 0, 0, 8, 1, 21, 0, 0, 2, 4, 15, 0, 0, 4, 1, 43, 0, 1, 4, 1, 43, 0, 2, 4, 3, 64, 0, 0, 3, 1, 68, 0, 0, 1, 1, 64, 0, 0, 1, 7, 66, 0, 0, 7, 1, 64, 0, 1, 4, 3, 64, 0, 0, 3, 12, 68, 0, 1, 4, 3, 64, 0, 0, 3, 57, 68, 0, 1, 4, 3, 64, 0, 0, 3, 48, 68, 0, 1, 4, 3, 64, 0, 0, 3, 67, 68, 0, 1, 4, 3, 64, 0, 0, 3, 66, 68, 0, 1, 4, 3, 64, 0, 0, 3, 81, 68, 0, 1, 4, 3, 64, 0, 0, 3, 1, 68, 0, 0, 1, 2, 64, 0, 0, 2, 7, 66, 0, 0, 7, 1, 64, 0, 1, 4, 6, 15, 0, 0, 7, 5, 15, 0, 0, 6, 18, 2, 0, 0, 19, 1, 43, 0, 0, 2, 15, 8, 0, 0, 15, 1, 43, 0, 0, 2, 15, 8, 0, 1, 4, 1, 43, 0, 1, 8, 8, 15, 0, 0, 9, 8, 15, 0, 0, 9, 10, 8, 0, 0, 10, 1, 43, 0, 0, 1, 6, 15, 0, 0, 6, 1, 43, 0, 0, 2, 18, 2, 0, 0, 18, 1, 43, 0, 0, 2, 19, 27, 0, 0, 20, 1, 21, 0, 0, 2, 3, 15, 0, 0, 4, 10, 8, 0, 0, 10, 1, 43, 0, 0, 1, 6, 15, 0, 0, 6, 1, 43, 0, 0, 2, 18, 2, 0, 0, 18, 1, 43, 0, 0, 1, 1, 43, 0, 0, 1, 1, 43, 0, 0, 1, 1, 43, 0, 1, 8, 7, 15, 0, 0, 8, 8, 15, 0, 0, 9, 7, 8, 0, 0, 7, 1, 43, 0, 0, 1, 6, 15, 0, 0, 6, 1, 43, 0, 0, 2, 16, 27, 0, 0, 17, 1, 21, 0, 0, 2, 3, 15, 0, 0, 4, 7, 8, 0, 0, 7, 1, 43, 0, 0, 1, 6, 15, 0, 0, 6, 1, 43, 0, 0, 1, 1, 43, 0, 0, 1, 1, 43, 0, 0, 1, 1, 43, 0, 1, 8, 7, 15, 0, 0, 8, 8, 15, 0, 0, 9, 23, 8, 0, 0, 24, 24, 27, 0, 0, 24, 1, 43, 0, 1, 8, 7, 15, 0, 0, 8, 8, 15, 0, 0, 9, 4, 15, 0, 0, 5, 34, 27, 0, 0, 34, 1, 43, 0, 1, 8, 7, 15, 0, 0, 8, 4, 15, 0, 0, 5, 30, 27, 0, 0, 30, 1, 43, 0, 1, 8, 7, 15, 0, 0, 8, 5, 15, 0, 0, 6, 6, 15, 0, 0, 7, 13, 22, 1, 0, 14, 1, 21, 0, 0, 2, 8, 18, 0, 0, 8, 1, 43, 0, 1, 8, 7, 15, 0, 0, 8, 5, 15, 0, 0, 6, 6, 15, 0, 0, 7, 14, 22, 1, 0, 15, 1, 21, 0, 0, 2, 9, 18, 0, 0, 9, 1, 43, 0, 1, 8, 7, 15, 0, 0, 8, 3, 15, 0, 0, 4, 30, 27, 0, 0, 30, 1, 43, 0, 1, 8, 7, 15, 0, 0, 8, 8, 15, 0, 0, 9, 4, 15, 0, 0, 5, 9, 27, 0, 0, 9, 1, 43, 0, 1, 8, 7, 15, 0, 0, 8, 5, 15, 0, 0, 6, 3, 15, 0, 0, 4, 34, 22, 1, 0, 35, 1, 21, 0, 0, 2, 2, 19, 0, 0, 2, 1, 43, 0, 1, 8, 6, 15, 0, 0, 7, 5, 15, 0, 0, 6, 3, 15, 0, 0, 4, 11, 22, 1, 0, 12, 1, 21, 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'window/logMessage'. Params: { "type": 4, "message": "[LanguageServerHost][01:46:50.077][End]textDocument/semanticTokens/range" } [Trace - 3:46:50 PM] Sending request 'textDocument/codeAction - (18)'. Params: { "textDocument": { "uri": "file:///workspaces/leaf-compiler-gameengine/compiler/CompilerCore/src/Output/BinaryOutput/PartialCompilers/ActionListCompiler.cs" }, "range": { "start": { "line": 76, "character": 21 }, "end": { "line": 76, "character": 21 } }, "context": { "diagnostics": [], "triggerKind": 2 } } [Trace - 3:46:50 PM] Received notification 'window/logMessage'. Params: { "type": 4, "message": "[LanguageServerHost]/workspaces/leaf-compiler-gameengine/compiler/CompilerCore/src/Output/BinaryOutput/PartialCompilers/ActionListCompiler.cs found in workspace MiscellaneousFiles" } [Trace - 3:46:50 PM] Received notification 'window/logMessage'. 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Params: { "type": 4, "message": "[LanguageServerHost][01:46:50.596][Start]textDocument/hover" } [Trace - 3:46:50 PM] Received response 'textDocument/hover - (19)' in 6ms. Result: { "contents": { "kind": "markdown", "value": "```csharp\nushort[] ActionListCompiler.GetActionListIndices()\n```\n \n" }, "range": { "start": { "line": 95, "character": 24 }, "end": { "line": 95, "character": 44 } } } [Trace - 3:46:50 PM] Received notification 'window/logMessage'. Params: { "type": 4, "message": "[LanguageServerHost][01:46:50.601][End]textDocument/hover" } [Trace - 3:46:50 PM] Sending request 'textDocument/inlayHint - (20)'. Params: { "textDocument": { "uri": "file:///workspaces/leaf-compiler-gameengine/compiler/CompilerCore/src/Output/BinaryOutput/PartialCompilers/ActionListCompiler.cs" }, "range": { "start": { "line": 0, "character": 0 }, "end": { "line": 153, "character": 13 } } } [Trace - 3:46:50 PM] Received notification 'window/logMessage'. Params: { "type": 4, "message": "[LanguageServerHost]/workspaces/leaf-compiler-gameengine/compiler/CompilerCore/src/Output/BinaryOutput/PartialCompilers/ActionListCompiler.cs found in workspace MiscellaneousFiles" } [Trace - 3:46:50 PM] Received notification 'window/logMessage'. Params: { "type": 4, "message": "[LanguageServerHost][01:46:50.759][Start]textDocument/inlayHint" } [Trace - 3:46:50 PM] Received response 'textDocument/inlayHint - (20)' in 4ms. Result: [] [Trace - 3:46:50 PM] Received notification 'window/logMessage'. Params: { "type": 4, "message": "[LanguageServerHost][01:46:50.760][End]textDocument/inlayHint" } [Trace - 3:46:50 PM] Sending request 'textDocument/semanticTokens/range - (21)'. 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Result: { "data": [ 0, 0, 5, 15, 0, 0, 6, 6, 8, 0, 0, 6, 1, 43, 0, 1, 0, 5, 15, 0, 0, 6, 6, 8, 0, 0, 6, 1, 21, 0, 0, 1, 11, 8, 0, 0, 11, 1, 21, 0, 0, 1, 7, 8, 0, 0, 7, 1, 43, 0, 1, 0, 5, 15, 0, 0, 6, 6, 8, 0, 0, 6, 1, 21, 0, 0, 1, 11, 8, 0, 0, 11, 1, 43, 0, 1, 0, 5, 15, 0, 0, 6, 6, 8, 0, 0, 6, 1, 21, 0, 0, 1, 2, 8, 0, 0, 2, 1, 43, 0, 1, 0, 5, 15, 0, 0, 6, 6, 8, 0, 0, 6, 1, 21, 0, 0, 1, 4, 8, 0, 0, 4, 1, 43, 0, 1, 0, 5, 15, 0, 0, 6, 12, 0, 0, 0, 12, 1, 21, 0, 0, 1, 9, 8, 0, 0, 9, 1, 43, 0, 1, 0, 5, 15, 0, 0, 6, 12, 0, 0, 0, 12, 1, 21, 0, 0, 1, 9, 8, 0, 0, 9, 1, 21, 0, 0, 1, 6, 8, 0, 0, 6, 1, 43, 0, 1, 0, 5, 15, 0, 0, 6, 12, 0, 0, 0, 12, 1, 21, 0, 0, 1, 9, 8, 0, 0, 9, 1, 43, 0, 1, 0, 5, 15, 0, 0, 6, 12, 0, 0, 0, 12, 1, 21, 0, 0, 1, 10, 8, 0, 0, 10, 1, 43, 0, 1, 0, 5, 15, 0, 0, 6, 12, 0, 0, 0, 12, 1, 21, 0, 0, 1, 5, 8, 0, 0, 5, 1, 43, 0, 1, 0, 5, 15, 0, 0, 6, 12, 0, 0, 0, 12, 1, 21, 0, 0, 1, 5, 8, 0, 0, 5, 1, 21, 0, 0, 1, 7, 8, 0, 0, 7, 1, 43, 0, 1, 0, 5, 15, 0, 0, 6, 4, 8, 0, 0, 4, 1, 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Params: { "type": 4, "message": "[LanguageServerHost][01:46:50.886][End]textDocument/semanticTokens/range" } [Trace - 3:46:50 PM] Sending request 'textDocument/codeAction - (22)'. Params: { "textDocument": { "uri": "file:///workspaces/leaf-compiler-gameengine/compiler/CompilerCore/src/Output/BinaryOutput/PartialCompilers/ActionListCompiler.cs" }, "range": { "start": { "line": 55, "character": 22 }, "end": { "line": 55, "character": 22 } }, "context": { "diagnostics": [], "triggerKind": 2 } } [Trace - 3:46:51 PM] Received notification 'window/logMessage'. Params: { "type": 4, "message": "[LanguageServerHost]/workspaces/leaf-compiler-gameengine/compiler/CompilerCore/src/Output/BinaryOutput/PartialCompilers/ActionListCompiler.cs found in workspace MiscellaneousFiles" } [Trace - 3:46:51 PM] Received notification 'window/logMessage'. Params: { "type": 4, "message": "[LanguageServerHost][01:46:50.973][Start]textDocument/codeAction" } [Trace - 3:46:51 PM] Received response 'textDocument/codeAction - (22)' in 38ms. Result: [] [Trace - 3:46:51 PM] Received notification 'window/logMessage'. Params: { "type": 4, "message": "[LanguageServerHost][01:46:50.975][End]textDocument/codeAction" } [Trace - 3:46:52 PM] Sending request 'textDocument/hover - (23)'. Params: { "textDocument": { "uri": "file:///workspaces/leaf-compiler-gameengine/compiler/CompilerCore/src/Output/BinaryOutput/PartialCompilers/ActionListCompiler.cs" }, "position": { "line": 