+ Class WindowExtensions
+ WinUI Window Extension Methods
Inherited Members
+ System.Object.Equals(System.Object)
+ System.Object.Equals(System.Object, System.Object)
+ System.Object.GetHashCode()
+ System.Object.GetType()
+ System.Object.MemberwiseClone()
+ System.Object.ReferenceEquals(System.Object, System.Object)
+ System.Object.ToString()
+ Assembly: WinUIEx.dll
+ Syntax
public static class WindowExtensions
+ Methods
+ |
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+ CenterOnScreen(UI.Xaml.Window, Nullable<Double>, Nullable<Double>)
+ Centers the window on the current monitor
+ Declaration
public static void CenterOnScreen(this UI.Xaml.Window window, double? width = null, double? height = null)
+ Parameters
+ Type |
+ Name |
+ Description |
+ Microsoft.UI.Xaml.Window |
+ window |
+ Window
+ |
+ System.Nullable<System.Double> |
+ width |
+ Width of the window in device independent pixels, or null if keeping the current size
+ |
+ System.Nullable<System.Double> |
+ height |
+ Height of the window in device independent pixels, or null if keeping the current size
+ |
+ |
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+ CreateFolderPicker(Window)
+ Creates a new instance of a FolderPicker with the provided window as a parent.
+ Declaration
public static FolderPicker CreateFolderPicker(this Window window)
+ Parameters
+ Type |
+ Name |
+ Description |
+ Window |
+ window |
+ Parent window
+ |
+ Returns
+ Type |
+ Description |
+ FolderPicker |
+ FolderPicker
+ |
+ |
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+ CreateMessageDialog(Window, String, String)
+ Initializes a new instance of the MessageDialog class with the provided window as a parent to display a titled message
+dialog that can be used to ask your user simple questions.
+ Declaration
public static UI.Popups.MessageDialog CreateMessageDialog(this Window window, string content, string title = "")
+ Parameters
+ Type |
+ Name |
+ Description |
+ Window |
+ window |
+ Parent window
+ |
+ System.String |
+ content |
+ The message displayed to the user.
+ |
+ System.String |
+ title |
+ The title you want displayed on the dialog.
+ |
+ Returns
+ Type |
+ Description |
+ Windows.UI.Popups.MessageDialog |
+ Message dialog
+ |
+ |
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+ CreateOpenFilePicker(Window)
+ Creates a new instance of a FileOpenPicker with the provided window as a parent.
+ Declaration
public static FileOpenPicker CreateOpenFilePicker(this Window window)
+ Parameters
+ Type |
+ Name |
+ Description |
+ Window |
+ window |
+ Parent window
+ |
+ Returns
+ Type |
+ Description |
+ FileOpenPicker |
+ FileOpenPicker
+ |
+ |
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+ CreateSaveFilePicker(Window)
+ Creates a new instance of a FileSavePicker with the provided window as a parent.
+ Declaration
public static FileSavePicker CreateSaveFilePicker(this Window window)
+ Parameters
+ Type |
+ Name |
+ Description |
+ Window |
+ window |
+ Parent window
+ |
+ Returns
+ Type |
+ Description |
+ FileSavePicker |
+ SaveFilePicker
+ |
+ |
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+ GetAppWindow(UI.Xaml.Window)
+ Gets the AppWindow from the handle
+ Declaration
[Obsolete("Use Microsoft.UI.Xaml.Window.AppWindow")]
+public static AppWindow GetAppWindow(this UI.Xaml.Window window)
+ Parameters
+ Type |
+ Name |
+ Description |
+ Microsoft.UI.Xaml.Window |
+ window |
+ |
+ Returns
+ Type |
+ Description |
+ AppWindow |
+ |
+ |
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+ GetAppWindowFromWindowHandle(IntPtr)
+ Gets the AppWindow from an HWND
+ Declaration
public static AppWindow GetAppWindowFromWindowHandle(IntPtr hwnd)
+ Parameters
+ Type |
+ Name |
+ Description |
+ System.IntPtr |
+ hwnd |
+ |
+ Returns
+ Type |
+ Description |
+ AppWindow |
+ AppWindow
+ |
+ |
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+ GetDpiForWindow(UI.Xaml.Window)
+ Returns the dots per inch (dpi) value for the associated window.
