A program made in JAVA that will store the books a student/person has read for the purpose that the book(s) might be helpful in the future or that you never want to see the book(s) again. It's basically your own personal library of books.
- Books that have been added onto the library are shown in a table
- Can sort books in any of the following categories: Title, ISBN, Author(s), Date Published, and Date Received. All you have to do is press the category name to sort it in Ascending or Descending order
- Can add books that are not in the current table list
- Can remove books that have been already in the list
- Can close the program from the close button
- Can search if a certain book exists in the table by a certain category
Because of my schedule, I won't be able to finish the program completely, so it is a working program. The following are features I have yet to complete:
- Will add styling to the program to make it look appealing
- Will be able to add multiple books in the program instead of one at a time
- Will be able to remove multiple books in the program instead of one at a time
- Will be able to remove book(s) by one or more categories
- Will add ability for books that are from a library to help the user return on time
- Be able to double click book or books in a list and another window will pop up with the selected book(s)
- Will add help feature
- Add image onto Virtual Library program
- Be able to search book(s) and have it selected in the table
- Be able to have buttons and certain features aligned nicely
- When window is stretched, features will be intact
- When adding a title of a book into the program and it has a comma within it, then program will crash when reopening
- Shouldn't be allowed to open more than one add book window I will fix all problems in the future
If you have suggestions that are not included in the features or future features or how to improve existing features, then push a file onto Github called suggestions.txt into this repository with explanations and I will get to them eventually
Email me at [email protected] with an explanation of the issue