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DICE deployment service administration guide

Table of Contents:

  1. Prerequisites
    1. Obtaining infrastructure details
      1. Amazon EC2
      2. OpenStack
      3. FCO
      4. Cloudify Manager
  2. Cloudify command line tool installation
    1. Configuring cfy tool
  3. DICE Deployment service installation
    1. Preparing working environment
    2. Configuring the installation
    3. Running the installation
  4. DICE deployment command line client configuration
  5. (Optional) Installing DICE Monitoring Platform
  6. DICE deployment service configuration
    1. General inputs
    2. Platform inputs
    3. Monitoring inputs
  7. Virtual Deployment Container management
  8. Testing installation
  9. Monitoring support
  10. Removing the service


Installing DICE Deployment Service involves a number of parameters that the Administrator needs to prepare in advance. Another set of parameters emerges dynamically during various steps. We recommend to keep the list of parameters handy at all time. Here is the complete list of the parameters needed (the variable in parenthesis is the bash environment variable holding the value):

  • Your infrastructure (i.e., OpenStack, Amazon EC2, etc.):
    • flavour, instance type or product offer for a small, medium and large VM
    • OS image ID for Ubuntu 14.04
    • OS image ID for CentOS 7
    • Linux username for the two images (UBUNTU_USERNAME, CENTOS_USERNAME)
    • (FCO only) product offer for a small, medium and large disk
  • Cloudify Manager:
    • IP address (CFY_ADDRESS),
    • port (CFY_PORT), normally 443 for HTTPS or 80 for HTTP,
    • username and password (generated in advance for new Cloudify Manager installation or that of an existing Cloudify Manager instance - CLOUDIFY_USERNAME, CLOUDIFY_PASSWORD) and
    • path to web service's certificate (CFY_CERT).
  • DICE Deployment Service:
    • administrator username (chosen in advance)
    • administrator password (chosen in advance)
    • administrator's e-mail address
    • path to the DICE Deployment Service's web service certificate (generated in the process)

Apart from Cloudify Manager, we will also need virtualenv command installed. The simplest way of getting this package is to use system's package manager, since this package is present in almost any distribution of GNU/Linux.

Obtaining infrastructure details

This is the most tedious part of the process, but it is also fairly straightforward. We need to collect the relevant information from our infrastructure. The steps differ depending on the platform, but in all cases the regular user level account is sufficient.

Amazon EC2

  • Instance types are available at the AWS Instance Types page.
    • The medium sized instance type goes into AWS_INSTANCE_TYPE variable for Cloudify Manager bootstrap.
  • Use Ubuntu AMI locator and CentOS AWS wiki page to obtain a suitable AMI ID for the Ubuntu 14.04 and CentOS 7 images.
  • Linux usernames are usually ubuntu for Ubuntu and centos for CentOS.

Go back to Prerequisites


The easiest way to obtain what we need is by using the OpenStack's nova and glance command line clients. First thing we need to do is install latest python-novaclient and python-glanceclient Python package. Open a new terminal window and run the following commands:

$ cd /tmp
$ virtualenv -p python2 venv
$ . venv/bin/activate
$ pip install python-novaclient python-glanceclient

Now we need to obtain OpenStack RC file. Simply login to your OpenStack dashboard and follow "Access & Security" -> "API Access". There should be a couple buttons at the upper-right part of the page that download RC settings.

After we download the settings (we will assume that the RC file has been downloaded to /tmp/, we need to source it:

$ cd /tmp
$ .

When prompted, input password, and you should be set to use the nova command.

To obtain the available flavours, call:

$ nova flavor-list

You should obtain a table with the available options and note down the respective values in the ID column.

To obtain a list of the available images, call:

$ glance image-list

In the table displayed by the command should contain entries such as centos-7 x86_64 and ubuntu-14.04 x86_64 in the Name column. Note down their respective values in the Name column.

Please note that this output will be specific to your OpenStack installation. If none of the images contain the needed Ubuntu 14.04 or Centos 7 OS, then please ask your OpenStack administrator to upload suitable Cloud images.

