Bluetooth Devices Location and Domotic Action: Detects bluetooth devices, calcule the distance and execute domotic tasks on smart room. ex: Mobile1 is 4m from sensor1 then open the door. All sensors are connected via wireless.
Sensor (C and BlueZ):
- spotter.c: Main program: Single threaded: Inq the mobiles bluetooth to get RSS value. POST this value to central server.
WebServer (PHP and JS):
- new_data.php: receive data from sensor, check the distance (the distance calculation formula is here) and execute all pendent actions.
- index.php: display the mobile location and actions management
Executor (Java): -> WebServer invokes a Java library to execute commands on domotics. This library is available at:
This is just a introduction...
- Make a hard copy
- diskutil list
- diskutil unmountDisk /dev/disk******
- SD ---> PC
- dd if=/dev/disk********* of=SD_MIT_Working_v3.img
- PC ----> SD
- dd of=/dev/disk********* if=SD_MIT_Working_v3.img
- Turn it on. It will join the network MIT_AP.
- Login server (
- nmap
- check which is the new address and ssh to new device
- change the run.c at last line to the new sensor id (it's the last number)
- make
- sudo reboot
and ready to go
Add new entry in database at server (sensors_list table).
any question: [email protected]