The Complete Reference
Head First Java
Effective Java
Java Concurrency in Practice
Java 8 in Action
Clean Architecture
Clean Code
The Clean Coder
Code Complete
The Pragmatic Programmer
Software Developer Career Guide
Complete Software Developers Career Guide
Software Developers Manual
Career in Software Development
Algorithms in Java - Sedgewick
Introduction to Algorithms - Cormen
Algorithm Design - Skiena
Head First Design Patterns
Design Patterns - Gang of Four
Elements of Programming Interviews in Java
Cracking the Coding Interview
Programming Interviews Exposed
Coding Interview Questions
Python Workbook - Basics
Learn Python Visually
Python ML with Scikit and TensorFlow
Python Machine Learning
Deep Learning
Smarter way to learn JavaScript
Smarter way to learn HTML/CSS
Smarter way to learn jQuery
Object Oriented Analysis & Design
Image Processing & Pattern Recognition
Distributed and Parallel Computing
Fuzzy Logic
Artificial Intelligence
Machine Learning