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03. Setting the eShopOnContainers solution up in a Windows CLI environment (dotnet CLI, Docker CLI and VS Code)

Cesar De la Torre edited this page Nov 2, 2017 · 65 revisions

Related readme files (use them for more information after reading this)

Want to try it out from the CLI?

Main steps:  

- Git clone
- Docker-compose -f up
- Docker-compose up

NOTE: In order for the authentication based on the STS (Security Token Service) to properly work and have access from remote client apps like the Xamarin mobile app, you also need to open the ports in your firewall as specified in the procedure below. For further instructions, especially if this is the first time you are going to try .NET Core on Docker, see the detailed instructions below. This is also important in order to make the SPA app (Single Page Application) to work as there are some considerations (npm install, etc.) in regards when using NPM from Windows and Linux (the build container).

Detailed procedure - Setting eShopOnContainers up in a CLI and Windows based development machine

This CLI environment means that you want to build/run by using the CLI (Command line interface) available in .NET Core (dotnetcore) and Docker CLI.

You don't need Visual Studio 2017 for this environment but can use any code editor like Visual Studio Code, Sublime, etc. Of course, you could still use VS 2017 at the same time, as well.

Prerequisites (Software requirements)

  1. Docker for Windows. Important, follow the concrete configuration specified in the steps below.
  2. A Git client. The git-scm site maintains a great list of clients.
  3. Node.js. The stable channel is fine as well.
  4. Bower (/> npm install -g bower) needed for the MVC web app.
  5. .NET Core and SDK. Install the SDK and runtime.
  6. Any code editor, like Visual Studio Code

IMPORTANT NOTE: When building with the Linux build-container (option A explained below) you don't really need to have installed Node, NPM, Bower or not even .NET Core SDK in your local Windows machine, as the Linux build-container has all the needed SDKs to compile the projects. However, we recommend to have it installed on Windows so you can do further development and testing.

Setting up the development environment

Installing and configuring Docker in your development machine

Install Docker for Windows

Install Docker for Windows (The Stable channel should suffice) from this page: About further info on Docker for windows, check this additional page

Docker for Windows uses Hyper-V to run a Linux VM which is the by default Docker host. If you don't have Hyper-V installed/enabled, it'll be installed and you will probably need to reboot your machine. Docker's setup should warn you about it, though.

IMPORTANT: Check that you don't have any other hypervisor installed that might be not compatible with Hyper-V. For instance, Intel HAXM can be installed by VS 2017 if you chose to install Google's Android emulator which works on top of Intel HAXM. In that case, you'd need to uninstall Google's Android emulator and Intel HAXM. VS 2017 recommends to install the Google Android emulator because it is the only Android emulator with support for Google Play Store, Google Maps, etc. However, take into account that it currently is not compatible with Hyper-V, so you might have incompatibilities with this scenario.

Set needed assigned Memory and CPU to Docker

For the development environment of eShopOnContainers, by default, it runs 1 instance of SQL Server running as a container with multiple databases (one DB per microservice), other 6 additional ASP.NET Core apps/services each one running as a container, plus 1 Redis server running as a container. Therefore, especially because of the SQL Server requirements on memory, it is important to set Docker up properly with enough memory RAM and CPU assigned to it or you will get errors when starting the containers with "docker-compose up".

Once Docker for Windows is installed in your machine, enter into its Settings and the Advanced menu option so you are able to adjust it to the minimum amount of memory and CPU (Memory: Around 4096MB and CPU:3) as shown in the image. Usually you might need a 16GB memory machine for optimal configuration.

Share drives in Docker settings

Tis is an important and required configuration step in order to build the bits from the build-container so it has access to the solution files.

You need to share the drives from Settings-> Shared Drives in the "Docker for Windows" configuration. If you don't do this, you will get an error when trying to build from te container, like "Cannot create container for service yourApplication: C: drive is not shared".

The drive you'll need to share depends on where you place your source code.

NOTE: If you are using Windows 10 Creators Update (Windows 10 Creators Update, version 1703, codenamed "Redstone 2") and your machine is joined to a Windows or Azure Domain, you might get some issues when configuring the share drives for Docker. Providing a local user credential (from your actual machine) instead of a Windows/Azure Domain user credential might solve the issue. Check the following blog post for additional workarounds:

IMPORTANT: Open ports in local Firewall so Authentication to the STS (Security Token Service container) can be done through the IP which should be available and already setup by Docker. Also needed for client remote apps like Xamarin app or SPA app in remote browser.

  • You can manually create a rule in your local firewall in your development machine or you can also create that rule by just executing the add-firewall-rules-for-sts-auth-thru-docker.ps1 script available in the solution's cli-windows folder.
  • Basically, you need to open the ports 5100 to 5105 that are used by the solution by creating an IN-BOUND RULE in your firewall, as shown in the screenshot below (for Windows).

.NET Core SDK setup

(OPTIONAL) As mentioned, this requirement is optional because when building through the "build container" it will be using the .NET SDK available within the ASPNETCore build image, not the local .NET Core SDK. However, it is recommended to have it installed locally for any further building/testing of the ASP.NET Core projects without Docker. The .NET Core SDK install the .NET Core framework plus the SDK CLI tools with commands like "dotnet build", "dotnet publish", etc.

