useradd USER -m -s /bin/bash -G sudo
passwd USER # interactively
echo "USER:PASSWORD" | sudo chpasswd # in shell script
usermod USER -aG sudo
userdel -r USER # -r for remove all directories related to USER
who # show all login users
whoami # show my username
su - # change to root
su - USER
groupadd GROUP
groupdel GROUP
gpasswd GROUP [-a|-d] USER # add/delete USER from GROUP
groups USER # print the groups that USER is in
- add user into a group
usermod USER -aG GROUP gpasswd GROUP -a USER
- remove user from a group
gpasswd GROUP -d USER
- list USER's groups
groups USER
- list all group members in GROUP
cat /etc/group | grep GROUP # simple usage getent group GROUP # a command that get entries from system
For Ubuntu desktop (using network manager), modify
# Let NetworkManager manage all devices on this system network: version: 2 renderer: NetworkManager ethernets: enp6s0: # network card name. acquire the name by `ip a` dhcp4: no addresses: [] # ip, mask gateway4: # gateway ip nameservers: # dns server (optional) addresses: [,]
Apply the netplan file
sudo netplan try sudo netplan apply