- Palettable
- Coolors
- Carto (map colors)
- Sketch gradients
- Color scheme generator
- Gradient Backgrounds
- Pigment
- GradPad (gradients)
- CSS Gradient Generator
- paletteer: R package that collects color palettes
- Picular: "Google, but for colors" (search by term, get colors back)
- Viz Palette: "Susie Lu and Elijah Meeks are both senior data visualization engineers at Netflix, where they work on internal visualization products, but they recently made a tool they built independently available to anyone. Borne out of what Lu describes as frustration with existing color-picking tools, their web app Viz Palette, uncovered recently by Flowing Data, lets you test your color palette for legibility in different formats, line weights, backgrounds, and font colors. It also shows you what your colors look like to users with different types of color blindness, like deuteranomaly and protanopia. If two colors are too similar, Viz Palette lets you know–and allows you to randomize the sample data to see it with fresh eyes." - from Fast Company article about it
- Trendy Palettes: "Curated collection of beautiful hand-made color palettes"
- colorbox.io: "Colorbox is a tool to produce color sets open-sourced by Lyft's design team"
- Chroma.js Color Palette Helper
- Colorgorical
- Refactoring UI build your palette
- I Want Hue