The specific commands used to setup our Ubuntu 16.04 server can be found here.
More general directions follow:
# Install the latest stable release of the Parity Ethereum client.
# You can look for the binary [here](
# Place the binary in this directory.
# For example for v1.11
# make sure it's executable
chmod 755 ./parity
# Initialize the parity development chain database with
# kill this after the dev db is setup (a few seconds).
./parity --chain dev --no-jsonrpc --no-ws
# Ensure you have the latest version of node installed (currently v9.4.0).
# Then install npm packages deps:
npm install
npm install -g sequelize-cli
npm install -g truffle
# run parity (kill after a few seconds)
npm run parity
# Install postgres and run it on the default port `5432`:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install postgresql postgresql-contrib
# give you user the ability to execute commands as postgres user
# by giving it the right permissions in pg_hba.conf
# See setup instruction at the bottom of the page
# Bootstrap your database with:
sequelize db:create
sequelize db:migrate
NODE_ENV=test sequelize db:create
NODE_ENV=test sequelize db:migrate
# Configure your client by updating the `.env` file, as follows:
# export WEB3_HTTP_PROVIDER=http://localhost:8545
# export WEB3_PARITY_PROVIDER=http://localhost:4242
Edit configuration file
sudoedit /etc/postgresql/9.5/main/pg_hba.conf
To end like this users postgress and ubuntu can login without password from localhost.
host all postgres trust
host all ubuntu trust
host all all md5
Restart the service
sudo service postgresql restart
Now it should be possible to create the databases
sequelize db:create
sequelize db:migrate
NODE_ENV=test sequelize db:create
NODE_ENV=test sequelize db:migrate
Make sure it is running
ps aux | grep postgr
Execute psql to grant access to the databases
sudo --login --user postgres psql
Create the ubuntu role and grant access to the databases
create role ubuntu with login;
alter database dogethereum_development owner to ubuntu;