Install the .NET Core SDK from here (Current/x64 .NET Core 1.1 SDK Installer, usually)

Run the setup like in the following screenshot:

Install NPM

In order to be able to build the JavaScript dependencies from command line by using npm you need to install npm globally.

NPM is bundled with NODE.JS. Installing NPM and NODE is pretty straightforward by using the installer package available at

You can install the version "Recommended For Most Users" of Node which at the moment of this writing was v6.10.0 LTS.

After installing Node, you can check the installed NPM version with the command npm -v, as shown below.

Install Bower

Bower is needed by minor dependencies at the MVC web app. It using Visual Studio, VS will handle that. But if using the CLI in Windows, you need to install Bower globally by running the following NPM command:

npm install -g bower


Clone the eShopOnContainers GitHub code Repository into your dev machine

GitHub branch to use/pull

Use the default branch at eShopOnContainers Github repo. The same branch's code supports Visual Studio 2017 or CLI scenarios, simultaneously, depending on each developer's preference.

Clone the code from: as in the following screenshot:

Get NPM dependencies for the SPA application

Move to the SPA app folder (cd eShopOnContainers\src\Web\WebSPA) and run npm install

Then, run the command npm run build:prod as shown below:

After a successful execution of those npm commands, move to the next step. If you have any issue here, read the Setting the Web SPA application up for further details.

Option A. Approach building bits from a Linux build-container instead of the local Windows dev-machine

IMPORTANT NOTE (as of Oct. 2017):

This is the simplest way to do it from the CLI, but if you get the following error when compiling from the Linux build-container:

MSBUILD : error MSB4017: The build stopped unexpectedly because of an unexpected logger failure. ci-build_1 | Microsoft.Build.Exceptions.InternalLoggerException: The build stopped unexpectedly because of an unexpected logger failure. ---> System.IO.IOException: The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process.

That is a bug in .NET CLI when running "dotnet publish" within a container.

If you get this issue, until the fix is released by the dotnet CLI team in the next version of the .NET CLI, in the meantime, follow the OPTION B explained below, which is building the app's .NET binaries in the local Windows machine, instead of from a Linux build-container.

The recommended approach is to build the .NET bits and Docker images by using an special build container/image that should be used either from the CLI or your CI/CD pipeline. Doing that way you'll make sure that what you run and test locally is also built the same way by your CI/CD pipleine (having the same dependencies available within the build container, etc.).

The build container to use is based on the image: microsoft/aspnetcore-build ASP.NET Core build image which includes the .NET SDK, NPM and many other Web and ASP.NET dependencies (Gulp, Bower, etc.) to build your services and web apps. See building procedure below.

Build the bits through the Linux build-container image

This step is very much simplified thanks to the mentioned compilation process based on a build-container using the image image: microsoft/aspnetcore-build:1.0-1.1 ASP.NET Core build image which includes the .NET SDK, NPM and many other Web and ASP.NET dependencies (Gulp, Bower, etc.) to build your services and web apps.

Move to the root folder of the solution:

cd YourPath\eShopOnContainers\

Then, run the following docker-compose command which is using a special docker-compose file ( which internally is spinning up the mentioned "build container".

docker-compose -f up

The first time you run this command it'll take some more additional time as it needs to pull/download the aspnet-build image with all the SDKs as part of that build-image, so it'll take its time.

It should take a few minutes to compile the .NET Core projects plus the SPA application (TypeScript/JavaScript). It should end with something like the following screenshot:

At this point you have the .NET bits ready. Now, create the Docker images and run the containers.

If you had issues when trying to build your .NET Core binaries with the build-container, because of the mentioned issue/bug above, then try this second choice: Option B.

Option B. Approach building bits from your local Windows dev-machine by using CLI scripts

Although using the build container is the recommended approach, we provide powershell scripts for using directly from windows CLI. You can find them in /cli-windows folder:

. build-bits.ps1: Build all projects and left them published in /obj/Docker/publish. This is more or less the same that using the build container does. . build-images.ps1: Build all Docker images. Images are tagged using the git branch you were when this script is running. That allows you have docker images for various branches at same time. You can use the parameter -imageTag myTag to force use a specific myTag. . delete-images.ps1: Removes all eShop docker images. Other images used by eShop, but downloaded directly from DockerHub (like sql server) aren't deleted.

So for building all projects using the CLI:

cd cli-windows

This script will compile and publish all your projects and then delete all docker images. When this script finishes you should have all projects compiled and no docker images. Then you can run .\build-images.ps1 to rebuild the Docker images.

