The default base class for all objects you can add to the engine.
GameObjects fire events that you may attach listeners to. Event listeners
are bound with object.on(eventName, handler)
is triggered when the object is created.
is triggered when object is destroyed.
Use the destroy event to add particle effects, play sounds, etc.
bomb.on 'destroy', -> bomb.explode() "Kaboom"
is triggered during every step of the game loop.
Check to see if keys are being pressed and change the player's velocity.
player.on 'update', -> if keydown.left player.velocity(Point(-1, 0)) else if keydown.right player.velocity(Point(1, 0)) else player.velocity(Point(0, 0))
Triggered when the object is removed from the engine. Use the remove event to handle any clean up.
Destroyed objects are always removed, but removed objects may not necessarily have been destroyed.
boss.bind 'remove', -> unlockDoorToLevel2()
{defaults} = require "./util"
module.exports = GameObject = (I={}, self=Core(I)) ->
defaults I,
active: true
created: false
destroyed: false
self.attrReader "id"
class: ->
I.class or "GameObject"
Update the game object. The engine calls this method.
update: (elapsedTime) ->
# TODO: Extract this check out into an engine gameObject remove processor or something
# TODO: Remove this method and only use events.
self.trigger 'update', elapsedTime
Triggers the create event if the object has not already been created. This method is called by the engine.
create: ->
self.trigger('create') unless I.created
I.created = true
Destroys the object and triggers the destroyed event. Anyone can call this method.
destroy: ->
self.trigger('destroy') unless I.destroyed
I.destroyed = true = false
GameObject.defaultModules.each (module) ->
self.include module
return self
GameObject.defaultModules = [
].map (name) ->
require "./modules/#{name}"