49, "character": 40 } } [Trace - 3:46:52 PM] Received notification 'window/logMessage'. Params: { "type": 4, "message": "[LanguageServerHost]/workspaces/leaf-compiler-gameengine/compiler/CompilerCore/src/Output/BinaryOutput/PartialCompilers/ActionListCompiler.cs found in workspace MiscellaneousFiles" } [Trace - 3:46:52 PM] Received notification 'window/logMessage'. Params: { "type": 4, "message": "[LanguageServerHost][01:46:52.345][Start]textDocument/hover" } [Trace - 3:46:52 PM] Received response 'textDocument/hover - (23)' in 4ms. No result returned. [Trace - 3:46:52 PM] Received notification 'window/logMessage'. Params: { "type": 4, "message": "[LanguageServerHost][01:46:52.347][End]textDocument/hover" } [Trace - 3:46:52 PM] Sending request 'textDocument/documentHighlight - (24)'. Params: { "textDocument": { "uri": "file:///workspaces/leaf-compiler-gameengine/compiler/CompilerCore/src/Output/BinaryOutput/PartialCompilers/ActionListCompiler.cs" }, "position": { "line": 49, "character": 42 } } [Trace - 3:46:52 PM] Received notification 'window/logMessage'. Params: { "type": 4, "message": "[LanguageServerHost]/workspaces/leaf-compiler-gameengine/compiler/CompilerCore/src/Output/BinaryOutput/PartialCompilers/ActionListCompiler.cs found in workspace MiscellaneousFiles" } [Trace - 3:46:52 PM] Received notification 'window/logMessage'. Params: { "type": 4, "message": "[LanguageServerHost][01:46:52.595][Start]textDocument/documentHighlight" } [Trace - 3:46:52 PM] Received response 'textDocument/documentHighlight - (24)' in 3ms. Result: [] [Trace - 3:46:52 PM] Received notification 'window/logMessage'. Params: { "type": 4, "message": "[LanguageServerHost][01:46:52.596][End]textDocument/documentHighlight" } [Trace - 3:46:52 PM] Sending request 'textDocument/codeAction - (25)'. Params: { "textDocument": { "uri": "file:///workspaces/leaf-compiler-gameengine/compiler/CompilerCore/src/Output/BinaryOutput/PartialCompilers/ActionListCompiler.cs" }, "range": { "start": { "line": 49, "character": 42 }, "end": { "line": 49, "character": 42 } }, "context": { "diagnostics": [], "triggerKind": 2 } } [Trace - 3:46:52 PM] Received notification 'window/logMessage'. Params: { "type": 4, "message": "[LanguageServerHost]/workspaces/leaf-compiler-gameengine/compiler/CompilerCore/src/Output/BinaryOutput/PartialCompilers/ActionListCompiler.cs found in workspace MiscellaneousFiles" } [Trace - 3:46:52 PM] Received notification 'window/logMessage'. Params: { "type": 4, "message": "[LanguageServerHost][01:46:52.838][Start]textDocument/codeAction" } [Trace - 3:46:52 PM] Received response 'textDocument/codeAction - (25)' in 162ms. Result: [ { "title": "Wrap every parameter -> Align wrapped parameters", "kind": "refactor", "data": { "UniqueIdentifier": "Wrap every parameter|Align wrapped parameters", "CustomTags": [], "Range": { "start": { "line": 49, "character": 42 }, "end": { "line": 49, "character": 42 } }, "TextDocument": { "uri": "file:///workspaces/leaf-compiler-gameengine/compiler/CompilerCore/src/Output/BinaryOutput/PartialCompilers/ActionListCompiler.cs" } } }, { "title": "Wrap every parameter -> Indent all parameters", "kind": "refactor", "data": { "UniqueIdentifier": "Wrap every parameter|Indent all parameters", "CustomTags": [], "Range": { "start": { "line": 49, "character": 42 }, "end": { "line": 49, "character": 42 } }, "TextDocument": { "uri": "file:///workspaces/leaf-compiler-gameengine/compiler/CompilerCore/src/Output/BinaryOutput/PartialCompilers/ActionListCompiler.cs" } } }, { "title": "Wrap