Build the Docker Images and deploy the containers into Docker

You can build the Docker images and deploy the containers to a regularDocker host by using the Docker CLI tool docker-compose up which is very convenient for multi-container applications as it can build all the Docker images for you and then spin-up all the multiple containers of your application, all with a single command. If you don't want to deploy the containers but only build the images, you can do so by running docker-compose build These are the steps:

  • Build images and run your containers in your local host: Open your favorite command tool (PowerShell od CommandLine in Windows / Bash in Mac) and move to the root directory of the solution where the docker-compose.yml files are located and run the command docker-compose up. If this is the first time you run it, it will also build the docker images. Other than that, you could also force to build the images by running docker-compose build previously. When running docker-compose up you should see something similar to the following screenshot in the PowerShell command window, although it will much longer than that, building the images the first time and showing many internal SQL commands from the services when populating sample data for your application.

    docker-compose up

    Note that the first time you try to build any image or run any container (with docker run or docker-compose) it detects that it needs the base images you are using, like the SQL Server image and the Redis image, so it will pull or download those base images from the Internet, from the public repo at the Docker registry named DOCKER HUB, by pulling the "microsoft/mssql-server-linux" which is the base image for the SQL Server for Linux on containers, and the "library/redis" which is the base Redis image. Therefore, the first time you run docker-compose it might take a few minutes pulling those images before it spins up your custom containers. The next time you run docker-compose up, since it'll have those base images already pulled/downloaded, it will be much faster.

    Because in eShopOnContainers' docker-compose.yml files it is also specified to build the custom Docker images, it is building it, like in the screenshot below (part of the same command execution):

    Finally, you can see how the scripts waits after deploying all the containers:

  • The next time you run "docker-compose up" again (you don't need to repeat it now), because now you already have all the base images downloaded and registered in your local repo and your custom images built and ready to go, it'll be much faster since it just needs to deploy the containers, like the following screenshot:

  • Check out the containers running in your Docker host: Once docker-compose up finishes, you will have the original PowerShell window busy and showing the execution's output in a "wait state", so in order to ask to Docker about "how it went" and see what containers are running, you need to open a second PowerShell window and type "docker ps" so you'll see all the running containers, as shown in the following screenshot.
You can see the 6 custom containers running the 4 microservices plus the 2 web applications. In addition you have the SQL container with the databases (if you had a lot of memory, you could put one database per SQL container, too) and the Redis cache for the basket microservice data.
  • You can also check out with Docker CLI the images generated by typing in the PowerShell console the command: docker images
Those Docker images are the ones you have available in your local image repository in your machine.

You might have additional images, but at least, you should see the following list of images which are 6 custom images starting with the prefix "eshop" which is the name of the image repo. The rest of the images that are not starting with "eshop" will probably be official base-images like the microsoft/aspnetcore or the SQL Server for Linux images.

Test the MVC Web app

Open a browser and type http://localhost:5100/ and hit enter. You should see the MVC application like in the following screenshot:

Test the SPA Web app

Open a browser and type http://localhost:5104/ and hit enter. You should see the SPA application like in the following screenshot:

Test a microservice's Swagger interface (i.e. the Catalog microservice)

Open a browser and type http://localhost:5101 and hit enter. You should see the Swagger page for that microservice that allows you to test the Web API, like in the following screenshot:

Then, after providing the size (i.e. 10) and the current page (i.e. 1) for the data of the catalog, you can run the service hitting the "Try it out!" button and see the returned JSON Data:

Using Visual Code to edit C# code or .yml code

After installing VS code from Visual Studio Code you can edit particular file or "open" the whole solution forlder like in the following screenshots:

Opening the Solution's folder

Editing a .yml file

It is also recommended to install the C# extension and the Docker extension for VS Code:

Testing all the applications and microservices

Once the containers are deployed, you should be able to access any of the services in the following URLs or connection string, from your dev machine:

Creating and Order and Authenticating on the Web MVC application with the [email protected] user account

When you try the Web MVC application by using the url http://localhost:5100, you'll be able to test the home page which is also the catalog page. But if you want to add articles to the basket you need to login first at the login page which is handled by the STS microservice/container (Security Token Service). At this point, you could register your own user/customer or you can also use a convenient default user/customer named [email protected] so you don't need to register your own user and it'll be easier to test. The credentials for this demo user are:

Below you can see the login page when providing those credentials.

Trying the Xamarin.Forms mobile apps for Android, iOS and Windows

You can deploy the Xamarin app to real iOS, Android or Windows devices. You can also test it on an Android Emulator based on Hyper-V like the Visual Studio Android Emulator (Do NOT install the Google's Android emulator or it will break Docker and Hyper-V, as mentioned aboce).

By default, the Xamarin app shows fake data from mock-services. In order to really access the microservices/containers in Docker from the mobile app, you need to:

  • Disable mock-services in the Xamarin app by setting the UseMockServices = false in the App.xaml.cs and specify the host IP in BaseEndpoint = "" at the GlobalSettings.cs. Both files in the Xamarin.Forms project (PCL).
  • Another alternative is to change that IP through the app UI, by modifying the IP address in the Settings page of the App as shown in the screenshot below.
  • In addition, you need to make sure that the used TCP ports of the services are open in the local firewall.

Sending feedback and pull requests

We'd appreciate to your feedback, improvements and ideas. You can create new issues at the issues section, do pull requests and/or send emails to [email protected]


[QUESTION] Answer +1 if the solution is working for you (Through VS2017 or CLI environment):

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