+ Declaration
public static uint GetDpiForWindow(this UI.Xaml.Window window)
+ Parameters
+ Type |
+ Name |
+ Description |
+ Microsoft.UI.Xaml.Window |
+ window |
+ The window you want to get information about.
+ |
+ Returns
+ Type |
+ Description |
+ System.UInt32 |
+ The DPI for the window which depends on the DPI_AWARENESS of the window. See the Remarks for more information. An invalid hwnd value will result in a return value of 0.
+ |
+ |
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+ GetExtendedWindowStyle(UI.Xaml.Window)
+ Gets the current window style
+ Declaration
public static ExtendedWindowStyle GetExtendedWindowStyle(this UI.Xaml.Window window)
+ Parameters
+ Type |
+ Name |
+ Description |
+ Microsoft.UI.Xaml.Window |
+ window |
+ Window
+ |
+ Returns
+ |
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+ GetIsAlwaysOnTop(UI.Xaml.Window)
+ Gets a value indicating whether this window is on top or not.
+ Declaration
public static bool GetIsAlwaysOnTop(this UI.Xaml.Window window)
+ Parameters
+ Type |
+ Name |
+ Description |
+ Microsoft.UI.Xaml.Window |
+ window |
+ window
+ |
+ Returns
+ Type |
+ Description |
+ System.Boolean |
+ True if the overlapped presenter is on top, otherwise false .
+ |
+ |
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+ GetIsMaximizable(UI.Xaml.Window)
+ Gets a value indicating whether this window is maximizeable or not.
+ Declaration
public static bool GetIsMaximizable(this UI.Xaml.Window window)
+ Parameters
+ Type |
+ Name |
+ Description |
+ Microsoft.UI.Xaml.Window |
+ window |
+ window
+ |
+ Returns
+ Type |
+ Description |
+ System.Boolean |
+ True if the overlapped presenter is on maximizable, otherwise false .
+ |
+ |
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+ GetIsMinimizable(UI.Xaml.Window)
+ Gets a value indicating whether this window is minimizeable or not.
+ Declaration
public static bool GetIsMinimizable(this UI.Xaml.Window window)
+ Parameters
+ Type |
+ Name |
+ Description |
+ Microsoft.UI.Xaml.Window |
+ window |
+ window
+ |
+ Returns
+ Type |
+ Description |
+ System.Boolean |
+ True if the overlapped presenter is on minimizable, otherwise false .
+ |
+ |
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+ GetIsResizable(UI.Xaml.Window)
+ Gets a value indicating whether this resizable or not.
+ Declaration
public static bool GetIsResizable(this UI.Xaml.Window window)
+ Parameters
+ Type |
+ Name |
+ Description |
+ Microsoft.UI.Xaml.Window |
+ window |
+ window
+ |
+ Returns
+ Type |
+ Description |
+ System.Boolean |
+ True if the overlapped presenter is resizeable, otherwise false .
+ |
+ |
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+ GetWindowHandle(UI.Xaml.Window)
+ Gets the native HWND pointer handle for the window
+ Declaration
public static IntPtr GetWindowHandle(this UI.Xaml.Window window)
+ Parameters
+ Type |
+ Name |
+ Description |
+ Microsoft.UI.Xaml.Window |
+ window |
+ The window to return the handle for
+ |
+ Returns
+ Type |
+ Description |
+ System.IntPtr |
+ HWND handle
+ |
+ |
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+ GetWindowHandle(WindowId)
+ Gets the window HWND handle from a Window ID.
+ Declaration
public static IntPtr GetWindowHandle(this WindowId windowId)
+ Parameters
+ Type |
+ Name |
+ Description |
+ WindowId |
+ windowId |
+ Window ID to get handle from
+ |
+ Returns
+ Type |
+ Description |
+ System.IntPtr |
+ Window HWND handle
+ |
+ |
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+ GetWindowStyle(UI.Xaml.Window)
+ Gets the current window style
+ Declaration
public static WindowStyle GetWindowStyle(this UI.Xaml.Window window)
+ Parameters
+ Type |
+ Name |
+ Description |
+ Microsoft.UI.Xaml.Window |
+ window |
+ Window
+ |
+ Returns
+ |
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+ Hide(UI.Xaml.Window)
+ Hides the window and activates another window.