Go back to Prerequisites


For obtaining the needed parameters, we will use the FCO web console. There, switch to the "Servers" page in the navigation and look for existing servers in your cluster that independently have the properties that we need: one of the three suitable compute sizes, one of the three disk sizes, and is either Ubuntu 14.04 or Centos 7. If for any of the size or OS type there is no existing server, simply create a new temporary one.

Then click on the link with the name of each server to open the server's details page. Switch to the "Information" tab.

  • For Product Offer, note down the value in the "UUID" column of the Product offer row.
  • For Disk's Product Offer, look for the "Disk" entry in the "Information" tab and click the link (either the name or the UUID) of the disk. Then switch to "Information" tab and look for the Product offer. Note down the UUID value in this row.
  • While in the "Information" tab of the disk's details, also look for the row with item Image. Check the "Name" value, and if it is one of the Ubuntu 14.04 or CentOS 7, then note down the "UUID" value.

The following items are only relevant if you are setting up a new instance of the Cloudify Manager:

  • FCO URL: the API URL should be known to you or your administrator. Here is an example API URL:
  • SSH key ID for the ssh key (the Agent key) that the Cloudify Manager will use for connecting to orchestrated VMs: switch to "SSH keys" at the top level navigation. Look for the key you would like to use (if one does not exist yet, see instructions below, then continue here). Click on the selected key to open the details page, then switch to the "Information" tab. In the table, look for the row with "SSH key" item and note down the value in the "UUID" column.
  • Customer UUID: open details of a Server created by the FCO user whose credentials will be used by Cloudify. Switch to "Information" tab and look for the UUID value in the Customer row.
  • VDC: open details of a Server created in the cluster belonging to the target VDC. Switch to "Information" tab and look for the UUID value in the VDC row.
  • Network UUID: in the same server's "Information" tab, find the server's NIC and click on the link. This will open the NIC's detail page. Switch to the "Information" tab and look for the "Network" item. Note down the value in the UUID column.
  • User account UUID: the best practice is to create and assign an API Key instead of an actual user to Cloudify. Open the "Users" page at the top level navigation. Feel free to click on the "Create API key" and select your new user name (which is not what we need for configuring Cloudify) and password. Note down the password. Then open the selected user's details and switch to the "Information" tab. The username UUID is at the "User" item row's "UUID" column.

Go back to Prerequisites

Cloudify Manager

Existing Cloudify Manager: in the next steps, we will need the credentials to access Cloudify Manager CFY_USERNAME and CFY_PASSWORD. We also need to obtain the Cloudify Manager's service certificate. This can be an existing path CLOUDIFY_SSL_CERT.

If this certificate is not available, download it directly from the server:

$ export CLOUDIFY_SSL_CERT=/tmp/cfy.crt
$ openssl s_client -connect $CFY_ADDRESS:$CFY_PORT < /dev/null 2> /dev/null \
    | openssl x509 -out $CLOUDIFY_SSL_CERT

New Cloudify Manager installation: the steps depend on the infrastructure where we want to install the Cloudify Manager:

Cloudify command line tool installation

If you arrived here from having just installed Cloudify Manager, you can skip ahead to Configuring cfy tool.

The recommended way of installing the DICE Deployment service is by using Cloudify. This requires that the workstation we are installing from has the Cloudify's command line tool installed and configured.

We can install cfy tool using the next sequence of commands:

$ mkdir ~/dds && cd ~/dds
$ virtualenv venv
$ . venv/bin/activate
$ pip install cloudify==3.4.2
$ pip install -U requests[security]

Build the configuration environment for your Cloudify Manager instance, making sure to replace CFY_USERNAME and CFY_PASSWORD with the actual values:

$ mkdir ~/cfy-manager && cd ~/cfy-manager
$ cp $CLOUDIFY_SSL_CERT cfy.crt
$ echo "export CLOUDIFY_SSL_CERT=$PWD/cfy.crt" >>

Configuring cfy tool

In order to configure the tool we need to execute (important even if you have ran the steps in another folder before):

$ . ~/cfy-manager/
$ cd ~/dds
$ cfy init
$ cfy use -t CFY_ADDRESS --port CFY_PORT

Make sure you replace CFY_* placeholders with Cloudify Manager data. To test if everything works, execute cfy status. This command should output something similar to this:

Getting management services status... [ip=]
|            service             |  status |
| InfluxDB                       | running |
| Celery Management              | running |
| Logstash                       | running |
| RabbitMQ                       | running |
| AMQP InfluxDB                  | running |
| Manager Rest-Service           | running |
| Cloudify UI                    | running |
| Webserver                      | running |
| Riemann                        | running |
| Elasticsearch                  | running |

If everything went well, we are now ready to start service installation.

