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Guild Resource

Guilds in Discord represent an isolated collection of users and channels, and are often referred to as "servers" in the UI.

Guild Object

Guild Structure
Field Type Description
id snowflake guild id
name string guild name (2-100 characters, excluding trailing and leading whitespace)
icon ?string icon hash
icon_hash? ?string icon hash, returned when in the template object
splash ?string splash hash
discovery_splash ?string discovery splash hash; only present for guilds with the "DISCOVERABLE" feature
owner? ** boolean true if the user is the owner of the guild
owner_id snowflake id of owner
permissions? ** string total permissions for the user in the guild (excludes overrides)
region string voice region id for the guild
afk_channel_id ?snowflake id of afk channel
afk_timeout integer afk timeout in seconds
widget_enabled? boolean true if the server widget is enabled
widget_channel_id? ?snowflake the channel id that the widget will generate an invite to, or null if set to no invite
verification_level integer verification level required for the guild
default_message_notifications integer default message notifications level
explicit_content_filter integer explicit content filter level
roles array of role objects roles in the guild
emojis array of emoji objects custom guild emojis
features array of guild feature strings enabled guild features
mfa_level integer required MFA level for the guild
application_id ?snowflake application id of the guild creator if it is bot-created
system_channel_id ?snowflake the id of the channel where guild notices such as welcome messages and boost events are posted
system_channel_flags integer system channel flags
rules_channel_id ?snowflake the id of the channel where Community guilds can display rules and/or guidelines
joined_at? * ISO8601 timestamp when this guild was joined at
large? * boolean true if this is considered a large guild
unavailable? * boolean true if this guild is unavailable due to an outage
member_count? * integer total number of members in this guild
voice_states? * array of partial voice state objects states of members currently in voice channels; lacks the guild_id key
members? * array of guild member objects users in the guild
channels? * array of channel objects channels in the guild
presences? * array of partial presence update objects presences of the members in the guild, will only include non-offline members if the size is greater than large threshold
max_presences? ?integer the maximum number of presences for the guild (the default value, currently 25000, is in effect when null is returned)
max_members? integer the maximum number of members for the guild
vanity_url_code ?string the vanity url code for the guild
description ?string the description for the guild, if the guild is discoverable
banner ?string banner hash
premium_tier integer premium tier (Server Boost level)
premium_subscription_count? integer the number of boosts this guild currently has
preferred_locale string the preferred locale of a Community guild; used in server discovery and notices from Discord; defaults to "en-US"
public_updates_channel_id ?snowflake the id of the channel where admins and moderators of Community guilds receive notices from Discord
max_video_channel_users? integer the maximum amount of users in a video channel
approximate_member_count? integer approximate number of members in this guild, returned from the GET /guilds/<id> endpoint when with_counts is true
approximate_presence_count? integer approximate number of non-offline members in this guild, returned from the GET /guilds/<id> endpoint when with_counts is true
welcome_screen? welcome screen object the welcome screen of a Community guild, shown to new members, returned when in the invite object

** * These fields are only sent within the GUILD_CREATE event **

** ** These fields are only sent when using the GET Current User Guilds endpoint and are relative to the requested user **