+ Declaration
public static bool Hide(this UI.Xaml.Window window)
+ Parameters
+ Type |
+ Name |
+ Description |
+ Microsoft.UI.Xaml.Window |
+ window |
+ Window
+ |
+ Returns
+ Type |
+ Description |
+ System.Boolean |
+ true if the window was previously visible, or false if the window was previously hidden.
+ |
+ |
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+ Maximize(UI.Xaml.Window)
+ Maximizes the specified window.
+ Declaration
public static void Maximize(this UI.Xaml.Window window)
+ Parameters
+ Type |
+ Name |
+ Description |
+ Microsoft.UI.Xaml.Window |
+ window |
+ Window
+ |
+ Exceptions
+ Type |
+ Condition |
+ System.NotSupportedException |
+ Throw if the AppWindow Presenter isn't an overlapped presenter.
+ |
+ |
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+ Minimize(UI.Xaml.Window)
+ Minimizes the specified window and activates the next top-level window in the Z order.
+ Declaration
public static void Minimize(this UI.Xaml.Window window)
+ Parameters
+ Type |
+ Name |
+ Description |
+ Microsoft.UI.Xaml.Window |
+ window |
+ Window
+ |
+ Exceptions
+ Type |
+ Condition |
+ System.NotSupportedException |
+ Throw if the AppWindow Presenter isn't an overlapped presenter.
+ |
+ |
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+ Move(UI.Xaml.Window, Int32, Int32)
+ Declaration
public static void Move(this UI.Xaml.Window window, int x, int y)
+ Parameters
+ Type |
+ Name |
+ Description |
+ Microsoft.UI.Xaml.Window |
+ window |
+ Window
+ |
+ System.Int32 |
+ x |
+ Left side of the window
+ |
+ System.Int32 |
+ y |
+ Top side of the window
+ |
+ |
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+ MoveAndResize(UI.Xaml.Window, Double, Double, Double, Double)
+ Positions and resizes the window
+ Declaration
public static void MoveAndResize(this UI.Xaml.Window window, double x, double y, double width, double height)
+ Parameters
+ Type |
+ Name |
+ Description |
+ Microsoft.UI.Xaml.Window |
+ window |
+ Window
+ |
+ System.Double |
+ x |
+ Left side of the window
+ |
+ System.Double |
+ y |
+ Top side of the window
+ |
+ System.Double |
+ width |
+ Width of the window in device independent pixels.
+ |
+ System.Double |
+ height |
+ Height of the window in device independent pixels.
+ |
+ |
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+ Restore(UI.Xaml.Window)
+ Activates and displays the window. If the window is minimized or maximized, the system restores
+it to its original size and position.
+ Declaration
public static void Restore(this UI.Xaml.Window window)
+ Parameters
+ Type |
+ Name |
+ Description |
+ Microsoft.UI.Xaml.Window |
+ window |
+ Window
+ |
+ Exceptions
+ Type |
+ Condition |
+ System.NotSupportedException |
+ Throw if the AppWindow Presenter isn't an overlapped presenter.
+ |
+ |
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+ SetExtendedWindowStyle(UI.Xaml.Window, ExtendedWindowStyle)
+ Sets the current window style
+ Declaration
public static void SetExtendedWindowStyle(this UI.Xaml.Window window, ExtendedWindowStyle newStyle)
+ Parameters
+ Type |
+ Name |
+ Description |
+ Microsoft.UI.Xaml.Window |
+ window |
+ Window
+ |
+ ExtendedWindowStyle |
+ newStyle |
+ |
+ |
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+ SetForegroundWindow(UI.Xaml.Window)
+ Brings the thread that created the specified window into the foreground and activates the window.
+ Declaration
public static bool SetForegroundWindow(this UI.Xaml.Window window)
+ Parameters
+ Type |
+ Name |
+ Description |
+ Microsoft.UI.Xaml.Window |
+ window |
+ The window that should be activated and brought to the foreground.
