Mongoose store for node-cache-manager (See
Originally created as an alternative to node-cache-manager-mongodb store to be able to use an existing mongoose connection.
This store expects that the mongoose instance is provided explicitely.
It is not a concern of this module to establish a connection, but it rather assumes that you already have one and use it in your project.
mongoose = require("mongoose"),
cacheManager = require("cache-manager"),
mongooseStore = require("cache-manager-mongoose");
const cache = cacheManager.caching({
store: mongooseStore,
mongoose: mongoose
// now you can use cache as any other cache-manager cache
All optionas are optional, except for mongoose
The store creates a new Model on initialization, which you can partially customize. See example:
const cache = cacheManager.caching({
store: mongooseStore,
mongoose: mongoose, // mongoose instance
modelName: "MyModelName", // model name in mongoose registry
// options for model creation
modelOptions: {
collection: "cacheman_rcp" // mongodb collection name
versionKey: false // do not create __v field
ttl: 300 // time to live - 5 minutes (default is 1 minute),
connection: connection, // provide only when using mongoose.createConnection()
If you want to keep your cache forever, set TTL to zero (0
The default modelOptions are:
"collection": "MongooseCache",
"versionKey": false,
"read": "secondaryPreferred"
You can also provide your own model as long as it has the same fields as the one used by default.
In this case you don't need to provide a mongoose
as all it boils down to is a model object.
Here is an example:
const schema = new mongoose.Schema(
// standard fields
_id: String,
val: mongoose.Schema.Types.Mixed,
exp: Date,
// all other fields you like
foo: String,
bar: Number
collection: "my_collection",
versionKey: false
{exp: 1},
{expireAfterSeconds: 0}
schema.index({foo: 1});
const model = mongoose.model("MyModel", schema);
const cache = cacheManager.caching({
store: mongooseStore,
model: model
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