every parameter -> Indent wrapped parameters", "kind": "refactor", "data": { "UniqueIdentifier": "Wrap every parameter|Indent wrapped parameters", "CustomTags": [], "Range": { "start": { "line": 49, "character": 42 }, "end": { "line": 49, "character": 42 } }, "TextDocument": { "uri": "file:///workspaces/leaf-compiler-gameengine/compiler/CompilerCore/src/Output/BinaryOutput/PartialCompilers/ActionListCompiler.cs" } } }, { "title": "Unwrap and indent all parameters", "kind": "refactor", "data": { "UniqueIdentifier": "Unwrap and indent all parameters", "CustomTags": [ "Wrapping Code Action Provider" ], "Range": { "start": { "line": 49, "character": 42 }, "end": { "line": 49, "character": 42 } }, "TextDocument": { "uri": "file:///workspaces/leaf-compiler-gameengine/compiler/CompilerCore/src/Output/BinaryOutput/PartialCompilers/ActionListCompiler.cs" } } }, { "title": "Wrap long parameter list -> Align wrapped parameters", "kind": "refactor", "data": { "UniqueIdentifier": "Wrap long parameter list|Align wrapped parameters", "CustomTags": [], "Range": { "start": { "line": 49, "character": 42 }, "end": { "line": 49, "character": 42 } }, "TextDocument": { "uri": "file:///workspaces/leaf-compiler-gameengine/compiler/CompilerCore/src/Output/BinaryOutput/PartialCompilers/ActionListCompiler.cs" } } }, { "title": "Wrap long parameter list -> Indent all parameters", "kind": "refactor", "data": { "UniqueIdentifier": "Wrap long parameter list|Indent all parameters", "CustomTags": [], "Range": { "start": { "line": 49, "character": 42 }, "end": { "line": 49, "character": 42 } }, "TextDocument": { "uri": "file:///workspaces/leaf-compiler-gameengine/compiler/CompilerCore/src/Output/BinaryOutput/PartialCompilers/ActionListCompiler.cs" } } }, { "title": "Wrap long parameter list -> Indent wrapped parameters", "kind": "refactor", "data": { "UniqueIdentifier": "Wrap long parameter list|Indent wrapped parameters", "CustomTags": [], "Range": { "start": { "line": 49, "character": 42 }, "end": { "line": 49, "character": 42 } }, "TextDocument": { "uri": "file:///workspaces/leaf-compiler-gameengine/compiler/CompilerCore/src/Output/BinaryOutput/PartialCompilers/ActionListCompiler.cs" } } } ] [Trace - 3:46:52 PM] Received notification 'window/logMessage'. Params: { "type": 4, "message": "[LanguageServerHost][01:46:52.998][End]textDocument/codeAction" } [Trace - 3:46:53 PM] Sending request 'textDocument/definition - (26)'. Params: { "textDocument": { "uri": "file:///workspaces/leaf-compiler-gameengine/compiler/CompilerCore/src/Output/BinaryOutput/PartialCompilers/ActionListCompiler.cs" }, "position": { "line": 49, "character": 42 } } [Trace - 3:46:53 PM] Received notification 'window/logMessage'. Params: { "type": 4, "message": "[LanguageServerHost]/workspaces/leaf-compiler-gameengine/compiler/CompilerCore/src/Output/BinaryOutput/PartialCompilers/ActionListCompiler.cs found in workspace MiscellaneousFiles" } [Trace - 3:46:53 PM] Received notification 'window/logMessage'. Params: { "type": 4, "message": "[LanguageServerHost][01:46:53.016][Start]textDocument/definition" } [Trace - 3:46:53 PM] Received response 'textDocument/definition - (26)' in 4ms. Result: [] [Trace - 3:46:53 PM] Received notification 'window/logMessage'. Params: { "type": 4, "message": "[LanguageServerHost][01:46:53.019][End]textDocument/definition" } [Trace - 3:46:53 PM] Sending request 'textDocument/hover - (27)'. Params: { "textDocument": { "uri": "file:///workspaces/leaf-compiler-gameengine/compiler/CompilerCore/src/Output/BinaryOutput/PartialCompilers/ActionListCompiler.cs" }, "position": { "line": 50, "character": 46 } } [Trace - 3:46:53 PM] Received notification 'window/logMessage'. Params: { "type": 4, "message": "[LanguageServerHost]/workspaces/leaf-compiler-gameengine/compiler/CompilerCore/src/Output/BinaryOutput/PartialCompilers/ActionListCompiler.cs found in workspace MiscellaneousFiles" } [Trace - 3:46:53 PM] Received notification 'window/logMessage'. Params: { "type": 4, "message": "[LanguageServerHost][01:46:53.229][Start]textDocument/hover" } [Trace - 3:46:53 PM] Received response 'textDocument/hover - (27)' in 4ms. Result: { "contents": { "kind": "markdown", "value": "```csharp\n(parameter) ILeafCompiler parentCompiler\n```\n \n" }, "range": { "start": { "line": 50, "character": 33 }, "end": { "line": 50, "character": 47 } } } [Trace - 3:46:53 PM] Received notification 'window/logMessage'. Params: { "type": 4, "message": "[LanguageServerHost][01:46:53.232][End]textDocument/hover" } [Trace - 3:46:53 PM] Sending request 'textDocument/definition - (28)'. Params: { "textDocument": { "uri": "file:///workspaces/leaf-compiler-gameengine/compiler/CompilerCore/src/Output/BinaryOutput/PartialCompilers/ActionListCompiler.cs" }, "position": { "line": 49, "character": 42 } } [Trace - 3:46:53 PM] Received notification 'window/logMessage'. Params: { "type": 4, "message": "[LanguageServerHost]/workspaces/leaf-compiler-gameengine/compiler/CompilerCore/src/Output/BinaryOutput/PartialCompilers/ActionListCompiler.cs found in workspace MiscellaneousFiles" } [Trace - 3:46:53 PM] Received notification 'window/logMessage'. Params: { "type": 4, "message": "[LanguageServerHost][01:46:53.646][Start]textDocument/definition" } [Trace - 3:46:53 PM] Received response 'textDocument/definition - (28)' in 3ms. Result: [] [Trace - 3:46:53 PM] Received notification 'window/logMessage'. Params: { "type": 4, "message": "[LanguageServerHost][01:46:53.647][End]textDocument/definition" } [Trace - 3:46:53 PM] Sending request 'textDocument/hover - (29)'. Params: { "textDocument": { "uri": "file:///workspaces/leaf-compiler-gameengine/compiler/CompilerCore/src/Output/BinaryOutput/PartialCompilers/ActionListCompiler.cs" }, "position": { "line": 50, "character": 46 } } [Trace - 3:46:53 PM] Received notification 'window/logMessage'. Params: { "type": 4, "message": "[LanguageServerHost]/workspaces/leaf-compiler-gameengine/compiler/CompilerCore/src/Output/BinaryOutput/PartialCompilers/ActionListCompiler.cs found in workspace MiscellaneousFiles" } [Trace - 3:46:53 PM] Received notification 'window/logMessage'. Params: { "type": 4, "message": "[LanguageServerHost][01:46:53.899][Start]textDocument/hover" } [Trace - 3:46:53 PM] Received response 'textDocument/hover - (29)' in 3ms. Result: { "contents": { "kind": "markdown", "value": "```csharp\n(parameter) ILeafCompiler parentCompiler\n```\n \n" }, "range": { "start": { "line": 50, "character": 33 }, "end": { "line": 50, "character": 47 } } } [Trace - 3:46:53 PM] Received notification 'window/logMessage'. Params: { "type": 4, "message": "[LanguageServerHost][01:46:53.901][End]textDocument/hover" } [Trace - 3:46:55 PM] Received request 'workspace/semanticTokens/refresh - (8)'. Params: [] [Trace - 3:46:55 PM] Sending response 'workspace/semanticTokens/refresh - (8)'. Processing request took 1ms No result returned. [Trace - 3:46:55 PM] Sending request 'textDocument/definition - (30)'. Params: { "textDocument": { "uri": "file:///workspaces/leaf-compiler-gameengine/compiler/CompilerCore/src/Output/BinaryOutput/PartialCompilers/ActionListCompiler.cs" }, "position": { "line": 34, "character": 35 } } [Trace - 3:46:55 PM] Received notification 'window/logMessage'. Params: { "type": 4, "message": "[LanguageServerHost]/workspaces/leaf-compiler-gameengine/compiler/CompilerCore/src/Output/BinaryOutput/PartialCompilers/ActionListCompiler.cs found in workspace MiscellaneousFiles" } [Trace - 3:46:55 PM] Received notification 'window/logMessage'. Params: { "type": 4, "message": "[LanguageServerHost][01:46:55.972][Start]textDocument/definition" } [Trace - 3:46:55 PM] Received response 'textDocument/definition - (30)' in 3ms. Result: [] [Trace - 3:46:55 PM] Received notification 'window/logMessage'. Params: { "type": 4, "message": "[LanguageServerHost][01:46:55.974][End]textDocument/definition" } [Trace - 3:48:16 PM] Sending request 'textDocument/diagnostic - (31)'. Params: { "textDocument": { "uri": "file:///workspaces/leaf-compiler-gameengine/compiler/CompilerCore/src/Output/BinaryOutput/PartialCompilers/ActionListCompiler.cs" }, "previousResultId": "PublicDocumentPullDiagnosticsHandler(category: ):0" } [Trace - 3:48:16 PM] Received notification 'window/logMessage'. Params: { "type": 4, "message": "[LanguageServerHost]/workspaces/leaf-compiler-gameengine/compiler/CompilerCore/src/Output/BinaryOutput/PartialCompilers/ActionListCompiler.cs found in workspace MiscellaneousFiles" } [Trace - 3:48:16 PM] Received notification 'window/logMessage'. Params: { "type": 4, "message": "[LanguageServerHost][01:48:16.400][Start]textDocument/diagnostic" } [Trace - 3:48:16 PM] Received notification 'window/logMessage'. Params: { "type": 4, "message": "[LanguageServerHost]PublicDocumentPullDiagnosticsHandler(category: ) started getting diagnostics" } [Trace - 3:48:16 PM] Received notification 'window/logMessage'. Params: { "type": 4, "message": "[LanguageServerHost]previousResults.Length=1" } [Trace - 3:48:16 PM] Received notification 'window/logMessage'. Params: { "type": 4, "message": "[LanguageServerHost]Processing 1 documents" } [Trace - 3:48:16 PM] Received notification 'window/logMessage'. Params: { "type": 4, "message": "[LanguageServerHost]Diagnostics were unchanged for DocumentDiagnosticSource: /workspaces/leaf-compiler-gameengine/compiler/CompilerCore/src/Output/BinaryOutput/PartialCompilers/ActionListCompiler.cs in Miscellaneous Files" } [Trace - 3:48:16 PM] Received notification 'window/logMessage'. Params: { "type": 4, "message": "[LanguageServerHost]Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.LanguageServer.Handler.Diagnostics.Public.PublicDocumentPullDiagnosticsHandler finished getting diagnostics" } [Trace - 3:48:16 PM] Received response 'textDocument/diagnostic - (31)' in 3ms. Result: { "kind": "unchanged", "resultId": "PublicDocumentPullDiagnosticsHandler(category: ):0" } [Trace - 3:48:16 PM] Received notification 'window/logMessage'. Params: { "type": 4, "message": "[LanguageServerHost][01:48:16.402][End]textDocument/diagnostic" } [Trace - 3:48:39 PM] Sending request 'textDocument/diagnostic - (32)'. Params: { "textDocument": { "uri": "file:///workspaces/leaf-compiler-gameengine/compiler/CompilerCore/src/Output/BinaryOutput/PartialCompilers/ActionListCompiler.cs" }, "previousResultId": "PublicDocumentPullDiagnosticsHandler(category: ):0" } [Trace - 3:48:39 PM] Received notification 'window/logMessage'. Params: { "type": 4, "message": "[LanguageServerHost]/workspaces/leaf-compiler-gameengine/compiler/CompilerCore/src/Output/BinaryOutput/PartialCompilers/ActionListCompiler.cs