From ad3450ce47c44a0991e3ed737385c62e80c48906 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Nathan Mytelka Date: Mon, 5 Oct 2020 15:00:30 -0700 Subject: [PATCH 1/2] Error for small connection timeout --- .../BackEnd/Components/Communications/NodeProviderInProc.cs | 1 + src/Build/Resources/Strings.resx | 4 ++++ src/Build/Resources/xlf/Strings.cs.xlf | 5 +++++ src/Build/Resources/xlf/ | 5 +++++ src/Build/Resources/xlf/Strings.en.xlf | 5 +++++ src/Build/Resources/xlf/ | 5 +++++ src/Build/Resources/xlf/ | 5 +++++ src/Build/Resources/xlf/ | 5 +++++ src/Build/Resources/xlf/Strings.ja.xlf | 5 +++++ src/Build/Resources/xlf/Strings.ko.xlf | 5 +++++ src/Build/Resources/xlf/ | 5 +++++ src/Build/Resources/xlf/ | 5 +++++ src/Build/Resources/xlf/ | 5 +++++ src/Build/Resources/xlf/ | 5 +++++ src/Build/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hans.xlf | 5 +++++ src/Build/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hant.xlf | 5 +++++ 16 files changed, 75 insertions(+) diff --git a/src/Build/BackEnd/Components/Communications/NodeProviderInProc.cs b/src/Build/BackEnd/Components/Communications/NodeProviderInProc.cs index 0081265b99c..5b86426342a 100644 --- a/src/Build/BackEnd/Components/Communications/NodeProviderInProc.cs +++ b/src/Build/BackEnd/Components/Communications/NodeProviderInProc.cs @@ -366,6 +366,7 @@ private bool InstantiateNode(INodePacketFactory factory) _inProcNodeEndpoint.Connect(this); int connectionTimeout = CommunicationsUtilities.NodeConnectionTimeout; + ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrowArgument(connectionTimeout > 5, "InvalidConnectionTimeout", connectionTimeout); bool connected = _endpointConnectedEvent.WaitOne(connectionTimeout); ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrow(connected, "In-proc node failed to start up within {0}ms", connectionTimeout); return true; diff --git a/src/Build/Resources/Strings.resx b/src/Build/Resources/Strings.resx index afdeea94a5c..11265207a11 100644 --- a/src/Build/Resources/Strings.resx +++ b/src/Build/Resources/Strings.resx @@ -219,6 +219,10 @@ MSB4218: Failed to successfully launch or connect to a child MSBuild.exe process. Verify that the MSBuild.exe "{0}" launches successfully, and that it is loading the same that the launching process loaded. If the location seems incorrect, try specifying the correct location in the BuildParameters object, or with the MSBUILD_EXE_PATH environment variable. {StrBegin="MSB4218: "} + + MSB4264: Failed to launch an in-process worker node as the timeout was too small. Set MSBUILDNODECONNECTIONTIMEOUT to a higher value (or unset it). + {StrBegin="MSB4264: "} + MSB4117: The "{0}" item name is reserved, and cannot be used. {StrBegin="MSB4117: "}UE: This message is shown when the user tries to redefine one of the reserved MSBuild items e.g. @(Choose) diff --git a/src/Build/Resources/xlf/Strings.cs.xlf b/src/Build/Resources/xlf/Strings.cs.xlf index f5e2eaded05..117db31df82 100644 --- a/src/Build/Resources/xlf/Strings.cs.xlf +++ b/src/Build/Resources/xlf/Strings.cs.xlf @@ -109,6 +109,11 @@ MSB4255: Následující vstupní soubory mezipaměti pro výsledky neexistují: {0} + + MSB4264: Failed to launch an in-process worker node as the timeout was too small. Set MSBUILDNODECONNECTIONTIMEOUT to a higher value (or unset it). + MSB4264: Failed to launch an in-process worker node as the timeout was too small. Set MSBUILDNODECONNECTIONTIMEOUT to a higher value (or unset it). + {StrBegin="MSB4264: "} + Version string was not in a correct format. Řetězec verze nemá správný formát. diff --git a/src/Build/Resources/xlf/ b/src/Build/Resources/xlf/ index 422c9459de0..f38c3a8bf25 100644 --- a/src/Build/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/Build/Resources/xlf/ @@ -109,6 +109,11 @@ MSB4255: Die folgenden Cachedateien für Eingabeergebnisse sind nicht vorhanden: "{0}" + + MSB4264: Failed to launch an in-process worker node as the timeout was too small. Set MSBUILDNODECONNECTIONTIMEOUT to a higher value (or unset it). + MSB4264: Failed to launch an in-process worker node as the timeout was too small. Set MSBUILDNODECONNECTIONTIMEOUT to a higher value (or unset it). + {StrBegin="MSB4264: "} + Version string was not in a correct format. Die Versionszeichenfolge liegt nicht im richtigen Format vor. diff --git a/src/Build/Resources/xlf/Strings.en.xlf b/src/Build/Resources/xlf/Strings.en.xlf index 589226f7e6f..a9ccedd48f9 100644 --- a/src/Build/Resources/xlf/Strings.en.xlf +++ b/src/Build/Resources/xlf/Strings.en.xlf @@ -109,6 +109,11 @@ MSB4255: The following input result cache files do not exist: "{0}" + + MSB4264: Failed to launch an in-process worker node as the timeout was too small. Set MSBUILDNODECONNECTIONTIMEOUT to a higher value (or unset it). + MSB4264: Failed to launch an in-process worker node as the timeout was too small. Set MSBUILDNODECONNECTIONTIMEOUT to a higher value (or unset it). + {StrBegin="MSB4264: "} + Version string was not in a correct format. Version string was not in a correct format. diff --git a/src/Build/Resources/xlf/ b/src/Build/Resources/xlf/ index 5547e836199..489539d2604 100644 --- a/src/Build/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/Build/Resources/xlf/ @@ -109,6 +109,11 @@ MSB4255: Los siguientes archivos de caché de resultados de entrada no existen: "{0}" + + MSB4264: Failed to launch an in-process worker node as the timeout was too small. Set MSBUILDNODECONNECTIONTIMEOUT to a higher value (or unset it). + MSB4264: Failed to launch an in-process worker node as the timeout was too small. Set MSBUILDNODECONNECTIONTIMEOUT to a higher value (or unset it). + {StrBegin="MSB4264: "} + Version string was not in a correct format. La cadena de versión no tenía el formato correcto. diff --git a/src/Build/Resources/xlf/ b/src/Build/Resources/xlf/ index b24831a3263..177adf0b43a 100644 --- a/src/Build/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/Build/Resources/xlf/ @@ -109,6 +109,11 @@ MSB4255: Les fichiers cache des résultats d'entrée suivants n'existent pas : "{0}" + + MSB4264: Failed to launch an in-process worker node as the timeout was too small. Set MSBUILDNODECONNECTIONTIMEOUT to a higher value (or unset it). + MSB4264: Failed to launch an in-process worker node as the timeout was too small. Set MSBUILDNODECONNECTIONTIMEOUT to a higher value (or unset it). + {StrBegin="MSB4264: "} + Version string was not in a correct format. La chaîne de version n'était pas au format approprié. diff --git a/src/Build/Resources/xlf/ b/src/Build/Resources/xlf/ index aaa48ce62a0..bf78e5324ca 100644 --- a/src/Build/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/Build/Resources/xlf/ @@ -109,6 +109,11 @@ MSB4255: i file della cache dei risultati di input seguenti non esistono: "{0}" + + MSB4264: Failed to launch an in-process worker node as the timeout was too small. Set MSBUILDNODECONNECTIONTIMEOUT to a higher value (or unset it). + MSB4264: Failed to launch an in-process worker node as the timeout was too small. Set MSBUILDNODECONNECTIONTIMEOUT to a higher value (or unset it). + {StrBegin="MSB4264: "} + Version string was not in a correct format. Il formato della stringa di versione non è corretto. diff --git a/src/Build/Resources/xlf/Strings.ja.xlf b/src/Build/Resources/xlf/Strings.ja.xlf index 4ed064ed7e6..59bf250a555 100644 --- a/src/Build/Resources/xlf/Strings.ja.xlf +++ b/src/Build/Resources/xlf/Strings.ja.xlf @@ -109,6 +109,11 @@ MSB4255: 以下の入力結果キャッシュ ファイルが存在しません: "{0}" + + MSB4264: Failed to launch an in-process worker node as the timeout was too small. Set MSBUILDNODECONNECTIONTIMEOUT to a higher value (or unset it). + MSB4264: Failed to launch an in-process worker node as the timeout was too small. Set MSBUILDNODECONNECTIONTIMEOUT to a higher value (or unset it). + {StrBegin="MSB4264: "} + Version string was not in a correct format. バージョン文字列の形式が正しくありません。 