Default Message Notification Level
Key Value Description
ALL_MESSAGES 0 members will receive notifications for all messages by default
ONLY_MENTIONS 1 members will receive notifications only for messages that @mention them by default
Explicit Content Filter Level
Level Integer Description
DISABLED 0 media content will not be scanned
MEMBERS_WITHOUT_ROLES 1 media content sent by members without roles will be scanned
ALL_MEMBERS 2 media content sent by all members will be scanned
MFA Level
Level Integer Description
NONE 0 guild has no MFA/2FA requirement for moderation actions
ELEVATED 1 guild has a 2FA requirement for moderation actions
Verification Level
Level Integer Description
NONE 0 unrestricted
LOW 1 must have verified email on account
MEDIUM 2 must be registered on Discord for longer than 5 minutes
HIGH 3 must be a member of the server for longer than 10 minutes
VERY_HIGH 4 must have a verified phone number
Premium Tier
Level Integer Description
NONE 0 guild has not unlocked any Server Boost perks
TIER_1 1 guild has unlocked Server Boost level 1 perks
TIER_2 2 guild has unlocked Server Boost level 2 perks
TIER_3 3 guild has unlocked Server Boost level 3 perks
System Channel Flags
Flag Value Description
SUPPRESS_JOIN_NOTIFICATIONS 1 << 0 Suppress member join notifications
SUPPRESS_PREMIUM_SUBSCRIPTIONS 1 << 1 Suppress server boost notifications
Guild Features
Feature Description
INVITE_SPLASH guild has access to set an invite splash background
VIP_REGIONS guild has access to set 384kbps bitrate in voice (previously VIP voice servers)
VANITY_URL guild has access to set a vanity URL
VERIFIED guild is verified
PARTNERED guild is partnered
COMMUNITY guild can enable welcome screen, Membership Screening, and discovery, and receives community updates
COMMERCE guild has access to use commerce features (i.e. create store channels)
NEWS guild has access to create news channels
DISCOVERABLE guild is able to be discovered in the directory
FEATURABLE guild is able to be featured in the directory
ANIMATED_ICON guild has access to set an animated guild icon
BANNER guild has access to set a guild banner image
WELCOME_SCREEN_ENABLED guild has enabled the welcome screen
MEMBER_VERIFICATION_GATE_ENABLED guild has enabled Membership Screening
PREVIEW_ENABLED guild can be previewed before joining via Membership Screening or the directory
Example Guild
  "id": "197038439483310086",
  "name": "Discord Testers",
  "icon": "f64c482b807da4f539cff778d174971c",
  "description": "The official place to report Discord Bugs!",
  "splash": null,
  "discovery_splash": null,
  "features": [
  "emojis": [],
  "banner": "9b6439a7de04f1d26af92f84ac9e1e4a",
  "owner_id": "73193882359173120",
  "application_id": null,
  "region": "us-west",
  "afk_channel_id": null,
  "afk_timeout": 300,
  "system_channel_id": null,
  "widget_enabled": true,
  "widget_channel_id": null,
  "verification_level": 3,
  "roles": [],
  "default_message_notifications": 1,
  "mfa_level": 1,
  "explicit_content_filter": 2,
  "max_presences": 40000,
  "max_members": 250000,
  "vanity_url_code": "discord-testers",
  "premium_tier": 3,
  "premium_subscription_count": 33,
  "system_channel_flags": 0,
  "preferred_locale": "en-US",
  "rules_channel_id": "441688182833020939",
  "public_updates_channel_id": "281283303326089216"

Unavailable Guild Object

A partial guild object. Represents an Offline Guild, or a Guild whose information has not been provided through Guild Create events during the Gateway connect.

Example Unavailable Guild
  "id": "41771983423143937",
  "unavailable": true

Guild Preview Object

Guild Preview Structure
Field Type Description
id snowflake guild id
name string guild name (2-100 characters)
icon ?string icon hash
splash ?string splash hash
discovery_splash ?string discovery splash hash
emojis array of emoji objects custom guild emojis
features array of guild feature strings enabled guild features
approximate_member_count integer approximate number of members in this guild
approximate_presence_count integer approximate number of online members in this guild
description ?string the description for the guild, if the guild is discoverable
Example Guild Preview
  "id": "197038439483310086",
  "name": "Discord Testers",
  "icon": "f64c482b807da4f539cff778d174971c",
  "splash": null,
  "discovery_splash": null,
  "emojis": [],
  "features": [
  "approximate_member_count": 60814,
  "approximate_presence_count": 20034,
  "description": "The official place to report Discord Bugs!"

