This section includes various case studies of digital projects and research that participants may look into and discuss in relation to the ethical questions and concepts addressed, time-permitting.
Skim read this research study and about the reaction regarding the scientific validity of this study and discuss:
- This study was approved by an IRB. What may the IRB have missed?
- What are some the consequences of this study? Is it fair?
- What, if any, other measures could have been taken in this study?
Note that the journal has issued a notice of republication following feedback from the scientific community.
Read this brief article and discuss:
- Does this project involve “human subjects”?
- Are Tweets “public” data?
- In reference to the article, why did this project invoke such controversy? Do you agree with the article?
Note that USC has removed the study from its website, otherwise we would also examine its site directly too.
Check out ProPublica’s project “Breaking the Black Box,” and discuss:
- What kinds of tools and information is this project producing?
- What levels of impact does it aim to take into account?
- Does this project involve “human subjects”?
Also check out: ProPublica's series of articles on "Machine Bias: Investigating Algorithmic Injustice" and the Pew Research Center's article about Facebook Algorithms and personal data
Check out the Gender API's website and click around its various sections to read about how the API works, and discuss:
- What kinds of information is this API producing?
- Who might be the users of this API? What may be their intentions in using this API?
- Does the use of this API raise any ethical concerns?