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Add code comments and fix data races in query.go. (#3749)
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- Fixes the race conditions mentioned in #3685 by removing global variables from `worker/task.go`. 
- I have also moved preTraverse and related functions to outputnode.go. 
- There is also a small optimization in ProcessGraph as we don't call fillVars with ParentVars if there are no more children of the current SubGraph node.
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pawanrawal authored Aug 6, 2019
1 parent 9abaea4 commit 8ba4a85
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Showing 3 changed files with 587 additions and 471 deletions.
289 changes: 289 additions & 0 deletions query/outputnode.go
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -24,13 +24,17 @@ import (

geom ""


Expand Down Expand Up @@ -520,3 +524,288 @@ func (sg *SubGraph) toFastJSON(l *Latency) ([]byte, error) {
return bufw.Bytes(), nil

func (sg *SubGraph) fieldName() string {
fieldName := sg.Attr
if sg.Params.Alias != "" {
fieldName = sg.Params.Alias
return fieldName

func addCount(pc *SubGraph, count uint64, dst outputNode) {
if pc.Params.Normalize && pc.Params.Alias == "" {
c := types.ValueForType(types.IntID)
c.Value = int64(count)
fieldName := pc.Params.Alias
if fieldName == "" {
fieldName = fmt.Sprintf("count(%s)", pc.Attr)
dst.AddValue(fieldName, c)

func aggWithVarFieldName(pc *SubGraph) string {
if pc.Params.Alias != "" {
return pc.Params.Alias
fieldName := fmt.Sprintf("val(%v)", pc.Params.Var)
if len(pc.Params.NeedsVar) > 0 {
fieldName = fmt.Sprintf("val(%v)", pc.Params.NeedsVar[0].Name)
if pc.SrcFunc != nil {
fieldName = fmt.Sprintf("%s(%v)", pc.SrcFunc.Name, fieldName)
return fieldName

func addInternalNode(pc *SubGraph, uid uint64, dst outputNode) error {
sv, ok := pc.Params.uidToVal[uid]
if !ok || sv.Value == nil {
return nil
fieldName := aggWithVarFieldName(pc)
dst.AddValue(fieldName, sv)
return nil

func addCheckPwd(pc *SubGraph, vals []*pb.TaskValue, dst outputNode) {
c := types.ValueForType(types.BoolID)
if len(vals) == 0 {
c.Value = false
} else {
c.Value = task.ToBool(vals[0])

fieldName := pc.Params.Alias
if fieldName == "" {
fieldName = fmt.Sprintf("checkpwd(%s)", pc.Attr)
dst.AddValue(fieldName, c)

func alreadySeen(parentIds []uint64, uid uint64) bool {
for _, id := range parentIds {
if id == uid {
return true
return false

func facetName(fieldName string, f *api.Facet) string {
if f.Alias != "" {
return f.Alias
return fieldName + FacetDelimeter + f.Key

// This method gets the values and children for a subprotos.
func (sg *SubGraph) preTraverse(uid uint64, dst outputNode) error {
if sg.Params.IgnoreReflex {
if alreadySeen(sg.Params.parentIds, uid) {
// A node can't have itself as the child at any level.
return nil
// Push myself to stack before sending this to children.
sg.Params.parentIds = append(sg.Params.parentIds, uid)

var invalidUids map[uint64]bool
// We go through all predicate children of the subprotos.
for _, pc := range sg.Children {
if pc.Params.ignoreResult {
if pc.IsInternal() {
if pc.Params.Expand != "" {
if pc.Params.Normalize && pc.Params.Alias == "" {
if err := addInternalNode(pc, uid, dst); err != nil {
return err

if len(pc.uidMatrix) == 0 {
// Can happen in recurse query.
if len(pc.facetsMatrix) > 0 && len(pc.facetsMatrix) != len(pc.uidMatrix) {
return errors.Errorf("Length of facetsMatrix and uidMatrix mismatch: %d vs %d",
len(pc.facetsMatrix), len(pc.uidMatrix))

idx := algo.IndexOf(pc.SrcUIDs, uid)
if idx < 0 {
if pc.Params.isGroupBy {
if len(pc.GroupbyRes) <= idx {
return errors.Errorf("Unexpected length while adding Groupby. Idx: [%v], len: [%v]",
idx, len(pc.GroupbyRes))
dst.addGroupby(pc, pc.GroupbyRes[idx], pc.fieldName())

fieldName := pc.fieldName()
if len(pc.counts) > 0 {
addCount(pc, uint64(pc.counts[idx]), dst)