Guild Widget Object

Guild Widget Structure
Field Type Description
enabled boolean whether the widget is enabled
channel_id ?snowflake the widget channel id
Example Guild Widget
  "enabled": true,
  "channel_id": "41771983444115456"

Guild Member Object

Guild Member Structure
Field Type Description
user? user object the user this guild member represents
nick? ?string this users guild nickname
roles array of snowflakes array of role object ids
joined_at ISO8601 timestamp when the user joined the guild
premium_since? ?ISO8601 timestamp when the user started boosting the guild
deaf boolean whether the user is deafened in voice channels
mute boolean whether the user is muted in voice channels
pending? boolean whether the user has not yet passed the guild's Membership Screening requirements
permissions? string total permissions of the member in the channel, including overrides, returned when in the interaction object

info The field user won't be included in the member object attached to MESSAGE_CREATE and MESSAGE_UPDATE gateway events.

info In GUILD_ events, pending will always be included as true or false. In non GUILD_ events which can only be triggered by non-pending users, pending will not be included.

Example Guild Member
  "user": {},
  "nick": "NOT API SUPPORT",
  "roles": [],
  "joined_at": "2015-04-26T06:26:56.936000+00:00",
  "deaf": false,
  "mute": false

Integration Object

Integration Structure
Field Type Description
id snowflake integration id
name string integration name
type string integration type (twitch, youtube, or discord)
enabled boolean is this integration enabled
syncing? * boolean is this integration syncing
role_id? * snowflake id that this integration uses for "subscribers"
enable_emoticons? * boolean whether emoticons should be synced for this integration (twitch only currently)
expire_behavior? * integration expire behavior the behavior of expiring subscribers
expire_grace_period? * integer the grace period (in days) before expiring subscribers
user? * user object user for this integration
account account object integration account information
synced_at? * ISO8601 timestamp when this integration was last synced
subscriber_count? * integer how many subscribers this integration has
revoked? * boolean has this integration been revoked
application? application object The bot/OAuth2 application for discord integrations

** * These fields are not provided for discord bot integrations. **

Integration Expire Behaviors
Value Name
0 Remove role
1 Kick

Integration Account Object

Integration Account Structure
Field Type Description
id string id of the account
name string name of the account

Integration Application Object

Integration Application Structure
Field Type Description
id snowflake the id of the app
name string the name of the app
icon ?string the icon hash of the app
description string the description of the app
summary string the description of the app
bot? user object the bot associated with this application

Ban Object

Ban Structure
Field Type Description
reason ?string the reason for the ban
user user object the banned user
Example Ban
  "reason": "mentioning b1nzy",
  "user": {
    "username": "Mason",
    "discriminator": "9999",
    "id": "53908099506183680",
    "avatar": "a_bab14f271d565501444b2ca3be944b25",
    "public_flags": 131141

Welcome Screen Object

Welcome Screen Structure
Field Type Description
description ?string the server description shown in the welcome screen
welcome_channels array of welcome screen channel objects the channels shown in the welcome screen, up to 5
Welcome Screen Channel Structure
Field Type Description
channel_id snowflake the channel's id
description string the description shown for the channel
emoji_id ?snowflake the emoji id, if the emoji is custom
emoji_name ?string the emoji name if custom, the unicode character if standard, or null if no emoji is set
Example Welcome Screen
  "description": "Discord Developers is a place to learn about Discord's API, bots, and SDKs and integrations. This is NOT a general Discord support server.",
  "welcome_channels": [
      "channel_id": "697138785317814292",
      "description": "Follow for official Discord API updates",
      "emoji_id": null,
      "emoji_name": "📡"
      "channel_id": "697236247739105340",
      "description": "Get help with Bot Verifications",
      "emoji_id": null,
      "emoji_name": "📸"
      "channel_id": "697489244649816084",
      "description": "Create amazing things with Discord's API",
      "emoji_id": null,
      "emoji_name": "🔬"
      "channel_id": "613425918748131338",
      "description": "Integrate Discord into your game",
      "emoji_id": null,
      "emoji_name": "🎮"
      "channel_id": "646517734150242346",
      "description": "Find more places to help you on your quest",
      "emoji_id": null,
      "emoji_name": "🔦"

Membership Screening Object

In guilds with Membership Screening enabled, when a member joins, Guild Member Add will be emitted but they will initially be restricted from doing any actions in the guild, and pending will be true in the member object. When the member completes the screening, Guild Member Update will be emitted and pending will be false.

