layout | title | name | oneline | status | platform | complink | license | tags |
component |
bbUI.js |
bbUI.js |
WebWorks framework to provide BBOS and BB10 Look-and-Feel |
Beta |
ASL2 |
OpenSource, WebWorks, Component |
{% include %}
bbUI.js is a WebWorks framework that helps follow the UI recommendations for BlackBerry OS, BlackBerry PlayBook and BlackBerry 10. The framework started as a portion of some [WebWorks-Samples][webworkssamples] but later became a top project. Tim Neil is the project lead.
Currently the support for BBOS smartphones is more complete than that for PlayBook. We expect this to change quickly.
- Native or HTML5? Only the developer knows, by Tim Neil, May 2, 2012
- bbUI.js version 0.9.2 now available, by Tim Neil, May 31, 2012
- Using bbUI’s onscreenready and ondomready to Dynamically Change Your HTML by Nathan Campos, Jun 9, 2012
[Tim Neil]
[WebWorks], [ASL2], [HTML5]