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Ben Toogood edited this page Jun 13, 2013 · 3 revisions



This example shows you how to quickly create a Cortex Procedural SOP using a python function and associate it with a Cortex Procedural. You must have your procedurals installed as detailed [ExamplesProceduralsIntro here].


IECoreHoudini.FnProceduralHolder.create(obj_name, procedural_type, procedural_version)
  • The first arg is the string name of the Houdini geometry OBJ that contains the ieProceduralHolder SOP.
  • The second args is the string name of the procedural to load.
  • The third arg is the integer version of the procedural to load.


 import IECoreHoudini
 IECoreHoudini.FnProceduralHolder.create( "myObjectName", "myProcedural", 1 )
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