DICE Deployment service installation

Preparing working environment

Previously we have created a ~/dds folder. We also have a ~/cfy-manager folder containing our Cloudify Manager instance's settings and files. Now, we need to switch to the DICE Deployment Service's project:

$ cd ~/dds/DICE-Deployment-Service

If this folder does not exist for you yet, obtain it:

$ cd ~/dds
$ git clone --depth 1 --branch master \
$ cd DICE-Deployment-Service

We need to make sure that the proper Python virtual environment is activated and that the Cloudify related environment variables are set:

$ . ../venv/bin/activate
$ . ~/cfy-manager/

Now copy the Cloudify's service certificate into the DICE Deployment Service's resource folder:

$ cp $CLOUDIFY_SSL_CERT install/cfy.crt

We have tested the blueprints on Ubuntu 14.04 cloud install images, using a flavour equivalent to 512 MB of RAM, 1 VCPU and 10 GB of storage.

Configuring the installation

Next, we must prepare the parameters in the respective inputs file. Copy the configuration file template for your platform into the working directory and edit it. E.g., for Amazon EC2, use the the following command:

$ cp install/

For FCO, copy install/ and for OpenStack install/

Now open the copy for editing:


Carefully examine all the variables and update them with the valid values that apply to your test bed.

Next, source the configuration by running:

$ .

Running the installation

To start the installation, choose a name for the deployment (or leave the default name dice_deploy) and run the installation script:

$ install/ dice_deploy
Creating deployment inputs for DICE Deployment Service
Running installation
Obtaining outputs
Creating DICE Deployment Service's runtime inputs

  DICE Deployment Service URL:
  Admin username: admin
  Admin password: 0Ny2VXtEqA7ZD5xZTXFHDBXXheBYtP4F

The last step will take a while. When it is done, the summary section will contain the data on the newly created DICE Deployment Service instance. Note them down, because the URL and the password are dynamic, and the password cannot be retrieved later.

The script also produces two files:

  • inputs.yaml - the inputs file for the DICE Deployment Service's blueprint. The script has already consumed this file in the process of the service installation.
  • dds_inputs.json - contains the inputs that the DICE Deployment Service should supply with each blueprint deployment. We will use this file later.

Now the RESTful interface is running and the Web interface is available. We can visit the address listed above with our browser and we should be greeted by a login form. Use the Admin username and password that are also listed above to log in.

DICE deployment service GUI login prompt

Next, we will configure the DICE Deployment Service instance with the inputs that the service will include with the deployment. We will do that using the command line client.

DICE deployment command line client configuration

DICE deployment service is managed and used through RESTful interface calls. The command line tool dice-deploy-cli uses these interfaces and is available in tools subfolder. Complete usage instructions are available in user guide, but for the sake of completeness, we will describe the commands that we need in this document also.

First thing we need to do is obtain server certificate. We can use web browser for this (export certificate that server identified itself with) or do some command line magic ($DDS_ADDRESS with IP of your instance in the next command):

$ openssl s_client -showcerts -connect $DDS_ADDRESS:443 < /dev/null \
    | openssl x509 -out dds.crt

Server certificate has been placed in dds.crt file and can be inspected by executing

$ openssl x509 -in dds.crt -text -noout

Now that we have server certificate available, we can configure the tool. This is done by executing the following sequence of commands (replace or set $DDS_USERNAME and $DDS_PASSWORD with DICE Deployment Service credentials for super user, set in inputs file for superuser_username and superuser_password, respectively):

$ tools/dice-deploy-cli cacert dds.crt
[INFO] - Settings server certificate
[INFO] - Server certificate set successfully

