Version 1.0.2
- Import/Export using resources
Version 1.0.1
- Import/Export of Knowledge Bases using the Creative Commons Rights Expression Language
Version 1.0.0
- Experiment: Creative Commons License Compatibility Chart (8 licenses)
- Experiment: Creative Commons cc.licenserdf with 2 input licenses
- Experiment: Creative Commons cc.licenserdf with 3 input licenses
- Experiment: European Data Portal (EDP) License Compatibility Matrix
Version 0.0.2
License Operator and evaluation based on Creative Commons matrix
Version 0.0.1
Contains a KnowledgeGraph based on the European Data Portal Licence Compatibility Matrix. It uses the Open Digital Rights Language (ODRL). Additionally, that version contains code to clean licenses, a first LicenseCombinator version, and SPARQL tools for EDP.