Giving the member a role will bypass Membership Screening as well as the guild's verification level, giving the member immediate access to chat. Therefore, instead of giving a role when the member joins, it is recommended to not give the role until the user is no longer pending.

warn We are making significant changes to the Membership Screening API specifically related to getting and editing the Membership Screening object. Long story short is that it can be improved. As such, we have removed those documentation. There will not be any changes to how pending members work, as outlined above. That behavior will stay the same.

Create Guild % POST /guilds

Create a new guild. Returns a guild object on success. Fires a Guild Create Gateway event.

warn This endpoint can be used only by bots in less than 10 guilds.

JSON Params
Field Type Description
name string name of the guild (2-100 characters)
region? string voice region id
icon? image data base64 128x128 image for the guild icon
verification_level? integer verification level
default_message_notifications? integer default message notification level
explicit_content_filter? integer explicit content filter level
roles? array of role objects new guild roles
channels? array of partial channel objects new guild's channels
afk_channel_id? snowflake id for afk channel
afk_timeout? integer afk timeout in seconds
system_channel_id? snowflake the id of the channel where guild notices such as welcome messages and boost events are posted
system_channel_flags? integer system channel flags

warn When using the roles parameter, the first member of the array is used to change properties of the guild's @everyone role. If you are trying to bootstrap a guild with additional roles, keep this in mind.

info When using the roles parameter, the required id field within each role object is an integer placeholder, and will be replaced by the API upon consumption. Its purpose is to allow you to overwrite a role's permissions in a channel when also passing in channels with the channels array.

warn When using the channels parameter, the position field is ignored, and none of the default channels are created.

info When using the channels parameter, the id field within each channel object may be set to an integer placeholder, and will be replaced by the API upon consumption. Its purpose is to allow you to create GUILD_CATEGORY channels by setting the parent_id field on any children to the category's id field. Category channels must be listed before any children.

Example Partial Channel Object
  "name": "naming-things-is-hard",
  "type": 0
Example Category Channel
  "name": "my-category",
  "type": 4,
  "id": 1
  "name": "naming-things-is-hard",
  "type": 0,
  "id": 2,
  "parent_id": 1

Get Guild % GET /guilds/{}

Returns the guild object for the given id. If with_counts is set to true, this endpoint will also return approximate_member_count and approximate_presence_count for the guild.

Query String Params
Field Type Description Required Default
with_counts? boolean when true, will return approximate member and presence counts for the guild false false
Example Response
  "id": "2909267986263572999",
  "name": "Mason's Test Server",
  "icon": "389030ec9db118cb5b85a732333b7c98",
  "description": null,
  "splash": "75610b05a0dd09ec2c3c7df9f6975ea0",
  "discovery_splash": null,
  "approximate_member_count": 2,
  "approximate_presence_count": 2,
  "features": [
  "emojis": [
      "name": "ultrafastparrot",
      "roles": [],
      "id": "393564762228785161",
      "require_colons": true,
      "managed": false,
      "animated": true,
      "available": true
  "banner": "5c3cb8d1bc159937fffe7e641ec96ca7",
  "owner_id": "53908232506183680",
  "application_id": null,
  "region": "us-east",
  "afk_channel_id": null,
  "afk_timeout": 300,
  "system_channel_id": null,
  "widget_enabled": true,
  "widget_channel_id": "639513352485470208",
  "verification_level": 0,
  "roles": [
      "id": "2909267986263572999",
      "name": "@everyone",
      "permissions": "49794752",
      "position": 0,
      "color": 0,
      "hoist": false,
      "managed": false,
      "mentionable": false
  "default_message_notifications": 1,
  "mfa_level": 0,
  "explicit_content_filter": 0,
  "max_presences": null,
  "max_members": 250000,
  "max_video_channel_users": 25,
  "vanity_url_code": "no",
  "premium_tier": 0,
  "premium_subscription_count": 0,
  "system_channel_flags": 0,
  "preferred_locale": "en-US",
  "rules_channel_id": null,
  "public_updates_channel_id": null

Get Guild Preview % GET /guilds/{}/preview

Returns the guild preview object for the given id. If the user is not in the guild, then the guild must be Discoverable.

