DIRACOS aims at bringing in one archive all the dependencies needed by DIRAC.
- Principle
- Building RPMs
- Python packages
- Generate a new diracos
- Configuration Grammar
- Troubleshoot
- Test DIRACOS as a User
- Make a new release
Note: summary generated with
# the pages are sorted thanks to the numbers in front
for doc in $(find docs -type f | sort -n );
do grep '^#' $doc | while read title;
# The text is the title, with an indentation level depending on the depth, with square brackets
linkText=$(echo $title | sed -E -e 's/#{4}(.*)/ + [\1]/g' -e 's/#{3}(.*)/ + [\1]/g' -e 's/#{2}(.*)/ * [\1]/g' -e 's/#{1}(.*)/- [\1]/g')
# The anchor is the title, all lowercase, without special char, with '-' instead of space
anchor=$(echo $title | tr '[A-Z]' '[a-z]' | sed -E -e 's/#+ +//g' -e 's/ /-/g');
echo "$linkText($doc#$anchor)";
DIRACOS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. We are aiming at supporting SLC6 and CC7, whilst we test also on other platforms we do not provide support for those.