Add stj bultin #11056
Add stj bultin #11056
macOS Core failed
Check failure on line 9 in Build log
azure-pipelines / msbuild-pr (macOS Core)
Build log #L9
Publishing build artifacts failed with an error: Not found PathtoPublish: /Users/runner/work/1/s/artifacts/TestResults
Check failure on line 9 in Build log
azure-pipelines / msbuild-pr (macOS Core)
Build log #L9
Publishing build artifacts failed with an error: Not found PathtoPublish: /Users/runner/work/1/a/Verify
Check failure on line 222 in eng/BootStrapMsBuild.targets
azure-pipelines / msbuild-pr (macOS Core)
eng/BootStrapMsBuild.targets(222,5): error MSB3755: (NETCORE_ENGINEERING_TELEMETRY=Build) Could not find reference "System.Text.Json". If this reference is required by your code, you may get compilation errors.
Check failure on line 222 in eng/BootStrapMsBuild.targets
azure-pipelines / msbuild-pr (macOS Core)
eng/BootStrapMsBuild.targets(222,5): error MSB3755: (NETCORE_ENGINEERING_TELEMETRY=Build) Could not find reference "System.Memory". If this reference is required by your code, you may get compilation errors.
Check failure on line 222 in eng/BootStrapMsBuild.targets
azure-pipelines / msbuild-pr (macOS Core)
eng/BootStrapMsBuild.targets(222,5): error MSB4036: (NETCORE_ENGINEERING_TELEMETRY=Build) The "InstallDotNetCoreTask" task was not found. Check the following: 1.) The name of the task in the project file is the same as the name of the task class. 2.) The task class is "public" and implements the Microsoft.Build.Framework.ITask interface. 3.) The task is correctly declared with <UsingTask> in the project file, or in the *.tasks files located in the "/Users/runner/work/1/s/stage1/bin/bootstrap/core/sdk/9.0.200-preview.0.24603.3" directory.