Very simple blog app developed using React Redux Firebase.
Sample app shows how to create, update and delete html posts, write and delete comments.
User management is handle using firebase providers. As example Google provider is being used.
Demo of app is available at
- React
- React-Redux
- React-Router
- React-Router-Redux
- Redux
- Redux-Thunk
- React-toolbox for material design
- React-rte Rich text editor
- sanitizer - CAJA html sanitizer
- Moment
- Firebase SDK 3 with OAuth authentication
- Babel
- Immutable
- Recompose
- PostCSS
- Webpack
- Eslint
- Airbnb Eslint config
- Ava
- Enzyme
- Chai
- Sinon
- Proxyquire
$ git clone
$ cd Redux-Firebase-blog
$ npm install
$ npm run watch
- Create a free Firebase account at
- Create a project from your Firebase account console
- Configure the authentication providers for your Firebase project from your Firebase account console
// .firebaserc
"projects": {
"default": "your-project-id"
// src/config/config.js
export default {
apiKey: 'your api key',
authDomain: '',
databaseURL: '',
storageBucket: '',
In your firebase console you can import
into your database. File contains 1 post and 1 comment as a prototype of your db structure used by application.
$ npm install -g firebase-tools
$ npm run build
$ firebase login
$ firebase use default
$ firebase deploy
Script | Description |
npm run watch |
Start webpack development server @ localhost:3000 |
npm run build |
Build app to ./dist |
npm run clean |
Removes build artifact from ./dist |
npm start |
Run express server @ localhost:3000 for './dist'.(Run npm run build first) |
npm run lint |
Lint .js files |
npm test |
Run unit tests with Ava |
npm run test:watch |
Run unit tests in watch mode |