} else if pc.SrcFunc != nil && pc.SrcFunc.Name == "checkpwd" {
addCheckPwd(pc, pc.valueMatrix[idx].Values, dst)

} else if idx < len(pc.uidMatrix) && len(pc.uidMatrix[idx].Uids) > 0 {
var fcsList []*pb.Facets
if pc.Params.Facet != nil {
fcsList = pc.facetsMatrix[idx].FacetsList

if sg.Params.IgnoreReflex {
pc.Params.parentIds = sg.Params.parentIds
// We create as many predicate entity children as the length of uids for
// this predicate.
ul := pc.uidMatrix[idx]
for childIdx, childUID := range ul.Uids {
if fieldName == "" || (invalidUids != nil && invalidUids[childUID]) {
uc := dst.New(fieldName)
if rerr := pc.preTraverse(childUID, uc); rerr != nil {
if rerr.Error() == "_INV_" {
if invalidUids == nil {
invalidUids = make(map[uint64]bool)

invalidUids[childUID] = true
continue // next UID.
// Some other error.
glog.Errorf("Error while traversal: %v", rerr)
return rerr

if pc.Params.Facet != nil && len(fcsList) > childIdx {
fs := fcsList[childIdx]
for _, f := range fs.Facets {
fVal, err := facets.ValFor(f)
if err != nil {
return err

uc.AddValue(facetName(fieldName, f), fVal)

if !uc.IsEmpty() {
if sg.Params.GetUid {
uc.SetUID(childUID, "uid")
if pc.List {
dst.AddListChild(fieldName, uc)
} else {
dst.AddMapChild(fieldName, uc, false)
if pc.Params.uidCount && !(pc.Params.uidCountAlias == "" && pc.Params.Normalize) {
uc := dst.New(fieldName)
c := types.ValueForType(types.IntID)
c.Value = int64(len(ul.Uids))
alias := pc.Params.uidCountAlias
if alias == "" {
alias = "count"
uc.AddValue(alias, c)
dst.AddListChild(fieldName, uc)
} else {
if pc.Params.Alias == "" && len(pc.Params.Langs) > 0 {
fieldName += "@"
fieldName += strings.Join(pc.Params.Langs, ":")

if pc.Attr == "uid" {
dst.SetUID(uid, pc.fieldName())

if len(pc.facetsMatrix) > idx && len(pc.facetsMatrix[idx].FacetsList) > 0 {
// in case of Value we have only one Facets
for _, f := range pc.facetsMatrix[idx].FacetsList[0].Facets {
fVal, err := facets.ValFor(f)
if err != nil {
return err

dst.AddValue(facetName(fieldName, f), fVal)

if len(pc.valueMatrix) <= idx {

for i, tv := range pc.valueMatrix[idx].Values {
// if conversion not possible, we ignore it in the result.
sv, convErr := convertWithBestEffort(tv, pc.Attr)
if convErr != nil {
return convErr

if pc.Params.expandAll && len(pc.LangTags[idx].Lang) != 0 {
if i >= len(pc.LangTags[idx].Lang) {
return errors.Errorf(
"pb.error: all lang tags should be either present or absent")
fieldNameWithTag := fieldName
lang := pc.LangTags[idx].Lang[i]
if lang != "" {
fieldNameWithTag += "@" + lang
encodeAsList := pc.List && len(lang) == 0
dst.AddListValue(fieldNameWithTag, sv, encodeAsList)

encodeAsList := pc.List && len(pc.Params.Langs) == 0
if !pc.Params.Normalize {
dst.AddListValue(fieldName, sv, encodeAsList)
// If the query had the normalize directive, then we only add nodes
// with an Alias.
if pc.Params.Alias != "" {
dst.AddListValue(fieldName, sv, encodeAsList)

if sg.Params.IgnoreReflex && len(sg.Params.parentIds) > 0 {
// Lets pop the stack.
sg.Params.parentIds = (sg.Params.parentIds)[:len(sg.Params.parentIds)-1]

// Only for shortest path query we wan't to return uid always if there is
// nothing else at that level.
if (sg.Params.GetUid && !dst.IsEmpty()) || sg.Params.shortest {
dst.SetUID(uid, "uid")

if sg.pathMeta != nil {
totalWeight := types.Val{
Tid: types.FloatID,
Value: sg.pathMeta.weight,
dst.AddValue("_weight_", totalWeight)

return nil

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