found in workspace MiscellaneousFiles" } [Trace - 3:48:39 PM] Received notification 'window/logMessage'. Params: { "type": 4, "message": "[LanguageServerHost][01:48:39.558][Start]textDocument/diagnostic" } [Trace - 3:48:39 PM] Received notification 'window/logMessage'. Params: { "type": 4, "message": "[LanguageServerHost]PublicDocumentPullDiagnosticsHandler(category: ) started getting diagnostics" } [Trace - 3:48:39 PM] Received notification 'window/logMessage'. Params: { "type": 4, "message": "[LanguageServerHost]previousResults.Length=1" } [Trace - 3:48:39 PM] Received notification 'window/logMessage'. Params: { "type": 4, "message": "[LanguageServerHost]Processing 1 documents" } [Trace - 3:48:39 PM] Received notification 'window/logMessage'. Params: { "type": 4, "message": "[LanguageServerHost]Diagnostics were unchanged for DocumentDiagnosticSource: /workspaces/leaf-compiler-gameengine/compiler/CompilerCore/src/Output/BinaryOutput/PartialCompilers/ActionListCompiler.cs in Miscellaneous Files" } [Trace - 3:48:39 PM] Received notification 'window/logMessage'. Params: { "type": 4, "message": "[LanguageServerHost]Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.LanguageServer.Handler.Diagnostics.Public.PublicDocumentPullDiagnosticsHandler finished getting diagnostics" } [Trace - 3:48:39 PM] Received response 'textDocument/diagnostic - (32)' in 3ms. Result: { "kind": "unchanged", "resultId": "PublicDocumentPullDiagnosticsHandler(category: ):0" } [Trace - 3:48:39 PM] Received notification 'window/logMessage'. Params: { "type": 4, "message": "[LanguageServerHost][01:48:39.559][End]textDocument/diagnostic" } [Trace - 3:49:07 PM] Sending request 'textDocument/diagnostic - (33)'. Params: { "textDocument": { "uri": "file:///workspaces/leaf-compiler-gameengine/compiler/CompilerCore/src/Output/BinaryOutput/PartialCompilers/ActionListCompiler.cs" }, "previousResultId": "PublicDocumentPullDiagnosticsHandler(category: ):0" } [Trace - 3:49:07 PM] Received notification 'window/logMessage'. Params: { "type": 4, "message": "[LanguageServerHost]/workspaces/leaf-compiler-gameengine/compiler/CompilerCore/src/Output/BinaryOutput/PartialCompilers/ActionListCompiler.cs found in workspace MiscellaneousFiles" } [Trace - 3:49:07 PM] Received notification 'window/logMessage'. Params: { "type": 4, "message": "[LanguageServerHost][01:49:07.692][Start]textDocument/diagnostic" } [Trace - 3:49:07 PM] Received notification 'window/logMessage'. Params: { "type": 4, "message": "[LanguageServerHost]PublicDocumentPullDiagnosticsHandler(category: ) started getting diagnostics" } [Trace - 3:49:07 PM] Received notification 'window/logMessage'. Params: { "type": 4, "message": "[LanguageServerHost]previousResults.Length=1" } [Trace - 3:49:07 PM] Received notification 'window/logMessage'. Params: { "type": 4, "message": "[LanguageServerHost]Processing 1 documents" } [Trace - 3:49:07 PM] Received notification 'window/logMessage'. Params: { "type": 4, "message": "[LanguageServerHost]Diagnostics were unchanged for DocumentDiagnosticSource: /workspaces/leaf-compiler-gameengine/compiler/CompilerCore/src/Output/BinaryOutput/PartialCompilers/ActionListCompiler.cs in Miscellaneous Files" } [Trace - 3:49:07 PM] Received notification 'window/logMessage'. Params: { "type": 4, "message": "[LanguageServerHost]Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.LanguageServer.Handler.Diagnostics.Public.PublicDocumentPullDiagnosticsHandler finished getting diagnostics" } [Trace - 3:49:07 PM] Received response 