Table of Contents
We aim to push a new release of Prebid.js every week on Tuesday.
While the releases will be available immediately for those using direct Git access, it will be about a week before the Prebid Org Download Page will be updated.
You can determine what is in a given build using the releases page
Announcements regarding releases will be made to the #headerbidding-dev channel in
Note: If
is not configured as the git origin for your repo, all of the following git commands will have to be modified to reference the proper remote (e.g. upstream
Make Sure all browserstack tests are passing. On PR merge to master CircleCI will run unit tests on browserstack. Checking the last CircleCI build here for master branch will show you detailed results.
In case of failure do following,
- Try to fix the failing tests.
- If you are not able to fix tests in time. Skip the test, create issue and tag contributor.
Note: the following browserstack information is only relevant for debugging purposes, if you will not be debugging then it can be skipped.
Set the environment variables. You may want to add these to your
for convenience.export BROWSERSTACK_USERNAME="my browserstack username" export BROWSERSTACK_ACCESS_KEY="my browserstack access key"
gulp test --browserstack >> prebid_test.log vim prebid_test.log // Will show the test results
Prepare Prebid Code
Update the package.json version to become the current release. Then commit your changes.
git commit -m "Prebid 1.x.x Release" git push
Verify Release
Make sure your there are no more merges to master branch. Prebid code is clean and up to date.
Create a GitHub release
Edit the most recent release notes draft and make sure the correct tag is in the dropdown. Click
. GitHub will create release tag.Pull these changes locally by running command
git pull git fetch --tags
and verify the tag.
Update coveralls (skip for legacy)
We use to show parts of code covered by unit tests.
Set the environment variables. You may want to add these to your
for convenience.export COVERALLS_SERVICE_NAME="travis-ci" export COVERALLS_REPO_TOKEN="talk to Matt Kendall"
gulp coveralls
to update code coverage history. -
Distribute the code
Note: do not go to step 7 until step 6 has been verified completed.
Reach out to any of the Appnexus folks to trigger the jenkins job.
// TODO Jenkins job is moving files to appnexus cdn, pushing prebid.js to npm, purging cache and sending notification to slack. Move all the files from Appnexus CDN to jsDelivr and create bash script to do above tasks.
Post Release Version
Update the version Manually edit Prebid's package.json to become "1.x.x-pre" (using the values for the next release). Then commit your changes.
git commit -m "Increment pre version" git push
Create new release draft
Go to github releases and add a new draft for the next version of Prebid.js with the following template:
## 🚀New Features
## 🛠Maintenance
## 🐛Bug Fixes
Prebid.js features may be released as Beta or as Generally Available (GA).
Characteristics of a Beta
- May be a partial implementation (e.g. more work needed to flesh out the feature)
- May not be fully tested with other features
- Limited documentation, focused on technical aspects
- Few users
Characteristics of a GA
- Complete set of functionality
- Significant user base with no major issues for at least a month
- Decent documentation that includes business need, use cases, and examples
1. Is there flexibility in the schedule?
If a major bug is found in the current release, a maintenance patch will be done as soon as possible.
It is unlikely that we will put out a maintenance patch at the request of a given bid adapter or module owner.
2. What Pull Requests make it into a release?
Every PR that's merged into master will be part of a release. Here are the PR review guidelines.