Your name: Maxim Romanov
Your contact information: University of Leipzig, [email protected]
Name of dataset: al-Ṯurayyā / al-Thurayya Gazetteer 0.3
Brief description: Machine-readable toponymic data for the 10th century Islamic world, including toponyms and routes.
Extended description: al-Ṯurayyā is a Gazetter of the Classical Islamic World, and a part and parcel of another project in progress—Ṣūraŧ al-arḍ, a geospatial model of the Classical Islamic World (being developed in collaboration with Cameron Jackson, a Senior, double majoring in Arabic and Computer Science @ Tufts University, 2013). This is our first usable demo of al-Ṯhurayyā Gazetteer. Currently it includes over 2,000 toponyms and almost as many route sections georeferenced from Georgette Cornu’s Atlas du monde arabo-islamique à l’époque classique: IXe-Xe siècles (Leiden: Brill, 1983). The gazetteer is searchable (upper left corner), although English equivalents are not yet included; in other words, look for Dimashq/دمشق, not Damascus.
Online availability: 1) Online interface: Version 0.2,; Version 0.3,; 2) Data in geojson:
Tags and keywords: 10th century, classical Arabic geographical tradition, caliphate
Number of records contained: points (~2,500), route sections (~2,000)
Complete list of primary sources used to produce the dataset: Georgette Cornu. Atlas du monde arabo-islamique à l’époque classique: IXe-Xe siècles (Leiden: Brill, 1983)
Date(s) of production: 2013 @ Tufts University
Funding bodies: no funding; partially produced as an educational project with an undegraduate student (double-major in Arabic and CS)
Copyright notes: grey area; from personal communications: Brill had no issues with me having it online.