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API Deprecation [RFC]

Created: Mar 28, 2020 7:39 PM

  • Start Date: 2020.03.28
  • Target Major Version: 1.x
  • Reference Issues:
  • Implementation PR:


Deprecate lesser used or bad practice methods and properties from the upcoming VueTestUtils 1.x API, aimed at Vue 3.


With the current version of Vue Test Utils-beta.x, we notice the API is large and somewhat confusing to most users, which are not well acquainted with testing Vue apps, leading to bad testing practices.

This PR aims to trim down the VTU API, replacing listed methods with improved docs, more examples for all the related cases or improved testing methods.

Detailed design


Wrapper.emittedByOrder - Link

Rarely used, use emitted instead.

expect(wrapper.emitted('change')[0]).toEqual(['param1', 'param2'])

get - Link

Recently added, throws error if nothing is matched. Will be merged into find.


const element = wrapper.find('.notExisting') // will throw error

is - Link

Not that much useful. Use element.tagName instead.


isEmpty - Link

Use custom matcher like jest-dom on the element


isVisible - Link

Use custom matcher like jest-dom


isVueInstance - Link

Rarely used, no benefits.

props - Link

Anti-pattern. Test what a prop does, not it's presence or value on the wrapper.

setData - Link

Anti-pattern. Use data mounting option to set a specific state.

const wrapper = mount(Component, { 
    data () { 
        return { 
            field: 'overriden'  

If you really need to update something after it mounts, just use the instance

wrapper.vm.field = 'updated field'

setMethods - Link

Anti-pattern. Vue does not support arbitrarily replacement of methods, nor should VTU.

If you need to stub out an action, extract the hard parts away. Then you can unit test them as well.

// Component.vue
import { asyncAction } from 'actions'
const Component = {
    methods: {
        async someAsyncMethod() {
            this.result = await asyncAction()

// spec.js
import { asyncAction } from 'actions'
asyncAction.mockResolvedValue({ foo: 'bar' })

// rest of your test

setProps - Link

Overriding props after the component is mounted is a hack, which introduced lots of errors, especially with watchers in VTU Beta.

If you need to change a prop, set it on mounted.

mount(Component, {
    props: {
        propA: 'value'

If you need to test a prop watcher, wrap your component and test like that.

import { h } from 'vue'

const Parent = {
    data: () => ({ propA: 'A' })
    render() { return h(Component, { propA: this.propA }) }

const wrapper = mount(Parent)

wrapper.vm.propA = 'B'
// assert

text - Link

Use the native element to assert text content.


Mounting Options

context - Link

Should not be needed any more.

scopedSlots - Link

merged with slots now.

mount(Component, {
    slots: {
        normalSlot: 'text',
        scopedSlot: '<div>{{ props.slot }}</div>',
        scopedSlot2: () => h('div',		


  • Deprecations will require people to go and adjust their tests , which could make migration harder.


  • depending on popular demand we may leave/re-add some methods if possible.

Adoption Strategy

  • Vastly improved documentation, examples and recipes for many of the common cases.