diff --git a/src/Build/Resources/xlf/Strings.ko.xlf b/src/Build/Resources/xlf/Strings.ko.xlf index 63d2cfb24eb..3db4d078993 100644 --- a/src/Build/Resources/xlf/Strings.ko.xlf +++ b/src/Build/Resources/xlf/Strings.ko.xlf @@ -109,6 +109,11 @@ MSB4255: 다음 입력 결과 캐시 파일이 존재하지 않습니다. "{0}" + + MSB4264: Failed to launch an in-process worker node as the timeout was too small. Set MSBUILDNODECONNECTIONTIMEOUT to a higher value (or unset it). + MSB4264: Failed to launch an in-process worker node as the timeout was too small. Set MSBUILDNODECONNECTIONTIMEOUT to a higher value (or unset it). + {StrBegin="MSB4264: "} + Version string was not in a correct format. 버전 문자열의 형식이 잘못되었습니다. diff --git a/src/Build/Resources/xlf/ b/src/Build/Resources/xlf/ index 116b5d70d71..14fad914551 100644 --- a/src/Build/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/Build/Resources/xlf/ @@ -109,6 +109,11 @@ MSB4255: Następujące pliki wejściowej pamięci podręcznej wyników nie istnieją: „{0}” + + MSB4264: Failed to launch an in-process worker node as the timeout was too small. Set MSBUILDNODECONNECTIONTIMEOUT to a higher value (or unset it). + MSB4264: Failed to launch an in-process worker node as the timeout was too small. Set MSBUILDNODECONNECTIONTIMEOUT to a higher value (or unset it). + {StrBegin="MSB4264: "} + Version string was not in a correct format. Nieprawidłowy format ciągu wersji. diff --git a/src/Build/Resources/xlf/ b/src/Build/Resources/xlf/ index 473db5c47b4..d1376b9f3c0 100644 --- a/src/Build/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/Build/Resources/xlf/ @@ -109,6 +109,11 @@ MSB4255: os arquivos de cache do resultado de entrada a seguir não existem: "{0}" + + MSB4264: Failed to launch an in-process worker node as the timeout was too small. Set MSBUILDNODECONNECTIONTIMEOUT to a higher value (or unset it). + MSB4264: Failed to launch an in-process worker node as the timeout was too small. Set MSBUILDNODECONNECTIONTIMEOUT to a higher value (or unset it). + {StrBegin="MSB4264: "} + Version string was not in a correct format. A cadeia de caracteres de versão não estava em um formato correto. diff --git a/src/Build/Resources/xlf/ b/src/Build/Resources/xlf/ index e1549aaf36c..6d4284f76ec 100644 --- a/src/Build/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/Build/Resources/xlf/ @@ -109,6 +109,11 @@ MSB4255: следующие входные файлы кэша результатов не существуют: "{0}" + + MSB4264: Failed to launch an in-process worker node as the timeout was too small. Set MSBUILDNODECONNECTIONTIMEOUT to a higher value (or unset it). + MSB4264: Failed to launch an in-process worker node as the timeout was too small. Set MSBUILDNODECONNECTIONTIMEOUT to a higher value (or unset it). + {StrBegin="MSB4264: "} + Version string was not in a correct format. Строка версии имела неверный формат. diff --git a/src/Build/Resources/xlf/ b/src/Build/Resources/xlf/ index 7917b489cf6..eb4b8a55d1f 100644 --- a/src/Build/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/Build/Resources/xlf/ @@ -109,6 +109,11 @@ MSB4255: Şu giriş sonucu önbellek dosyaları mevcut değil: "{0}" + + MSB4264: Failed to launch an in-process worker node as the timeout was too small. Set MSBUILDNODECONNECTIONTIMEOUT to a higher value (or unset it). + MSB4264: Failed to launch an in-process worker node as the timeout was too small. Set MSBUILDNODECONNECTIONTIMEOUT