Champion issue: #62
We extend the set of expression forms to include
: 'throw' null_coalescing_expression
: throw_expression
The type rules are as follows:
- A throw_expression has no type.
- A throw_expression is convertible to every type by an implicit conversion.
A throw expression throws the value produced by evaluating the null_coalescing_expression, which must denote a value of the class type System.Exception
, of a class type that derives from System.Exception
or of a type parameter type that has System.Exception
(or a subclass thereof) as its effective base class. If evaluation of the expression produces null
, a System.NullReferenceException
is thrown instead.
The behavior at runtime of the evaluation of a throw expression is the same as specified for a throw statement (§12.10.6).
The flow-analysis rules are as follows:
- For every variable v, v is definitely assigned before the null_coalescing_expression of a throw_expression iff it is definitely assigned before the throw_expression.
- For every variable v, v is definitely assigned after throw_expression.
A throw expression is permitted in only the following syntactic contexts:
- As the second or third operand of a ternary conditional operator
- As the second operand of a null coalescing operator
- As the body of an expression-bodied lambda or method.