+ |
+ Returns
+ Type |
+ Description |
+ System.Boolean |
+ true if the window was brought to the foreground.
+false if the window was not brought to the foreground.
+ |
+ |
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+ SetIcon(UI.Xaml.Window, IconId)
+ Sets the icon for the window, using the specified icon ID.
+ Declaration
public static void SetIcon(this UI.Xaml.Window window, IconId iconId)
+ Parameters
+ Type |
+ Name |
+ Description |
+ Microsoft.UI.Xaml.Window |
+ window |
+ Window
+ |
+ IconId |
+ iconId |
+ The ID of the icon.
+ |
+ |
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+ SetIcon(UI.Xaml.Window, String)
+ Sets the icon for the window, using the specified icon path.
+ Declaration
public static void SetIcon(this UI.Xaml.Window window, string iconPath)
+ Parameters
+ Type |
+ Name |
+ Description |
+ Microsoft.UI.Xaml.Window |
+ window |
+ Window
+ |
+ System.String |
+ iconPath |
+ The path of the icon.
+ |
+ |
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+ SetIsAlwaysOnTop(UI.Xaml.Window, Boolean)
+ Configures whether the window should always be displayed on top of other windows or not
+ Declaration
public static void SetIsAlwaysOnTop(this UI.Xaml.Window window, bool enable)
+ Parameters
+ Type |
+ Name |
+ Description |
+ Microsoft.UI.Xaml.Window |
+ window |
+ Window
+ |
+ System.Boolean |
+ enable |
+ Whether to display on top
+ |
+ Exceptions
+ Type |
+ Condition |
+ System.NotSupportedException |
+ Throw if the AppWindow Presenter isn't an overlapped presenter.
+ |
+ |
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+ SetIsMaximizable(UI.Xaml.Window, Boolean)
+ Declaration
public static void SetIsMaximizable(this UI.Xaml.Window window, bool enable)
+ Parameters
+ Type |
+ Name |
+ Description |
+ Microsoft.UI.Xaml.Window |
+ window |
+ window
+ |
+ System.Boolean |
+ enable |
+ true if this window should be maximizable.
+ |
+ Exceptions
+ Type |
+ Condition |
+ System.NotSupportedException |
+ Throw if the AppWindow Presenter isn't an overlapped presenter.
+ |
+ |
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+ SetIsMinimizable(UI.Xaml.Window, Boolean)
+ Declaration
public static void SetIsMinimizable(this UI.Xaml.Window window, bool enable)
+ Parameters
+ Type |
+ Name |
+ Description |
+ Microsoft.UI.Xaml.Window |
+ window |
+ window
+ |
+ System.Boolean |
+ enable |
+ true if this window should be minimizable.
+ |
+ Exceptions
+ Type |
+ Condition |
+ System.NotSupportedException |
+ Throw if the AppWindow Presenter isn't an overlapped presenter.
+ |
+ |
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+ SetIsResizable(UI.Xaml.Window, Boolean)
+ Enables or disables the ability to resize the window.
+ Declaration
public static void SetIsResizable(this UI.Xaml.Window window, bool enable)
+ Parameters
+ Type |
+ Name |
+ Description |
+ Microsoft.UI.Xaml.Window |
+ window |
+ |
+ System.Boolean |
+ enable |
+ |
+ Exceptions
+ Type |
+ Condition |
+ System.NotSupportedException |
+ Throw if the AppWindow Presenter isn't an overlapped presenter.
+ |
+ |
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+ SetIsShownInSwitchers(UI.Xaml.Window, Boolean)
+ Enables or disables showing the window in the task switchers.
+ Declaration
public static void SetIsShownInSwitchers(this UI.Xaml.Window window, bool enable)
+ Parameters
+ Type |
+ Name |
+ Description |
+ Microsoft.UI.Xaml.Window |
+ window |
+ window
+ |
+ System.Boolean |
+ enable |
+ true if this window should be shown in the task switchers, otherwise false .