to a higher value (or unset it). + {StrBegin="MSB4264: "} + Version string was not in a correct format. Sürüm dizesi doğru biçimde değildi. diff --git a/src/Build/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hans.xlf b/src/Build/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hans.xlf index 25c749f67a3..1549aaf4c26 100644 --- a/src/Build/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hans.xlf +++ b/src/Build/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hans.xlf @@ -109,6 +109,11 @@ MSB4255: 以下输入结果缓存文件不存在:“{0}” + + MSB4264: Failed to launch an in-process worker node as the timeout was too small. Set MSBUILDNODECONNECTIONTIMEOUT to a higher value (or unset it). + MSB4264: Failed to launch an in-process worker node as the timeout was too small. Set MSBUILDNODECONNECTIONTIMEOUT to a higher value (or unset it). + {StrBegin="MSB4264: "} + Version string was not in a correct format. 版本字符串的格式不正确。 diff --git a/src/Build/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hant.xlf b/src/Build/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hant.xlf index d64e446e3b2..27a76c44058 100644 --- a/src/Build/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hant.xlf +++ b/src/Build/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hant.xlf @@ -109,6 +109,11 @@ MSB4255: 下列輸入結果快取檔案不存在: "{0}" + + MSB4264: Failed to launch an in-process worker node as the timeout was too small. Set MSBUILDNODECONNECTIONTIMEOUT to a higher value (or unset it). + MSB4264: Failed to launch an in-process worker node as the timeout was too small. Set MSBUILDNODECONNECTIONTIMEOUT to a higher value (or unset it). + {StrBegin="MSB4264: "} + Version string was not in a correct format. 版本字串格式不正確。 From af564a93901c728c37692b0d693d511e5375db08 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Nathan Mytelka Date: Mon, 5 Oct 2020 15:52:04 -0700 Subject: [PATCH 2/2] Change to more detailed error message --- .../BackEnd/Components/Communications/NodeProviderInProc.cs | 3 +-- src/Build/Resources/Strings.resx | 4 ---- src/Build/Resources/xlf/Strings.cs.xlf | 5 ----- src/Build/Resources/xlf/ | 5 ----- src/Build/Resources/xlf/Strings.en.xlf | 5 ----- src/Build/Resources/xlf/ | 5 ----- src/Build/Resources/xlf/ | 5 ----- src/Build/Resources/xlf/ | 5 ----- src/Build/Resources/xlf/Strings.ja.xlf | 5 ----- src/Build/Resources/xlf/Strings.ko.xlf | 5 ----- src/Build/Resources/xlf/ | 5 ----- src/Build/Resources/xlf/ | 5 ----- src/Build/Resources/xlf/ | 5 ----- src/Build/Resources/xlf/ | 5 ----- src/Build/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hans.xlf | 5 ----- src/Build/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hant.xlf | 5 ----- 16 files changed, 1 insertion(+), 76 deletions(-) diff --git a/src/Build/BackEnd/Components/Communications/NodeProviderInProc.cs b/src/Build/BackEnd/Components/Communications/NodeProviderInProc.cs index 5b86426342a..552ceb2a26b 100644 --- a/src/Build/BackEnd/Components/Communications/NodeProviderInProc.cs +++ b/src/Build/BackEnd/Components/Communications/NodeProviderInProc.cs @@ -366,9 +366,8 @@ private bool InstantiateNode(INodePacketFactory factory) _inProcNodeEndpoint.Connect(this); int connectionTimeout = CommunicationsUtilities.NodeConnectionTimeout; - ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrowArgument(connectionTimeout > 5, "InvalidConnectionTimeout", connectionTimeout); bool connected = _endpointConnectedEvent.WaitOne(connectionTimeout); - ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrow(connected, "In-proc node failed to start up within {0}ms", connectionTimeout); + ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrow(connected, "In-proc node failed to start up within {0}ms. That timeout is overriden from its