Modify Guild % PATCH /guilds/{}

Modify a guild's settings. Requires the MANAGE_GUILD permission. Returns the updated guild object on success. Fires a Guild Update Gateway event.

info All parameters to this endpoint are optional

JSON Params
Field Type Description
name string guild name
region ?string guild voice region id
verification_level ?integer verification level
default_message_notifications ?integer default message notification level
explicit_content_filter ?integer explicit content filter level
afk_channel_id ?snowflake id for afk channel
afk_timeout integer afk timeout in seconds
icon ?image data base64 1024x1024 png/jpeg/gif image for the guild icon (can be animated gif when the server has the ANIMATED_ICON feature)
owner_id snowflake user id to transfer guild ownership to (must be owner)
splash ?image data base64 16:9 png/jpeg image for the guild splash (when the server has the INVITE_SPLASH feature)
discovery_splash ?image data base64 16:9 png/jpeg image for the guild discovery splash (when the server has the DISCOVERABLE feature)
banner ?image data base64 16:9 png/jpeg image for the guild banner (when the server has the BANNER feature)
system_channel_id ?snowflake the id of the channel where guild notices such as welcome messages and boost events are posted
system_channel_flags integer system channel flags
rules_channel_id ?snowflake the id of the channel where Community guilds display rules and/or guidelines
public_updates_channel_id ?snowflake the id of the channel where admins and moderators of Community guilds receive notices from Discord
preferred_locale ?string the preferred locale of a Community guild used in server discovery and notices from Discord; defaults to "en-US"
features array of guild feature strings enabled guild features
description ?string the description for the guild, if the guild is discoverable

Delete Guild % DELETE /guilds/{}

Delete a guild permanently. User must be owner. Returns 204 No Content on success. Fires a Guild Delete Gateway event.

Get Guild Channels % GET /guilds/{}/channels

Returns a list of guild channel objects.

Create Guild Channel % POST /guilds/{}/channels

Create a new channel object for the guild. Requires the MANAGE_CHANNELS permission. If setting permission overwrites, only permissions your bot has in the guild can be allowed/denied. Setting MANAGE_ROLES permission in channels is only possible for guild administrators. Returns the new channel object on success. Fires a Channel Create Gateway event.

info All parameters to this endpoint are optional excluding 'name'

JSON Params
Field Type Description
name string channel name (2-100 characters)
type integer the type of channel
topic string channel topic (0-1024 characters)
bitrate integer the bitrate (in bits) of the voice channel (voice only)
user_limit integer the user limit of the voice channel (voice only)
rate_limit_per_user integer amount of seconds a user has to wait before sending another message (0-21600); bots, as well as users with the permission manage_messages or manage_channel, are unaffected
position integer sorting position of the channel
permission_overwrites array of overwrite objects the channel's permission overwrites
parent_id snowflake id of the parent category for a channel
nsfw boolean whether the channel is nsfw

Modify Guild Channel Positions % PATCH /guilds/{}/channels

Modify the positions of a set of channel objects for the guild. Requires MANAGE_CHANNELS permission. Returns a 204 empty response on success. Fires multiple Channel Update Gateway events.

info Only channels to be modified are required, with the minimum being a swap between at least two channels.

This endpoint takes a JSON array of parameters in the following format:

JSON Params
Field Type Description
id snowflake channel id
position ?integer sorting position of the channel
lock_permissions ?boolean syncs the permission overwrites with the new parent, if moving to a new category
parent_id ?snowflake the new parent ID for the channel that is moved

Get Guild Member % GET /guilds/{}/members/{}

Returns a guild member object for the specified user.

