This content has moved to the dotnet/csharpstandard
The list below provides links to each heading in this section. The links specify the C# 6 branch, which is version when the specifications merged.
To view the text of the Microsoft spec before merging with the ECMA text, checkout the ms-spec-text tag in this repository.
- Expressions
- Expression classifications
- Static and Dynamic Binding
- Operators
- Member lookup
- Function members
- Argument lists
- Type inference
- The first phase
- The second phase
- Input types
- Output types
- Dependence
- Output type inferences
- Explicit parameter type inferences
- Exact inferences
- Lower-bound inferences
- Upper-bound inferences
- Fixing
- Inferred return type
- Type inference for conversion of method groups
- Finding the best common type of a set of expressions
- Overload resolution
- Compile-time checking of dynamic overload resolution
- Function member invocation
- Primary expressions
- Literals
- Interpolated strings
- Simple names
- Parenthesized expressions
- Member access
- Invocation expressions
- Element access
- This access
- Base access
- Postfix increment and decrement operators
- The new operator
- The typeof operator
- The checked and unchecked operators
- Default value expressions
- Nameof expressions
- Anonymous method expressions
- Unary operators
- Null-conditional operator: These sections have been rearranged.
- Null-conditional expressions as projection initializers: These sections have been rearranged.
- Null-conditional expressions as statement expressions: These sections have been rearranged.
- Unary plus operator
- Unary minus operator
- Logical negation operator
- Bitwise complement operator
- Prefix increment and decrement operators
- Cast expressions
- Await expressions
- Arithmetic operators
- Shift operators
- Relational and type-testing operators
- Integer comparison operators
- Floating-point comparison operators
- Decimal comparison operators
- Boolean equality operators
- Enumeration comparison operators
- Reference type equality operators
- String equality operators
- Delegate equality operators
- Equality operators and null
- The is operator
- The as operator
- Logical operators
- Conditional logical operators
- The null coalescing operator
- Conditional operator
- Anonymous function expressions
- Query expressions
- Assignment operators
- Expression
- Constant expressions
- Boolean expressions