From the Wikipedia page:
SDT is a theory of motivation that grew out of studies studying extrinsic and intrinsic motivations. SDT posits that intrinsic motives are the primary psychological motivations in all individuals.
Intrinsic motives are internal rewards; things that are done for the pleasure of doing them.
Extrinsic motives are outside rewards that motivate our behavior.
SDT says that there are three basic psychological needs that inform our intrinsic motivation:
Autonomy. Self determination. Agency. To be in control of one's own life. Psychological liberty. Freedom of internal will. Deadlines are a restriction of autonomy because they remove control from the individual, reducing their intrinsic motivation. Choice (and the illusion of it?) increases one's sense of autonomy.
Competence. A feeling of mastery. This is where positive feedback comes into play. Praising someone for accomplishing a task increases their feelings of competence which feeds their intrinsic motivation.
Relatedness. Connection to others. Desire to interact with others.