default by the environment variable MSBUILDNODECONNECTIONTIMEOUT. Setting that to a higher value may help.", connectionTimeout); return true; } diff --git a/src/Build/Resources/Strings.resx b/src/Build/Resources/Strings.resx index 11265207a11..afdeea94a5c 100644 --- a/src/Build/Resources/Strings.resx +++ b/src/Build/Resources/Strings.resx @@ -219,10 +219,6 @@ MSB4218: Failed to successfully launch or connect to a child MSBuild.exe process. Verify that the MSBuild.exe "{0}" launches successfully, and that it is loading the same that the launching process loaded. If the location seems incorrect, try specifying the correct location in the BuildParameters object, or with the MSBUILD_EXE_PATH environment variable. {StrBegin="MSB4218: "} - - MSB4264: Failed to launch an in-process worker node as the timeout was too small. Set MSBUILDNODECONNECTIONTIMEOUT to a higher value (or unset it). - {StrBegin="MSB4264: "} - MSB4117: The "{0}" item name is reserved, and cannot be used. {StrBegin="MSB4117: "}UE: This message is shown when the user tries to redefine one of the reserved MSBuild items e.g. @(Choose) diff --git a/src/Build/Resources/xlf/Strings.cs.xlf b/src/Build/Resources/xlf/Strings.cs.xlf index 117db31df82..f5e2eaded05 100644 --- a/src/Build/Resources/xlf/Strings.cs.xlf +++ b/src/Build/Resources/xlf/Strings.cs.xlf @@ -109,11 +109,6 @@ MSB4255: Následující vstupní soubory mezipaměti pro výsledky neexistují: {0} - - MSB4264: Failed to launch an in-process worker node as the timeout was too small. Set MSBUILDNODECONNECTIONTIMEOUT to a higher value (or unset it). - MSB4264: Failed to launch an in-process worker node as the timeout was too small. Set MSBUILDNODECONNECTIONTIMEOUT to a higher value (or unset it). - {StrBegin="MSB4264: "} - Version string was not in a correct format. Řetězec verze nemá správný formát. diff --git a/src/Build/Resources/xlf/ b/src/Build/Resources/xlf/ index f38c3a8bf25..422c9459de0 100644 --- a/src/Build/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/Build/Resources/xlf/ @@ -109,11 +109,6 @@ MSB4255: Die folgenden Cachedateien für Eingabeergebnisse sind nicht vorhanden: "{0}" - - MSB4264: Failed to launch an in-process worker node as the timeout was too small. Set MSBUILDNODECONNECTIONTIMEOUT to a higher value (or unset it). - MSB4264: Failed to launch an in-process worker node as the timeout was too small. Set MSBUILDNODECONNECTIONTIMEOUT to a higher value (or unset it). - {StrBegin="MSB4264: "} - Version string was not in a correct format. Die Versionszeichenfolge liegt nicht im richtigen Format vor. diff --git a/src/Build/Resources/xlf/Strings.en.xlf b/src/Build/Resources/xlf/Strings.en.xlf index a9ccedd48f9..589226f7e6f 100644 --- a/src/Build/Resources/xlf/Strings.en.xlf +++ b/src/Build/Resources/xlf/Strings.en.xlf @@ -109,11 +109,6 @@ MSB4255: The following input result cache files do not exist: "{0}" - - MSB4264: Failed to launch an in-process worker node as the timeout was too small. Set MSBUILDNODECONNECTIONTIMEOUT to a higher value (or unset it). - MSB4264: Failed to launch an in-process worker node as the timeout was too small. Set MSBUILDNODECONNECTIONTIMEOUT to a higher value (or unset it). - {StrBegin="MSB4264: "} - Version string was not in a correct format. Version string was not in a correct format. diff --git a/src/Build/Resources/xlf/ b/src/Build/Resources/xlf/ index 489539d2604..5547e836199 100644 --- a/src/Build/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/Build/Resources/xlf/ @@ -109,11 +109,6 @@ MSB4255: Los siguientes archivos de caché de resultados de entrada no existen: "{0}" - - MSB4264: Failed to launch an in-process worker node as the timeout was too small. Set MSBUILDNODECONNECTIONTIMEOUT to a higher value (or