List Guild Members % GET /guilds/{}/members

Returns a list of guild member objects that are members of the guild.

warn This endpoint is restricted according to whether the GUILD_MEMBERS Privileged Intent is enabled for your application.

info All parameters to this endpoint are optional

Query String Params
Field Type Description Default
limit integer max number of members to return (1-1000) 1
after snowflake the highest user id in the previous page 0

Search Guild Members % GET /guilds/{}/members/search

Returns a list of guild member objects whose username or nickname starts with a provided string.

info All parameters to this endpoint except for query are optional

Query String Params
Field Type Description Default
query string Query string to match username(s) and nickname(s) against.
limit integer max number of members to return (1-1000) 1

Add Guild Member % PUT /guilds/{}/members/{}

Adds a user to the guild, provided you have a valid oauth2 access token for the user with the guilds.join scope. Returns a 201 Created with the guild member as the body, or 204 No Content if the user is already a member of the guild. Fires a Guild Member Add Gateway event.

For guilds with Membership Screening enabled, this endpoint will default to adding new members as pending in the guild member object. Members that are pending will have to complete membership screening before they become full members that can talk.

info All parameters to this endpoint except for access_token are optional.

info The Authorization header must be a Bot token (belonging to the same application used for authorization), and the bot must be a member of the guild with CREATE_INSTANT_INVITE permission.

JSON Params
Field Type Description Permission
access_token string an oauth2 access token granted with the guilds.join to the bot's application for the user you want to add to the guild
nick string value to set users nickname to MANAGE_NICKNAMES
roles array of snowflakes array of role ids the member is assigned MANAGE_ROLES
mute boolean whether the user is muted in voice channels MUTE_MEMBERS
deaf boolean whether the user is deafened in voice channels DEAFEN_MEMBERS

warn For guilds with Membership Screening enabled, assigning a role using the roles parameter will add the user to the guild as a full member (pending is false in the member object). A member with a role will bypass membership screening and the guild's verification level, and get immediate access to chat. Therefore, instead of assigning a role when the member joins, it is recommended to grant roles only after the user completes screening.

Modify Guild Member % PATCH /guilds/{}/members/{}

Modify attributes of a guild member. Returns a 200 OK with the guild member as the body. Fires a Guild Member Update Gateway event. If the channel_id is set to null, this will force the target user to be disconnected from voice.

info All parameters to this endpoint are optional and nullable. When moving members to channels, the API user must have permissions to both connect to the channel and have the MOVE_MEMBERS permission.

JSON Params
Field Type Description Permission
nick string value to set users nickname to MANAGE_NICKNAMES
roles array of snowflakes array of role ids the member is assigned MANAGE_ROLES
mute boolean whether the user is muted in voice channels. Will throw a 400 if the user is not in a voice channel MUTE_MEMBERS
deaf boolean whether the user is deafened in voice channels. Will throw a 400 if the user is not in a voice channel DEAFEN_MEMBERS
channel_id snowflake id of channel to move user to (if they are connected to voice) MOVE_MEMBERS

Modify Current User Nick % PATCH /guilds/{}/members/@me/nick

Modifies the nickname of the current user in a guild. Returns a 200 with the nickname on success. Fires a Guild Member Update Gateway event.

JSON Params
Field Type Description Permission
?nick ?string value to set users nickname to CHANGE_NICKNAME

Add Guild Member Role % PUT /guilds/{}/members/{}/roles/{}

Adds a role to a guild member. Requires the MANAGE_ROLES permission. Returns a 204 empty response on success. Fires a Guild Member Update Gateway event.

Remove Guild Member Role % DELETE /guilds/{}/members/{}/roles/{}

Removes a role from a guild member. Requires the MANAGE_ROLES permission. Returns a 204 empty response on success. Fires a Guild Member Update Gateway event.

Remove Guild Member % DELETE /guilds/{}/members/{}

Remove a member from a guild. Requires KICK_MEMBERS permission. Returns a 204 empty response on success. Fires a Guild Member Remove Gateway event.

Get Guild Bans % GET /guilds/{}/bans

Returns a list of ban objects for the users banned from this guild. Requires the BAN_MEMBERS permission.

Get Guild Ban % GET /guilds/{}/bans/{}

Returns a ban object for the given user or a 404 not found if the ban cannot be found. Requires the BAN_MEMBERS permission.

Create Guild Ban % PUT /guilds/{}/bans/{}

Create a guild ban, and optionally delete previous messages sent by the banned user. Requires the BAN_MEMBERS permission. Returns a 204 empty response on success. Fires a Guild Ban Add Gateway event.

