My contribution to a log anomaly detection service project: full repo found here, and this portion of the project can be found in the pipeline subfolder. This is a prototype pipeline in which a client's log files are sent to a Kafka cluster in order to decouple the log source from our intermediate datastore, largely removing any restrictions on the technology clients can use to produce and store their log files. The Kafka producer formats the client's log as a JSON string before compressing it and sending it to an Upstash cluster. Producer messages are also batched to optimize throughput. The Kafka consumer then polls for the JSON string messages and creates an OpenSearch record for uploading to a Bonsai OpenSearch instance. This is also done in batches for further throughput improvement, and the Time field is indexed for query optimization. From the DB, the analytics team can access log files updated in realtime in order to produce their anomaly report. The pipeline design is highly scalable, resilient, and offers extremely flexible integration for diverse client log schema and sources.
This repo contains a gradle project with 4 classes:
BonsaiConfig, KafkaConfig, HealthAppProducer, and HealthAppConsumer.
The purpose of the project is to send health app log entries to a Kafka cluster
using the HealthAppProducer class, and then process the messages
and insert them into a Bonsai Open Search database using the HealthAppConsumer class.
Parses a text file containing Bonsai credentials, used for avoiding exposing secrets in plain text. Stores credentials as a private attribute
similar to BonsaiConfig, parses a Kafka config file and stores secrets in private attributes to avoid exposing them in plain text.
Contains two private attributes: a log object, and a string of arrays that includes all fields from the health app log files.
The createKafkaProducer method takes a config filepath and configures and returns a Kafka producer. It first reads in the Kafka credentials using the KafkaConfig class and uses them to establish a connection with our Kafka cluster. Both key and values serializers are set as Strings, and the producer is then configured to compress and batch messages to optimize throughput. The messages are compressed using the snappy algorithm, which has historically been championed by Kafka, though LZ4 would be an equally appropriate choice. “LINGER_MS_CONFIG” is set to 20, so that message batches are only sent every 20ms, and the batch size increased to 32kb so that the producer batches messages targeting the same partition by default. A null key is used so that the messages are sent round robin, which further optimizes throughput. There is no need to use keys to preserve any relative order, as the timestamps are assumed to be accurate.
The main method first initializes variables representing the config filepaths and the topic which the producer will write to. A producer is then initialized using the createKafkaProducer method described above. A log file is read in to simulate an API call that would read streaming log information in an enterprise program. Each entry is used to initialize a JSON object. Note that about a dozen entries out of over 250k included extra fields, and these are ignored in this case as such a small number of affected entries would not have a significant impact on the logAI models. The log JSON object is then used to initialize a producer record, which is sent to the Kafka cluster. The onCompletion method is overridden to log record data on successful sends, as well as to log any failures. The producer is closed in a finally block in order to ensure that it is correctly flushed and shut down.
The consumer contains one private attribute, a log object, and three private methods.
The method createOpenSearchClient takes a Bonsai config filepath and returns a Bonsai REST client. The BonsaiConfig class is used to parse a bonsai URI credential and use those credentials to set up the client.
The method createKafkaConsumer takes a config filepath and a Kafka consumer group ID, and returns a Kafka consumer. Similar to createKafkaConsumer, it uses the KafkaConfig class to read in Kafka credentials and establish a connection with our Kafka cluster. It sets the consumer's group ID to guarantee sequential offset reads, and is currently set to read an offset reset at earliest, which will read all messages from a given partition if an offset has not been set. This will guarantee that every message is read at least once, and if they are read multiple times the ID will ensure duplicate records are not produced in the Bonsai database, as further explained in the main method section.
The method getOrCreateIndex will create an index if it does not already exist in the Bonsai database, and if the index already exists will simply log the fact that it already exists. This is largely a convenience function for experimenting with the database. Note that Open Search mapping was created through the Bonsai UI, and that it indexes the Time field so that logs can be easily and efficiently queried by time slice.
The main method first initializes variables representing the config filepaths and the topic which the consumer will subscribe to, as well as the group ID and the name of the Bonsai Index (note that 'index' in Open Search represents what is generally referred to as a 'collection' in NoSQL DBs such as MongoDB or GCP Firestore). An open search client and a consumer object are initialized using createOpenSearchClient and createKafkaConsumer, respectively. The index is then created or logged, and a graceful shutdown hook is created in lines 104-115. This ensures that the consumer will correctly commit offsets even in the case of an interruption or other exception. The consumer then subscribes to the indicated topic and begins to poll.
Each consumer polls every 3 seconds to allow the producer to send a sizeable batch to the cluster, thereby optimizing throughput. In practice, this led to about 500 records being written to the DB in bulk on each Kafka consumer poll, allowing for reduced latency on the network from the Kafka cluster to the Bonsai DB, as well as optimized concurrent writes within the DB itself.
Before uploading the messages to the Bonsai DB, each message is assigned a unique identifier based on its topic, partition, and offset to avoid duplicates when reprocessing the same message twice. Though it would be preferable to produce an ID from the log entries themselves, this did not seem possible without altering the initial file, as the PID, content, and component fields were not unique, and even the timestamps could potentially be duplicates. In the off chance that a message is reprocessed, the unique id will ensure that it simply overwrites the existing DB entry rather than producing a new one.
The Kafka message is converted into a JSON for readability and convenience, and an XContentBuilder object is used to create an Open Search record with each field from the log entry. Each record from the batch is then appended to a Bonsai BulkRequest API call and sent in a new batch to reduce latency and optimize throughput. The Bonsai client and consumer are both eventually closed in a finally block to avoid resource leaks and further ensure correct offset commits.