$ tools/dice-deploy-cli use https://$DDS_ADDRESS
[INFO] - Trying to set DICE Deployment Service URL
[INFO] - Checking DICE Deployment Service URL
[INFO] - URL set successfully

$ tools/dice-deploy-cli authenticate $DDS_USERNAME $DDS_PASSWORD
[INFO] - Checking DICE Deployment Service URL
[INFO] - Authenticating
[INFO] - Authorization succeeded

The configuration is stored in the .dds.conf file. If anything went wrong, tool will inform us about the error. To get even more details, we can also consult log file .dds.log. And this concludes tool configuration. Now we need to set server's inputs.

(Optional) Installing DICE Monitoring Platform

The DICE Monitoring Platform is a service that can complement the functionality of the deployment service. It oversees the runtime of the deployed applications, monitoring their performance and other metrics. The DICE Deployment Service arranges proper registrations and deregistrations of the applications with the DICE Monitoring Platform.

First, obtain the DICE Monitoring Platform's source code:

$ mkdir -p ~/dmon && cd ~/dmon
$ git clone --depth 1 --branch master \
$ cd DICE-Monitoring/bootstrap

Ensure that the Cloudify command line tool is properly configured:

$ . ~/cfy-manager/
$ cfy init
$ cfy use -t CFY_ADDRESS --port 443

Edit to update the DICE Monitoring Platform configuration and source the result:

$ .

Install an instance of the DICE Monitoring Platform:

$ ./ dmon
Creating deployment inputs for DICE Monitoring Service
Running installation
Publishing blueprint
Uploading blueprint blueprint.yaml...
Blueprint uploaded. The blueprint's id is dmon
Creating deploy
Processing inputs source: inputs.yaml
Creating new deployment from blueprint dmon...
Deployment created. The deployment's id is dmon
Starting execution
Executing workflow install on deployment dmon [timeout=900 seconds]
Deployment environment creation is in progress...
Finished executing workflow install on deployment dmon
Retrieving outputs for deployment dmon...
 - "kibana_url":
     Description: Address of the Kibana web interface
 - "dmon_address":
     Description: Internal address of the DICE Monitoring services host

Obtaining outputs
Creating DICE Deployment Service's runtime inputs - the DMon values

  Kibana URL:
  Private DMon address:

We can now visit the displayed Kibana URL with our browser. The script also created dmon_inputs.json, which we need to merge with the DICE Deployment Service's dds_inputs.json file:

$ cd ~/dds/DICE-Deployment-Service
$ mv dds_inputs.json dds_inputs_original.json
$ tools/ ~/dmon/DICE-Monitoring/bootstrap/dmon_inputs.json \
    dds_inputs_original.json dds_inputs.json

DICE deployment service configuration

The TOSCA blueprints can define a list of parameters called inputs. In DICE technology library, we use the inputs to provide elements related to the environment or the platform in which the application is being deployed. Considering that this configuration is relatively static for each instance of the DICE deployment service, the administrator has to load it only once, but before the first application can be deployed. The inputs needed therefore depend on the target platform (OpenStack, FCO, etc.).

If you followed the steps of the DICE Deployment Service installation, your working directory should contain a dds_inputs.json file. We upload it by executing:

$ tools/dice-deploy-cli set-inputs dds_inputs.json
[INFO] - Checking DICE Deployment Service URL
[INFO] - Checking DICE Deployment Service authentication data
[INFO] - Replacing service inputs
[INFO] - Successfully updated inputs

Please note that the command replaces any previous values of the inputs in the dds_inputs.json while removing any inputs that are not present in the uploaded file.

It is of course possible to provide additional inputs depending on the needs of the application blueprints. In the following subsections we provide the minimum inputs list that is common to all the DICE technology library supported blueprints.

And this is it. We successfully configured DICE deployment service that is now fully operational.

General inputs

These inputs are not platform specific.

