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93 lines (64 loc) · 2.3 KB

File metadata and controls

93 lines (64 loc) · 2.3 KB


Parse a Markdown document into an array of sections that contain code and text.


RegExes for detecting indentation, blank lines, and section breaks.

indent = /^([ ]{4}|\t)/
blank = /^\s*$/
sectionBreak = /^(---+|===+)$/

Parsing converts a string of Markdown text into an array of sections.

parse = (source) ->

A helper to create section objects. Each section contains text and code.

  Section = ->
    text: []
    code: []

Our array of sections that we will return.

  sections = [Section()]

A helper to get the last section in the array.

  lastSection = ->

Whenever we encounter code we push it onto the last section.

  pushCode = (code) ->
    lastSection().code.push code

Pushing text is a little bit more complicated. If the last section has code in it then we need to push a new section on and add the text to that.

If the last section is doesn't have any code yet we can push our text onto it.

If our text matches a sectionbreak then we push a new section after adding our text to the previous section.

  pushText = (text) ->
    if lastSection().code.length
      section = Section()
      section.text.push text
      sections.push section
      lastSection().text.push text

      sections.push Section() if sectionBreak.test text

  pushEmpty = ->
    if lastWasCode
      lastSection().text.push ""

  lastWasCode = false

  source.split("\n").forEach (line) ->
    if blank.exec(line)
    else if match = indent.exec(line)
      lastWasCode = true
      pushCode line[match[0].length..]
      lastWasCode = false
      pushText line

  sections.forEach (section) ->
    section.text = truncateEmpties(section.text).join("\n")
    section.code = truncateEmpties(section.code).join("\n")

  return sections

module.exports = parse


This helper removes empty strings from the end of our text and code arrays so we're not left with extra newlines and things in between sections.

truncateEmpties = (array) ->
  while (last = array[array.length-1])? and last is ""

  return array