unset it). - MSB4264: Failed to launch an in-process worker node as the timeout was too small. Set MSBUILDNODECONNECTIONTIMEOUT to a higher value (or unset it). - {StrBegin="MSB4264: "} - Version string was not in a correct format. La cadena de versión no tenía el formato correcto. diff --git a/src/Build/Resources/xlf/ b/src/Build/Resources/xlf/ index 177adf0b43a..b24831a3263 100644 --- a/src/Build/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/Build/Resources/xlf/ @@ -109,11 +109,6 @@ MSB4255: Les fichiers cache des résultats d'entrée suivants n'existent pas : "{0}" - - MSB4264: Failed to launch an in-process worker node as the timeout was too small. Set MSBUILDNODECONNECTIONTIMEOUT to a higher value (or unset it). - MSB4264: Failed to launch an in-process worker node as the timeout was too small. Set MSBUILDNODECONNECTIONTIMEOUT to a higher value (or unset it). - {StrBegin="MSB4264: "} - Version string was not in a correct format. La chaîne de version n'était pas au format approprié. diff --git a/src/Build/Resources/xlf/ b/src/Build/Resources/xlf/ index bf78e5324ca..aaa48ce62a0 100644 --- a/src/Build/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/Build/Resources/xlf/ @@ -109,11 +109,6 @@ MSB4255: i file della cache dei risultati di input seguenti non esistono: "{0}" - - MSB4264: Failed to launch an in-process worker node as the timeout was too small. Set MSBUILDNODECONNECTIONTIMEOUT to a higher value (or unset it). - MSB4264: Failed to launch an in-process worker node as the timeout was too small. Set MSBUILDNODECONNECTIONTIMEOUT to a higher value (or unset it). - {StrBegin="MSB4264: "} - Version string was not in a correct format. Il formato della stringa di versione non è corretto. diff --git a/src/Build/Resources/xlf/Strings.ja.xlf b/src/Build/Resources/xlf/Strings.ja.xlf index 59bf250a555..4ed064ed7e6 100644 --- a/src/Build/Resources/xlf/Strings.ja.xlf +++ b/src/Build/Resources/xlf/Strings.ja.xlf @@ -109,11 +109,6 @@ MSB4255: 以下の入力結果キャッシュ ファイルが存在しません: "{0}" - - MSB4264: Failed to launch an in-process worker node as the timeout was too small. Set MSBUILDNODECONNECTIONTIMEOUT to a higher value (or unset it). - MSB4264: Failed to launch an in-process worker node as the timeout was too small. Set MSBUILDNODECONNECTIONTIMEOUT to a higher value (or unset it). - {StrBegin="MSB4264: "} - Version string was not in a correct format. バージョン文字列の形式が正しくありません。 diff --git a/src/Build/Resources/xlf/Strings.ko.xlf b/src/Build/Resources/xlf/Strings.ko.xlf index 3db4d078993..63d2cfb24eb 100644 --- a/src/Build/Resources/xlf/Strings.ko.xlf +++ b/src/Build/Resources/xlf/Strings.ko.xlf @@ -109,11 +109,6 @@ MSB4255: 다음 입력 결과 캐시 파일이 존재하지 않습니다. "{0}" - - MSB4264: Failed to launch an in-process worker node as the timeout was too small. Set MSBUILDNODECONNECTIONTIMEOUT to a higher value (or unset it). - MSB4264: Failed to launch an in-process worker node as the timeout was too small. Set MSBUILDNODECONNECTIONTIMEOUT to a higher value (or unset it). - {StrBegin="MSB4264: "} - Version string was not in a correct format. 버전 문자열의 형식이 잘못되었습니다. diff --git a/src/Build/Resources/xlf/ b/src/Build/Resources/xlf/ index 14fad914551..116b5d70d71 100644 --- a/src/Build/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/Build/Resources/xlf/ @@ -109,11 +109,6 @@ MSB4255: Następujące pliki wejściowej pamięci podręcznej wyników nie istnieją: „{0}” - - MSB4264: Failed to launch an in-process worker node as the timeout was too small. Set MSBUILDNODECONNECTIONTIMEOUT to a higher value (or unset it). - MSB4264: Failed to launch an in-process worker node as the timeout was too small. Set MSBUILDNODECONNECTIONTIMEOUT to a higher value (or unset it). - {StrBegin="MSB4264: "} - Version string was not in a