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172 lines (126 loc) · 4.71 KB

File metadata and controls

172 lines (126 loc) · 4.71 KB

Like a Doctor

Document all of your literate code: files that end in .md.

Inspired by Docco. Designed for the browser environment.

We use marked for generating the markdown.

marked = require "./lib/marked"
highlight = require "./lib/highlight"
languages = require "./languages"

  highlight: (code, lang) ->
    if highlight.LANGUAGES[lang]
      highlight.highlight(lang, code).value
      console.warn "couldn't highlight code block with unknown language '#{lang}'"


Export our public api.

module.exports = doctor =
  parse: require('./parse')

Our docco style template.

  template: require('./template')

Document one file.

  compile: (content, language="coffeescript") ->
    doctor.parse(content).map ({text, code}) ->
      docsHtml: marked(text)
      codeHtml: marked "```#{language}\n#{code}\n```"

Generate the documentation for all files within the given package. Returns a promise that will be fulfilled with an array of fileData.

  documentAll: (pkg) ->
    {entryPoint, source, repository} = pkg
    {branch, default_branch} = repository

    if branch is "blog" # HACK
      base = ""
    else if branch is default_branch
      base = "docs/"
      base = "#{branch}/docs/"

    documentableFiles = Object.keys(source).filter (name) ->
      extension(name) is "md"

    results = (name) ->
      language = extension(withoutExtension(name))
      language = languages[language] || language

      doctor.compile source[name].content, language

    extras = [packageScript(base, pkg)]

    scripts = dependencyScripts unique([
      pkg.remoteDependencies or []

    # Add interactive loader to scripts string
    scripts += interactiveLoader

    results = (result, i) ->
      # Assuming .*.md so we should strip the extension twice
      name = withoutExtension(withoutExtension(documentableFiles[i]))

      content = doctor.template
        title: name
        sections: result
        scripts:  "#{scripts}#{makeScript(relativeScriptPath(name))}"

      # Add an index.html if our file is the entry point
      if name is entryPoint
          content: doctor.template
            title: "index"
            sections: result
            scripts:  "#{scripts}#{makeScript(relativeScriptPath("index"))}"
          mode: "100644"
          path: "#{base}index.html"
          type: "blob"

      content: content
      mode: "100644"
      path: "#{base}#{name}.html"
      type: "blob"



makeScript returns a string representation of a script tag that has a src attribute.

makeScript = (src) ->
  script = document.createElement("script")
  script.src = src

  return script.outerHTML

dependencyScripts returns a string containing the script tags that are the dependencies of this build.

dependencyScripts = (remoteDependencies=[]) ->"\n")

unique returns a new duplicate free version of an array.

unique = (array) ->
  array.reduce (results, item) ->
    results.push item if results.indexOf(item) is -1

  , []

Include the interactive docs loader, this connection is a bit tenuous.

interactiveLoader = """

This returns a script file that exposes a global require that gives access to the current package and is meant to be included in every docs page.

packageScript = (base, pkg) ->
  content: """
    (function(pkg) {
      window.require = Require.generateFor(pkg);
    })(#{JSON.stringify(pkg, null, 2)});
  mode: "100644"
  path: "#{base}package.js"
  type: "blob"

Package Script path

relativeScriptPath = (path) ->
  upOne = "../"
  results = []

  levels = (path.split("/").length - 1)
  if levels > 0
    [0...levels].forEach ->
      results.push upOne


File extension for string

extension = (str) ->
  if match = str.match(/\.([^\.]*)$/, '')
    match[match.length - 1]

withoutExtension = (str) ->