JSON Params
Field Type Description
delete_message_days? integer number of days to delete messages for (0-7)
reason? string reason for the ban

Remove Guild Ban % DELETE /guilds/{}/bans/{}

Remove the ban for a user. Requires the BAN_MEMBERS permissions. Returns a 204 empty response on success. Fires a Guild Ban Remove Gateway event.

Get Guild Roles % GET /guilds/{}/roles

Returns a list of role objects for the guild.

Create Guild Role % POST /guilds/{}/roles

Create a new role for the guild. Requires the MANAGE_ROLES permission. Returns the new role object on success. Fires a Guild Role Create Gateway event. All JSON params are optional.

JSON Params
Field Type Description Default
name string name of the role "new role"
permissions string bitwise value of the enabled/disabled permissions @everyone permissions in guild
color integer RGB color value 0
hoist boolean whether the role should be displayed separately in the sidebar false
mentionable boolean whether the role should be mentionable false

Modify Guild Role Positions % PATCH /guilds/{}/roles

Modify the positions of a set of role objects for the guild. Requires the MANAGE_ROLES permission. Returns a list of all of the guild's role objects on success. Fires multiple Guild Role Update Gateway events.

This endpoint takes a JSON array of parameters in the following format:

JSON Params
Field Type Description
id snowflake role
?position ?integer sorting position of the role

Modify Guild Role % PATCH /guilds/{}/roles/{}

Modify a guild role. Requires the MANAGE_ROLES permission. Returns the updated role on success. Fires a Guild Role Update Gateway event.

info All parameters to this endpoint are optional and nullable.

JSON Params
Field Type Description
name string name of the role
permissions string bitwise value of the enabled/disabled permissions
color integer RGB color value
hoist boolean whether the role should be displayed separately in the sidebar
mentionable boolean whether the role should be mentionable

Delete Guild Role % DELETE /guilds/{}/roles/{}

Delete a guild role. Requires the MANAGE_ROLES permission. Returns a 204 empty response on success. Fires a Guild Role Delete Gateway event.

Get Guild Prune Count % GET /guilds/{}/prune

Returns an object with one 'pruned' key indicating the number of members that would be removed in a prune operation. Requires the KICK_MEMBERS permission.

By default, prune will not remove users with roles. You can optionally include specific roles in your prune by providing the include_roles parameter. Any inactive user that has a subset of the provided role(s) will be counted in the prune and users with additional roles will not.

Query String Params
Field Type Description Default
days integer number of days to count prune for (1-30) 7
include_roles string; comma-delimited array of snowflakes role(s) to include none

Begin Guild Prune % POST /guilds/{}/prune

Begin a prune operation. Requires the KICK_MEMBERS permission. Returns an object with one 'pruned' key indicating the number of members that were removed in the prune operation. For large guilds it's recommended to set the compute_prune_count option to false, forcing 'pruned' to null. Fires multiple Guild Member Remove Gateway events.

By default, prune will not remove users with roles. You can optionally include specific roles in your prune by providing the include_roles parameter. Any inactive user that has a subset of the provided role(s) will be included in the prune and users with additional roles will not.

JSON Params
Field Type Description Default
days integer number of days to prune (1-30) 7
compute_prune_count boolean whether 'pruned' is returned, discouraged for large guilds true
include_roles array of snowflakes role(s) to include none

Get Guild Voice Regions % GET /guilds/{}/regions

Returns a list of voice region objects for the guild. Unlike the similar /voice route, this returns VIP servers when the guild is VIP-enabled.

Get Guild Invites % GET /guilds/{}/invites

Returns a list of invite objects (with invite metadata) for the guild. Requires the MANAGE_GUILD permission.

Get Guild Integrations % GET /guilds/{}/integrations

Returns a list of integration objects for the guild. Requires the MANAGE_GUILD permission.