correct format. Nieprawidłowy format ciągu wersji. diff --git a/src/Build/Resources/xlf/ b/src/Build/Resources/xlf/ index d1376b9f3c0..473db5c47b4 100644 --- a/src/Build/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/Build/Resources/xlf/ @@ -109,11 +109,6 @@ MSB4255: os arquivos de cache do resultado de entrada a seguir não existem: "{0}" - - MSB4264: Failed to launch an in-process worker node as the timeout was too small. Set MSBUILDNODECONNECTIONTIMEOUT to a higher value (or unset it). - MSB4264: Failed to launch an in-process worker node as the timeout was too small. Set MSBUILDNODECONNECTIONTIMEOUT to a higher value (or unset it). - {StrBegin="MSB4264: "} - Version string was not in a correct format. A cadeia de caracteres de versão não estava em um formato correto. diff --git a/src/Build/Resources/xlf/ b/src/Build/Resources/xlf/ index 6d4284f76ec..e1549aaf36c 100644 --- a/src/Build/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/Build/Resources/xlf/ @@ -109,11 +109,6 @@ MSB4255: следующие входные файлы кэша результатов не существуют: "{0}" - - MSB4264: Failed to launch an in-process worker node as the timeout was too small. Set MSBUILDNODECONNECTIONTIMEOUT to a higher value (or unset it). - MSB4264: Failed to launch an in-process worker node as the timeout was too small. Set MSBUILDNODECONNECTIONTIMEOUT to a higher value (or unset it). - {StrBegin="MSB4264: "} - Version string was not in a correct format. Строка версии имела неверный формат. diff --git a/src/Build/Resources/xlf/ b/src/Build/Resources/xlf/ index eb4b8a55d1f..7917b489cf6 100644 --- a/src/Build/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/Build/Resources/xlf/ @@ -109,11 +109,6 @@ MSB4255: Şu giriş sonucu önbellek dosyaları mevcut değil: "{0}" - - MSB4264: Failed to launch an in-process worker node as the timeout was too small. Set MSBUILDNODECONNECTIONTIMEOUT to a higher value (or unset it). - MSB4264: Failed to launch an in-process worker node as the timeout was too small. Set MSBUILDNODECONNECTIONTIMEOUT to a higher value (or unset it). - {StrBegin="MSB4264: "} - Version string was not in a correct format. Sürüm dizesi doğru biçimde değildi. diff --git a/src/Build/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hans.xlf b/src/Build/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hans.xlf index 1549aaf4c26..25c749f67a3 100644 --- a/src/Build/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hans.xlf +++ b/src/Build/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hans.xlf @@ -109,11 +109,6 @@ MSB4255: 以下输入结果缓存文件不存在:“{0}” - - MSB4264: Failed to launch an in-process worker node as the timeout was too small. Set MSBUILDNODECONNECTIONTIMEOUT to a higher value (or unset it). - MSB4264: Failed to launch an in-process worker node as the timeout was too small. Set MSBUILDNODECONNECTIONTIMEOUT to a higher value (or unset it). - {StrBegin="MSB4264: "} - Version string was not in a correct format. 版本字符串的格式不正确。 diff --git a/src/Build/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hant.xlf b/src/Build/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hant.xlf index 27a76c44058..d64e446e3b2 100644 --- a/src/Build/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hant.xlf +++ b/src/Build/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hant.xlf @@ -109,11 +109,6 @@ MSB4255: 下列輸入結果快取檔案不存在: "{0}" - - MSB4264: Failed to launch an in-process worker node as the timeout was too small. Set MSBUILDNODECONNECTIONTIMEOUT to a higher value (or unset it). - MSB4264: Failed to launch an in-process worker node as the timeout was too small. Set MSBUILDNODECONNECTIONTIMEOUT to a higher value (or unset it). - {StrBegin="MSB4264: "} - Version string was not in a correct format. 版本字串格式不正確。