Transform any TinyMCE RTE instance to a state-of-the-art extensible Markdown Editor
This awesome plugin will thoroughly transform your editor (inline/iframe) to a powerful and neat neat Markdown editor, better than a bare textarea or any other Markdown editor I have seen. Bagged with highly configurable toolbar (buttons) and context menu filled with raw awesomeness.
Works seamlesslyly with tinymceBubbleBar.js to give you that out-of-web experience - floating toolbar.
Works seamlesslyly with twPreCodeManager.js to cater for fenced block codes.
Works seamlesslyly with modxMagicHoverLink.js for inserting links and images from file browser and so forth.
selector: "textarea",
//inline: true, //for contenteditable selector
forced_root_block : "", //!important
force_br_newlines : true, //!important
force_p_newlines : false, //!important
valid_elements: "br", //!important
paste_as_text: true, //!important
external_plugins: {
twExoticMarkdownEditor: "[[++assets_url]]components/tinymcewrapper/tinymceplugins/twExoticMarkdownEditor.js", //!important
bubbleBar: "[[++assets_url]]components/tinymcewrapper/tinymceplugins/tinymceBubbleBar.js", //!important
twPreCodeManager: "[[++assets_url]]components/tinymcewrapper/tinymceplugins/twPreCodeManager.js",
modxMagicHoverLink: "[[++assets_url]]components/tinymcewrapper/tinymceplugins/modxMagicHoverLink.js",
twExoticMarkdownEditorSettings: {
addClass: false, //default is true (add .twExoticMarkdownEditor class to editor body)
removeClasses: "a b c", // remove class(es) when editor loads - smoothly reveal editor only after text has been prepared
skipClass: "", // do not process this particular editor content, skip it!
addAttr: false, //default is true (add markdown="1" to editor body) good for parsing mixed content in mark/parsedownExtra
plugins: "paste contextmenu save searchreplace", //!important
toolbar: "modxMagicHoverLink twPreCodeManager boldMD italicMD linkMD imageMD blockquoteMD codeMD numlistMD bullistMD tableMD undo redo searchreplace bubbleBarOptionsButton", //!important
menubar: false,
contextmenu: "modxMagicHoverLink twPreCodeManager boldMD italicMD linkMD imageMD blockquoteMD codeMD numlistMD bullistMD tableMD undo redo searchreplace template" //!important