+ |
+ |
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+ SetTaskBarIcon(UI.Xaml.Window, Icon)
+ Sets the task bar icon to the provided icon
+ Declaration
public static void SetTaskBarIcon(this UI.Xaml.Window window, Icon icon)
+ Parameters
+ Type |
+ Name |
+ Description |
+ Microsoft.UI.Xaml.Window |
+ window |
+ Window
+ |
+ Icon |
+ icon |
+ Icon
+ |
+ |
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+ SetTitleBarBackgroundColors(UI.Xaml.Window, UI.Color)
+ Gets the background color for the title bar and all its buttons and their states.
+ Declaration
public static void SetTitleBarBackgroundColors(this UI.Xaml.Window window, UI.Color color)
+ Parameters
+ Type |
+ Name |
+ Description |
+ Microsoft.UI.Xaml.Window |
+ window |
+ window
+ |
+ Windows.UI.Color |
+ color |
+ color
+ |
+ |
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+ SetWindowOpacity(UI.Xaml.Window, Byte)
+ Sets the opacity of a layered window.
+ Declaration
public static void SetWindowOpacity(this UI.Xaml.Window window, byte alpha)
+ Parameters
+ Type |
+ Name |
+ Description |
+ Microsoft.UI.Xaml.Window |
+ window |
+ window
+ |
+ System.Byte |
+ alpha |
+ Alpha value used to describe the opacity of the layered window. When alpha is 0, the window is completely transparent. When alpha is 255, the window is opaque.
+ |
+ |
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+ SetWindowPresenter(UI.Xaml.Window, AppWindowPresenterKind)
+ Sets the window presenter kind used.
+ Declaration
public static void SetWindowPresenter(this UI.Xaml.Window window, AppWindowPresenterKind kind)
+ Parameters
+ Type |
+ Name |
+ Description |
+ Microsoft.UI.Xaml.Window |
+ window |
+ |
+ AppWindowPresenterKind |
+ kind |
+ |
+ |
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+ SetWindowSize(UI.Xaml.Window, Double, Double)
+ Sets the width and height of the window in device-independent pixels.
+ Declaration
public static void SetWindowSize(this UI.Xaml.Window window, double width, double height)
+ Parameters
+ Type |
+ Name |
+ Description |
+ Microsoft.UI.Xaml.Window |
+ window |
+ Window to set the size for.
+ |
+ System.Double |
+ width |
+ Width of the window in device-independent units.
+ |
+ System.Double |
+ height |
+ Height of the window in device-independent units.
+ |
+ |
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+ SetWindowStyle(UI.Xaml.Window, WindowStyle)
+ Sets the current window style
+ Declaration
public static void SetWindowStyle(this UI.Xaml.Window window, WindowStyle newStyle)
+ Parameters
+ Type |
+ Name |
+ Description |
+ Microsoft.UI.Xaml.Window |
+ window |
+ Window
+ |
+ WindowStyle |
+ newStyle |
+ |
+ |
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+ Show(UI.Xaml.Window)
+ Activates the window and displays it in its current size and position.
+ Declaration
public static bool Show(this UI.Xaml.Window window)
+ Parameters
+ Type |
+ Name |
+ Description |
+ Microsoft.UI.Xaml.Window |
+ window |
+ Window
+ |
+ Returns
+ Type |
+ Description |
+ System.Boolean |
+ true if the window was previously visible, or false if the window was previously hidden.
+ |
+ |
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+ ToggleExtendedWindowStyle(UI.Xaml.Window, Boolean, ExtendedWindowStyle)
+ Disables or enables the window style
+ Declaration
public static void ToggleExtendedWindowStyle(this UI.Xaml.Window window, bool visible, ExtendedWindowStyle style)
+ Parameters
+ Type |
+ Name |
+ Description |
+ Microsoft.UI.Xaml.Window |
+ window |
+ Window
+ |
+ System.Boolean |
+ visible |
+ |
+ ExtendedWindowStyle |
+ style |
+ |
+ |
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+ ToggleWindowStyle(UI.Xaml.Window, Boolean, WindowStyle)
+ Disables or enables the window style
+ Declaration
public static void ToggleWindowStyle(this UI.Xaml.Window window, bool visible, WindowStyle style)
+ Parameters
+ Type |
+ Name |
+ Description |
+ Microsoft.UI.Xaml.Window |
+ window |
+ Window
+ |
+ System.Boolean |
+ visible |
+ |
+ WindowStyle |
+ style |
+ |