A wrapper for the latest version of and most powerful RTE, TinyMCE 4++
Developed for the best CMS, MODX (backend/frontend)
Author: donShakespeare Copyright 2016
MODX forum http://forums.modx.com/thread/97694/support-comments-for-tinymcewrapper
modx.org slack https://modxcommunity.slack.com/messages/tinymcewrapper-suite/details/
See the sample TiymceWrapper Resource View it in the frontend to see powerful Imogen Theme and TinyMagicPublisher in action
Make sure the plugin is activated. Deactivate to shut down this RTE before you use another. SUPPORTED:
- All native textareas in the MODX Manager content, introtext, description, Rich Text / Image / File TVs, Quick Create/Update Resource textareas, etc
- MIGX and ALL other 3rdParty textareas
- All textareas and everything provided by NewsPublisher
Any one of these textareas can be turned off permanently or temporarily.
TinymceWrappper enables you to always use the latest TinyMCE (CDN or local) in your MODx Manager only.
It has TinymceWrapper chunks which you can start using...you can use any TinyMCE configuration you like.
NOTHING is hidden!