'textDocument/diagnostic - (33)' in 2ms. Result: { "kind": "unchanged", "resultId": "PublicDocumentPullDiagnosticsHandler(category: ):0" } [Trace - 3:49:07 PM] Received notification 'window/logMessage'. Params: { "type": 4, "message": "[LanguageServerHost][01:49:07.692][End]textDocument/diagnostic" } [Trace - 3:51:01 PM] Sending request 'textDocument/hover - (34)'. Params: { "textDocument": { "uri": "file:///workspaces/leaf-compiler-gameengine/compiler/CompilerCore/src/Output/BinaryOutput/PartialCompilers/ActionListCompiler.cs" }, "position": { "line": 71, "character": 49 } } [Trace - 3:51:01 PM] Sending notification '$/cancelRequest'. Params: { "id": 34 } [Trace - 3:51:01 PM] Received notification 'window/logMessage'. Params: { "type": 4, "message": "[LanguageServerHost]/workspaces/leaf-compiler-gameengine/compiler/CompilerCore/src/Output/BinaryOutput/PartialCompilers/ActionListCompiler.cs found in workspace MiscellaneousFiles" } [Trace - 3:51:01 PM] Received notification 'window/logMessage'. Params: { "type": 4, "message": "[LanguageServerHost][01:51:01.657][Start]textDocument/hover" } [Trace - 3:51:01 PM] Received response 'textDocument/hover - (34)' in 4ms. No result returned. [Trace - 3:51:01 PM] Received notification 'window/logMessage'. Params: { "type": 4, "message": "[LanguageServerHost][01:51:01.658][End]textDocument/hover" } [Trace - 3:51:02 PM] Sending request 'textDocument/diagnostic - (35)'. Params: { "textDocument": { "uri": "file:///workspaces/leaf-compiler-gameengine/compiler/CompilerCore/src/Output/BinaryOutput/PartialCompilers/ActionListCompiler.cs" }, "previousResultId": "PublicDocumentPullDiagnosticsHandler(category: ):0" } [Trace - 3:51:02 PM] Received notification 'window/logMessage'. Params: { "type": 4, "message": "[LanguageServerHost]/workspaces/leaf-compiler-gameengine/compiler/CompilerCore/src/Output/BinaryOutput/PartialCompilers/ActionListCompiler.cs found in workspace MiscellaneousFiles" } [Trace - 3:51:02 PM] Received notification 'window/logMessage'. Params: { "type": 4, "message": "[LanguageServerHost][01:51:02.122][Start]textDocument/diagnostic" } [Trace - 3:51:02 PM] Received notification 'window/logMessage'. Params: { "type": 4, "message": "[LanguageServerHost]PublicDocumentPullDiagnosticsHandler(category: ) started getting diagnostics" } [Trace - 3:51:02 PM] Received notification 'window/logMessage'. Params: { "type": 4, "message": "[LanguageServerHost]previousResults.Length=1" } [Trace - 3:51:02 PM] Received notification 'window/logMessage'. Params: { "type": 4, "message": "[LanguageServerHost]Processing 1 documents" } [Trace - 3:51:02 PM] Received notification 'window/logMessage'. Params: { "type": 4, "message": "[LanguageServerHost]Diagnostics were unchanged for DocumentDiagnosticSource: /workspaces/leaf-compiler-gameengine/compiler/CompilerCore/src/Output/BinaryOutput/PartialCompilers/ActionListCompiler.cs in Miscellaneous Files" } [Trace - 3:51:02 PM] Received notification 'window/logMessage'. Params: { "type": 4, "message": "[LanguageServerHost]Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.LanguageServer.Handler.Diagnostics.Public.PublicDocumentPullDiagnosticsHandler finished getting diagnostics" } [Trace - 3:51:02 PM] Received response 'textDocument/diagnostic - (35)' in 3ms. Result: { "kind": "unchanged", "resultId": "PublicDocumentPullDiagnosticsHandler(category: ):0" } [Trace - 3:51:02 PM] Received notification 'window/logMessage'. Params: { "type": 4, "message": "[LanguageServerHost][01:51:02.123][End]textDocument/diagnostic" }