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Resources on ethics for digital projects and research

Note that these resources are just a sampling of readings and projects that may be useful for thinking about or demonstrative of critically ethical approaches to digital projects and research, but there are many more resources out there! Also note that there is much overlap between the sub-topics below.

US government regulations and general IRB information:

Belmont Report
Fiesler, Casey, Cliff Lampe, and Amy S. Bruckman, "Reality and Perception of Copyright Terms of Service for Online Content Creation," 2016
International Compilation of Human Research Standards (by country), compiled by the Office for Human Research Protections, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Investigator Responsibilities FAQs, compiled by Office for Human Research Protections, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Regulations and Policy in the US, compiled by the Office for Human Research Protections, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
US Federal Policy for the Protection of Human Subjects, note new changes - effective January 19, 2018

Key works (among many more!) on power, the politics of knowledge production, and forms of knowledge:

Collins, Patricia Hill, Black Feminist Thought, 1999
Conquergood, Dwight, "Performance Studies: Interventions and Radical Research," 2002
Foucault, Michel, The Archaeology of Knowledge and the Discourse on Language, 1969 Foucault, Michel, "Panopticism," 1977
Freire, Paulo, Pedagogy of the Oppressed, 1968
Gramsci, Antonio, various writings
Hall, Stuart et al., Policing the Crisis: Mugging, the State, and Law and Order, 1978
Haraway, Donna, "Situated Knowledges," 1988
Shay-Akil, Decolonize ALL The Things (website)
Simons, Helen, and Robin Usher, editors, Situated Ethics in Educational Research, 2000
Taylor, Diana, The Archive and the Repertoire, 2003
Wolfe, Patrick, "Settler colonialism and the elimination of the native," 2006

General information on digital ethics beyond compliance:

Design Justice Network, "Design Justice Network Principles"
Fiesler, Casey, table of Tech Ethics Curricula - including links to syllabi
Markham, Annette, “OKCupid data release fiasco: It’s time to rethink ethics education,” 2016
Nissenbaum, Helen, "Privacy as Contextual Integrity," 2004
Sayers, Jentery, "Before You Make a Thing," a guide for Technology and Society 200 (Fall 2018) at the University of Victoria
Skirpan, Michael Warren, Negotiating the Future: Leveraging Socio-technical Narratives to Engage Multiple Voices in the Ethics of Our Future, 2017 Wilkinson, T.M., "Last Rights: Ethics of Research on the Dead", 2002

Critical technology, coding, and/or computation studies or practice groups:

Critical Code Studies Working Group
Design Justice Network
School for Poetic Computation

On internet, social media and "big data" research ethics:

Berendt, Bettina, Marco Büchler, and Geoffrey Rockwell, “Is it Research or is it Spying? Thinking-Through Ethics in Big Data AI and Other Knowledge Sciences,” 2015)
Markam, Annette, and Elizabeth Buchanon, “Ethical Concerns in Internet Research,” forthcoming
Markam, Annette, Elizabeth Buchanon, the AoIR Ethics Committee, and AoIR general membership, "Ethical Decision-Making and Internet Research: Recommendations from the AoIR Ethics Working Committee (Version 2.0)," 2012
Metcalf, Jacob, "Computing Ethics, Big Data Analytics, and Revision of the Common Rule: Reconsidering traditional research ethics given the emergence of big data analytics," 2016
Metcalf, Jacob and Kate Crawford, "Where are human subjects in Big Data research? The emerging ethics divide," 2016
Moreno, Megan A., et al. "Ethics of social media research: common concerns and practical considerations." Cyberpsychology, behavior, and social networking 16.9 (2013): 708-713.
Noble, Safiya Umoja, The Intersectional Internet: Race, Sex, Class, and Culture Online, 2016
Sweeney, Patrick, "Images of Faces Gleaned from Social Media in Social Psychological Research on Sexual Orientation," 2017
Young, Jason, and Michael Gilmore, "Subaltern Empowerment in the Geoweb: Tensions between Publicity and Privacy," 2014
Zimmer, Michael, and Katharina Kinder-Kurlanda, editors, Internet Research Ethics for the Social Age: New Challenges, Cases, and Contexts, 2017
Zook, Matthew, Solon Barocas, danah boyd, Kate Crawford, Emily Keller, Seeta Peña Gangadharan, Alyssa Goodman, Rachelle Hollander, Barbara A. Koenig, Jacob Metcalf, Arvind Narayanan, Alondra Nelson, Frank Pasquale, "Ten simple rules for responsible big data research," 2017