  • { ubuntu | centos }_agent_user: Defines the name of the Linux user pre-installed and available on the VMs provisioned from the cloud image. This user has to be a sudoer, configured to run sudo without a password prompt. The ubuntu_agent_user is used on Ubuntu 14.04 servers, and there it is usually ubuntu, as indicated by default value for this input. The centos_agent_user will be used on CentOS 7 servers, where the value is usually centos.
  • dns_server: Defines the address of the internal DNS server. This should be set to the internal address of the DICE Deployment Service.

Platform inputs

The platform inputs consist of the following information:

  • platform: Name of the platform that is used to deploy blueprints. Valid values are aws, fco and openstack.
  • { ubuntu | centos }_image_id: The ID of the VM image to be used for provisioning an Ubuntu 14.04 or CentOS 7 VM instance, respectively. On OpenStack and FCO platform, this is UUID of the image. On Amazon EC2, this is AMI ID - use Ubuntu AMI locator and CentOS AWS wiki page.
  • { small | medium | large }_instance_type: the UUID of the flavour to be used when provisioning the VMs. In FCO, this is called a product offer ID. A small instance normally has 512 MB of RAM, the medium instance has 1 GB or 2 GB of RAM, a large instance has at least 4 GB of RAM.
  • { small | medium | large }_disk_type: The name of the small, medium and large disk product offers as defined in the FCO. For Amazon and OpenStack platforms, these inputs can be set to arbitrary values, since they are ignored by the orchestrator.

Monitoring inputs

DICE TOSCA Library has integrated support for application monitoring. In order to use monitoring, we must have access to DICE Monitoring server that applications will report to. Setting up DICE Deployment Service server is out of scope for this document. Consult monitoring tool documentation for more information about DICE Monitoring Service.

When installing Cloudify and DICE Deployment Service, these inputs are present, but are set to a generic value. Once DICE Deployment Service is set up at a known internal address, update the following items in the dds_inputs.json:

  • dmon_address: Main dmon address (eg.
  • logstash_graphite_address: Graphite address (eg.
  • logstash_lumberjack_address: Lumberjack address (eg. 10.50.51:5003).
  • logstash_lumberjack_crt: Lumberjack certificate.
  • logstash_udp_address: Logstash udp address (eg.

Virtual Deployment Container management

With the Cloudify Manager installed and the DICE deployment service installed and configured, the users can now start using the service. But to be able to submit their application deployments, they need to have virtual containers in place to submit their blueprints to.

To do that in GUI, log in and click on the "+ New Container" button at the top right of the page (marked with an arrow in the picture below). A prompt will ask for a short description of the new container. In our example, we named the container "Fraud detection master", imagining that we are developing a fraud detection application, and this container will be used by the Continuous Integration to validate the master branch of the development.

Added a new container

Each container is identified by a UUID. In the image above, the UUID is circled in red: 0d6bd448-e9bd-42a3-a7b6-45a763293367. Provide this UUID to the developers or use it in the CI job.

Using the command line interface, adding a new container can be done with the following call:

$ dice-deploy-cli create "Test"
Container UUID: 11a5d39-dcad-44db-94d4-4d15fb18901b

In this case we receive the UUID of the newly created container in the console.

Testing installation

In order to make sure everything works as expected, there are a few test blueprints provided in examples folder that should be uploaded to some container on freshly installed service.

First blueprint that should be uploaded is test-setup.yaml. This blueprint does not use any external dependencies and creates no physical nodes (virtual machines, etc.). This makes it perfect for testing if all of the pieces are properly wired together. If the test succeeds, container in UI should look something like the screenshot below.

Deployed test blueprint

Second blueprint that should be uploaded is one of the test-server-<platform>.yaml, depending on the platform where service is installed. This blueprint will create a single virtual machine and install demo web server that serves static file onto it.

deployed server test

If all of the tests finished, deployment service is set up correctly and ready for real work.

Monitoring support

We have already seen that there are some inputs that control monitoring support. But this is only the first half of the monitoring story, since setting the appropriate inputs only saves the configuration of the monitoring service for any blueprints that require monitored nodes. To actually monitor application being deployed, we must enable this explicitly in blueprint. Consult example blueprint with monitoring enabled for more information.

Removing the service

Tearing down the deployment service is then as easy as running the script and providing the name of the deployment as the parameter:

$ ./ dice_deploy