Delete Guild Integration % DELETE /guilds/{}/integrations/{}

Delete the attached integration object for the guild. Deletes any associated webhooks and kicks the associated bot if there is one. Requires the MANAGE_GUILD permission. Returns a 204 empty response on success. Fires a Guild Integrations Update Gateway event.

Get Guild Widget Settings % GET /guilds/{}/widget

Returns a guild widget object. Requires the MANAGE_GUILD permission.

Modify Guild Widget % PATCH /guilds/{}/widget

Modify a guild widget object for the guild. All attributes may be passed in with JSON and modified. Requires the MANAGE_GUILD permission. Returns the updated guild widget object.

Get Guild Widget % GET /guilds/{}/widget.json

Returns the widget for the guild.

Example Get Guild Widget
  "id": "290926798626999250",
  "name": "Test Server",
  "instant_invite": "",
  "channels": [
      "id": "705216630279993882",
      "name": "elephant",
      "position": 2
      "id": "669583461748992190",
      "name": "groovy-music",
      "position": 1
  "members": [
      "id": "0",
      "username": "1234",
      "discriminator": "0000",
      "avatar": null,
      "status": "online",
      "avatar_url": ""
  "presence_count": 1

Get Guild Vanity URL % GET /guilds/{}/vanity-url

Returns a partial invite object for guilds with that feature enabled. Requires the MANAGE_GUILD permission. code will be null if a vanity url for the guild is not set.

Example Partial Invite Object
  "code": "abc",
  "uses": 12

Get Guild Widget Image % GET /guilds/{}/widget.png

Returns a PNG image widget for the guild. Requires no permissions or authentication.

info All parameters to this endpoint are optional.

Query String Params
Field Type Description Default
style string style of the widget image returned (see below) shield
Widget Style Options
Value Description Example
shield shield style widget with Discord icon and guild members online count Example
banner1 large image with guild icon, name and online count. "POWERED BY DISCORD" as the footer of the widget Example
banner2 smaller widget style with guild icon, name and online count. Split on the right with Discord logo Example
banner3 large image with guild icon, name and online count. In the footer, Discord logo on the left and "Chat Now" on the right Example
banner4 large Discord logo at the top of the widget. Guild icon, name and online count in the middle portion of the widget and a "JOIN MY SERVER" button at the bottom Example

Get Guild Welcome Screen % GET /guilds/{}/welcome-screen

Returns the Welcome Screen object for the guild.

Modify Guild Welcome Screen % PATCH /guilds/{}/welcome-screen

Modify the guild's Welcome Screen. Requires the MANAGE_GUILD permission. Returns the updated Welcome Screen object.

info All parameters to this endpoint are optional and nullable

Field Type Description
enabled boolean whether the welcome screen is enabled
welcome_channels array of welcome screen channel objects channels linked in the welcome screen and their display options
description string the server description to show in the welcome screen

Update Current User Voice State % PATCH /guilds/{}/voice-states/@me

Updates the current user's voice state.

JSON Params
Field Type Description
channel_id snowflake the id of the channel the user is currently in
suppress? boolean toggles the user's suppress state
request_to_speak_timestamp? ?ISO8601 timestamp sets the user's request to speak

There are currently several caveats for this endpoint:

  • channel_id must currently point to a stage channel.
  • current user must already have joined channel_id.
  • You must have the MUTE_MEMBERS permission to unsuppress yourself. You can always suppress yourself.
  • You must have the REQUEST_TO_SPEAK permission to request to speak. You can always clear your own request to speak.
  • You are able to set request_to_speak_timestamp to any present or future time.

Update User Voice State % PATCH /guilds/{}/voice-states/{}

Updates another user's voice state.

JSON Params
Field Type Description
channel_id snowflake the id of the channel the user is currently in
suppress? boolean toggles the user's suppress state

There are currently several caveats for this endpoint:

  • channel_id must currently point to a stage channel.
  • User must already have joined channel_id.
  • You must have the MUTE_MEMBERS permission. (Since suppression is the only thing that is available currently.)
  • When unsuppressed, non-bot users will have their request_to_speak_timestamp set to the current time. Bot users will not.
  • When suppressed, the user will have their request_to_speak_timestamp removed.