On ethics, algorithms and databases:

Abramson, Darren and Lee Pike, "When Formal Systems Kill: Computer Ethics and Formal Methods," 2011
Angwen, Julia and Jeff Larson, "Bias in Criminal Risk Scores Is Mathematically Inevitable, Researchers Say," 2016
Broussard, Meredith, Artificial Unintelligence: How Computers Misunderstand the World, 2018
Caplan, Robyn, Joan Donovan, Lauren Hanson, and Jeanna Matthews, "Algorithmic Accountability: A Primer," 2018
Chammah, Maurice, with additional reporting by Mark Hansen, "Policing the Future: In the aftermath of Ferguson, St. Louis cops embrace crime-predicting software," 2016
Eubanks, Virginia, Automating Inequality: How High-Tech Tools Profile, Police, and Punish the Poor, 2018
Gillespie, Tarleton, and Nick Seaver, "Critical Algorithm Studies: a Reading List," 2016
Halsey, Eric David, "With AI and Data, it’s 'Junk in, Junk Out,'" 2017
Hoffmann, Anna Lauren, "Data Violence and How Bad Engineering Choices Can Damage Society," 2018
Joyner, April, "The hidden politics of digital catalogs," 2016
Noble, Safiya Umoja, Algorithms of Oppression: How Search Engines Reinforce Racism, 2018
O'Neil, Cathy, Methods of Math Destruction: How Big Data Increases Inequality and Threatens Democracy, 2016
ProPublica's series of articles on "Machine Bias: Investigating Algorithmic Injustice"
Selbst, Andrew D., Danah Boyd, Sorelle Friedler, Suresh Venkatasubramanian, and Janet Vertesi, "Fairness and Abstraction in Sociotechnical Systems," 2018
Selbst, Andrew D. and Julia Powles, "Meaningful information and the right to explanation," 2017
Selbst, Andrew D. and Solon Barocas, "Regulating Inscrutable Systems," 2017
The Brian Lehrer Show, "Getting Algorithms Right" (podcast), 2018
The Policing in Chicago Research Group, "Tracked and Targeted: Early Findings on Chicago's Gang Database," 2018

On ethics and the command line:

Chun, Wendy Hui Kyong, "On Software, or the Persistence of Visual Knowledge," 2004
Stephenson, Neal, "In the Beginning was the Command Line," 1999

On ethics and mapping:

Bargués-Pedreny, Pol, David Chandler, and Elena Simon, Editors, Mapping and Politics in the Digital Age, 1st Edition, 2018
Technology Salon NYC, "Ethics and Responsibilities of Participatory Digital Mapping: Links and Resources" Google Doc
Winichakul, Thongchai, "Maps and the Formation of the Geo-Body of Siam," in Asian Forms of Nations, 1996

On accessibility, openness, and digitization:

Boyd, Doug, "Informed Accessioning: Questions to Ask After the Interview," 2015
Chopra, Samir and Scott Dexter, Decoding Liberation: The Promise of Free and Open Source Software, 2007
Creative Commons
Henry, Shawn Lawton, Shadi Abou-Zahra, and Judy Brewer, "The role of accessibility in a universal web," 2014
Kheshti, Roshanak, interviewed by Kelsey Chatlosh, "Interview: Sound recording, oral positionality, and audio as ethnographic object," 2018
Miele, Joshua on digital accessibility - see a review of his GC talk by Nanyamkah Mars here
Robertson, Tara, "digitization: just because you can, doesn’t mean you should," 2016
Robertson, Tara, "Not all information wants to be free: ethical considerations for digitization" (slides), 2016
Robertson, Tara and Jenna Freedman, #critlib discussion on "ethics of digitization," 2016
Smyth, Patrick, "Materials for Open and Accessible: A Critical Distinction at Teach@CUNY Day"
Watters, Audrey, "Invisible Labor and Digital Utopias," 2018 * also listed below under 'On divisions of labor..."
Williams, George, "Disability, Universal Design, and the Digital Humanities" in Debates in the Digital Humanities, ed. Matt Gold, 2012
Zoanni, Tyler, "Creating an Accessible Online Presentation," 2017

On digital pedagogy:

Josephs, Kelly Baker, "Teaching the Digital Caribbean: The Ethics of a Public Pedagogical Experiment," 2018
The Teaching and Learning Center at The Graduate Center, CUNY, "Educational Technology" teaching guides
The Journal of Interactive Technology and Pedagogy (various articles)

On data security and management, and surveillance:

Barnes, Susan, “A Privacy Paradox,” 2006
Factor, interview with Richard Stallman, "The Vanishing State of Privacy," 2017
Lloyd-Smith, Lindsay, “Archaeology: Principles and Practices of Digital Data Management," 2016
Smyth, Patrick, GC Digital Initiatives (GCDI) Information Security Workshop
Tufekci, Zeynep, "Facebook’s Surveillance Machine," 2018
Zweibel, Stephen, Data Management (presentation), 2017

On ethical and political debates within the field of digital humanities (DH):

Chun, Wendy Hui Kyong, Richard Grusin, Patrick Jagoda, and Rita Raley, "The Dark Side of the Digital Humanities," in Debates in the Digital Humanities, ed. Matt Gold, 2016
Fiormonte, Domenico, "Digital Humanities and the Geopolitics of Knowledge," 2017
Humanidades Digitales Library Guide, prepared by The Graduate Center, CUNY, Library with the GC Digital Fellows
Losh, Elizabeth, and Jacqueline Wernimont, Editors, Bodies of Information: Intersectional Feminism and Digital Humanities, 2018
Losh, Elizabeth, "Hacktivism and the Humanities: Programming Protest in the Era of the Digital University," in Debates in the Digital Humanities, ed. Matt Gold, 2012
McPherson, Tara, "Why Are the Digital Humanities So White? or Thinking the Histories of Race and Computation," in Debates in the Digital Humanities, ed. Matt Gold, 2012

On divisions of labor on digital projects and "digital carework" (Risam 2018):

Mirza, Rafia, Brett Currier and Peace Ossom Williamson, "Memorandum of Understanding Collection" - MOUs to apply for large scale collaborative projects
Risam, Roopika, "Diversity work and digital carework in higher education," 2018
Watters, Audrey, "Invisible Labor and Digital Utopias," 2018

On labor, political economy, and technology:

Biao, Xiang, Global Body Shopping: An Indian Labor System in the Information Technology Industry, 2007
Davidson, Elsa, The Burdens of Aspiration: Schools, Youth, and Success in the Divided Social Worlds of Silicon Valley, 2011

On post- / de- / anti- colonial digital humanities (DH):

Koh, Adeline and Roopika Risam, Postcolonial Digital Humanities (website)
Morford, Ashley and Arun Jacob, session leaders, "Let's Plan a Course: Bringing the Anti-, De-, & Post-Colonial into Digital Space, Time, & Pedagogy" at DHSI 2017 (unconference session notes)
Risam, Roopika, New Digital Worlds: Postcolonial Digital Humanities in Theory, Praxis, and Pedagogy, 2018

Some examples of anti-colonial digital projects and research:

Design for Diversity project
Duarte, Marisa Elena, Network Sovereignty: Building the Internet across Indian Country, 2017
Haas, Angela, “Wampum as Hypertext,” 2007
Invasion of America: How the United States Took Over an Eighth of the World (mapping project) (mapping project)
Senier, Siobhan, “Indigenizing Wikipedia,” 2015
The #StandingRockSyllabus

On digital activism, its possibilities and its limitations:

Costanza-Chock, Sasha, Out of the Shadows, Into the Streets! Transmedia Organizing and the Immigrant Rights Movement, 2014
Cox, Aimee, "The Choreography of Survival," 2015
Checker, Melissa, "Stop FEMA Now: Social media, activism and the sacrificed citizen," 2016
Martineau, Jarret, "Rhythms of Change: Mobilizing Decolonial Consciousness, Indigenous Resurgence and the Idle No More Movement," in More Will Sing Their Way to Freedom: Indigenous Resistance and Resurgence, ed. Elaine Coburn, 2015
Tufekci, Zeynep, "After the Protests," 2014
Tufekci, Zeynep, Twitter and Teargas: The Power and Fragility of Networked Protest, 2017

Know of more useful resources that are not listed above?

Email me to request to add something to this resource list:

Alexis Grant
University of Illinois at Chicago Community Health Sciences Student
[email protected]
She / her

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